module Watir module Locators class Element class SelectorBuilder class XPath include Exception include XpathSupport CAN_NOT_BUILD = %i[visible visible_text visible_label_element].freeze LOCATOR = :xpath def build(selector) @selector = selector @valid_attributes = build_valid_attributes @built = (@selector.keys & CAN_NOT_BUILD).each_with_object({}) do |key, hash| hash[key] = @selector.delete(key) end index = @selector.delete(:index) @adjacent = @selector.delete(:adjacent) @scope = @selector.delete(:scope) xpath = start_string xpath << adjacent_string xpath << tag_string xpath << class_string xpath << text_string xpath << additional_string xpath << label_element_string xpath << attribute_string @built[:xpath] = index ? add_index(xpath, index) : xpath @built end private def process_attribute(key, value) if value.is_a? Regexp predicate_conversion(key, value) else predicate_expression(key, value) end end def predicate_expression(key, val) case val when true attribute_presence(key) when false attribute_absence(key) else equal_pair(key, val) end end def predicate_conversion(key, regexp) downcase = case_insensitive_attribute?(key) || regexp.casefold? lhs = lhs_for(key, downcase: downcase) results = if results.empty? add_to_matching(key, regexp) return lhs elsif results.size == 1 && starts_with?(results, regexp) && !visible? return "starts-with(#{lhs}, '#{results.first}')" end add_to_matching(key, regexp, results) { |rhs| rhs = "'#{rhs}'" rhs = XpathSupport.downcase(rhs) if downcase "contains(#{lhs}, #{rhs})" }.flatten.compact.join(' and ') end def start_string start = @adjacent ? './' : './/*' @scope ? "(#{@scope[:xpath]})[1]#{'.', '')}" : start end def adjacent_string case @adjacent when nil '' when :ancestor 'ancestor::*' when :preceding 'preceding-sibling::*' when :following 'following-sibling::*' when :child 'child::*' else raise LocatorException, "Unable to process adjacent locator with #{@adjacent}" end end def tag_string tag_name = @selector.delete(:tag_name) tag_name.nil? ? '' : "[#{process_attribute(:tag_name, tag_name)}]" end def class_string class_name = @selector.delete(:class) return '' if class_name.nil? @built[:class] = [] predicates = [class_name] { |value| process_attribute(:class, value) }.compact @built.delete(:class) if @built[:class].empty? predicates.empty? ? '' : "[#{predicates.join(' and ')}]" end def text_string text = @selector.delete :text case text when nil '' when Regexp @built[:text] = text '' else "[#{predicate_expression(:text, text)}]" end end def label_element_string label = @selector.delete :label_element return '' if label.nil? key = label.is_a?(Regexp) ? :contains_text : :text value = process_attribute(key, label) @built[:label_element] = @built.delete :contains_text if @built.key?(:contains_text) # TODO: This conditional can be removed when we remove this deprecation if label.is_a?(Regexp) @built[:label_element] = label '' else "[@id=//label[#{value}]/@for or parent::label[#{value}]]" end end def attribute_string attributes = { |key| process_attribute(key, @selector.delete(key)) }.flatten.compact attributes.empty? ? '' : "[#{attributes.join(' and ')}]" end def additional_string # to be used by subclasses as necessary '' end def add_index(xpath, index) if @adjacent "#{xpath}[#{index + 1}]" elsif index&.positive? && @built.empty? "(#{xpath})[#{index + 1}]" elsif index&.negative? && @built.empty? last_value = 'last()' last_value << (index + 1).to_s if index < -1 "(#{xpath})[#{last_value}]" else @built[:index] = index xpath end end def visible? !(@built.keys & CAN_NOT_BUILD).empty? end def starts_with?(results, regexp) regexp.source[0] == '^' && results.first == regexp.source[1..-1] end def add_to_matching(key, regexp, results = nil) return unless results.nil? || requires_matching?(results, regexp) if key == :class @built[key] << regexp else @built[key] = regexp end end def requires_matching?(results, regexp) regexp.casefold? ? !results.first.casecmp(regexp.source).zero? : results.first != regexp.source end def lhs_for(key, downcase: false) case key when String "@#{key}" when :tag_name 'local-name()' when :href 'normalize-space(@href)' when :text 'normalize-space()' when :contains_text 'normalize-space()' when ::Symbol lhs = "@#{'_', '-')}" downcase ? XpathSupport.downcase(lhs) : lhs else raise LocatorException, "Unable to build XPath using #{key}:#{key.class}" end end def attribute_presence(attribute) lhs_for(attribute) end def attribute_absence(attribute) lhs = lhs_for(attribute) "not(#{lhs})" end def equal_pair(key, value) if key == :class negate_xpath = value =~ /^!/ && value.slice!(0) expression = "contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), #{XpathSupport.escape " #{value} "})" negate_xpath ? "not(#{expression})" : expression else downcase = case_insensitive_attribute?(key) lhs = lhs_for(key, downcase: downcase) rhs = XpathSupport.escape(value) rhs = XpathSupport.downcase(rhs) if downcase "#{lhs}=#{rhs}" end end def build_valid_attributes tag_name = @selector[:tag_name] if tag_name.is_a?(String) && Watir.tag_to_class[tag_name.to_sym] Watir.tag_to_class[tag_name.to_sym].attribute_list else Watir::HTMLElement.attribute_list end end def case_insensitive_attribute?(attribute) # type attributes can be upper case - downcase them # return true if attribute == :type return true if Watir::Element::CASE_INSENSITIVE_ATTRIBUTES.include?(attribute) && @valid_attributes.include?(attribute) false end end end end end end