# 4.0.2 (December 2nd, 2022) Bugfixes: - Stop crashing on non-hash json (@knarewski, #697) - Handle when Rails is partially loaded as a Gem (@TSMMark, #687) Features: - Add support for redis-client, which does not automatically cast types to strings (@knarewski, #696) - Add ability to initialize experiments (@robin-phung, #673) Misc: - Fix default branch name and gem metadata indentation (@ursm, #693) - Update actions/checkout to v3 (@andrehjr, #683) - Enforce double quotes (@andrehjr, #682) - Fix Rubocop Style/* Offenses (@andrehjr, #681) - Enable rubocop on Github Actions (@andrehjr, #680) - Fix all Layout issues on the project (@andrehjr, #679) - Fix Style/HashSyntax offenses (@andrehjr, #678) - Remove usage of deprecated implicit block expectation from specs (@andrehjr, #677) - Remove appraisals configuration (@andrehjr, #676) - Add Ruby 3.1 (@andrehjr, #675) - Encapsulate Split::Algorithms at our own module to avoid explicit calling rubystats everywhere (@andrehjr, #674) ## 4.0.1 (December 30th, 2021) Bugfixes: - ab_test must return metadata on error or if split is disabled/excluded user (@andrehjr, #622) - Fix versioned experiments when used with allow_multiple_experiments=control (@andrehjr, #613) - Only block Pinterest bot (@huoxito, #606) - Respect experiment defaults when loading experiments in initializer. (@mattwd7, #599) - Removes metadata key when it updated to nil (@andrehjr, #633) - Force experiment does not count for metrics (@andrehjr, #637) - Fix cleanup_old_versions! misbehaviour (@serggl, #661) Features: - Make goals accessible via on_trial_complete callbacks (@robin-phung, #625) - Replace usage of SimpleRandom with RubyStats(Used for Beta Distribution RNG) (@andrehjr, #616) - Introduce enable/disable experiment cohorting (@robin-phung, #615) - Add on_experiment_winner_choose callback (@GenaMinenkov, #574) - Add Split::Cache to reduce load on Redis (@rdh, #648) - Caching based optimization in the experiment#save path (@amangup, #652) - Adds config option for cookie domain (@joedelia, #664) Misc: - Drop support for Ruby < 2.5 (@andrehjr, #627) - Drop support for Rails < 5 (@andrehjr, #607) - Bump minimum required redis to 4.2 (@andrehjr, #628) - Removed repeated loading from config (@robin-phung, #619) - Simplify RedisInterface usage when persisting Experiment alternatives (@andrehjr, #632) - Remove redis_url impl. Deprecated on version 2.2 (@andrehjr, #631) - Remove thread_safe config as redis-rb is thread_safe by default (@andrehjr, #630) - Fix typo of in `Split::Trial` class variable (TomasBarry, #644) - Single HSET to update values, instead of multiple ones (@andrehjr, #640) - Use Redis#hmset to keep compatibility with Redis < 4.0 (@andrehjr, #659) - Remove 'set' parsing for alternatives. Sets were used as storage and deprecated on 0.x (@andrehjr, #639) - Adding documentation related to what is stored on cookies. (@andrehjr, #634) - Keep railtie defined under the Split gem namespace (@avit, #666) - Update RSpec helper to support block syntax (@clowder, #665) ## 3.4.1 (November 12th, 2019) Bugfixes: - Reference ActionController directly when including split helpers, to avoid breaking Rails API Controllers (@andrehjr, #602) ## 3.4.0 (November 9th, 2019) Features: - Improve DualAdapter (@santib, #588), adds a new configuration for the DualAdapter, making it possible to keep consistency for logged_out/logged_in users. It's a opt-in flag. No Behavior was changed on this release. - Make dashboard pagination default "per" param configurable (@alopatin, #597) Bugfixes: - Fix `force_alternative` for experiments with incremented version (@giraffate, #568) - Persist alternative weights (@giraffate, #570) - Combined experiment performance improvements (@gnanou, #575) - Handle correctly case when ab_finished is called before ab_test for a user (@gnanou, #577) - When loading active_experiments, it should not look into user's 'finished' keys (@andrehjr, #582) Misc: - Remove `rubyforge_project` from gemspec (@giraffate, #583) - Fix URLs to replace http with https (@giraffate , #584) - Lazily include split helpers in ActionController::Base (@hasghari, #586) - Fix unused variable warnings (@andrehjr, #592) - Fix ruby warnings (@andrehjr, #593) - Update rubocop.yml config (@andrehjr, #594) - Add frozen_string_literal to all files that were missing it (@andrehjr, #595) ## 3.3.2 (April 12th, 2019) Features: - Added uptime robot to configuration.rb (@razel1982, #556) - Check to see if being run in Rails application and run in before_initialize (@husteadrobert, #555) Bugfixes: - Fix error message interpolation (@hanibash, #553) - Fix Bigdecimal warnings (@agraves, #551) - Avoid hitting up on redis for robots/excluded users. (@andrehjr, #544) - Checks for defined?