# `check-node`
The `check-node` executable checks the differences of configuration between what is stored in the platform repositories and what is currently configured on a node.
It will:
1. package the configuration,
2. optionally upload the packaged configuration on an artefact repository, or on the node directly (depends on the node's configuration),
3. run a deployment in why-run mode (harmless) on the node,
4. display the result on screen.
## Process
![Mermaid diagram](/docs/gen/mermaid/docs/executables/check-node.md-0.png)
Diagram code
participant Main as ./bin/check-node --node my_node
participant CMDB as CMDB
participant PlatformHandler as Platform Handler
participant PlatformRepo as Platform repository
participant Connector as Connector
participant Node as Provisioned node (my_node)
Main->>+CMDB: Get services to be deployed on my_node
CMDB->>+PlatformHandler: Get my_node metadata from the platform
PlatformHandler->>+PlatformRepo: Read platform inventory files
PlatformRepo-->>-PlatformHandler: Platform inventory
PlatformHandler-->>-CMDB: Services metadata containing my_web_app
CMDB-->>-Main: my_node has service my_web_app
Main->>+PlatformHandler: Get actions to check my_web_app
PlatformHandler-->>-Main: Actions to check my_web_app
Main->>+Connector: Connect to my_node to execute actions
Connector->>+Node: Execute actions to check my_web_app on my_node
Node-->>-Connector: Result of my_web_app check on my_node
Connector-->>-Main: Close connection
## Usage
Usage: ./bin/check-node [options]
Main options:
-d, --debug Activate debug mode
-h, --help Display help and exit
-n, --node NODE Run the command on a specific node.
Nodes handler options:
-o, --show-nodes Display the list of possible nodes and exit
Command runner options:
-s, --show-commands Display the commands that would be run instead of running them
Connector ssh options:
-g, --ssh-gateway-user USER Name of the gateway user to be used by the gateways. Can also be set from environment variable hpc_ssh_gateway_user. Defaults to ubradm.
-j, --ssh-no-control-master If used, don't create SSH control masters for connections.
-q, --ssh-no-host-key-checking If used, don't check for SSH host keys.
-u, --ssh-user USER Name of user to be used in SSH connections (defaults to hpc_ssh_user or USER environment variables)
-w, --password If used, then expect SSH connections to ask for a password.
-y GATEWAYS_CONF, Name of the gateways configuration to be used. Can also be set from environment variable hpc_ssh_gateways_conf.
Deployer options:
-t, --timeout SECS Timeout in seconds to wait for each chef run. Only used in why-run mode. (defaults to no timeout)
--retries-on-error NBR Number of retries in case of non-deterministic errors (defaults to 0)
Secrets reader cli options:
-e, --secrets JSON_FILE Specify a secrets location from a local JSON file. Can be specified several times.
## Examples
# Test on node23hst-nn1
./bin/check-node --node node23hst-nn1
# Test on node23hst-nn1 using a secrets file
./bin/check-node --node node23hst-nn1 --secrets passwords.json
Example of output:
=> ./bin/check-node --node node12had01
Actions Executor configuration used:
* User: a_usernme
* Dry run: false
* Max threads used: 16
* Gateways configuration: madrid
* Gateway user: ubradm
* Debug mode: false
===== Packaging current repository ===== Begin... =====
cd ../chef-repo && rm -rf dist Berksfile.lock && ./bin/thor solo:bundle
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Fetching 'project' from source at site-cookbooks/project
create data_bag/.gitkeep
create .gitignore
create .branch
create .chef_commit
===== Packaging current repository ===== ...End =====
===== Delivering on artefacts repositories ===== Begin... =====
cd ../chef-repo && ./bin/thor solo:deploy -r git@hpc. -y
Warning: no 'deploy' tag found
Change log for branch v20180326T104601:
===== Delivering on artefacts repositories ===== ...End =====
===== Checking on 1 hosts ===== Begin... =====
+ [[ v20180326T104601 == '' ]]
+ [[ == '' ]]
Converging 51 resources
Recipe: site_hadoop::default
* execute[centos::yum-update] action run
- Would execute yum -y update
Recipe: ssh::server
* yum_package[openssh-server] action install (up to date)
* service[ssh] action enable (up to date)
* service[ssh] action start (up to date)
* template[/etc/ssh/sshd_config] action create (up to date)
Chef Client finished, 3/133 resources would have been updated
===== Checking on 1 hosts ===== ...End =====
## Used credentials
| Credential | Usage
| --- | --- |
| `thycotic` | Used to connect to the Thycotic secret server if used within the `--secrets` option |
## Used Metadata
| Metadata | Type | Usage
| --- | --- | --- |
| `image` | `String` | OS image corresponding to the node |
| `services` | `Array` | List of services to check for |
## Used environment variables
| Variable | Usage
| --- | --- |
| `hpc_certificates` | Directory containing certificates to be deployed on nodes by default. If ommitted, then no certificate is deployed. |
| `hpc_domain_for_thycotic` | Logon domain used to connect to the Thycotic secret server if used within the `--secrets` option |
## External tools dependencies