require 'spec_helper' describe Vault::Provision do it "has a cubbyhole" do expect(client.sys.mounts[:cubbyhole].description).to \ include 'per-token private secret storage' end it "has an ldap auth" do expect(client.sys.auths[:ldap].type).to be == 'ldap' end it "has an ldap admin group" do resp = client.get('v1/auth/ldap/groups/admin') expect(resp[:data]).to be expect(resp[:data][:policies].split(',')).to include 'security_admin' end it "has an ldap operators group" do resp = client.get('v1/auth/ldap/groups/operators') expect(resp[:data]).to be expect(resp[:data][:policies]).to include 'master_of_secrets' end it "has a token auth" do expect(client.sys.auths[:token].type).to be == 'token' end it "has an ldap config" do config_data = client.get('v1/auth/ldap/config')[:data] expect(config_data[:url]).to be == 'ldaps://' end it "has a pki-root mount" do expect(client.sys.mounts.keys).to include :'pki-root' end it "has a CA" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-root/ca/pem')).to include "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" end it "has pki-root config urls" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-root/config/urls')[:data][:crl_distribution_points].to_s).to include '' end it "has pki-intermediate config urls" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-intermediate/config/urls')[:data][:issuing_certificates].to_s).to include '' end it "has pki-intermediate ca" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-intermediate/ca/pem')).to include "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" end it "has a dvcert role for intermediate" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-intermediate/roles/dvcert')[:data][:allowed_domains]).to include "" expect(client.get('v1/pki-intermediate/roles/dvcert')[:data][:allow_any_name]).to be_falsey end it "has an unlimited role for root" do expect(client.get('v1/pki-root/roles/unlimited')[:data][:allow_any_name]).to be_truthy end it "has a master_of_secrets policy" do expect(client.sys.policy('master_of_secrets').rules).to include '"sys/auth/*"' expect(client.sys.policy('master_of_secrets').rules).to include '"secret/*"' end it "has a secret squirrel" do expect(client.sys.mounts[:squirrel].type).to be == 'generic' end it "has an approle mount" do expect(client.sys.auths[:approle].type).to be == 'approle' end it "has approle role for frontends" do resp = client.get('v1/auth/approle/role/frontends') expect(resp[:data]).to be expect(resp[:data][:secret_id_num_uses]).to be == 255 end it "has an approle mount named bob" do expect(client.sys.auths[:bob_the_dancing_approle_mount].type).to be == 'approle' end it "bob has dreams too ya know" do resp = client.get('v1/auth/bob_the_dancing_approle_mount/role/dream') expect(resp[:data]).to be expect(resp[:data][:bound_cidr_list]).to be == '' end it "in death, a member of project mayhem has a name (or at least a role-id)" do resp = client.get('v1/auth/bob_the_dancing_approle_mount/role/death/role-id') expect(resp[:data]).to be expect(resp[:data][:role_id]).to be == 'robert_paulson' end end