###################################################################### # HEROKU TASKS # ###################################################################### Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do heroku_tasks = [ "heroku:credentials", "heroku:credentials:default", "deploy", "deploy:default", "deploy:initial", "deploy:restart", "deploy:migrate", "deploy:rollback", "deploy:rollback:default", "deploy:web:enable", "deploy:web:disable", "website:install", "website:remove", "db:drop", "db:backup", "db:reset_and_seed", "db:seed", "shell", "invoke" ] on :start, "heroku:credentials", :only => heroku_tasks on :start, "heroku:raise_error", :except => heroku_tasks namespace :heroku do namespace :domain do desc <<-DESC Installs a new domain for the application on the Heroku server. DESC task :install do `heroku domains:add #{deploy_name}` end desc <<-DESC Removes the domain for the application from the Heroku server. DESC task :remove do `heroku domains:remove #{deploy_name}` end namespace :addon do desc <<-DESC Add the Custom Domain Addon to the server. DESC task :install do `heroku addons:add custom_domains:basic` end desc <<-DESC Removes the Custom Domain Addon from the server. DESC task :remove do `heroku addons:remove custom_domains:basic` end end end namespace :credentials do desc <<-DESC Selects the correct Heroku credentials for use given the current user. If a credentials file already exists, it is backed up. DESC task :default do if File.exist? heroku_credentials_file heroku.credentials.backup end if File.exist? "#{heroku_credentials_path}/#{user}_credentials" heroku.credentials.switch else heroku.credentials.create end end desc <<-DESC [internal] Backs up the current credentials file. DESC task :backup do account = File.readlines(heroku_credentials_file)[0].chomp File.rename(heroku_credentials_file, "#{heroku_credentials_path}/#{account}_credentials") end desc <<-DESC [internal] Creates a Heroku credentials file. DESC task :create do `if [ ! -d #{heroku_credentials_path} ]; then mkdir -p #{heroku_credentials_path}; fi` `echo #{user} > #{heroku_credentials_file}` `echo #{password} >> #{heroku_credentials_file}` end desc <<-DESC [internal] Switches the credentials file to either the current use or the name specified by the `HEROKU_ACCOUNT` environment variable. DESC task :switch do account_to_switch_to = ENV['HEROKU_ACCOUNT'] || user File.rename("#{heroku_credentials_path}/#{account_to_switch_to}_credentials", heroku_credentials_file) end end desc <<-DESC [internal] Raises an error if someone tries to run a task other than those that are valid for a Heroku deployment. DESC task :raise_error do raise "Deploying the #{rails_env} environment to Heroku. This command is invalid." end end namespace :deploy do desc <<-DESC The standard deployment task. It will check out a new release of the code, run any pending migrations and restart the application. DESC task :default do `git push heroku #{branch}` deploy.migrate deploy.restart end desc <<-DESC Restarts the application. DESC task :restart do `heroku restart` end desc <<-DESC Runs the migrate rake task. DESC task :migrate do `heroku rake db:migrate` end desc <<-DESC Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. DESC namespace :rollback do task :default do `heroku rollback` deploy.restart end end namespace :web do desc "Removes the maintenance page to resume normal site operation." task :enable do `heroku maintenance:off` end desc "Diplays the maintenance page." task :disable do `heroku maintenance:on` end end desc "Prepare the server for deployment." task :initial do website.install heroku.domain.addon.install db.backup.addon.install heroku.domain.install `heroku config:add BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test"` deploy.default end end namespace :website do desc "Installs the application on Heroku" task :install do `heroku create #{application}` end desc "Completely removes application from Heroku" task :remove do `heroku destroy --confirm #{application}` end end namespace :db do desc "Removes the DB from the Server. Also removes the user." task :drop do `heroku pg:reset` end namespace :backup do desc "Backup the database" task :default do `heroku pgbackups:capture` end namespace :addon do desc <<-DESC Add the Postgres Backups Addon to the server. DESC task :install do `heroku addons:add pgbackups:basic` end desc <<-DESC Removes the Postgres Backups Addon from the server. DESC task :remove do `heroku addons:remove pgbackups:basic` end end end desc "Reset database and seed fresh" task :reset_and_seed do raise "I'm sorry Dave, but I can't let you do that. I have full control over production." if rails_env == 'production' db.backup `heroku pg:reset` `heroku rake db:seed` end desc "Seed database" task :seed do raise "I'm sorry Dave, but I can't let you do that. I have full control over production." if rails_env == 'production' db.backup `heroku rake db:seed` end end desc "Begin an interactive Heroku session." task :shell do `heroku shell` end desc "Invoke a single command on the Heroku server." task :invoke do `heroku invoke #{ENV['COMMAND']}` end end ###################################################################### # HEROKU CHECKS # ###################################################################### Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :capabilities do namespace :check do desc <<-DESC [internal] Checks to see if all necessary Heroku environment variables have been set up. DESC task :heroku do required_variables = [ :deploy_name, :user, :heroku_credentials_path, :heroku_credentials_file ] verify_variables(required_variables) end end end end ###################################################################### # HEROKU DEFAULTS # ###################################################################### Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :capabilities do namespace :defaults do desc "[internal] Sets intelligent defaults for Heroku deployments" task :heroku do _cset :heroku_credentials_path, "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.heroku" _cset :heroku_credentials_file, "#{heroku_credentials_path}/credentials" _cset(:password) {Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Encrypted Heroku Password: ")} end end end end