# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require 'gooddata' include GoodData::Model describe GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint do before(:each) do @spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/blueprints/big_blueprint_not_pruned.json"), :symbolize_names => true) @blueprint = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.new(@spec) @wire_spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/wire_models/model_view.json"), :symbolize_names => true) end describe '#to_wire' do it 'should transform small spec to wire' do spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/blueprints/test_blueprint.json"), :symbolize_names => true) wire_spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/wire_models/test_blueprint.json"), :symbolize_names => true) res = ToWire.to_wire(spec) expect(res).to eq wire_spec end it 'it should turn into wire another project' do spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/blueprints/test_project_model_spec.json"), :symbolize_names => true) ToWire.to_wire(spec) end it 'should create manifest' do spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/blueprints/test_blueprint.json"), :symbolize_names => true) wire_spec = JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/wire_models/test_blueprint.json"), :symbolize_names => true) JSON.parse(File.read("./spec/data/manifests/test_blueprint.json")) expect(ToWire.to_wire(spec)).to eq wire_spec end end describe '#anchor_to_wire' do it 'should generate anchor without label.' do dataset = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(@spec, 'dataset.stage_history') result = ToWire.anchor_to_wire(@spec, dataset) expect(result).to eq( attribute: { identifier: "attr.dataset.stage_history.factsof", title: "Records of stage_history", folder: "stage_history" } ) end it 'should generate anchor with label' do dataset = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(@spec, 'dataset.opportunityanalysis') result = ToWire.anchor_to_wire(nil, dataset) expect(result).to eq( attribute: { :identifier => "attr.opportunityanalysis.techoppanalysis", :title => "Tech Opp. Analysis", :folder => "Opportunity Benchmark", :labels => [ { :label => { :identifier => "label.opportunityanalysis.techoppanalysis", :title => "Tech Opp. Analysis", :type => "GDC.text", :dataType => "VARCHAR(128)" } } ], :defaultLabel => "label.opportunityanalysis.techoppanalysis" } ) end end describe '#anchor_to_attribute' do it 'should generate attribute without label' do dataset = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(@spec, 'dataset.stage_history') a = DatasetBlueprint.attributes(dataset).find { |attribute| attribute[:id] == 'attr.stage_history.currentstatus' } result = ToWire.attribute_to_wire(dataset, a) expect(result).to eq( :attribute => { :identifier => "attr.stage_history.currentstatus", :title => "Current Stage", :folder => "stage_history", :labels => [ { :label => { :identifier => "label.stage_history.currentstatus", :title => "Current Stage", :type => "GDC.text", :dataType => "VARCHAR(128)" } } ], :defaultLabel => "label.stage_history.currentstatus" } ) end it 'should generate attributes with label' do dataset = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(@spec, 'dataset.opportunityanalysis') a = DatasetBlueprint.attributes(dataset).find { |attribute| attribute[:id] == 'attr.opportunityanalysis.month' } result = ToWire.attribute_to_wire(dataset, a) expect(result).to eq( :attribute => { :identifier => "attr.opportunityanalysis.month", :title => "Month", :folder => "Opportunity Benchmark", :labels => [ { :label => { :identifier => "label.opportunityanalysis.month", :title => "Month", :type => "GDC.text", :dataType => "VARCHAR(128)" } }, { :label => { :identifier => "label.opportunityanalysis.month.monthsortingnew", :title => "MonthSortingNew", :type => "GDC.text", :dataType => "INT" } } ], :defaultLabel => "label.opportunityanalysis.month" } ) end end describe '#fact_to_wire' do it 'should generate anchor' do fact_def = { type: "fact", id: "fact.stage_history.stage_velocity", title: "Stage Velocity", folder: "My Folder", description: "Velocity description", gd_data_type: "DECIMAL(12,2)" } result = ToWire.fact_to_wire(nil, fact_def) expect(result).to eq( fact: { identifier: "fact.stage_history.stage_velocity", title: "Stage Velocity", dataType: "DECIMAL(12,2)", folder: "My Folder", description: "Velocity description" } ) end end describe '#references_to_wire' do it 'should produce references' do dataset = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(@spec, 'dataset.opp_snapshot') res = ToWire.references_to_wire(@spec, dataset) expect(res).to eq [ "dataset.sdrowner", "dataset.leadsourceoriginal", "dataset.account", "dataset.amounttype", "dataset.product", "dataset.sourcingorigin", "dataset.leadsource", "dataset.productline", "dataset.stage", "dataset.opp_owner", "dataset.opportunity", "dataset.bookingtype", "dataset.forecast", "leadcreate", "snapshot", "oppclose", "oppcreated", "stage1plus", "mqldate", "effectivecontractstart", "effectivecontractend" ] end end describe '#date_dimension_to_wire' do it 'should be able to generate date dimension' do res = ToWire.date_dimension_to_wire(@spec, type: "date_dimension", id: "timeline", title: "Timeline") expect(res).to eq(:dateDimension => { :name => "timeline", :title => "Timeline" }) end end end