action_has_been_applied: Action has been applied!
action_has_failed_with_code: Action failed with code
action_type: Action type
actions: Actions
add: Add
add_action: Add Action
add_alert: Add Alert
add_column: Add Column
add_dashboard: Add Dashboard
add_field: Add Field
add_filter: Add Filter
add_form: Add Form
add_group: Add Group
add_item: Add Item
add_link: Add Link
add_query: Add Query
add_scope: Add Scope
add_tab: Add Tab
adjust_form: Adjust form
adjust_fields: Adjust fields
alert_email_has_been_sent: Alert email has been sent!
alert_has_been_activated: Alert has been activated
alert_has_been_disabled: Alert has been disabled
alert_has_been_saved: Alert has been saved!
alert_name: Alert name
alerts: Alerts
all: All
all_resources: All Resources
and: And
api: API
api_path: API path
api_request: API request
apply: Apply
are_you_sure: Are you sure?
associations: Associations
bar_chart: Bar chart
base: Base
boolean: Boolean
build_custom_form: Build custom form
cancel: Cancel
cents: Cents
checkbox: Checkbox
clear_all: Clear All
clear_selection: Clear selection
close: Close
close_editor: Close editor
close_settings: Close Settings
close_variables: Close Variables
columns: Columns
contains: Contains
create: Create
currency: Currency
dashboard: Dashboard
dashboard_has_been_saved: Dashboard has been saved!
dashboard_title: Dashboard title
dashboards: Dashboards
date: Date
date_and_time: Date and Time
decimal: Decimal
default: Default
default_value: Default value
describe_this_alert_optional: Describe this alert (optional)
describe_your_dashboard_optional: Describe your dashboard (optional)
describe_your_form_optional: Describe your form (optional)
describe_your_query_optional: Describe your query (optional)
description: Description
deselect_all: Deselect All
details: Details
disable: Disable
display_as: Display as
edit: Edit
edit_sql: Edit SQL
edit_markdown: Edit Markdown
emails: Emails
ends_with: Ends with
equal_to: Equal to
every_day_at_hh_mm: every day at HH:mm PM...
excludes: excludes
field_is_not_a_number: '%{field} is not a number'
field_is_required: '%{field} is required'
field_list_cant_be_empty: "%{field} list can't be empty"
field_must_be_exactly_in_length: '%{field} must be exactly %{length} in length'
field_must_be_less_in_length: '%{field} must be less than %{length} in length'
field_must_be_more_in_length: '%{field} must be more than %{length} in length'
field_name: Field name
field_value_does_not_match_pattern: '%{field} value does not match %{pattern}'
file: File
filter: Filter
filters: Filters
form: Form
form_has_been_saved: Form has been saved!
form_has_been_submitted_successfully: Form has been submitted successfully!
form_name: Form name
forms: Forms
funnel: Funnel
greater_or_equal: Greater or equal
greater_than: Greater than
greater_than_or_equal_to: Greater than or equal to
group_name: Group name
has_been_created: has been created
has_been_removed_succesfully: has been removed succesfully
has_been_updated: has been updated
hello_admin: Hello Admin 👋
hidden: Hidden
image: Image
includes: Includes
input_type: Input type
integer: Integer
interval: Interval
is: Is
is_not: Is not
items_have_been_removed: items have been removed
items_will_be_removed: '%{count} items will be removed'
json: JSON
label: Currency
less_or_equal: Less or equal
less_than: Less than
less_than_or_equal_to: Less than or equal to
line_chart: Line chart
link_name: Link name
links: Links
load_initial_data: Load initial data
loading: Loading...
looks_like_you_are_new_here: Looks like you are new here 🙃
markdown: Markdown
method: Method
method_call: Method call
multiple: Multiple
name: Name
new_alert: New alert
new_dashboard: New dashboard
new_form: New form
new_query: New query
no_data: No data
not_found: Not Found
number: Number
ok: OK
options_separated_with_new_line_or_comma: Options separated with new line or comma
or: Or
other_than: Other than
param_name: Param name
password: Password
path: Path
percent: Percent
pie_chart: Pie chart
queries: Queries
query: Query
query_has_been_saved: Query has been saved!
