module Adalog module StubLoggingAdapter ## # A factory to make new classes which implement the MockLogging def, repo, **stub_methods) new_logger_class = new_logger_class.instance_variable_set(:@service_name, service_name) new_logger_class.instance_variable_set(:@repo, repo) stub_methods.each do |message, value| new_logger_class.instance_exec do define_method(message, &StubLoggingAdapter.stub_method(message, value)) end end new_logger_class end ## # An isolated lambda to serve as the method body for stubs, both in # the ::new method and in the Base#initialize method. # Avoids repeating already clunky-looking logic. def self.stub_method(message, value) ->(*args, &block) { repo.insert( title: service_name, message: "'#{message}', which has been stubbed with '#{value}'.", details: args) unless nil == block value } end ## # Used as the superclass of all logging classes returned from ::new class Base ## # Store the service_name and repo at the class level rather than coming up with some # way of shoehorning it into each instance directly. class << self def service_name; @service_name ; end def repo ; @repo ; end end ## # Allows for overriding stubbed methods which were initially built into the mock adapter. # Does not explicitly restrict "overriding" to existing stubs, and so can be used to add # additional stubs to a specific instance. def initialize(**stub_method_overrides) stub_method_overrides.each do |message, value| define_singleton_method(message, &StubLoggingAdapter.stub_method(message, value)) end end ## # Convenience instance method versions of class-level storage of service_name and repo. def service_name; self.class.service_name ; end def repo ; self.class.repo ; end end end end