<%= error_messages_for :page %> <% form_for [:admin, @page] do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %> <%= f.text_field :title, :class => "larger", :style => 'width: 954px' %>
<% if RefinerySetting.find_or_set(:new_page_parts, false) %> <% end %>
<% part_index = -1 %> <% f.fields_for :parts do |p| %> <%= render :partial => "page_part_field", :locals => {:title => p.object.title, :body => p.object.body, :part_index => (part_index += 1), :new_part => @page.new_record?} %> <% end %>

<%= link_to "» Hide/Show Advanced Options", "", :id => "toggle_advanced_options", :rel => "Click to access meta tag settings and menu options" %>

<%= f.check_box :draft %> <%= f.label :draft, "Save as Draft", :class => "stripped" %>
<%= f.submit 'Save', :class => "wymupdate" %> or <%= link_to "Cancel", admin_pages_url, :title => "Cancelling will lose all changes you've made to this page"%>
<% end %> <% content_for :head do %> <% end %>