# frozen_string_literal: true # Methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the hosting application module Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior extend Deprecation include Blacklight::UrlHelperBehavior include Blacklight::HashAsHiddenFieldsHelperBehavior include Blacklight::LayoutHelperBehavior include Blacklight::IconHelperBehavior # @!group Layout helpers ## # Get the name of this application from an i18n string # key: blacklight.application_name # Try first in the current locale, then the default locale # # @return [String] the application name def application_name # It's important that we don't use ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper#cache here # because it returns nil. Rails.cache.fetch 'blacklight/application_name' do t('blacklight.application_name', default: t('blacklight.application_name', locale: I18n.default_locale)) end end ## # Get the page's HTML title # # @return [String] def render_page_title (content_for(:page_title) if content_for?(:page_title)) || @page_title || application_name end ## # Create links from a documents dynamically # provided export formats. # # Returns empty string if no links available. # # @param [SolrDocument] document # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :unique ensures only one link is output for every # content type, e.g. as required by atom # @option options [Array] :exclude array of format shortnames to not include in the output # @return [String] def render_link_rel_alternates(document = @document, options = {}) return if document.nil? document_presenter(document).link_rel_alternates(options) end ## # Render OpenSearch headers for this search # @deprecated # @return [String] def render_opensearch_response_metadata render partial: 'catalog/opensearch_response_metadata', locals: { response: @response } end deprecation_deprecate render_opensearch_response_metadata: 'Use `render "catalog/opensearch_response_metadata"\' instead' ## # Render classes for the element # @return [String] def render_body_class extra_body_classes.join " " end ## # List of classes to be applied to the element # @see render_body_class # @return [Array] def extra_body_classes @extra_body_classes ||= ['blacklight-' + controller.controller_name, 'blacklight-' + [controller.controller_name, controller.action_name].join('-')] end ## # Render the search navbar # @return [String] def render_search_bar search_bar_presenter.render end deprecation_deprecate render_search_bar: "Call `render Blacklight::SearchBarComponent.new' instead" # @!group Presenter extension helpers ## # @return [Blacklight::SearchBarPresenter] def search_bar_presenter @search_bar ||= search_bar_presenter_class.new(controller, blacklight_config) end deprecation_deprecate :search_bar_presenter # @!group Document helpers ## # Determine whether to render a given field in the index view. # # @deprecated # @param [SolrDocument] document # @param [Blacklight::Configuration::Field] field_config # @return [Boolean] def should_render_index_field? document, field_config Deprecation.warn self, "should_render_index_field? is deprecated and will be removed in Blacklight 8. Use IndexPresenter#render_field? instead." should_render_field?(field_config, document) && document_has_value?(document, field_config) end ## # Determine whether to render a given field in the show view # # @deprecated # @param [SolrDocument] document # @param [Blacklight::Configuration::Field] field_config # @return [Boolean] def should_render_show_field? document, field_config Deprecation.warn self, "should_render_show_field? is deprecated and will be removed in Blacklight 8. Use ShowPresenter#render_field? instead." should_render_field?(field_config, document) && document_has_value?(document, field_config) end ## # Check if a document has (or, might have, in the case of accessor methods) a value for # the given solr # @deprecated # @param [SolrDocument] document # @param [Blacklight::Configuration::Field] field_config # @return [Boolean] def document_has_value? document, field_config Deprecation.warn self, "document_has_value? is deprecated and will be removed in Blacklight 8. Use DocumentPresenter#has_value? instead." document.has?(field_config.field) || (document.has_highlight_field? field_config.field if field_config.highlight) || field_config.accessor end # @!group Search result helpers ## # Determine whether to display spellcheck suggestions # # @deprecated # @param [Blacklight::Solr::Response] response # @return [Boolean] def should_show_spellcheck_suggestions? response Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::ConfigurationHelperBehavior) do # The spelling response field may be missing from non solr repositories. response.total <= spell_check_max && (response.spelling&.words&.any? || response.spelling&.collation&.present? || false) end end deprecation_deprecate should_show_spellcheck_suggestions?: 'moving into a private method of Blacklight::Response::SpellcheckComponent' # @!group Document helpers ## # Render the index field label for a document # # Translations for index field labels should go under blacklight.search.fields # They are picked up from there by a value "%{label}" in blacklight.search.index.label # # @deprecated # @overload render_index_field_label(options) # Use the default, document-agnostic configuration # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :field # @overload render_index_field_label(document, options) # Allow an extention point where information in the document # may drive the value of the field # @param [SolrDocument] doc # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :field # @return [String] def render_index_field_label *args options = args.extract_options! document = args.first field = options[:field] label = Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::ConfigurationHelperBehavior) do options[:label] || index_field_label(document, field) end html_escape t(:"blacklight.search.index.#{document_index_view_type}.label", default: :'blacklight.search.index.label', label: label) end deprecation_deprecate render_index_field_label: 'Use Blacklight::MetadataFieldComponent instead' ## # Render the show field label for a document # # @deprecated # @overload render_document_show_field_label(options) # Use the default, document-agnostic configuration # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :field # @overload render_document_show_field_label(document, options) # Allow an extention point where information in the document # may drive the value of the field # @param [SolrDocument] doc # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String] :field # @return [String] def render_document_show_field_label *args options = args.extract_options! document = args.first field = options[:field] label = Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::ConfigurationHelperBehavior) do options[:label] || document_show_field_label(document, field) end t(:'blacklight.search.show.label', label: label) end deprecation_deprecate render_document_show_field_label: 'Use