require 'hydra-file_characterization' module Hydra::Works class CharacterizationService # @param [ActiveFedora::Base] object which has properties to recieve characterization values. # @param [Symbol, String, File] source for characterization to be run on. File object, path on disk, or symbol. # A symbol should be the name of the method call to get object that responds to content? or is the content. # @param [Hash] options to be passed to characterization. parser_mapping:, parser_class:, tools: def, source = :original_file, options = {}) new(object, source, options).characterize end attr_accessor :object, :source, :mapping, :parser_class, :tools def initialize(object, source, options) @object = object @source = source @mapping, @parser_class, @tools = extract_options(options) end # Get given source into form that can be passed to Hydra::FileCharacterization # Use Hydra::FileCharacterization to extract metadata (an OM Datastream) # Get the terms (and their values) from the extracted metadata # Assign the values of the terms to the properties of the object def characterize content = source_to_content extracted_md = extract_metadata(content) terms = parse_metadata(extracted_md) store_metadata(terms) end protected # Get value from opts hash, object, or use default def extract_options(opts) parser_mapping = fetch_or_respond(opts, :parser_mapping) || {} parser_class = fetch_or_respond(opts, :parser_class) || FitsDatastream ch12n_tool = opts.fetch(:ch12n_tool) { :fits } [parser_mapping, parser_class, ch12n_tool] end def fetch_or_respond(opts, key) opts.fetch(key) { object.send(key) if object.respond_to? key } end # @param [String,Symbol,File] # @return content if source is a symbol, File if source is string def source_to_content if source.is_a? String elsif source.is_a? Symbol s = object.send(source) s.respond_to?(:content) ? s.content : s else source end end def extract_metadata(content) Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(content, temp_file_name, tools) do |cfg| cfg[:fits] = Hydra::Derivatives.fits_path end end def temp_file_name m = %r{/([^/]*)$} .match(object.uri) "#{m[1]}-content.tmp" end # Use OM to parse metadata def parse_metadata(metadata) datastream = datastream.ng_xml = metadata if metadata.present? characterization_terms(datastream) end # Get proxy terms and values from the parser def characterization_terms(datastream) h = {} datastream.class.terminology.terms.each_pair do |key, target| # a key is a proxy if its target responds to proxied_term next unless target.respond_to? :proxied_term begin h[key] = datastream.send(key) rescue NoMethodError next end end h.delete_if { |_k, v| v.empty? } end # Assign values of the instance properties from the metadata mapping :prop => val def store_metadata(terms) terms.each_pair do |term, value| property = property_for(term) next if property.nil? # Array-ify the value to avoid a conditional here Array(value).each { |v| append_property_value(property, v) } end end # Check parser_config then self for matching term. # Return property symbol or nil def property_for(term) if mapping.key?(term) && object.respond_to?(mapping[term]) mapping[term] elsif object.respond_to?(term) term end end def append_property_value(property, value) value = object[property] + [value] if object.class.multiple?(property) object.send("#{property}=", value) end end end