module CiteProc module Ruby class Renderer # @param item [CiteProc::CitationItem] # @param node [CSL::Style::Names] # @return [String] def render_names(item, node) return '' unless node.has_variable? names = node.variable.split(/\s+/).map do |role| [role.to_sym,[role]] end names.reject! { |n| n[1].nil? || n[1].empty? } # Filter out suppressed names only now, because # we are not interested in suppressed variables # which are empty anyway! suppressed = names.reject! { |n| item.suppressed? n } if names.empty? # We also return when the list is empty because # of a suppression, because we do not want to # substitute suppressed items! return '' unless suppressed.nil? && node.has_substitute? rendered_names = render_substitute item, node.substitute if substitute_subsequent_authors_completely? && completely_substitute?(rendered_names) rendered_names = state.node.subsequent_author_substitute end rendered_names else resolve_editor_translator_exception! names # Pick the names node that will be used for # formatting; if we are currently in substiution # mode, the node that is being substituted for # will take precedence if the current node is # a descendant of it. # # This makes sure that nodes in macros do not # use the original names node. # # When the current node has children the names # will not be substituted either. if substitution_mode? && !node.has_children? && node.ancestors.include?(state.substitute) names_node = state.substitute else names_node = node end name = name_node_for(names_node) return count_names(names, name).to_s if name.count?! do |role, ns| if names_node.has_label? label = render_label item, names_node.label, role label = format! label, names_node.label rendered_names = render_name(ns, name) if rendered_names.empty? rendered_names else if names_node.prefix_label? concat label, rendered_names else concat rendered_names, label end end else render_name ns, name end end join names, names_node.delimiter(state.node) end ensure state.rendered_names! end def count_names(names, node) names.reduce(0) do |count, (_, ns)| if node.truncate?(ns) count + node.truncate(ns).length else count + ns.length end end end def substitute_subsequent_authors? bibliography_mode? && state.node.substitute_subsequent_authors? end def substitute_subsequent_authors_completely? substitute_subsequent_authors? && state.node.substitute_subsequent_authors_completely? end def substitute_subsequent_authors_individually? substitute_subsequent_authors? && state.node.substitute_subsequent_authors_individually? end def completely_substitute?(names) # Substitution applies only to the first names # node being rendered! return false if state.rendered_names? state.store_authors! names previous_names = state.previous_authors return false unless previous_names names == previous_names[0] end def individually_substitute!(names) end # Formats one or more names according to the # configuration of the passed-in node. # Returns the formatted name(s) as a string. # # @param names [CiteProc::Names] # @param node [CSL::Style::Name] # @return [String] def render_name(names, node) # TODO handle subsequent citation rules delimiter = node.delimiter connector = node.connector connector = translate('and') if connector == 'text' # Add spaces around connector connector = " #{connector} " unless connector.nil? rendered_names = case when node.truncate?(names) truncated = node.truncate(names) return '' if truncated.empty? if node.delimiter_precedes_last?(truncated) connector = join [delimiter, connector].compact end if node.ellipsis? && names.length - truncated.length > 1 join [ join( { |name, idx| render_individual_name name, node, idx + 1 }, delimiter), render_individual_name(names[-1], node, truncated.length + 1) ], node.ellipsis else others = node.et_al ? format!(translate(node.et_al[:term]), node.et_al) : translate('et-al') connector = node.delimiter_precedes_et_al?(truncated) ? delimiter : ' ' join [ join( { |name, idx| render_individual_name name, node, idx + 1 }, delimiter), others ], connector end when names.length < 3 if node.delimiter_precedes_last?(names) connector = [delimiter, connector].compact.join('').squeeze(' ') end join { |name, idx| render_individual_name name, node, idx + 1 }, connector || delimiter else if node.delimiter_precedes_last?(names) connector = [delimiter, connector].compact.join('').squeeze(' ') end join [ join(names[0...-1].map.with_index { |name, idx| render_individual_name name, node, idx + 1 }, delimiter), render_individual_name(names[-1], node, names.length) ], connector || delimiter end if substitute_subsequent_authors_completely? && completely_substitute?(rendered_names) rendered_names = state.node.subsequent_author_substitute end format! rendered_names, node end # @param names [CiteProc::Name] # @param node [CSL::Style::Name] # @param position [Fixnum] # @return [String] def render_individual_name(name, node, position = 1) if name.personal? name = name.dup # TODO move parts of the formatting logic here # because name parts may include particles etc. # Strip away some unusual characters to normalize # sort order for names. if sort_mode? =[\[\]]|^\W+/, '') end name.options.merge! node.name_options name.sort_order! node.name_as_sort_order_at?(position) name.initialize_without_hyphen! if node.initialize_without_hyphen? if style && style.demote_particle? name.options[:'demote-non-dropping-particle'] = style.demote_particle end # Strip away (hyphenated) particles in sort mode! if sort_mode? && name.demote_particle? =^[[:lower:]]+[\s-]/, '') end node.name_part.each do |part| case part[:name] when 'family' if !name.particle? || name.demote_particle? = format!(, part) else = format!("#{name.particle} #{}", part) name.particle = nil end # Name suffix must be enclosed by family-part # suffix in display order! if name.has_suffix? && !name.sort_order? && part.attribute?(:suffix) comma = name.comma_suffix? ? name.comma : ' ' suffix = part[:suffix]! suffix "#{comma}#{name.suffix}#{suffix}" name.suffix = nil end when 'given' if name.dropping_particle? name.given = format!("#{name.initials} #{name.dropping_particle}", part) name.dropping_particle = nil else name.given = format!(name.initials, part) end # Demoted particles must be enclosed by # given-part affixes in sort order! if name.particle? && name.demote_particle? && name.sort_order? && part.attribute?(:suffix) suffix = part[:suffix] name.given.chomp! suffix name.given.concat " #{name.particle}#{suffix}" name.particle = nil end end end end format! name.format, node end # @param item [CiteProc::CitationItem] # @param node [CSL::Style::Substitute] # @return [String] def render_substitute(item, node) return '' unless node.has_children? if substitution_mode? saved_substitute = state.substitute end state.substitute! node.parent observer = node.each_child do |child| observer.start begin string = render(item, child) unless string.empty? # Variables rendered as substitutes # must be suppressed during the remainder # of the rendering process! item.suppress!(*observer.accessed) return string # break out of each loop! end ensure observer.stop observer.clear! end end '' # no substitute was rendered ensure state.clear_substitute! saved_substitute end private def name_node_for(names_node) # Make a copy of the name node and inherit # options from root and citation/bibliography # depending on current rendering mode. if names_node.has_name? name = else name = end # Inherit name options from style and the # current rendering node. We pass both in, # because this is now an unlinked node! options = name.inherited_name_options(state.node, names_node.root) name.reverse_merge! options name.et_al = names_node.et_al if names_node.has_et_al? # Override options if we are rendering a sort key! if sort_mode? name.merge! state.node.name_options name.all_names_as_sort_order! end name end def resolve_editor_translator_exception!(names) i = names.index { |role, _| role == :translator } return names if i.nil? j = names.index { |role, _| role == :editor } return names if j.nil? return names unless names[i][1] == names[j][1] # rename the first instance and drop the second one i, j = j, i if j < i names[i][0] = :editortranslator names.slice!(j) names end end end end