# The PostingClient class allows clients to use 3taps Posting API to store and # retrieve postings in the 3taps system. # # Its methods are used to query API with appropriate requests: # client = PostingClient.new # client.get_posting(post_key) # => returns a single Posting object # client.create_posting(postings) # => returns array of CreateResponse objects # client.update_posting(postings) # => returns array of UpdateResponse objects # client.delete_posting(post_keys) # => returns array of DeleteResponse objects # client.exists_posting(posting) # => returns array of ExistsResponse objects class PostingClient < Client # Retrieves an information about a single posting. # # Example # client = PostingClient.new # client.get_posting("...postKey string...") => Posting object # def get_posting(post_key) response = execute_get("/posting/get/" + post_key) Posting.new(decode(response)) end # Method +create_posting+ saves a single new posting and multiple new postings in 3taps. # # Examples # client = PostingClient.new # client.update_posting([posting1, posting2]) #=> Array of CreateResponse objects # # client = PostingClient.new # client.update_posting(posting2) #=> Array with single CreateResponse object # def create_posting(postings) postings = [postings] unless postings.is_a? Array data = "[" data << postings.collect{|posting| posting.to_json}.join(',') data << "]" params = "posts=#{data}" response = execute_post("/posting/create", params) CreateResponse.from_array(decode(response)) end # Method +update_posting+ updates a single posting and multiple postings on 3taps. # # Examples: # client = PostingClient.new # client.update_posting([posting1, posting2]) #=> Array of UpdateResponse objects # # client = PostingClient.new # client.update_posting(posting) #=> Array with single UpdateResponse object # def update_posting(postings) postings = [postings] unless postings.is_a? Array data = "[" data << postings.collect{|posting| posting.to_json_for_update}.join(',') data << "]" params = "data=#{data}" response = execute_post("posting/update", params) UpdateResponse.from_hash(decode(response)) end # Method +delete_posting+ deletes a single posting and multiple postings from 3taps. # # Examples: # client = PostingClient.new # response = client.delete_posting(...Array of postKeys strings...) # => Array of DeleteResponse objects # # client = PostingClient.new # key = some_posting.postKey # response = client.delete_posting(key) # => Array with single DeleteResponse object # def delete_posting(post_keys) post_keys = [post_keys] unless post_keys.is_a? Array params = "data=['#{post_keys.join("','")}']" response = execute_post("posting/delete", params) DeleteResponse.from_hash(decode(response)) end # NOT USED # # Returns information on the existence of postings. # def exists_posting(posting) params = "ids=[#{posting.to_json_for_status}]" response = execute_post("/posting/exists", params) p decode(response)[0] ExistsResponse.new(decode(response)[0]) end end