Blacklight::MetadataFieldComponent instead' ## # Get the value of the document's "title" field, or a placeholder # value (if empty) # # @deprecated # @param [SolrDocument] document # @return [String] def document_heading document = nil document ||= @document document_presenter(document).heading end deprecation_deprecate document_heading: 'Use Blacklight::DocumentPresenter#heading instead' ## # Get the document's "title" to display in the element. # (by default, use the #document_heading) # # @deprecated # @see #document_heading # @param [SolrDocument] document # @return [String] def document_show_html_title document = nil document ||= @document document_presenter(document).html_title end deprecation_deprecate document_show_html_title: 'Use Blacklight::DocumentPresenter#html_title instead' ## # Render the document "heading" (title) in a content tag # @deprecated # @overload render_document_heading(document, options) # @param [SolrDocument] document # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Symbol] :tag # @overload render_document_heading(options) # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Symbol] :tag # @return [String] def render_document_heading(*args) options = args.extract_options! document = args.first tag = options.fetch(:tag, :h4) document ||= @document content_tag(tag, document_presenter(document).heading, itemprop: "name") end deprecation_deprecate render_document_heading: 'Removed without replacement' ## # Get the current "view type" (and ensure it is a valid type) # # @param [Hash] query_params the query parameters to check # @return [Symbol] def document_index_view_type query_params = params view_param = query_params[:view] view_param ||= session[:preferred_view] if view_param && document_index_views.key?(view_param.to_sym) view_param.to_sym else default_document_index_view_type end end # @!group Search result helpers ## # Render a partial of an arbitrary format inside a # template of a different format. (e.g. render an HTML # partial from an XML template) # code taken from: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/339130/how-do-i-render-a-partial-of-a-different-format-in-rails (zgchurch) # # @param [String] format suffix # @yield def with_format(format) old_formats = formats self.formats = [format] yield self.formats = old_formats nil end ## # Should we render a grouped response (because the response # contains a grouped response instead of the normal response) # # Default to false if there's no response object available (sometimes the case # for tests, but might happen in other circumstances too..) # @return [Boolean] def render_grouped_response? response = @response response&.grouped? end # @!group Presenter extension helpers ## # Returns a document presenter for the given document # TODO: Move this to the controller. It can just pass a presenter or set of presenters. # @deprecated # @return [Blacklight::DocumentPresenter] def presenter(document) Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#presenter is deprecated; use #document_presenter instead') # As long as the presenter methods haven't been overridden, we can use the new behavior if method(:show_presenter).owner == Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior && method(:index_presenter).owner == Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior return document_presenter_class(document).new(document, self) end Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#show_presenter and/or #index_presenter have been overridden; please override #document_presenter instead') Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) do case action_name when 'show', 'citation' show_presenter(document) else index_presenter(document) end end end ## # Returns a document presenter for the given document def document_presenter(document) Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) do presenter(document) end end # @deprecated # @return [Blacklight::ShowPresenter] def show_presenter(document) Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#show_presenter is deprecated; use #document_presenter instead') if method(:show_presenter_class).owner != Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#show_presenter_class has been overridden; please override #document_presenter_class instead') end Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) do show_presenter_class(document).new(document, self) end end # @deprecated # @return [Blacklight::IndexPresenter] def index_presenter(document) Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#index_presenter is deprecated; use #document_presenter instead') if method(:index_presenter_class).owner != Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#index_presenter_class has been overridden; please override #document_presenter_class instead') end Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) do index_presenter_class(document).new(document, self) end end ## # Override this method if you want to use a differnet presenter for your documents # @param [Blacklight::Document] document optional, here for extension + backwards compatibility only def document_presenter_class(document = nil) Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior) do case action_name when 'show', 'citation' show_presenter_class(document) else index_presenter_class(document) end end end ## # Override this method if you want to use a different presenter class # @deprecated # @return [Class] def show_presenter_class(_document) Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#show_presenter_class is deprecated; use #document_presenter_class instead') blacklight_config.view_config(:show, action_name: action_name).document_presenter_class end # @deprecated # @return [Class] def index_presenter_class(_document) Deprecation.warn(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior, '#index_presenter_class is deprecated; use #document_presenter_class instead') blacklight_config.view_config(document_index_view_type, action_name: action_name).document_presenter_class end # @return [Class] def search_bar_presenter_class blacklight_config.view_config(action_name: :index).search_bar_presenter_class end # @!group Layout helpers ## # Open Search discovery tag for HTML <head> links # @return [String] def opensearch_description_tag title, href tag :link, href: href, title: title, type: "application/opensearchdescription+xml", rel: "search" end # @private def self.blacklight_path @blacklight_path ||= Gem.loaded_specs["blacklight"].full_gem_path end def partial_from_blacklight?(partial) path = if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6 name = partial.split('/').last prefix = partial.split('/').first if partial.include?('/') logger&.debug "Looking for document index partial #{partial}" prefixes = lookup_context.prefixes + [prefix, ""].compact lookup_context.find_all(name, prefixes, true).first&.identifier else lookup_context.find_all(partial, lookup_context.prefixes + [""], true).first&.identifier end path&.starts_with?(Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior.blacklight_path) end end