query_name: Query name
query_not_selected: Query not selected
query_revisions: Query Revisions
read_only: Read-Only
read_write: Read-Write
reference: Reference
reference_resource: Reference resource
remove: Remove
reports: Reports
request_param: Request param
required: Required
resource_filters: '%{resource} Filters'
resource_settings: '%{resource} Settings'
resources: Resources
resubmit: Resubmit
revert: Revert
revision_has_been_applied: Revision has been applied
revisions: Revisions
richtext: Richtext
row_chart: Row chart
save: Save
save_and_create_new: Save and Create New
save_as_new: Save as new
save_dashboard: Save dashboard
save_form: Save form
save_query: Save query
scopes: Scopes
search: Search
search_placeholder: Search...
search_query: Search Query
select: Select
select_alert_tags: Select alert tags
select_dashboard: Select dashboard
select_dashboard_tags: Select dashboard tags
select_form: Select form
select_form_tags: Select dashform tags
select_options: Select options
select_placeholder: Select...
select_query: Select query
select_query_tags: Select query tags
select_resource_placeholder: Select resource...
selected_item_has_been_removed: Selected item has been removed
selected_item_will_be_removed: Selected item will be removed
selected_item_will_be_removed_are_you_sure: Selected item will be removed. Are you sure?
send_empty: Send empty?
send_now: Send Now
send_to: Send to
set_tags: Set tags
settings: Settings
should_be_a_valid_json: '%{field} should be a valid JSON'
should_be_error_constraint: '%{field} should be %{error} %{constraint}'
stacked_bars: Stacked bars
starts_with: Starts with
submit: Submit
tab_type: Tab type
table: Table
tabs: Tabs
tags: Tags
text: Text
textarea: Textarea
timezone: Timezone
title: Title
type: Type
unable_to_load_form_data: Unable to load form data
unable_to_remove_item: Unable to remove item
unable_to_remove_items: Unable to remove items
unable_to_send_email: Unable to send email
unable_to_submit_form: Unable to submit form
unit: Unit
value: Value
values_axis: Values axis
variables: Variables
visibility: Visibility
visualization: Visualization
write_only: Write-Only
long_text: Long text
percentage: Percentage
change: Change
chart: Chart
tag: Tag
link: Link
color: Color
link_text: Link text
copied_to_the_clipboard: Copied to the clipboard
queries_can_contain_variable_via_syntax_html: "Queries can contain embed variables using {{variable}}
syntax_is_used_for_if_and_if_not_conditions_html: "{{#variable}} ... {{/variable}}
and {{^variable}} ... {{variable}}
syntax is used for if
and if not
conditions respectively:"
current_user_variables_are_always_passed_explicitly_and_can_he_used_html: "{{current_user_id}}
and {{current_user_email}}
variables are always passed explicitly, and can be used to decide which data should be displayed for certain user:"
create_new: Create New
conditional: Conditional
condition: Condition
field: Field
empty: Empty
not_empty: Not empty
general: General
run: Run
use_default: Use Default
query_editor: Query Editor
polymorphic: Polymorphic
foreign_key: Foreign key
primary_key: Primary key
through: Through
source: Source
resource: Resource
add_association: Add Association
there_are_unsaved_changes_from: "There are unsaved changes from %{timestamp}"
clear: Clear
restore: Restore
more: More
add_text: Add Text
edit_text: Edit Text
open_in_markdown_editor: Open in markdown editor
activate: Activate
load_existing_options_from_database: Load existing options from the database
add_database: Add Database
audio: Audio
video: Video
display_column: Display column
not_authorized_to_perform_action: You are not authorized to perform this action.
download: Download
alert: Alert
downloading: Downloading
display_id: Display ID
display_settings: Display settings
sign_out: Sign out
header: Header
user_dropdown: User dropdown