require 'thor' module F5 module Cli class Subcommand < Thor private def extract_items(response, opts = nil) items = response[:item] if items.nil? return opts == :as_array ? [] : nil end if items.is_a?(Hash) && items.has_key?(:item) items = items[:item] end if opts == :as_array && items.is_a?(Hash) [ items ] else items end end def client return @client if @client config = YAML.load_file("#{ENV['HOME']}/.f5.yml") if config.key?('username') && options[:lb] == 'default' puts "Warning: credentials in .f5.yml should be put under a named load balancer." configure_lb_as(config) else configure_lb_as config[options[:lb]] end end def configure_lb_as(config) F5::Icontrol.configure do |f5| = config['host'] f5.username = config['username'] f5.password = config['password'] end end def itemize(option) { item: [ option ] } end end class Node < Subcommand desc "list", "Lists all the nodes" def list response = client.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_list nodes = extract_items(response, :as_array) if nodes.empty? puts "No nodes found" else nodes.each do |node| puts node end end end desc "show NAME", "Shows information about a node" def show(node) session_status = extract_items client.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_object_status(nodes: { item: [ node ] }) stats = client.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.get_statistics(nodes: { item: [ node ] }) outer_envelope = extract_items stats[:statistics] stats = extract_items outer_envelope[:statistics] total_connections = stats.find { |stat| stat[:type] == "STATISTIC_SERVER_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS" } total_connections = total_connections[:value][:low] puts "#{node} #{session_status[:availability_status]} (#{session_status[:status_description]}) with #{total_connections} connections" end desc "disable NAME", "Disables a particular node" def disable(node) client.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.set_monitor_state( nodes: { item: [ node ] }, states: { item: [ "STATE_DISABLED" ] } ) end desc "enable NAME", "Enables a particular node" def enable(node) client.LocalLB.NodeAddressV2.set_monitor_state( nodes: { item: [ node ] }, states: { item: [ "STATE_ENABLED" ] } ) end end class SelfIP < Subcommand desc "list", "Lists all the self IPs" def list response = client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_list selfips = extract_items(response, :as_array) if selfips.empty? puts "No selfips found" else selfips.each do |selfip| puts selfip end end end desc "show NAME", "Shows information about a self IP" def show(name) address = extract_items client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_address(self_ips: { item: [ name ] }) netmask = extract_items client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_netmask(self_ips: { item: [ name ] }) vlan = extract_items client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_vlan(self_ips: { item: [ name ] }) trafficgroup = extract_items client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_traffic_group(self_ips: { item: [ name ] }) floating = extract_items client.Networking.SelfIPV2.get_floating_state(self_ips: { item: [ name ] }) puts "#{address}/#{netmask}" puts vlan puts "#{trafficgroup} #{floating == 'STATE_ENABLED' ? 'FLOATING' : 'NONFLOATING'}" end desc "create NAME IP/NETMASK VLAN", "Creates a self IP" option :floating, type: :boolean, default: false option :traffic_group, default: 'traffic-group-local-only' def create(name, address, vlan) (ip, netmask) = address.split(/\//) result = client.Networking.SelfIPV2.create( self_ips: itemize(name), vlan_names: itemize(vlan), addresses: itemize(ip), netmasks: itemize(netmask), traffic_groups: itemize(options[:traffic_group]), floating_states: itemize(options[:floating] ? 'STATE_ENABLED' : 'STATE_DISABLED') ) end end class Interface < Subcommand desc "list", "Lists all the interfaces" def list response = client.Networking.Interfaces.get_list interfaces = extract_items(response, :as_array) if interfaces.empty? puts "No interfaces found" else interfaces.each do |interface| puts interface end end end end class VLAN < Subcommand desc "list", "Lists all the vlans" def list response = client.Networking.VLAN.get_list vlans = extract_items(response, :as_array) if vlans.empty? puts "No VLANs found" else vlans.each do |vlan| puts vlan end end end desc "show VLAN_NAME", "Show a particular vlan" def show(name) members = extract_items client.Networking.VLAN.get_member(vlans: { item: [ name ] } ), :as_array vid = extract_items client.Networking.VLAN.get_vlan_id(vlans: { item: [ name ] } ) failsafe_state = extract_items client.Networking.VLAN.get_failsafe_state(vlans: { item: [ name ] } ) puts "VLAN id #{vid} and failsafe is #{failsafe_state}" members.each do |member| puts "Interface %s is a %s and tag state is %s" % [ member[:member_name], member[:member_type], member[:tag_state] ] end end desc "create VLAN_ID VLAN_NAME member1type:member1name ", "Create a vlan with the name and ID, attached to the given members" def create(vid, name, *members) if members.empty? puts "I need at least one member interface" exit end memberdata = do |m| (mtype, mname) = m.split /:/ if mname.nil? puts "Each member must be in the form of interface/trunk:id" exit end { member_name: mname, member_type: (mtype == 'trunk' ? 