(request) on Helper#exclude_visitor?. (@andrehjr) Misc: - Update travis to add Rails 6 (@edmilton, #559) - Fix broken specs in developement environment (@dougpetronilio, #557) ## 3.3.1 (January 11th, 2019) Features: - Filter some more bots (@janosch-x, #542) Bugfixes: - Fix Dashboard Pagination Helper typo (@cattekin, #541) - Do not storage alternative in cookie if experiment has a winner (@sadhu89, #539) - fix user participating alternative not found (@NaturalHokke, #536) Misc: - Tweak RSpec instructions (@eliotsykes, #540) - Improve README regarding rspec usage (@vermaxik, #538) ## 3.3.0 (August 13th, 2018) Features: - Added pagination for dashboard (@GeorgeGorbanev, #518) - Add Facebot crawler to list of bots (@pfeiffer, #530) - Ignore previewing requests (@pfeiffer, #531) - Fix binding of ignore_filter (@pfeiffer, #533) Bugfixes: - Fix cookie header duplication (@andrehjr, #522) Performance: - Improve performance of RedisInterface#make_list_length by using LTRIM command (@mlovic, #509) Misc: - Update development dependencies - test rails 5.2 on travis (@lostapathy, #524) - update ruby versions for travis (@lostapathy, #525) ## 3.2.0 (September 21st, 2017) Features: - Allow configuration of how often winning alternatives are recalculated (@patbl, #501) Bugfixes: - Avoid z_score numeric exception for conversion rates >1 (@cmantas, #503) - Fix combined experiments (@semanticart, #502) ## 3.1.1 (August 30th, 2017) Bugfixes: - Bring back support for ruby 1.9.3 and greater (rubygems 2.0.0 or greater now required) (@patbl, #498) Misc: - Document testing with RSpec (@eliotsykes, #495) ## 3.1.0 (August 14th, 2017) Features: - Support for combined experiments (@daviddening, #493) - Rewrite CookieAdapter to work with Rack::Request and Rack::Response directly (@andrehjr, #490) - Enumeration of a User's Experiments that Respects the db_failover Option(@MarkRoddy, #487) Bugfixes: - Blocked a few more common bot user agents (@kylerippey, #485) Misc: - Repository Audit by Maintainer.io (@RichardLitt, #484) - Update development dependencies - Test on ruby 2.4.1 - Test compatibility with rails 5.1 - Add uris to metadata section in gemspec ## 3.0.0 (March 30th, 2017) Features: - added block randomization algorithm and specs (@hulleywood, #475) - Add ab_record_extra_info to allow record extra info to alternative and display on dashboard. (@tranngocsam, #460) Bugfixes: - Avoid crashing on Ruby 2.4 for numeric strings (@flori, #470) - Fix issue where redis isn't required (@tomciopp , #466) Misc: - Avoid variable_size_secure_compare private method (@eliotsykes, #465) ## 2.2.0 (November 11th, 2016) **Backwards incompatible!** Redis keys are renamed. Please make sure all running tests are completed before you upgrade, as they will reset. Features: - Remove dependency on Redis::Namespace (@bschaeffer, #425) - Make resetting on experiment change optional (@moggyboy, #430) - Add ability to force alternative on dashboard (@ccallebs, #437) Bugfixes: - Fix variations reset across page loads for multiple=control and improve coverage (@Vasfed, #432) Misc: - Remove Explicit Return (@BradHudson, #441) - Update Redis config docs (@bschaeffer, #422) - Harden HTTP Basic snippet against timing attacks (@eliotsykes, #443) - Removed a couple old ruby 1.8 hacks (@andrew, #456) - Run tests on rails 5 (@andrew, #457) - Fixed a few codeclimate warnings (@andrew, #458) - Use codeclimate for test coverage (@andrew #455) ## 2.1.0 (August 8th, 2016) Features: - Support REDIS_PROVIDER variable used in Heroku (@kartikluke, #426) ## 2.0.0 (July 17th, 2016) Breaking changes: - Removed deprecated `finished` and `begin_experiment` methods - Namespaced override param to