# Faraday Changelog ## v0.17.3 Fixes: * Reverts changes in error classes hierarchy. #1092 (@iMacTia) * Fix Ruby 1.9 syntax errors and improve Error class testing #1094 (@BanzaiMan, @mrexox, @technoweenie) Misc: * Stops using `&Proc.new` for block forwarding. #1083 (@olleolleolle) * Update CI to test against ruby 2.0-2.7 #1087, #1099 (@iMacTia, @olleolleolle, @technoweenie) * require FARADAY_DEPRECATE=warn to show Faraday v1.0 deprecation warnings #1098 (@technoweenie) ## v0.17.1 Final release before Faraday v1.0, with important fixes for Ruby 2.7. Fixes: * RaiseError response middleware raises exception if HTTP client returns a nil status. #1042 (@jonnyom, @BobbyMcWho) Misc: * Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings (#1009) * Add `Faraday::Deprecate` to warn about upcoming v1.0 changes. (#1054, #1059, #1076, #1077) * Add release notes up to current in CHANGELOG.md (#1066) * Port minimal rspec suite from main branch to run backported tests. (#1058) ## v0.17.0 This release is the same as v0.15.4. It was pushed to cover up releases v0.16.0-v0.16.2. ## v0.15.4 * Expose `pool_size` as a option for the NetHttpPersistent adapter (#834) ## v0.15.3 * Make Faraday::Request serialisable with Marshal. (#803) * Add DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS constant to Request::Retry (#814) * Add support for Ruby 2.6 Net::HTTP write_timeout (#824) ## v0.15.2 * Prevents `Net::HTTP` adapters to retry request internally by setting `max_retries` to 0 if available (Ruby 2.5+). (#799) * Fixes `NestedParamsEncoder` handling of empty array values (#801) ## v0.15.1 * NetHttpPersistent adapter better reuse of SSL connections (#793) * Refactor: inline cached_connection (#797) * Logger middleware: use $stdout instead of STDOUT (#794) * Fix: do not memoize/reuse Patron session (#796) Also in this release: * Allow setting min/max ssl version for Net::HTTP (#792) * Allow setting min/max ssl version for Excon (#795) ## v0.15.0 Features: * Added retry block option to retry middleware. (#770) * Retry middleware improvements (honour Retry-After header, retry statuses) (#773) * Improve response logger middleware output (#784) Fixes: * Remove unused class error (#767) * Fix minor typo in README (#760) * Reuse persistent connections when using net-http-persistent (#778) * Fix Retry middleware documentation (#781) * Returns the http response when giving up on retrying by status (#783) ## v0.14.0 Features: * Allow overriding env proxy (#754) * Remove legacy Typhoeus adapter (#715) * External Typhoeus Adapter Compatibility (#748) * Warn about missing adapter when making a request (#743) * Faraday::Adapter::Test stubs now support entire urls (with host) (#741) Fixes: * If proxy is manually provided, this takes priority over `find_proxy` (#724) * Fixes the behaviour for Excon's open_timeout (not setting write_timeout anymore) (#731) * Handle all connection timeout messages in Patron (#687) ## v0.13.1 * Fixes an incompatibility with Addressable::URI being used as uri_parser ## v0.13.0 Features: * Dynamically reloads the proxy when performing a request on an absolute domain (#701) * Adapter support for Net::HTTP::Persistent v3.0.0 (#619) Fixes: * Prefer #hostname over #host. (#714) * Fixes an edge-case issue with response headers parsing (missing HTTP header) (#719) ## v0.12.2 * Parse headers from aggregated proxy requests/responses (#681) * Guard against invalid middleware configuration with warning (#685) * Do not use :insecure option by default in Patron (#691) * Fixes an issue with HTTPClient not raising a `Faraday::ConnectionFailed` (#702) * Fixes YAML serialization/deserialization for `Faraday::Utils::Headers` (#690) * Fixes an issue with Options having a nil value (#694) * Fixes an issue with Faraday.default_connection not using Faraday.default_connection_options (#698) * Fixes an issue with Options.merge! and Faraday instrumentation middleware (#710) ## v0.12.1 * Fix an issue with Patron tests failing on jruby * Fix an issue with new `rewind_files` feature that