=== 1.0.5 / 2009-07-17

* Improved README and History documentation

=== 1.0.4 / 2009-07-17

* Bundled growlnotify (so always counts as installed)
* Added support for Windows
* Wrap OSX growlnotify to avoid dropped notifications

=== 1.0.2 / 2009-04-19

* Added new gemspec
* Removed capitalized gemspec name causing build issues

=== 1.0.1 / 2009-04-19

* Changed url for ticketing system

=== 1.0.0 / 2009-04-13

* Added new examples
* Added growlnotify install docs [#3]
* Changed; Growl#notify now normalizes the :icon option key [#2] (checkout README)

=== 0.0.6 / 2009-04-09

* Added #notify_{ok,info,warning,error} and images
* Added examples and updated docs
* Refactored Growl::Base.switch

=== 0.0.5 / 2009-04-08

* Now returning nil when trying to instantiate Growl when not installed

=== 0.0.4 / 2009-04-08

* We dont want visionmedia-Growl, shesh :p, fixed to lowercase

=== 0.0.3 / 2009-04-08

* Added #Growl hash support

=== 0.0.2 / 2009-04-08

* Github build me!!!

=== 0.0.1 / 2009-04-08

* Initial release