avoid potential clashes (@henrik, #398) ## 1.7.0 (June 28th, 2016) Features: - Running concurrent experiments on same endpoint/view (@karmakaze, #421) ## 1.6.0 (June 16th, 2016) Features: - Add Dual Redis(logged-in)/cookie(logged-out) persistence adapter (@karmakaze, #420) ## 1.5.0 (June 8th, 2016) Features: - Add `expire_seconds:` TTL option to RedisAdapter (@karmakaze, #409) - Optional custom persistence adapter (@ndelage, #411) Misc: - Use fakeredis for testing (@andrew, #412) ## 1.4.5 (June 7th, 2016) Bugfixes: - FIX Negative numbers on non-finished (@divineforest, #408) - Eliminate extra RedisAdapter hget (@karmakaze, #407) - Remove unecessary code from Experiment class (@pakallis, #391, #392, #393) Misc: - Simplify Configuration#normalized_experiments (@pakallis, #395) - Clarify test running instructions (@henrik, #397) ## 1.4.4 (May 9th, 2016) Bugfixes: - Increment participation if store override is true and no experiment key exists (@spheric, #380) Misc: - Deprecated `finished` method in favour of `ab_finished` (@andreibondarev, #389) - Added minimum version requirement to simple-random - Clarify finished with first option being a hash in Readme (@henrik, #382) - Refactoring the User abstraction (@andreibondarev, #384) ## 1.4.3 (April 28th, 2016) Features: - add on_trial callback whenever a trial is started (@mtyeh411, #375) Bugfixes: - Allow algorithm configuration at experiment level (@007sumit, #376) Misc: - only choose override if it exists as valid alternative (@spheric, #377) ## 1.4.2 (April 25th, 2016) Misc: - Deprecated some legacy methods (@andreibondarev, #374) ## 1.4.1 (April 21st, 2016) Bugfixes: - respect manual start configuration after an experiment has been deleted (@mtyeh411, #372) Misc: - Introduce goals collection to reduce complexity of Experiment#save (@pakallis, #365) - Revise specs according to http://betterspecs.org/ (@hkliya, #369) ## 1.4.0 (April 2nd, 2016) Features: - Added experiment filters to dashboard (@ccallebs, #363, #364) - Added Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct ## 1.3.2 (January 2nd, 2016) Bugfixes: - Fix deleting experiments in from the updated dashboard (@craigmcnamara, #352) ## 1.3.1 (January 1st, 2016) Bugfixes: - Fix the dashboard for experiments with ‘/‘ in the name. (@craigmcnamara, #349) ## 1.3.0 (October 20th, 2015) Features: - allow for custom redis_url different from ENV variable (@davidgrieser, #323) - add ability to change the length of the persistence cookie (@peterylai, #335) Bugfixes: - Rescue from Redis::BaseError instead of Redis::CannotConnectError (@nfm, #342) - Fix active experiments when experiment is on a later version (@ndrisso, #331) - Fix caching of winning alternative (@nfm, #329) Misc: - Remove duplication from Experiment#save (@pakallis, #333) - Remove unnecessary argument from Experiment#write_to_alternative (@t4deu, #332) ## 1.2.1 (May 17th, 2015) Features: - Handle redis DNS resolution failures gracefully (@fusion2004, #310) - Push metadata to ab_test block (@ekorneeff, #296) - Helper methods are now private when included in controllers (@ipoval, #303) Bugfixes: - Return an empty hash as metadata when Split is disabled (@tomasdundacek, #313) - Don't use capture helper from ActionView (@tomasdundacek, #312) Misc: - Remove body "max-width" from dashboard (@xicreative, #299) - fix private for class methods (@ipoval, #301) - minor memoization fix in spec (@ipoval, #304) - Minor documentation fixes (#295, #297, #305, #308) ## 1.2.0 (January 24th, 2015) Features: - Configure redis using environment variables if available (@saratovsource , #293) - Store metadata on experiment configuration (@dekz, #291) Bugfixes: - Revert the Trial#complete! public API to support noargs (@dekz, #292) ## 1.1.0 (January 9th, 2015) Changes: - Public class methods on `Split::Experiment` (e.g., `find_or_create`) have been moved to `Split::ExperimentCatalog`. Features: - Decouple trial from Split::Helper (@joshdover, #286) - Helper method for Active Experiments (@blahblahblah-, #273) Misc: - Use the new travis container based infrastructure for tests (@andrew, #280) ## 1.0.0 (October 12th, 2014) Changes: - Remove support for Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3 (@qpowell, #271) ## 0.8.0 (September 25th, 2014) Features: - Added new way to calculate the probability an alternative is the winner (@caser, #266, #251) - support multiple metrics per experiment (@stevenou, #260) Bugfixes: - Avoiding call to params in EncapsulatedHelper (@afn, #257) ## 0.7.3 (September 16th, 2014) Features: - Disable all split tests via a URL parameter (@hwartig, #263) Bugfixes: - Correctly escape experiment names on dashboard (@ecaron, #265) - Handle redis connection exception error properly (@andrew, #245) ## 0.7.2 (June 12th, 2014) Features: - Show metrics on the dashboard (@swrobel, #241) Bugfixes: - Avoid nil error with ExperimentCatalog when upgrading (@danielschwartz, #253) - [SECURITY ISSUE] Only allow known alternatives as query param overrides (@ankane, #255) ## 0.7.1 (March 20th, 2014) Features: - You can now reopen experiment from the dashboard (@mikezaby, #235) Misc: - Internal code tidy up (@IanVaughan, #238) ## 0.7.0 (December 26th, 2013) Features: - Significantly improved z-score algorithm (@caser ,#221) - Better sorting of Experiments on dashboard (@wadako111, #218) Bugfixes: - Fixed start button not being displayed in some cases (@vigosan, #219) Misc: - Experiment#initialize refactoring (@nberger, #224) - Extract ExperimentStore into a seperate class (@nberger, #225) ## 0.6.6 (October 15th, 2013) Features: - Sort experiments on Dashboard so "active" ones without a winner appear first (@swrobel, #204) - Starting tests manually (@duksis, #209) Bugfixes: - Only trigger completion callback with valid Trial (@segfaultAX, #208) - Fixed bug with `resettable` when using `normalize_experiments` (@jonashuckestein, #213) Misc: - Added more bots to filter list (@lbeder, #214, #215, #216) ## 0.6.5 (August 23, 2013) Features: - Added Redis adapter for persisting experiments across sessions (@fengb, #203) Misc: - Expand upon algorithms section in README (@swrobel, #200) ## 0.6.4 (August 8, 2013) Features: - Add hooks for experiment deletion and resetting (@craigmcnamara, #198) - Allow Split::Helper to be used outside of a controller (@nfm, #190) - Show current Rails/Rack Env in dashboard (@rceee, #187) Bugfixes: - Fix whiplash algorithm when using goals (@swrobel, #193) Misc: - Refactor dashboard js (@buddhamagnet) ## 0.6.3 (July 8, 2013) Features: - Add hooks for Trial#choose! and Trial#complete! (@bmarini, #176) Bugfixes: - Stores and parses Experiment's start_time as a UNIX integer (@joeroot, #177) ## 0.6.2 (June 6, 2013) Features: - Rails 2.3 compatibility (@bhcarpenter, #167) - Adding possibility to store overridden alternative (@duksis, #173) Misc: - Now testing against multiple versions of rails ## 0.6.1 (May 4, 2013) Bugfixes: - Use the specified algorithm for the experiment instead of the default (@woodhull, #165) Misc: - Ensure experiements are valid when configuring (@ashmckenzie, #159) - Allow arrays to be passed to ab_test (@fenelon, #156) ## 0.6.0 (April 4, 2013) Features: - Support for Ruby 2.0.0 (@phoet, #142) - Multiple Goals (@liujin, #109) - Ignoring IPs using Regular Expressions (@waynemoore, #119) - Added ability to add more bots to the default list (@themgt, #140) - Allow custom configuration of user blocking logic (@phoet , #148) Bugfixes: - Fixed regression in handling of config files (@iangreenleaf, #115) - Fixed completion rate increases for experiments users aren't participating in (@philnash, #67) - Handle exceptions from invalid JSON in cookies (@iangreenleaf, #126) Misc: - updated minimum json version requirement - Refactor Yaml Configuration (@rtwomey, #124) - Refactoring of Experiments (@iangreenleaf @tamird, #117 #118) - Added more known Bots, including Pingdom, Bing, YandexBot (@julesie, @zinkkrysty, @dimko) - Improved Readme (@iangreenleaf @phoet) ## 0.5.0 (January 28, 2013) Features: - Persistence Adapters: Cookies and Session (@patbenatar, #98) - Configure experiments from a hash (@iangreenleaf, #97) - Pluggable sampling algorithms (@woodhull, #105) Bugfixes: - Fixed negative number of non-finished rates (@philnash, #83) - Fixed behaviour of finished(:reset => false) (@philnash, #88) - Only take into consideration positive z-scores (@thomasmaas, #96) - Amended ab_test method to raise