This document explains how to get started using Azure DNS Service with Fog.

## Usage

First of all, you need to require the Fog library by executing:

require 'fog/azurerm'

## Create Connection

Next, create a connection to the DNS Service:

    azure_dns_service = Fog::DNS::AzureRM.new(
        tenant_id:       '<Tenantid>',           # Tenant id of Azure Active Directory Application
        client_id:       '<Clientid>',           # Client id of Azure Active Directory Application
        client_secret:   '<ClientSecret>',       # Client Secret of Azure Active Directory Application
        subscription_id: '<Subscriptionid>'      # Subscription id of an Azure Account
## Create Zone

Create a new Zone

        name:           '<Zone name>',
        resource_group: '<Resource Group name>'
## List Zones

    azure_dns_service.zones.each do |zone|
        puts "#{zone.name}"
        puts "#{zone.resource_group}"

## Retrieve a single Zone

Get a single record of Zone

      zone = azure_dns_service
                          .get('<Zone name>', '<Resource Group name>')
      puts "#{zone.name}"

## Destroy a single Zone

Get Zone object from the get method(described above) and then destroy that Zone.


## Create Record Set

Create a new Record Set

        name:           '<Record Set name>',
        resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
        zone_name:      '<Zone Name>',
        records:        <String array of Records>,
        type:           '<Record Type(A/CNAME)>',
        ttl:            <Time to live(Integer)>
## List Record Sets

        resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>',
        zone_name:      '<Zone Name>'
    ).each do |record_set|
        puts "#{record_set.name}"
        puts "#{record_set.resource_group}"

## Retrieve a single Record Set

Get a single record of Record Set

      record_set = azure_dns_service
                           resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>',
                           zone_name:      '<Zone Name>'
                      .get('<Record Set name>', '<Record Type>')
      puts "#{record_set.name}"

## Destroy a single Record Set

Get Record Set object from the get method(described above) and then destroy that Record Set.


## Support and Feedback
Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with the fog ARM, you should file an issue via Github.