was causing an exception when the body was not an Hash * Expose wrapped_exception in all client errors * Add Authentication Section to the ReadMe ## v0.12.0.1 * Hotfix release to address an issue with TravisCI deploy on Rubygems ## v0.12.0 Features: * Proxy feature now relies on Ruby `URI::Generic#find_proxy` and can use `no_proxy` ENV variable (not compatible with ruby < 2.0) * Adds support for `context` request option to pass arbitrary information to middlewares Fixes: * Fix an issue with options that was causing new options to override defaults ones unexpectedly * Rewind `UploadIO`s on retry to fix a compatibility issue * Make multipart boundary unique * Improvements in `README.md` ## v0.11.0 Features: * Add `filter` method to Logger middleware * Add support for Ruby2.4 and Minitest 6 * Introduce block syntax to customise the adapter Fixes: * Fix an issue that was allowing to override `default_connection_options` from a connection instance * Fix a bug that was causing newline escape characters ("\n") to be used when building the Authorization header ## v0.10.1 - Fix an issue with HTTPClient adapter that was causing the SSL to be reset on every request - Rescue `IOError` instead of specific subclass - `Faraday::Utils::Headers` can now be successfully serialised in YAML - Handle `default_connection_options` set with hash ## v0.10.0 Breaking changes: - Drop support for Ruby 1.8 Features: - Include wrapped exception/reponse in ClientErrors - Add `response.reason_phrase` - Provide option to selectively skip logging request/response headers - Add regex support for pattern matching in `test` adapter Fixes: - Add `Faraday.respond_to?` to find methods managed by `method_missing` - em-http: `request.host` instead of `connection.host` should be taken for SSL validations - Allow `default_connection_options` to be merged when options are passed as url parameter - Improve splitting key-value pairs in raw HTTP headers ## v0.9.2 Adapters: - Enable gzip compression for httpclient - Fixes default certificate store for httpclient not having default paths. - Make excon adapter compatible with 0.44 excon version - Add compatibility with Patron 0.4.20 - Determine default port numbers in Net::HTTP adapters (Addressable compatibility) - em-http: wrap "connection closed by server" as ConnectionFailed type - Wrap Errno::ETIMEDOUT in Faraday::Error::TimeoutError Utils: - Add Rack-compatible support for parsing `a[][b]=c` nested queries - Encode nil values in queries different than empty strings. Before: `a=`; now: `a`. - Have `Faraday::Utils::Headers#replace` clear internal key cache - Dup the internal key cache when a Headers hash is copied Env and middleware: - Ensure `env` stored on middleware response has reference to the response - Ensure that Response properties are initialized during `on_complete` (VCR compatibility) - Copy request options in Faraday::Connection#dup - Env custom members should be copied by Env.from(env) - Honour per-request `request.options.params_encoder` - Fix `interval_randomness` data type for Retry middleware - Add maximum interval option for Retry middleware ## v0.9.1 * Refactor Net:HTTP adapter so that with_net_http_connection can be overridden to allow pooled connections. (@Ben-M) * Add configurable methods that bypass `retry_if` in the Retry request middleware. (@mike-bourgeous) ## v0.9.0 * Add HTTPClient adapter (@hakanensari) * Improve Retry handler (@mislav) * Remove autoloading by default (@technoweenie) * Improve internal docs (@technoweenie, @mislav) * Respect user/password in http proxy string (@mislav) * Adapter options are structs. Reinforces consistent options across adapters (@technoweenie) * Stop stripping trailing / off base URLs in a Faraday::Connection. (@technoweenie) * Add a configurable URI parser. (@technoweenie) * Remove need to manually autoload when using the authorization header helpers on `Faraday::Connection`. (@technoweenie) * `Faraday::Adapter::Test` respects the `Faraday::RequestOptions#params_encoder` option. (@technoweenie)