require 'spec_helper' describe Wukong::Hadoop::HadoopRunner do context "handling errors" do it "raises an error when it can't find a file" do expect { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('processors.rb'), examples_dir('doesnt_exist.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') }.to raise_error(Wukong::Error, /no such file/) end it "raises an error in Hadoop mode when called without input and output paths" do expect { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count') }.to raise_error(Wukong::Error, /input.*output/) end it "raises an error when given more than two arguments" do expect { hadoop_runner('regexp', examples_dir('counter.rb'), 'extra', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') }.to raise_error(Wukong::Error, /two/) end end context "passing params to wu-local" do subject { hadoop_runner('regexp', :clean => 'hi', :messy => 'hi "there"', :reduce_tasks => 0, :dry_run => true, :rm => true, :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } it "passes arguments it doesn't know about to wu-local" do subject.mapper_commandline.should include('--clean=hi') end it "correctly passes messy arguments" do subject.mapper_commandline.should include('--messy=hi\\ \\"there\\"') end it "does not pass arguments that are internal to wukong-hadoop" do subject.mapper_commandline.should_not include('--reduce_tasks', '--dry_run', '--rm') end end context "will execute a map-only job" do context "with an explicit map command" do subject { hadoop_runner(:map_command => 'cut -f 1', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^cut -f 1$/ } end context "with a single widget" do subject { hadoop_runner('regexp', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local regexp$/ } end context "with a single file" do context "defining a processor named 'mapper'" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('map_only.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*map_only.rb --run=mapper$/ } end context "defining a processor named after the file" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('tokenizer.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*tokenizer.rb$/ } end context "using the given --mapper option " do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('processors.rb'), :mapper => 'tokenizer', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*processors.rb --run=tokenizer$/ } end context "defining a processor named 'reducer' but with --reduce_tasks=0" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('word_count.rb'), :reduce_tasks => 0, :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*word_count.rb --run=mapper$/ } end end context "with two files but with --reduce_tasks=0" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('tokenizer.rb'), examples_dir('counter.rb'), :reduce_tasks => 0, :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_false } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*tokenizer.rb$/ } end end context "will execute a map-reduce job" do context "with explicit map and reduce commands" do subject { hadoop_runner(:map_command => 'cut -f 1', :reduce_command => 'uniq -c', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should == 'cut -f 1' } its(:reducer_commandline) { should == 'uniq -c' } end context "with two widgets" do subject { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local regexp$/ } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match /^wu-local count$/ } end context "with a single file" do context "defining processors named 'mapper' and 'reducer'" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('word_count.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*word_count.rb --run=mapper$/ } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*word_count.rb --run=reducer$/ } end end context "with two files" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('tokenizer.rb'), examples_dir('counter.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*tokenizer.rb$/ } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*counter.rb$/ } end context "with a widget and a file" do subject { hadoop_runner('regexp', examples_dir('counter.rb'), :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local regexp$/ } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*counter.rb$/ } end context "with a file and a widget" do subject { hadoop_runner(examples_dir('tokenizer.rb'), 'count', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:reduce?) { should be_true } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match /^wu-local .*tokenizer.rb$/ } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match /^wu-local count$/ } end end context "given the --command_prefix option" do subject { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', :command_prefix => 'bundle exec', :input => 'foo', :output => 'bar') } its(:mapper_commandline) { should match(/^bundle exec wu-local/) } its(:reducer_commandline) { should match(/^bundle exec wu-local/) } end end