# Next Release ## 5.4.0 (10/09/2016) * Support rails 5.1 * Extract stack trace filtering into module ## 5.3.0 (15/08/2016) * Fix false alert on through association with join sql #301 * Fix association.target in `through_association` can be singular #302 * Support `find_by_sql` #303 * Fix env `REQUEST_URI` ## 5.2.0 (07/26/2016) * Fix `has_cached_counter?` is not defined in HABTM #297 * Fix false alert if preloaded association has no records #260 * Support Rails 5.0.0 ## 5.1.0 (05/21/2016) * Fix false alert when `empty?` used with `counter_cache` * Fix `alias_method_chain` deprecation for rails 5 * Add response handling for non-Rails Rack responses * Fix false alert when querying immediately after creation * Fix UnusedEagerLoading bug when multiple eager loading query include same objects ## 5.0.0 (01/06/2016) * Support Rails 5.0.0.beta1 * Fix `has_many :through` infinite loop issue * Support mongoid 5.0.0 * Do not report association queries immediately after object creation to require a preload * Detect `counter_cache` for `has_many :through` association * Compatible with `composite_primary_keys` gem * Fix AR 4.2 SingularAssociation#reader result can be nil * `perform_out_of_channel_notifications` should always be triggered * Fix false positive with `belongs_to` -> `belongs_to` for active\_record 4.2 * Activate active\_record hacks only when Bullet already start * Don't execute query when running `to_sql` * Send backtrace to `uniform_notifier` * Fix sse response check * Dynamically delegate available notifiers to UniformNotifier * Hotfix nil object when `add_impossible_object` * Fix `has_one` then `has_many` associations in rails 4.2 * Append js and dom to html body in proper position ## 4.14.0 (10/03/2014) * Support rails 4.2 * Polish notification output * Fix warning: `*' interpreted as argument prefix ## 4.13.0 (07/19/2014) * Support include? call on ar associations ## 4.12.0 (07/13/2014) * Fix false n+1 queries caused by inversed objects. * Replace .id with .primary_key_value * Rename bullet_ar_key to bullet_key * Fix rails sse detect * Fix bullet using in test environment * Memoize whoami ## 4.11.0 (06/24/2014) * Support empty? call on ar associations * Skip detecting if object is a new record ## 4.10.0 (06/06/2014) * Handle join query smarter * Support mongoid 4.0 * Thread safe * Add debug mode ## 4.9.0 (04/30/2014) * Add Bullet.stacktrace_includes option * Applied keyword argument fixes on Ruby 2.2.0 * Add bugsnag notifier * Support rails 4.1.0 ## 4.8.0 (02/16/2014) * Support rails 4.1.0.beta1 * Update specs to be RSpec 3.0 compatible * Update latest minor version activerecord and mongoid on travis ## 4.7.0 (11/03/2013) * Add coverall support * Add helper to profile code outside a request * Add activesupport dependency * Add Bullet.raise notification * Add Bullet.add_footer notification * Fix activerecord4 warnings in test code ## 4.6.0 (04/18/2013) * Fix Bullet::Rack to support sinatra ## 4.5.0 (03/24/2013) * Add api way to access captured associatioin * Allow disable n_plus_one_query, unused_eager_loading and counter_cache respectively * Add whitelist ## 4.4.0 (03/15/2013) * Remove disable_browser_cache option * Compatible with Rails 4.0.0.beta1 ## 4.3.0 (12/28/2012) * Fix content-length for non ascii html * Add mongoid 2.5.x support ## 4.2.0 (09/29/2012) * Add Bullet::Dependency to check AR and mongoid version * Add Rails 4 support * Add airbrake notifier support ## 4.1.0 (05/30/2012) * Add mongoid 3 support ## 4.0.0 (05/09/2012) * Add mongoid support