require 'active_resource' module Mailee # The Config class is used to set your api url. # You can do it in your applications.rb or in a initializar. # It's simple: # # = "http://your.mailee.api.url" class Config < ActiveResource::Base end # The Contact class gives you default access to your contacts (all, # first, create, update, destroy) plus some facilities, like searching # contacts by email, keyword (a smart search), signature (name & email) # and internal id. # # Also, you can subscribe contacts to lists and unsubscribe. In Mailee # unsubscribing a contact is radical: it will be unsubscribed from ALL # lists FOREVER. House rules. # # If you use mailee gem to sync a model, it will always set the internal_id # to your "local" model id and then search based on it to update de remote # record. class Contact < Config def self.find_by_internal_id iid find(:first, :params => {:internal_id => iid}) end def self.find_by_email email find(:first, :params => {:email => email}) end def keyword, page=1 find(:all, :params => {:page => page, :by_keyword => keyword }) end def unsubscribe(data={}) #E.g. data --> {:reason => 'Trip to nowhere', :spam => false} put(:unsubscribe, :unsubscribe => {:reason => 'Motivo não especificado'}.merge(data)) end def subscribe(list) put(:subscribe, :list => {:name => list}) end end # The List class gives you default access to your lists (all, first, create, update, destroy) class List < Config end # The Template class gives you default access to your templates (all, first, create, update, destroy) class Template < Config end # The Quick class allows you to import contacts to mailee just like # in the interface # # USAGE: # # # Emails only # Mailee::Quick.import("") # # # Names and emails (needs line breaks) # Mailee::Quick.import(", Wittgenstein\, Rorty") # # # Signatures (gmail style) # Mailee::Quick.import('"Wittgenstein" , # "Rorty" ') class Quick < Config self.collection_name = "quick" def self.import contacts create :contacts => contacts end end # The Message class is where the fun happens. # # USAGE: # # # Creating a message (still a draft): # message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "TITLE", :subject => "SUBJ", :from_name => "NAME", :from_email => "", :html => "


", :list_id => 666 # # Sending tests. 33, 44 and 55 are contact's ids. # message.test([33,44,55]).should_not be nil # # Sending the message now ... # message.ready # # ... or sending the message 10 days from now # message.ready(10.days.from_now) class Message < Config def test contacts put(:test, :contacts => contacts) end def ready date=nil, hour=0 if date && date.is_a?(Date) && date > put(:ready, :when => 'after', :after => {:date => date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), :hour => date.strftime('%H')}) else put(:ready, :when => 'now') end end end # The Report class is still beta. It can return the results of a # message - total deliveries, accesses and returns. There are also # methods for getting accesses, unsubscribes and returns in "real time". class Report < Config end # The Mailer class is responsible for making the mailee gem ActionMailer # compatible. # # USAGE: # # If you want to use Mailee to send all your systems emails, simply # configure the environment (dev or prod) like this: # # config.action_mailer.delivery_method = Mailee::Mailer # # But if you wanna send just a certain mailer with Mailee, add # "send_with_mailee" on a per mailer basis # # class Notifications < ActionMailer::Base # send_with_mailee # end # # One important thing, is to add the sender's name to the default "from" in # your mailer, this way: # # default :from => "Your name " # # And don't forget to config your domain SPF! class Mailer def initialize config end def deliver! mail from_name = mail.header['from'].to_s.scan(/(.+?) <.+?>$/).to_s message = Mailee::Message.create :title => mail.subject, :subject => mail.subject, :from_name => from_name, :from_email => mail.from.first, :emails =>' '), :html => mail.body.to_s message.ready( self end end module Send def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def send_with_mailee puts "1" self.delivery_method = Mailee::Mailer end end end module Sync def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def sync_with_mailee(options = {}) unless syncd? # don't let AR call this twice cattr_accessor :sync_options after_create :create_in_mailee after_update :update_in_mailee after_destroy :destroy_in_mailee self.sync_options = {:email => :email, :name => :name, :news => :news}.merge(options) #options[:with] || :deleted_at unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:email].to_s) raise "Campo #{sync_options[:email]} não existe em #{new.class}." end unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:name].to_s) self.sync_options[:name] = nil end unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:news].to_s) self.sync_options[:news] = nil end end include InstanceMethods end def syncd? self.included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) end end module InstanceMethods #:nodoc: def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end def create_in_mailee return if( sync_options[:news] and ! send(sync_options[:news])) # Não cria se houver o campo booleano e ele for falso self.class.benchmark "Criando contato no Mailee" do contact = contact.internal_id = id = send(sync_options[:email]) = send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao criar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def update_in_mailee self.class.benchmark "Atualizando contato no Mailee" do contact = Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id if contact #Se o contato existe e o booleano foi desmarcado, realiza um UNSUBSCRIBE if sync_options[:news] and (! send(sync_options[:news])) unsubscribe_in_mailee(contact) else = send(sync_options[:email]) = send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] end else create_in_mailee # Se não achou o contato tem q inserir. end end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao atualizar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def destroy_in_mailee contact=nil self.class.benchmark "Excluindo contato no Mailee" do contact ||= Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id contact.destroy end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao excluir o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def unsubscribe_in_mailee contact=nil self.class.benchmark "Descadastrando contato no Mailee" do contact ||= Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id contact.unsubscribe end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao descadastrar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end module ClassMethods # Sincroniza todos os itens do modelo com Mailee. # Permite que se passe um datetime para enviar apenas os contatos atualizados depois desta data # Permite o uso de um bloco, que receberá o item do modelo e o item do Mailee associado a este. # Ex: Contact.send_all_to_mailee{|i,im| im.address = i.endereco; } # Importante: este método apenas envia os contatos, mas não recebe. # Para receber contatos, o ideal é fazer uma exportação no Mailee e realizar uma importação deste arquivo CSV no seu sistema. def send_all_to_mailee(after=nil) items = after ? all(:conditions => ["updated_at >= ?", after]) : all for item in items begin contact = Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id if contact and sync_options[:news] and ! item.send(sync_options[:news]) contact.unsubscribe yield item, contact if block_given? next end unless contact next if sync_options[:news] and ! item.send(sync_options[:news]) contact = contact.internal_id = end = item.send(sync_options[:email]) = item.send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] yield item, contact if block_given? rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao enviar o contato #{id} ao Mailee" end end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Mailee::Sync) if defined?(ActiveRecord) ActionMailer::Base.send(:include, Mailee::Send) if defined?(ActionMailer)