## Version 0.3.0 - Incorrectly assert_true against method which does not return true or false - Refs #16 - System now passes mock confdata into the options hash should the ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'test' - Fixes #16 - The URI to the form which can add news posts to the front page is now configurable in the ~/.ardtweeno/conf.yaml file - The system reads the variable newsURI and exposes the URI like eg: /b97cb9ae44747ee263363463b7e56/create/post - Refs #3 - Front page news posts are now serialised to ~/.ardtweeno/posts.yaml - Refs #3 - RESTAPI test fixtures were not correctly reading the mock configuration data - Fixes #15 - Refactored RESTAPI test fixtures to now use mock configuration data as intended - Fixes #15 - Fleshed out implementation for adding nodes to a watchlist - Added test fixtures for Ardtweeno::Dispatcher#addWatch and the Ardtweeno::NodeManager#addWatch - Added exceptions Ardtweeno::InvalidWatch and Ardtweeno::AlreadyWatched - Fixes #12 - Fixed bug in the skeleton implementation for the /api/v1/watch/node it now respects the parameters passed to it - Refs #12 - Updated README and ardtweeno-gem/README with latest changes - Finished basic implementation and integration of the Ardtweeno::SerialParser subsystem - Added test fixtures for Ardtweeno::SerialParser subsystem - Fixes #9 - Updated test/test_helper.rb to no longer ignore the parser_test.rb - Removed node.js SerialParser subsystem - Updated minimum Ruby version to 2.0.0p0 in the gemspec - Added Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JS libraries - Added skeleton implementation of the Ardtweeno::SerialParser subsystem - Modified Ardtweeno::Dispatcher #start and #stop to interface with the SerialParser - Refactored the Ardtweeno::Dispatcher#status? to be cleaner and easier to maintain in future - Added runtime dependencies to the gemspec. Fixes #14 - Added tests to cover Ardtweeno::Dispatcher#status? - While running tests, Ardtweeno::Dispatcher#status? now returns mock data - Refactored the gateway front end to allow tabbed content. fixes #11 - Implemented front end news story serialisation. Will be finished alongside refs #3 - Fleshed out functionality of /api/v1/system/status to include system load information. fixes #8 - Removed need for authentication to access /api/v1/system/status - Added a status tab on the front end which contains a highcharts graph showing gateway system load - Fixes #7 Added check for packets containing empty data, now correctly raises Ardtweeno::InvalidData - Updated main README.md - Updated README.md for the tech-demo - Broke out Ardtweeno Gateway port for the tech-demo to this config file - fixes #1 - breaks out hard coded URI's to a configuration file bundled with the tech-demo application - Added README.md for tech-demo directory - Added README.md for the arduino-fio-code directory - Added README.md to eaglecad directory - Added eagle-cad schematics for two sample Ardtweeno Sample Mesh Network Nodes - Typo in blog URI on Ardtweeno Gateway home view ## Version 0.2.5 Engineering Release 2 RC5 - Updated gemspec in preparation for release of ER 2 - Updated REST API to be more robust when printing news posts - Latest documentation build - Added documentation supporting the newly implemented watch list and push notifications - Added EagleCAD schematics for Ardtweeno Nodes - Added latest project documentation and image assets ## Version 0.2.4 Engineering Release 2 RC4 - Removed debugging statements from REST API Sinatra app - Updated Gemfile with a new dependency Typhoeus - Implemented push notification system - Implemented testing scheme for the push notifications - Implemented system for placing an Ardtweeno::Node in a watchlist - Implemented testing scheme for watchlist - Implemented test script to add a Node to a watchlist - Removed debug statements from rescue blocks ## Version 0.2.3 Engineering Release 2 RC3 - Slightly edited output from topology generator - Removed some debug statements from punchcard generator code - Added image assets for documentation - Updated project documentation to the latest versions - Removing debug statements - Implemented node punchcard graph generator - CHANGELOG updated to contain 0.2.2 featureset ## Version 0.2.2 Engineering Release 2 RC2 - Implemented tests to cover the post creation system - Implemented manual post update system - Added code highlighting to code blocks in posts - Added skeleton page for manually adding posts - Implemented skeleton API functionality for adding posts - Updated CSS ## Version 0.2.1 Engineering Release 2 RC2 - Latest codebase for the Ardtweeno project - Updated Arduino FIO firmware sketch for node1 to light led on detection of movement - Added new firmware for node1 movement sensor platform - Resolved issue with params not being passed correctly between methods - Implemented multiple zone statistics graphs being produced by the tech-demo - Added skeleton framework for handling contact form submits - Implemented statistics graph displaying on front of tech-demo - Removed a lot of unneeded javascript - Updated node sensor graph view to now correctly display the name of the node being graphed - Added link to return to the previous view from the node sensor graph view - Added a number of javascript libraries which will possibly be used later - Sensor graphs produced through /data/:node now use the last 60 packet data - Updated the node.js serialparser script to buffer fragmented data input better - Updated Arduino FIO firmware ## Version 0.2.0 Engineering Release 2 RC1 - Updated tech demo to return 503 Service Unavailable should the gateway be unavailable - Deleted nodejs compiled modules - Updated Ardtweeno RESTAPI to the latest codebase - Updated project documentation sections: API Spec, Iteration Plan and Project Backlog to the latest versions - Built latest version of the documentation - Fixed issue with the Twitter section of the tech demo being unaccessible through the sidebar menu - Implemented graph view - Implemented tech demo graphing code - Fleshed out node graphing skeleton code - Skeleton implementation of node graphs - Refactored tech-demo packets api call - Altered the api calls to the packets interface to retrieve the last 5 packets in the tech-demo - Updated project sections bibliography, iteration plan and backlog - Implemented dynamic generation of topology graph being loaded into the topology section