# Add the directory containing this file to the start of the load path if it
# isn't there already.
$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless
$:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
require 'git/base'
require 'git/path'
require 'git/lib'
require 'git/repository'
require 'git/index'
require 'git/working_directory'
require 'git/log'
require 'git/object'
require 'git/branches'
require 'git/branch'
require 'git/remote'
require 'git/diff'
require 'git/status'
require 'git/author'
require 'git/stashes'
require 'git/stash'
lib = Git::Lib.new(nil, nil)
unless lib.meets_required_version?
$stderr.puts "[WARNING] The git gem requires git #{lib.required_command_version.join('.')} or later, but only found #{lib.current_command_version.join('.')}. You should probably upgrade."
# Git/Ruby Library
# This provides bindings for working with git in complex
# interactions, including branching and merging, object
# inspection and manipulation, history, patch generation
# and more. You should be able to do most fundamental git
# operations with this library.
# This module provides the basic functions to open a git
# reference to work with. You can open a working directory,
# open a bare repository, initialize a new repo or clone an
# existing remote repository.
# Author:: Scott Chacon (mailto:schacon@gmail.com)
# License:: MIT License
module Git
VERSION = '1.0.4'
# open a bare repository
# this takes the path to a bare git repo
# it expects not to be able to use a working directory
# so you can't checkout stuff, commit things, etc.
# but you can do most read operations
def self.bare(git_dir, options = {})
Base.bare(git_dir, options)
# open an existing git working directory
# this will most likely be the most common way to create
# a git reference, referring to a working directory.
# if not provided in the options, the library will assume
# your git_dir and index are in the default place (.git/, .git/index)
# options
# :repository => '/path/to/alt_git_dir'
# :index => '/path/to/alt_index_file'
def self.open(working_dir, options = {})
Base.open(working_dir, options)
# initialize a new git repository, defaults to the current working directory
# options
# :repository => '/path/to/alt_git_dir'
# :index => '/path/to/alt_index_file'
def self.init(working_dir = '.', options = {})
Base.init(working_dir, options)
# clones a remote repository
# options
# :bare => true (does a bare clone)
# :repository => '/path/to/alt_git_dir'
# :index => '/path/to/alt_index_file'
# example
# Git.clone('git://repo.or.cz/rubygit.git', 'clone.git', :bare => true)
def self.clone(repository, name, options = {})
Base.clone(repository, name, options)
# Export the current HEAD (or a branch, if options[:branch]
# is specified) into the +name+ directory, then remove all traces of git from the
# directory.
# See +clone+ for options. Does not obey the :remote option,
# since the .git info will be deleted anyway; always uses the default
# remote, 'origin.'
def self.export(repository, name, options = {})
repo = clone(repository, name, {:depth => 1}.merge(options))
repo.checkout("origin/#{options[:branch]}") if options[:branch]
Dir.chdir(repo.dir.to_s) { FileUtils.rm_r '.git' }
#g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
#g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') # sets value
#g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
#g.config # returns whole config hash
def config(name = nil, value = nil)
lib = Git::Lib.new
if(name && value)
# set value
lib.config_set(name, value)
elsif (name)
# return value
# return hash
# Same as g.config, but forces it to be at the global level
#g.config('user.name', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
#g.config('user.email', 'email@email.com') # sets value
#g.config('user.name') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
#g.config # returns whole config hash
def self.global_config(name = nil, value = nil)
lib = Git::Lib.new(nil, nil)
if(name && value)
# set value
lib.global_config_set(name, value)
elsif (name)
# return value
# return hash
def global_config(name = nil, value = nil)
self.class.global_config(name, value)