module Effective class Page < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :current_user # These parent / children are for the menu as well belongs_to :menu_parent, class_name: 'Effective::Page', optional: true has_many :menu_children, -> { Effective::Page.menuable }, class_name: 'Effective::Page', foreign_key: :menu_parent_id, inverse_of: :menu_parent acts_as_role_restricted acts_as_slugged has_many_rich_texts log_changes if respond_to?(:log_changes) self.table_name = EffectivePages.pages_table_name.to_s effective_resource do title :string meta_description :string draft :boolean layout :string template :string slug :string # Menu stuff menu :boolean menu_name :string menu_title :string menu_url :string menu_position :integer # Access roles_mask :integer authenticate_user :boolean timestamps end before_validation(if: -> { menu? && menu_position.blank? }) do self.menu_position = (self.class.where(menu_parent: menu_parent).maximum(:menu_position) || -1) + 1 end validate(if: -> { menu_url.present? }) do unless menu_url.start_with?('http://') || menu_url.start_with?('https://') || menu_url.start_with?('/') self.errors.add(:menu_url, "must start with http(s):// or /") end end validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :meta_description, presence: true, length: { maximum: 150 } validates :layout, presence: true validates :template, presence: true validates :menu_name, if: -> { menu? && EffectivePages.menus.present? }, presence: true, inclusion: { in: } # validates :menu_position, if: -> { menu? }, # presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: [:menu_name, :menu_parent_id] } scope :deep, -> { includes(:menu_parent, menu_children: :menu_parent) } scope :draft, -> { where(draft: true) } scope :published, -> { where(draft: false) } scope :sorted, -> { order(:title) } scope :on_menu, -> { where(menu: true) } scope :except_home, -> { where.not(title: 'Home') } scope :menuable, -> { where(menu: true).order(:menu_position) } scope :menu_deep, -> { includes(:menu_parent, :menu_children) } scope :for_menu, -> (name) { menuable.where(menu_name: name) } scope :for_menu_root, -> (name) { for_menu(name).menu_deep.root_level } scope :root_level, -> { where(menu_parent_id: nil) } def to_s title end def published? !draft? end # Returns a duplicated post object, or throws an exception def duplicate'id', 'updated_at', 'created_at')).tap do |page| page.title = page.title + ' (Copy)' page.slug = page.slug + '-copy' rich_texts.each do |rt| page.send("rich_text_#{}=", rt.body) end page.draft = true end end def duplicate! duplicate.tap { |page|! } end end end