ArgumentError if passed integers or symbols as alternatives (@buddhamagnet, #81) ## 0.4.6 (October 28, 2012) Features: - General code quality improvements (@buddhamagnet, #79) Bugfixes: - Don't increment the experiment counter if user has finished (@dimko, #78) - Fixed an incorrect test (@jaywengrow, #74) ## 0.4.5 (August 30, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixed header gradient in FF/Opera (@philnash, #69) - Fixed reseting of experiment in session (@apsoto, #43) ## 0.4.4 (August 9, 2012) Features: - Allow parameter overrides, even without Redis. (@bhcarpenter, #62) Bugfixes: - Fixes version number always increasing when alternatives are changed (@philnash, #63) - updated guard-rspec to version 1.2 ## 0.4.3 (July 8, 2012) Features: - redis failover now recovers from all redis-related exceptions ## 0.4.2 (June 1, 2012) Features: - Now works with v3.0 of redis gem Bugfixes: - Fixed redis failover on Rubinius ## 0.4.1 (April 6, 2012) Features: - Added configuration option to disable Split testing (@ilyakatz, #45) Bugfixes: - Fix weights for existing experiments (@andreas, #40) - Fixed dashboard range error (@andrew, #42) ## 0.4.0 (March 7, 2012) **IMPORTANT** If using ruby 1.8.x and weighted alternatives you should always pass the control alternative through as the second argument with any other alternatives as a third argument because the order of the hash is not preserved in ruby 1.8, ruby 1.9 users are not affected by this bug. Features: - Experiments now record when they were started (@vrish88, #35) - Old versions of experiments in sessions are now cleaned up - Avoid users participating in multiple experiments at once (#21) Bugfixes: - Overriding alternatives doesn't work for weighted alternatives (@layflags, #34) - confidence_level helper should handle tiny z-scores (#23) ## 0.3.3 (February 16, 2012) Bugfixes: - Fixed redis failover when a block was passed to ab_test (@layflags, #33) ## 0.3.2 (February 12, 2012) Features: - Handle redis errors gracefully (@layflags, #32) ## 0.3.1 (November 19, 2011) Features: - General code tidy up (@ryanlecompte, #22, @mocoso, #28) - Lazy loading data from Redis (@lautis, #25) Bugfixes: - Handle unstarted experiments (@mocoso, #27) - Relaxed Sinatra version requirement (@martinclu, #24) ## 0.3.0 (October 9, 2011) Features: - Redesigned dashboard (@mrappleton, #17) - Use atomic increments in redis for better concurrency (@lautis, #18) - Weighted alternatives Bugfixes: - Fix to allow overriding of experiments that aren't on version 1 ## 0.2.4 (July 18, 2011) Features: - Added option to finished to not reset the users session Bugfixes: - Only allow strings as alternatives, fixes strange errors when passing true/false or symbols ## 0.2.3 (June 26, 2011) Features: - Experiments can now be deleted from the dashboard - ab_test helper now accepts a block - Improved dashboard Bugfixes: - After resetting an experiment, existing users of that experiment will also be reset ## 0.2.2 (June 11, 2011) Features: - Updated redis-namespace requirement to 1.0.3 - Added a configuration object for changing options - Robot regex can now be changed via a configuration options - Added ability to ignore visits from specified IP addresses - Dashboard now shows percentage improvement of alternatives compared to the control - If the alternatives of an experiment are changed it resets the experiment and uses the new alternatives Bugfixes: - Saving an experiment multiple times no longer creates duplicate alternatives ## 0.2.1 (May 29, 2011) Bugfixes: - Convert legacy sets to lists to avoid exceptions during upgrades from 0.1.x ## 0.2.0 (May 29, 2011) Features: - Override an alternative via a url parameter - Experiments can now be reset from the dashboard - The first alternative is now considered the control - General dashboard usability improvements - Robots are ignored and given the control alternative Bugfixes: - Alternatives are now store in a list rather than a set to ensure consistent ordering - Fixed diving by zero errors ## 0.1.1 (May 18, 2011) Bugfixes: - More Robust conversion rate display on dashboard - Ensure `Split::Version` is available everywhere, fixed dashboard ## 0.1.0 (May 17, 2011) Initial Release