# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 SUSE LLC # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, contact SUSE LLC. # # To contact SUSE about this file by physical or electronic mail, # you may find current contact information at www.suse.com class Card # Assuming we have card titles as follows '(8) This is the card name' ESTIMATED_REGEX = /\(([\d.]+)\)/ PRIORITY_REGEX = /^(?:\([\d.]+\) )?P(\d+): / SPRINT_NUMBER_REGEX = /\ASprint (\d+)/ def initialize(board_data, card_id) init_data(board_data, card_id) end def init_data(board_data, card_id) @board_data = board_data @card_data = @board_data["cards"].select{|c| c["id"] == card_id}.first end def as_json JSON.pretty_generate(@card_data) end def estimated? name =~ ESTIMATED_REGEX end def story_points return 0.0 unless estimated? name.match(ESTIMATED_REGEX).captures.first.to_f end def priority return unless m = name.match(PRIORITY_REGEX) m.captures.first.to_i end def priority=(n) if priority @card_data["name"].sub!(/P\d+: /, "P#{n}: ") else @card_data["name"] = "P#{n}: #{name}" end end def done_tasks count = 0 @card_data["checklists"].each do |checklist| if checklist["name"] != "Feedback" checklist["checkItems"].each do |checklist_item| if checklist_item["state"] == "complete" count += 1 end end end end count end def tasks count = 0 @card_data["checklists"].each do |checklist| if checklist["name"] != "Feedback" count += checklist["checkItems"].count end end count end def card_labels @card_data["labels"] end def checklists checklists = [] @card_data["checklists"].each do |checklist| checklists.push(Checklist.new(checklist)) end checklists end def desc @card_data["desc"] end def extra? self.card_labels.any? do |label| label['name'].include?('BelowWaterline') || label['name'].include?('Under waterline') end end def unplanned? self.card_labels.any? do |label| label['name'].include?('Unplanned') end end def meta_card? name =~ SPRINT_NUMBER_REGEX end def sprint_number raise ArgumentError unless meta_card? name.match(SPRINT_NUMBER_REGEX).captures.first.to_i end def fast_lane? # TODO: move to settings self.card_labels.map{|l| l['name']}.include?('FastLane') end #TODO: rethink storage for meta data for sprint def self.parse_yaml_from_description(description) description =~ /```(yaml)?\n(.*)```/m yaml = $2 if yaml return YAML.load(yaml) # throws an exception for invalid yaml else return nil end end def name @card_data["name"] end def name=(str) @card_data["name"] = str end def id @card_data["id"] end end