# Cookbook Name:: toaster # Recipe:: testing # # Author:: Waldemar Hummer puts "INFO: Initializing toaster::testing environment" # some (actually quite many) recipes rely on recipe openssl but apparently fail to load it by default include_recipe "openssl" class Chef::Recipe begin include ::Opscode::OpenSSL::Password rescue Object => ex # This does not work under new Ruby 2.0.0 which # apparently ships with a new/updated version of openssl. end end # uncomment this to test whether the openssl dependency has been successfully installed #foo = secure_password # make sure Chef knows we're running in solo mode Chef::Config[:solo] = true # make sure IBM Java does not get (re-)installed if recipe # "java::default" gets included by any of the Opscode recipes node.set[:java][:jvm] = '__ignore__' # attribte should _not_ have value "IBM" # set default JAVA_HOME node.set["java"]["java_home"] = "/opt/ibm/java-x86_64-60/jre" if !node["java"]["java_home"] # create Chef data_bags directory, if it does not yet exist (fixes an # issue where Chef was complaining that /var/chef/data_bags does not exist) require 'fileutils' databags_dir = "/var/chef/data_bags" FileUtils.mkpath(databags_dir) if !File.directory?(databags_dir) # Add code directories to Ruby LOAD_PATH. root_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..","..","..","..") code_dir = File.join(root_dir, "lib") $:.unshift(code_dir) # load gems and require files using Bundler require "toaster/util/load_bundler" package "gcc-c++" do action :install not_if "which g++" end # dependencies required for gems if platform_family?("debian") apt_package "libxml2-dev" apt_package "libxslt-dev" apt_package "nmap" do not_if "which nmap" end elsif platform_family?("fedora") || platform_family?("linux") yum_package "libxml2-devel" yum_package "libxslt-devel" yum_package "nmap" do not_if "which nmap" end end $installed_gems = `gem list --local`.strip all_gems_installed = true [ "ohai", # used as a framework to capture system state "activesupport", "bson", # JSON like datastructures "bson_ext", # native JSON extension "sexp_processor", # required by gem 'ruby_parser' "ruby_parser", "rails", # provides some utility methods "rspec", # unit tests "open4", # allows to read stdout from a forked process, line by line "jsonpath", # select sub-parts of a state property JSON document "hashdiff", # compute state property changes "tidy", # tidy XML support. Note: gem "tidy" is not compatible with some Ruby versions "tidy-ext", # XML tidy parsing "json", # JSON support ].uniq.each do |pkg| if node['toaster']['testing_mode'] && !$installed_gems.match(pkg) all_gems_installed = false r = gem_package pkg do action :install end end end bash "install_toaster_gem" do code <<-EOH gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc cloud-toaster EOH not_if "which toaster" end # start instrumentation of Chef environment $status_of_parsing_postprocessing_scripts = "off" $postprocessing_scripts = [] $postprocessing_scripts_by_name = {} # Add code directories to Ruby LOAD_PATH. if node['toaster']['additional_load_paths'].kind_of?(Array) node['toaster']['additional_load_paths'].each do |path| if File.exist?(path) puts "INFO: Adding folder to $LOAD_PATH: #{path}" $:.unshift(path) end end end if !File.directory?("#{node['toaster']['tmp_dir']}") `mkdir "#{node['toaster']['tmp_dir']}"` end if !$installed_gems.match("aquarium") `gem install aquarium` begin # the following two commands are used to load gems that were just installed Gem.clear_paths Gem.refresh rescue => ex puts "Unable to refresh Gem package list: #{ex}" end end $last_toaster_resource_name = "toaster_init_chef_listener" ruby_block $last_toaster_resource_name do block do begin # the following two commands are used to load gems that were actually installed # within this Chef run and are hence not yet available in this running instance. Gem.clear_paths Gem.refresh rescue => ex puts "Unable to refresh Gem package list: #{ex}" end require 'aquarium' require 'toaster/test_manager' require 'toaster/chef/chef_listener' begin db_type = node['toaster']['db_type'] mgr = Toaster::TestManager.new( { "db_type" => db_type, db_type => node['toaster'][db_type], "user_id" => node['toaster']['user_id'], "automation_uuid" => node['toaster']['automation_uuid'], "cookbook_paths" => node['toaster']['cookbook_paths'], "skip_tasks" => node['toaster']['skip_tasks'], "repeat_tasks" => node['toaster']['repeat_tasks'], "task_execution_timeout" => node['toaster']['task_execution_timeout'], "transfer_state_config" => node['toaster']['transfer_state_config'], "task_exec_timeout_repeated" => node['toaster']['task_exec_timeout_repeated'], "rest_timeout" => node['toaster']['rest_timeout'] ? node['toaster']['rest_timeout'] : 5*60 } ) Toaster::ChefListener.add_listener(mgr) rescue => ex puts "ERROR: Unable to initialize ToASTER: #{ex} - #{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}" end $chef_instrumented = true end not_if do (node['toaster']['testing_mode'] != true) || ($chef_instrumented) end end require "aquarium" Aquarium::Aspects::Aspect.new :around, :calls_to => /insert/, :for_types => [Chef::ResourceCollection], :method_options => :exclude_ancestor_methods do |jp, obj, *args| begin if jp.method_name.to_s == "insert" name = args[0].to_s if $status_of_parsing_postprocessing_scripts == "active" contained = false run_context.resource_collection.all_resources.each do |res| if res.to_s == name contained = true break end end if contained puts "INFO: Injecting/replacing post-processing resource '#{name}'." old_resource = run_context.resource_collection.find(name).target new_resource = args[0] new_resource.cookbook_name = old_resource.cookbook_name new_resource.recipe_name = old_resource.recipe_name new_resource.source_line = old_resource.source_line run_context.resource_collection.find(name).target = new_resource else puts "INFO: Appending new post-processing resource '#{name}'." run_context.resource_collection << Toaster::Proxy.new(args[0]) end else $status_of_parsing_postprocessing_scripts == "off" #puts "DEBUG: Wrapping resource #{jp.context.parameters[0]} with proxy object." jp.context.parameters[0] = Toaster::Proxy.new(jp.context.parameters[0]) jp.proceed end else begin jp.proceed rescue Object => exc puts "Exception intercepting Chef::ResourceCollection.#{jp.method_name}: #{exc.class} - #{exc} - #{exc.backtrace.join("\n")}" puts "Existing resources:" run_context.resource_collection.all_resources.each do |res| puts res end puts "--------" end end end end class Chef::Recipe include Toaster::ChefModules end # import "preprocessing" recipes. Lookup in the same directory as this file, # name pattern "pre__.rb" if node['toaster']['testing_mode'] recipe_dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) recipes_to_include = get_dynamic_recipes(recipe_dir, "pre") recipes_to_include.each do |recipe_to_include| puts "INFO: Including preparation recipe '#{recipe_to_include}'" begin include_recipe recipe_to_include rescue Object => exc puts "WARN: Exception in include_recipe: #{recipe_to_include}: #{exc.class} - #{exc} - #{exc.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end end