module.exports = function (grunt) { // Nodes packages grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-config'); // Retrieve Module & Mode from command line options var MODULE = grunt.option('module') || 'A'; var MODE = grunt.option('mode') || 'LMSClass'; var THEME = grunt.option('css') || 'my_theme.css'; var BACKEND = grunt.option('backend') || 'html5'; var BACKEND_DIR; var TARGET_DIR = '.'; var GENERATED_DIR = TARGET_DIR + "/content/" + MODULE var SOURCE_DIR = MODULE; grunt.initConfig({ shell: { run_asciidoctor: { // Options options: { stdout: true }, command: 'asciidoctor' + ' -b ' + BACKEND + ' -a embedAssets' + ' ' + SOURCE_DIR + '/' + '<%= grunt.config.get("asciidocFile") %>' + ' --out-file ' + GENERATED_DIR + '/' + '<%= grunt.config.get("fileName") %>' + '.html' } }, watch: { asciidoc: { files: [SOURCE_DIR + '/*.txt', SOURCE_DIR + '/*.adoc'], tasks: ["shell:run_asciidoctor"], options: { nospawn: true } }, livereload: { files: [GENERATED_DIR + '/*.html'], tasks: [], options: { livereload: true, spawn: false } } } }); // on watch events configure asciidoctor to only run on changed file grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filePath) { // Split string receive to get only FileName tokens = filePath.split('/'); // Remove file extension fileName = tokens[1].substr(0, tokens[1].lastIndexOf('.')); grunt.verbose.writeln("File Path received : " + filePath); grunt.verbose.writeln("Asciidoc FileName : " + tokens[1]); grunt.verbose.writeln("FileName without extension : " + fileName); grunt.config.set('asciidocFile', tokens[1]) grunt.config.set('fileName', fileName)'shell:run_asciidoctor'); }); };