require 'thor' require 'thor/runner' module Locomotive module Wagon module CLI module CheckPath protected # Check if the path given in option ('.' by default) points to a LocomotiveCMS # site. It is also possible to pass a path other than the one from the options. # # @param [ String ] path The optional path of the site instead of options['path'] # # @return [ String ] The fullpath to the LocomotiveCMS site or nil if it is not a valid site. # def check_path!(path = nil) path ||= options['path'] path = path == '.' ? Dir.pwd : File.expand_path(path) (File.exists?(File.join(path, 'config', 'site.yml')) ? path : nil).tap do |_path| if _path.nil? say 'The path does not point to a LocomotiveCMS site', :red end end end end class Generate < Thor include Locomotive::Wagon::CLI::CheckPath class_option :path, aliases: '-p', type: :string, default: '.', optional: true, desc: 'if your LocomotiveCMS site is not in the current path' desc 'content_type NAME FIELDS', 'Create a content type with NAME as the slug and FIELDS as the list of fields.' long_desc <<-LONGDESC Create a content type with NAME as the slug and FIELDS as the list of fields. The fields follows that schema: field_1[:type][:required] field_2[:type][:required] Examples: * wagon generate content_type songs name:string duration:string * wagon generate content_type posts title body:text:true published_at:date LONGDESC def content_type(name, *fields) say('The fields are missing', :red) and return false if fields.empty? if check_path! Locomotive::Wagon.generate :content_type, name, self.options['path'], fields end end desc 'page FULLPATH', 'Create a page. No need to pass an extension to the FULLPATH arg' long_desc <<-LONGDESC Create a page. The generator will ask for the extension (liquid or haml) and also if the page is localized or not. Examples: * wagon generate page contact * wagon generate page about_us/me LONGDESC def page(fullpath) if path = check_path! locales = self.site_config(path)['locales'] Locomotive::Wagon.generate :page, fullpath, self.options['path'], locales end end desc 'snippet SLUG', 'Create a snippet' long_desc <<-LONGDESC Create a snippet. The generator will ask for the extension (liquid or haml) and also if the snippet is localized or not. Example: * wagon generate snippet footer LONGDESC def snippet(slug) if path = check_path! locales = self.site_config(path)['locales'] Locomotive::Wagon.generate :snippet, slug, self.options['path'], locales end end protected # Read the YAML config file of a LocomotiveCMS site. # The path should be returned by the check_path! method first. # # @param [ String ] path The full path to a LocomotiveCMS site. # # @return [ Hash ] The site # def site_config(path = nil) YAML.load_file(File.join(path, 'config', 'site.yml')) end end class Main < Thor include Locomotive::Wagon::CLI::CheckPath desc 'version', 'Version of the LocomotiveCMS wagon' def version require 'locomotive/wagon/version' say Locomotive::Wagon::VERSION end desc 'init NAME [PATH]', 'Create a brand new LocomotiveCMS site' method_option :template, aliases: '-t', type: 'string', default: 'blank', desc: 'instead of building from a blank site, you can have a pre-fetched site with form a template (see the templates command)' def init(name, path = '.') require 'locomotive/wagon/generators/site' generator = Locomotive::Wagon::Generators::Site.get(options[:template]) if generator.nil? say "Unknown site template '#{options[:template]}'", :red else begin Locomotive::Wagon.init(name, path, generator) rescue GeneratorException => e say e.message, :red end end end desc 'generate TYPE ...ARGS', 'Generate resources (content_types, page, snippets) for a LocomotiveCMS site' subcommand 'generate', Generate desc 'list_templates', 'List all the templates to create either a site or a content type' def list_templates require 'locomotive/wagon/generators/site' if Locomotive::Wagon::Generators::Site.empty? say 'No templates', :red else Locomotive::Wagon::Generators::Site.list.each do |info| say, :bold, false say " - #{info.description}" unless info.description.blank? end end end desc 'serve [PATH]', 'Serve a LocomotiveCMS site from the file system' method_option :host, aliases: '-h', type: 'string', default: '', desc: 'The host (address) of the Thin server' method_option :port, aliases: '-p', type: 'string', default: '3333', desc: 'The port of the Thin server' def serve(path = '.') if check_path!(path) begin Locomotive::Wagon.serve(path, options) rescue Exception => e say e.message, :red end end end desc 'push ENV [PATH]', 'Push a site to a remote LocomotiveCMS engine' method_option :resources, aliases: '-r', type: 'array', default: nil, desc: 'Only push the resource(s) passed in argument' method_option :force, aliases: '-f', type: 'boolean', default: false, desc: 'Force the push of a resource' method_option :data, aliases: '-d', type: 'boolean', default: false, desc: 'Push the content entries and the editable elements (by default, they are not)' def push(env, path = '.') if check_path!(path) if connection_info = self.retrieve_connection_info(env, path) begin Locomotive::Wagon.push(path, connection_info, options) rescue Exception => e say e.message, :red end end end end desc 'pull ENV [PATH]', 'Pull a site from a remote LocomotiveCMS engine' method_option :resources, aliases: '-r', type: 'array', default: nil, desc: 'Only pull the resource(s) passed in argument' # method_option :force, aliases: '-f', type: 'boolean', default: false, desc: 'Force the push of a resource' # method_option :data, aliases: '-d', type: 'boolean', default: false, desc: 'Push the content entries and the editable elements (by default, they are not)' def pull(env, path = '.') if check_path!(path) if connection_info = self.retrieve_connection_info(env, path) begin Locomotive::Wagon.pull(path, connection_info, options) rescue Exception => e say e.message, :red end end end end desc 'destroy ENV [PATH]', 'Destroy a remote LocomotiveCMS engine' def destroy(env, path = '.') if check_path!(path) if connection_info = self.retrieve_connection_info(env, path) if ask('Are you sure ?', limited_to: %w(yes no)) == 'yes' Locomotive::Wagon.destroy(path, connection_info) else say 'The destroy operation has been cancelled', :red end end end end protected # From a site specified by a path, retrieve the information of the connection # for a environment located in the config/deploy.yml file of the site. # # @param [ String ] env The environment (development, staging, production, ...etc) # @param [ String ] path The path of the local site # # @return [ Hash ] The information of the connection or nil if errors # def retrieve_connection_info(env, path) connection_info = nil begin path_to_deploy_file = File.join(path, 'config', 'deploy.yml') connection_info = YAML::load([env.to_s] if connection_info.nil? raise "No #{env.to_s} environment found in the config/deploy.yml file" end rescue Exception => e say "Unable to read the information about the remote LocomotiveCMS site (#{e.message})", :red end connection_info end end end end end