# PhraseApp In-Context-Editor # *This Ruby gem is for use with Ruby/Rails applications only. Check out the [documentation](http://docs.phraseapp.com/guides/in-context-editor/) to learn how to set up the In-Context-Editor with other technologies.* [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/phrase/phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/phrase/phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby) PhraseApp is the translation management solution for web and mobile applications. Collaborate with your team, find professional translators and stay on top of the process. [Try out Phraseapp for free](https://phraseapp.com/signup) and start translating your app! *Note: This gem [documentation](http://docs.phraseapp.com/guides/in-context-editor/) to learn how to install the In-Context-Editor with other technologies.* ## In-Context-Editor ### How awesome would it be if translators could simply browse your website and edit text along the way? Our In-Context Editor offers just that. It provides translators with useful contextual information which improves overall translation quality. See our documentation on how to set it up: [In-Context Editor Setup](http://docs.phraseapp.com/guides/in-context-editor/). ## Installation ### Install the gem Install the gem via `gem install`: gem install phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby or add it to your `Gemfile` when using bundler: gem 'phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby' and install it: $ bundle install Next, create the initializer file by executing the Rails generator: $ bundle exec rails generate phraseapp-in-context-editor-ruby:install --access-token= --project-id= ##### --access-token You can create and manage access tokens in your [profile settings](https://phraseapp.com/settings/profile/oauth_access_tokens) or via the [Authorizations API](http://docs.phraseapp.com/api/v2/authorizations). ##### --project-id You can find the ID of your project in your project settings in Translation Center. ### Add the JavaScript helper Next, add the Javascript helper to your Rails application layout file: <%= phraseapp_in_context_editor_js %> If you don't want to use the helper but add the plain Javascript yourself, head over to our [documentation](http://docs.phraseapp.com/guides/in-context-editor/) to learn more. ### Done! Restart your application to see the In-Context-Editor in action! ## Upgrading from the old phrase gem If you're upgrading from the `phrase` gem (which is now deprecated), you will notice several changes: 1. The gem no longer provides the `push`/`pull` commands. This functionality is now provided by our new [command line client](https://github.com/phrase/phraseapp-client). 2. The gem also no longer implements it's own API client, but uses the [phraseapp-ruby gem](https://github.com/phrase/phraseapp-ruby) for API communication. ## Further Information * [Read the PhraseApp Documentation](http://docs.phraseapp.com/) * [Software Translation Management with PhraseApp](https://phraseapp.com/features) * [Contact us](https://phraseapp.com/contact) ## References * [PhraseApp API Documentation](http://docs.phraseapp.com/api/v2/) * [In-Context-Editor Demo](http://demo.phraseapp.com) * [Localization Guides and Software Translation Best Practices](http://localize-software.phraseapp.com/)