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} tax_data = [ { period: "2011 Q3", licensed: 3407, sorned: 660 }, { period: "2011 Q2", licensed: 3351, sorned: 629 }, { period: "2011 Q1", licensed: 3269, sorned: 618 }, { period: "2010 Q4", licensed: 3246, sorned: 661 }, { period: "2009 Q4", licensed: 3171, sorned: 676 }, { period: "2008 Q4", licensed: 3155, sorned: 681 }, { period: "2007 Q4", licensed: 3226, sorned: 620 }, { period: "2006 Q4", licensed: 3245, sorned: null }, { period: "2005 Q4", licensed: 3289, sorned: null } ]; if ($('#hero-graph').length) { Morris.Line({ element : "hero-graph", data : tax_data, xkey : "period", ykeys : ["licensed", "sorned"], labels : ["Licensed", "Off the road"], lineColors : ["#3e8e00", "#000000"] }); } if ($('#hero-donut').length) { Morris.Donut({ element : "hero-donut", data : [ { label: "Development", value: 25 }, { label: "Sales & Marketing", value: 40 }, { label: "User Experience", value: 25 }, { label: "Human Resources", value: 10 } ], colors : ["#ff9d00"], height : 100, formatter : function(y) { return y + "%"; 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