module Octopress module Deploy class Rsync def initialize(options) @options = options @flags = @options[:flags] || ' -rltDvz' @user = @options[:user] @port = @options[:port] @local = @options[:site_dir] @remote_path = @options[:remote_path] @exclude = @options[:exclude] @exclude_file = @options[:exclude_file] @exclude_file = File.expand_path(@exclude_file) if @exclude_file @include = @options[:include] @exclude_file = @options[:include_file] @exclude_file = File.expand_path(@include_file) if @include_file @delete = @options[:delete] || false @pull_dir = @options[:dir] end def push puts "Syncing #{@local} files to #{@remote_path} with rsync." system cmd end def pull puts "Syncing #{@remote_path} files to #{@pull_dir} with rsync." system cmd end def cmd local = '' remote = '' cmd = "rsync " cmd << "#{@flags} " cmd << " -e" if @exclude_file || @exclude cmd << " --exclude-from #{@exclude_file}" if @exclude_file cmd << " --exclude #{@exclude}" if @exclude cmd << " --include-from #{@include_file}" if @include_file cmd << " --include #{@include}" if @include cmd << " --rsh='ssh -p#{@port}'" if @user && @port cmd << " --delete" if @delete local << " #{File.join(@local, '')} " remote << " #{@user}:" if @user remote << "#{@remote_path}" if @pull_dir cmd << remote+'/ ' << @pull_dir else cmd << local << remote end end def self.default_config(options={}) <<-CONFIG #{"user: #{options[:user]}".ljust(40)} # The user for your host, e.g. #{"remote_path: #{options[:remote_path]}".ljust(40)} # Destination directory #{"delete: #{options[:delete]}".ljust(40)} # Remove files from destination which don't match files in source #{"# flags: #{options[:flags] || '-rltDvz'}".ljust(40)} # Modify flags as necessary to suit your hosting setup #{"# port: #{options[:port]}".ljust(40)} # If your host requires a non standard port #{"# exclude: ".ljust(40)} # Path to file containing list of files to exclude #{"# exclude-file: ".ljust(40)} # Path to file containing list of files to exclude #{"# include: ".ljust(40)} # Path to file containing list of files to include #{"# include-file: ".ljust(40)} # Path to file containing list of files to include CONFIG end end end end