require 'helper' CONFIG_TEST_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config_test.yaml') # contents of config_test.yaml CONFIG_CONTENTS = { :config => { :base_url => '', :username => 'admin', :password => 'letmein' } } CONFIG_CONTENTS.freeze class TestSession < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "The SugarCRM::Session class" do should "raise SugarCRM::MissingCredentials if at least one of url/username/password is missing" do assert_raise(SugarCRM::MissingCredentials){ SugarCRM.connect('', nil, nil) } end should "assign namespaces in a way that prevents collisions" do begin # Namespae0 already assigned (linked to the current connection) One = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) Two = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) One.disconnect! Three = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) assert_not_equal Two, Three # namespaces must be different ensure Two.disconnect! Three.disconnect! end end should "parse config parameters from a file" do assert_equal CONFIG_CONTENTS, SugarCRM::Session.parse_config_file(CONFIG_TEST_PATH) end should "create a session from a config file" do assert_difference('SugarCRM.namespaces.size') do SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) end SugarCRM.const_get(SugarCRM.namespaces.last).disconnect end end context "A SugarCRM::Session instance" do should "load monkey patch extensions" do SugarCRM.extensions_folder = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'extensions_test') assert SugarCRM::Contact.is_extended? assert SugarCRM::Contact.is_extended? end should "implement reload!" do assert_nothing_raised do SugarCRM.reload! end end should "load config file" do SugarCRM.load_config CONFIG_TEST_PATH, :reconnect => false CONFIG_CONTENTS[:config].each{|k,v| assert_equal v, SugarCRM.config[k]} SugarCRM.load_config CONFIG_PATH end should "be able to disconnect, and log in to Sugar automatically if credentials are present in config file" do assert_nothing_raised{ SugarCRM.current_user } assert SugarCRM.sessions.size == 1 SugarCRM.disconnect! assert SugarCRM.sessions.size == 0 assert_raise(SugarCRM::NoActiveSession){ SugarCRM.current_user } SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) assert_nothing_raised{ SugarCRM.current_user } assert SugarCRM.sessions.size == 1 end should "update the login credentials on connection" do config = YAML.load_file(CONFIG_PATH) # was loaded in helper.rb ["base_url", "username", "password"].each{|k| assert_equal config["config"][k], SugarCRM.config[k.to_sym] } end should "return the server version" do assert_equal String, SugarCRM.sugar_version.class end end context "The SugarCRM module" do should "show the only the namespaces currently in use with SugarCRM.namespaces" do assert_equal 1, SugarCRM.namespaces.size begin assert_difference('SugarCRM.namespaces.size') do OneA = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) end ensure assert_difference('SugarCRM.namespaces.size', -1) do OneA.disconnect! end end end should "add a used namespace on each new connection" do begin assert_difference('SugarCRM.used_namespaces.size') do OneB = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) end ensure # connection (and namespace) is reused => no used namespace should be added assert_no_difference('SugarCRM.used_namespaces.size') do OneB.reconnect! end end assert_no_difference('SugarCRM.used_namespaces.size') do OneB.disconnect! end end should "not allow access to methods on SugarCRM if there are multiple active connections" do begin OneC = SugarCRM::Session.from_file(CONFIG_PATH) assert_raise(SugarCRM::MultipleSessions){ SugarCRM.current_user } ensure OneC.disconnect! end end end end