'MEMBER_TRUNK' : 'MEMBER_INTERFACE'), tag_state: 'MEMBER_TAGGED' } end response = client.Networking.VLAN.create_v2( vlans: { item: [ name ] }, vlan_ids: { item: [ vid ] }, members: { item: [ item: memberdata ] }, failsafe_states: { item: [ 'STATE_DISABLED' ] }, timeouts: { item: [ 100 ] } #??? ) puts response end end class Pool < Subcommand desc "list", "Lists all the pools" def list response = client.LocalLB.Pool.get_list pools = Array(response[:item]) if pools.empty? puts "No pools found" else pools.each do |p| puts p end end end desc "show POOL", "Shows a pool's status" def show(pool) members = pool_members(pool) if members.empty? puts "Pool #{pool} is empty" else members.each do |member| puts "#{member[:address]}:#{member[:port]}" end end end desc "status POOL", "Shows the status of a pool" def status(pool) members = pool_members(pool) response = client.LocalLB.Pool.get_member_object_status( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ members ] } ) statuses = response[:item][:item] statuses = [ statuses ] if statuses.is_a? Hash response = client.LocalLB.Pool.get_all_member_statistics( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] } ) stats = response[:item][:statistics][:item] stats = [ stats ] if stats.is_a? Hash connections = do |host| stats = host[:statistics][:item] c = stats.find { |stat| stat[:type] == "STATISTIC_SERVER_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS" } c[:value][:high].to_i * (2<<32) + c[:value][:low].to_i end puts "%20s %25s %25s %25s" % ["Address", "Availability", "Enabled", "Current Connections"] statuses.each_with_index do |s, idx| puts "%20s %25s %25s %25s" % [ members[idx][:address], s[:availability_status].split(/_/).last, s[:enabled_status].split(/_/).last, connections[idx]] end end desc "enable POOL MEMBERS", "Enables the given members" def enable(pool, *members) set = pool_members(pool).select do |m| members.include? m[:address] end response = client.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_session_enabled_state( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ set ] }, session_states: { item: [ { "STATE_ENABLED" } ] } ) response = client.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_monitor_state( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ set ] }, monitor_states: { item: [ { "STATE_ENABLED" } ] } ) end desc "disable POOL MEMBERS", "Disables the given members" method_option :force, default: false, type: :boolean, desc: "Forces the node offline (only active connections allowed)" def disable(pool, *members) set = pool_members(pool).select do |m| members.include? m[:address] end response = client.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_session_enabled_state( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ set ] }, session_states: { item: [ { "STATE_DISABLED" } ] } ) if options[:force] response = client.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_monitor_state( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ set ] }, monitor_states: { item: [ { "STATE_DISABLED" } ] } ) end end desc "setratio --ratio RATIO POOL MEMBERS", "Sets the dynamic ratio of the given members to RATIO" method_option :ratio, type: :numeric, desc: "The node's new dynamic ratio", required: true def setratio(pool, *members) set = address_port_list_from_pool(pool, members) response = client.LocalLB.Pool.set_member_ratio( pool_names: { item: [ pool ] }, members: { item: [ set ] }, ratios: { item: [ { options[:ratio] } ] } ) end private def address_port_list_from_pool(pool, members) pool_members(pool).select do |m| members.include?(m[:address]) || members.include?(m[:address].gsub(%r{^/Common/}, '')) end end def pool_members(pool) response = client.LocalLB.Pool.get_member_v2(pool_names: { item: [ pool ] } ) members = response[:item][:item] members = [ members ] if members.is_a? Hash { |m| { address: m[:address], port: m[:port] } } end end class Application < Thor class_option :lb, default: 'default' desc "node SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "manage nodes" subcommand "node", Node desc "pool SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "manage pools" subcommand "pool", Pool desc "interface SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "manage interfaces" subcommand "interface", Interface desc "selfip SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "manage self IPs" subcommand "selfip", SelfIP desc "vlan SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "manage vlans" subcommand "vlan", VLAN end end end