module Katello class Pool < Katello::Model include Katello::Authorization::Pool belongs_to :subscription, :inverse_of => :pools, :class_name => "Katello::Subscription" has_many :pool_products, :class_name => "Katello::PoolProduct", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :pool has_many :products, :through => :pool_products, :class_name => "Katello::Product" has_many :pool_activation_keys, :class_name => "Katello::PoolActivationKey", :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :pool has_many :activation_keys, :through => :pool_activation_keys, :class_name => "Katello::ActivationKey" has_many :subscription_facet_pools, :class_name => "Katello::SubscriptionFacetPool", :dependent => :delete_all has_many :subscription_facets, :through => :subscription_facet_pools belongs_to :organization, :class_name => 'Organization', :inverse_of => :pools belongs_to :hypervisor, :class_name => 'Host::Managed', :inverse_of => :hypervisor_pools scope :in_organization, ->(org_id) { where(:organization_id => org_id) } scope :for_activation_key, ->(ak) { joins(:activation_keys).where("#{Katello::ActivationKey.table_name}.id" => } scope :expiring_in_days, ->(days) do return self if days.blank? where(["end_date < ?", days.to_i.days.from_now.end_of_day]) end scope :upstream, -> { where.not(upstream_pool_id: nil) } include Glue::Candlepin::Pool include Glue::Candlepin::CandlepinObject scoped_search :on => :cp_id, :complete_value => true, :rename => :id, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :upstream_pool_id, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :quantity, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :start_date, :complete_value => true, :rename => :starts, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :end_date, :complete_value => true, :rename => :expires, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :ram, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :multi_entitlement, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :consumed, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :account_number, :complete_value => true, :rename => :account, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scoped_search :on => :contract_number, :complete_value => true, :rename => :contract, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scoped_search :on => :virt_who, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :name, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true, :rename => :name scoped_search :on => :support_level, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :sockets, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :cores, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :cp_id, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true, :rename => :product_id scoped_search :on => :stacking_id, :complete_value => true, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :instance_multiplier, :relation => :subscription, :complete_value => true, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER, :only_explicit => true scoped_search :on => :pool_type, :complete_value => true, :rename => :type validates_lengths_from_database DAYS_RECENTLY_EXPIRED = 30 def active? active end # used for notification bell def expiring_soon? days_until_expiration >= 0 && days_until_expiration <= Setting[:expire_soon_days].to_i end # used for entitlements report template def days_until_expiration (end_date.to_date - end def recently_expired? >= end_date.to_date && ( - end_date.to_date) <= DAYS_RECENTLY_EXPIRED end def quantity_available return -1 if self.quantity == -1 return 0 unless self.quantity && self.consumed self.quantity - self.consumed end def type self.pool_type end def upstream? upstream_pool_id.present? end def import_audit_record(old_host_ids, new_host_ids = subscription_facets.pluck(:host_id)) return if old_host_ids.empty? && new_host_ids.empty? pool_id = :auditable_id => pool_id, :auditable_type => 'Katello::Pool', :action => 'update', :auditable_name =>, :audited_changes => {'host_ids' => [old_host_ids, new_host_ids]} ).save! end # Note - Audit hook added to find records based on column except associations to display audit information def self.audit_hook_to_find_records(keyname, change, _audit) if keyname =~ /_ids$/ case keyname when 'host_ids' ::Host.where(:id => change)&.index_by(&:id) end end end private def default_sort Pool.joins(:subscription).order("") end class Jail < ::Safemode::Jail allow :id, :name, :available, :quantity, :product_id, :contract_number, :type, :account_number, :start_date, :end_date, :organization, :consumed, :days_until_expiration end end end class ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation::Jail < Safemode::Jail allow :sort_by end