of the tech-demo app - Deleted proof of concept topology generator script ## Version 0.1.13 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC13 - Updated README.md to include screenshot of the Topology Generator - Implemented dynamic topology graph generator using data pulled from the Ardtweeno API - Skeleton implementation of /gateway/topology in the tech-demo application - Updated project documentation section iteration plan to latest version - Updated tech demo with sample Raphael.js code for constructing a network topology graph - Implemented tests for /api/:version/system/status API calls - Implemented query for nodes - Implemented query for packets - Modified layout of control panel ## Version 0.1.12 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC12 - Updated sample Arduino FIO sketch - Implemented simple query for the zones api - Updated documentation sections api specification and iteration plan - Implemented gateway control panel system - Implemented addition to the rest api to include system status - Implemented basic ajax calls in the gateway control panel - Extending tech demo with control panel interface to control the gateway - Added CSS styling for URLS in the links section of the Ardtweeno Tech Demo - Updated tech-demo style to ensure forkme ribbon is in the correct place - Updated image assets used in tech-demo - Implemented Skeleton Tech Demo web app for the Ardtweeno system ## Version 0.1.11 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC11 - Implemented basic system for writing packets to the MongoDB Database - Implemented skeleton code to handle the database connection and recover from connection errors - Fixed bug with sorting of the packets being returned by the retrieve_packets REST API function - Added latest information on API specification documentation - Updated documentation to latest revisions ## Version 0.1.10 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC10 - Added API implementation and tests for zones - Added /api/v1/zones and /api/v1/zones/:zonename - Skeleton implementation of zones - Implemented /api/v1/system/config interface - Implemented tests for the system/config hook - Updated layout of the conf.yaml file to incorporate future zones data - Implemented testing suite for nodes filtering parameters - Implemented Ardtweeno::API functions to handle RESTAPI calls to filter nodes data ## Version 0.1.9 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC9 - Implemented /api/v1/nodes REST API target - Implemented Ardtweeno::API functions to handle nodes lookup - Implemented test suite to test newly added API nodes functions - Resolved previously unknown bug with newly constructed nodes not being passed initial parameters correctly - Updated project documentation to latest revisions ## Version 0.1.8 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC8 - Implemented REST API tests for date, hour and minute API calls - Implemented tests for the seqNo API calls - Implemented API handling of seqno, date, minute and hour - Implemented internal testing of seqno, date, minute and hour API features - Updated CHANGELOG file permissions to 644 - Added latest version of the section-iteration-plan documentation file - Removed resources/rest-api from the repo as it has now been successfully integrated elsewhere in the system ## Version 0.1.7 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC7 - Refactored RESTAPI system to ensure it can be executed directly from the gem root directory using the foreman Procfile launcher - Updated Ardtweeno gemspec - Updated image assets - Updated section-iteration-plan to latest revision ## Version 0.1.6 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC6 - Added rack-test, test-unit and removed simplecov gem requirements from Gemfile - Added empty bin folder to fix issues with gem build failing on Mac Ruby 1.8.7 - Updated require statements in the serialparser.rb - Updated gemspec to remove the bin folder - Added timing measurement functions to the API lookup function - Updated documentation section-iteration-plan and section-api-specification - Updated RESTAPI to ensure the rufus-scheduler continues to operate after being moved over to the foreman system - Updated REST API routes to best practices, API calls are now formatted like: /api/{version}/{target} - Updated the node.js serialparser implementation to work with the new REST API routes - Fixed issues with the REST API tests failing - Updated presentation-assets - Updated section-iteration-plan documentation to latest revision - Updated INSTALL instructions to the latest revision ## Version 0.1.5 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC5 - Added bundler configuration file for the REST API - Added foreman configuration file for launching the REST API - Renamed resources/rest-api/ardtweeno.rb -> web.rb to allow execution on the heroku.com paas - Updated image assets being used in project poster - Updated documentation section-iteration-plan to latest revision - Updated ardtweeno rest-api app scheduling to run serialisation every hour ## Version 0.1.4 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC4 - Implemented MVP functionality to write packets to ~/.ardtweeno/packetdb.yaml - Updated Gemfile dependency list to latest revision ## Version 0.1.3 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC3 - Updated Rakefile with exception handling to fail gracefully should a system not have bundler installed - Added exception handling to packet storage calls - Implemented the basic function structure for flushing packet data to disk - Updated dependencies to include rufus-scheduler - Updated CHANGELOG to the latest revision ## Version 0.1.2 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC2 - Added section-mvp-installation - Updated section-minimum-system-requirements - Updated section-project-deliverables - Switched method of handling dependencies to Bundler, added support files to enable change - Updated INSTALL instructions - Updated section-iteration-plan and section-api-specification to latest revisions ## Version 0.1.1 Minimum Viable Product Engineering Release 1 RC1 - Fixed issue with resultset transformation prioritisation, resultset sorting now performed last thing as intended - Updated README.md ## Version 0.1.0 - MVP featureset implemented ## Version 0.0.2 - Fixed typo in gemspec description ## Version 0.0.1 - Placeholder gem in place