[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gabetax/isolated_server.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gabetax/isolated_server) # Mysql Isolated Servers -- a gem for testing mysql stuff This gem provides functionality to quickly bring up and tear down mysql instances for the purposes of testing code against more advanced mysql topologies -- replication, vertical partitions, etc. I developed this as part of my testing strategy for implementing http://github.com/osheroff/ar_mysql_flexmaster, but it's been useful in developement of a couple of other projects too (http://github.com/osheroff/mmtop). ## Usage ``` $mysql_master = IsolatedServer::Mysql.new(allow_output: false) $mysql_master.boot! puts "mysql master booted on port #{$mysql_master.port} -- access with mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 --port=#{$mysql_master.port} mysql" $mysql_slave = IsolatedServer::Mysql.new $mysql_slave.boot! puts "mysql slave booted on port #{$mysql_slave.port} -- access with mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 --port=#{$mysql_slave.port} mysql" $mysql_slave_2 = IsolatedServer::Mysql.new $mysql_slave_2.boot! puts "mysql chained slave booted on port #{$mysql_slave_2.port} -- access with mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 --port=#{$mysql_slave_2.port} mysql" $mysql_slave.make_slave_of($mysql_master) $mysql_slave_2.make_slave_of($mysql_slave) $mysql_slave.set_rw(false) sleep if __FILE__ == $0 ```