## 2.7.0 ### Additions #### 1. New Analytics client Usage example: ```ruby client = RDStation::Client.new(access_token: 'access_token', refresh_token: 'refresh_token') query_parms = { start_date:'2022-11-02', end_date:'2022-11-08' } client.analytics.email_marketing(query_params) ``` ## 2.6.0 ### Additions #### 1. New Emails client Usage example: ```ruby client = RDStation::Client.new(access_token: 'access_token', refresh_token: 'refresh_token') client.emails.all ``` #### 2. New Segmentations client Usage example: ```ruby client = RDStation::Client.new(access_token: 'access_token', refresh_token: 'refresh_token') client.segmentations.all ``` ## 2.5.1 - Fixed checking `empty?` for nil values inside of InvalidRefreshToken class ## 2.5.0 - InvalidRefreshToken error added. This error will be raised when the refresh token is invalid or it was revoked. When you get this error, you can safely disconnect the user from RD Station. Usage example: ```ruby begin rdstation.update_access_token(refresh_token) rescue RDStation::Error::InvalidRefreshToken # Disconnect user end ``` ## 2.4.0 - Add the TooManyRequests errors in case of rate limit exceeded. See [API request limit](https://developers.rdstation.com/en/request-limit) for more details ## 2.3.1 - Fixed a bug when no error is found in the known errors list (issue [#52](https://github.com/ResultadosDigitais/rdstation-ruby-client/issues/52)) ## 2.3.0 ### Additions #### 1. New Field methods The following methods were added to "Fields" client: - create - update - delete Besides reading, this client is now capable of create, update or delete a field. Usage example: ```ruby client = RDStation::Client.new(access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN', refresh_token: 'REFRESH_TOKEN') client.fields.delete('FIELD_UUID') ``` #### 2. New format of errors supported Two new formats of errors are now supported by the error handler: ##### `HASH_OF_HASHES` When the error message is a hash containing other hashes as values, for example: ```ruby { 'error' => { 'field1' => {...}, 'field2' => {...} } } ``` ##### `HASH_OF_MULTIPLE_TYPES` When the error message is a hash that could contain multiple data types as values, for example: ```ruby { 'error' => { 'field1' => [...] # Array, 'field2' => {...} # Hash } } ``` ## 2.2.0 ### Additions #### Configuration Now it is possible to configure global params like client_id and client_secret only once, so you don't need to provide them to `RDStation::Authentication` every time. This can be done in the following way: ```ruby RDStation.configure do |config| config.client_id = YOUR_CLIENT_ID config.client_secret = YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET end ``` If you're using Rails, this can be done in `config/initializers`. #### Automatic refresh of access_tokens When an access_token expires, a new one will be obtained automatically and the request will be made again. For this to work, you have to use `RDStation.configure` as described above, and provide the refresh token when instantiating `RDStation::Client` (ex: RDStation::Client.new(access_token: MY_ACCESS_TOKEN, refresh_token: MY_REFRESH_TOKEN). You can keep track of access_token changes, by providing a callback block inconfiguration. This block will be called with an `RDStation::Authorization` object, which contains the updated `access_token` and `refresh_token`. For example: ```ruby RDStation.configure do |config| config.on_access_token_refresh do |authorization| MyStoredAuth.where(refresh_token: authorization.refresh_token).update_all(access_token: authorization.access_token) end end ``` ### Deprecations Providing `client_id` and `client_secret` directly to `RDStation::Authentication.new` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use `RDStation.configure` instead. Specifying refresh_token in `RDStation::Client.new(access_token: 'at', refresh_token: 'rt')` is optional right now, but will be mandatory in future versions. ## 2.1.1 - Fixed a bug in error handling (issue [#47](https://github.com/ResultadosDigitais/rdstation-ruby-client/issues/47)) ## 2.1.0 ### Additions `RDStation::Authentication.revoke` added. This method revokes an access_token at RD Station. ## 2.0.0 ### Removals All API methods that were called directly on `RDStation::Client` (ex: `RDStation::Client.new('rdstation_token', 'auth_token').create_lead(lead_info)`) have been removed. See the [migration guide](README.md#Upgrading-from-1.2.x-to-2.0.0) for a comprehensive guide on how to upgrade from version 1.2.x. ### Notable changes #### RDStation::Client Now `RDStation::Client` is facade to all available endpoints in the 2.0 API. It needs to be instantiated with an access_token and has accessors to those endpoints. Usage examples: ```ruby client = RDStation::Client.new((access_token: 'my_token') client.contacts.by_uuid('CONTACT_UUID') client.webhooks.all client.events.create(my_json_payload) client.fields.all ``` `RDStation::Contacts`, `RDStation::Events`, `RDStation::Fields` and `RDStation::Webhooks` are not suposed to be instantiated directly anymore. Use `RDStation::Client` to get them instead. #### Error handling Now specific errors are raised for each HTTP status: - `RDStation::Error::BadRequest` (400) - `RDStation::Error::Unauthorized` (401) - `RDStation::Error::Forbidden` (403) - `RDStation::Error::NotFound` (404) - `RDStation::Error::MethodNotAllowed` (405) - `RDStation::Error::NotAcceptable` (406) - `RDStation::Error::Conflict` (409) - `RDStation::Error::UnsupportedMediaType` (415) - `RDStation::Error::UnprocessableEntity` (422) - `RDStation::Error::InternalServerError` (500) - `RDStation::Error::NotImplemented` (501) - `RDStation::Error::BadGateway` (502) - `RDStation::Error::ServiceUnavailable` (503) - `RDStation::Error::ServerError` (which is returned for 5xx errors different than 500, 501, 502 or 503) In case of a Bad Request (400), the following specific errors may be raised (those are subclasses of `RDStation::Error::BadRequest`): - `RDStation::Error::ConflictingField` - `RDStation::Error::InvalidEventType` In cause of Unauthorized (401), the following specific errors may be raised (those are subclasses of `RDStation::Error::Unauthorized`): - `RDStation::Error::ExpiredAccessToken` - `RDStation::Error::ExpiredCodeGrant` - `RDStation::Error::InvalidCredentials` The specific message and the http code are now returned by the `details` method. ### Dependencies `rdstation-ruby-client` now requires `ruby >= 2.0.0`. ## 1.2.1 ### Deprecations All API methods that were called directly on `RDStation::Client` (ex: `RDStation::Client.new('rdstation_token', 'auth_token').create_lead(lead_info)`) are now deprecated. Those methods call RDSM's 1.3 API and will be removed in the next release.