module Stars class Client def self.load!(new_username=nil) remember_username(new_username) if new_username @recent = display end def self.display system 'clear' puts "\n ★ by @#{username}" puts select_star end def self.input STDIN.gets end def self.username File.exists?(config_path) ? : prompt_for_username end def self.prompt_for_username puts "" puts "" puts " ★ stars" puts "" puts "Type your Twitter username:" remember_username(self.input.chomp) end def self.remember_username(username), 'w') {|f| f.write(username) } username end def self.config_path File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.stars') end def self.select_star selection = '' while true puts "Type the number of the toot that you want to learn about" print " (or hit return to view all again, you ego-maniac) >> " selection = self.input.chomp break if ['','q','quit','exit','fuckthis'].include?(selection.downcase) show_selection(selection) end display if selection == '' end def self.show_selection(id) puts '' puts wrap_text(' ' + @recent[id.to_i - 1]['title'], 60) puts parse_who(@recent[id.to_i - 1]['guid']) puts '' end def self.parse_who(url) end def self.wrap_text(txt, col = 80) txt.gsub(/(.{1,#{col}})( +|$\n?)|(.{1,#{col}})/, "\\1\\3\n ") end end end