require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe RePlan do def valid_attributes { :code => "AA MOCK", :title => "Rule Title" } end it "should be valid with valid attributes" do be_valid end should_have_many :re_plan_workflows should_have_many :re_workflows, :through => :re_plan_workflows should_validate_presence_of :code should_validate_presence_of :title describe "unique attributes" do before(:each) do RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) end should_validate_uniqueness_of :code, :case_sensitive => false, :message=>"alread taken." end describe "creating a plan" do it "should set the plan_status to draft" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes.except(:plan_status)) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_DRAFT end end describe "changing a plan" do describe "changing a plan back to it's reverted state" do it "should mark the plan as published when saving" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.plan_status = RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_REVERTED re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED end it "should not mark the plan as changed" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.plan_status = RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_REVERTED re_plan.title = "new title" re_plan.should_not_receive(:changed!) end end it "should mark the plan as changed" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.title = "new title" re_plan.should_receive(:changed!).with(false) end it "should not be changed if the field changed was an ignore attribute" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.updated_at = + 5.days re_plan.should_not_receive(:changed!) end end it "should replace any nonprint cahracters with an _" do re_plan = => "my code"))! re_plan.code.should == "my_code" end it "should change the code to lower case when creating" do re_plan = => "My code"))! re_plan.code.should == "my_code" end it "should strip any leading or trailing spaces" do re_plan = => " My code "))! re_plan.code.should == "my_code" end describe "code cannot be changed after creation" do it "should save the code with a new record" do re_plan = => "my code"))! re_plan.code.should == "my_code" end it "should ignore the code attribute for an existing record" do re_plan = => "my code"))! re_plan.code = "new_code"! re_plan.code.should == "my_code" end end describe "publish" do it "should convert the plan to a hash" do re_plan = re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([mock('workflow one', :code => 'one', :publish => {"workflow" => "one"}), mock('workflow two', :code => 'two', :publish => {"workflow" => "two"})]) publish_data = re_plan.publish publish_data["code"].should == 'aa_mock' publish_data["title"].should == valid_attributes[:title] publish_data["description"].should == valid_attributes[:description] publish_data["workflow"].should == "one" publish_data["workflow_one"]["workflow"].should == "one" publish_data["workflow_one"]["next_workflow"].should == "two" publish_data["workflow_two"]["workflow"].should == "two" publish_data["workflow_two"]["next_workflow"].should == "" end end describe "revert!" do it "should return self" do re_plan = re_plan.revert!({}).should == re_plan end it "should set the plan as reverted" do re_plan = re_plan.revert!({}) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_REVERTED end it "should set the plan based on the data" do re_workflow_1 = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_workflow_2 = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_workflow_1.should_receive(:revert!).with(hash_including('workflow' => 'one')).and_return(re_workflow_1) re_workflow_2.should_receive(:revert!).with(hash_including('workflow' => 'two')).and_return(re_workflow_2) ReWorkflow.stub!(:new).and_return(re_workflow_1, re_workflow_2) re_plan = re_plan.should_receive(:re_workflows=).with([re_workflow_1, re_workflow_2]) re_plan.revert!({"code" => "mock_workflow_code", "title" => "mock_title", "description" => "mock_description", "workflow" => "one", "workflow_one" => {"workflow" => "one", "next_workflow" => "two"}, "workflow_two" => {"workflow" => "two", "next_workflow" => ""} }) re_plan.code.should == "mock_workflow_code" re_plan.title.should == "mock_title" re_plan.description.should == "mock_description" end end describe "adding a workflow" do it "should be false if it already has the workflow" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([re_workflow]) re_plan.add_workflow(re_workflow).should == false end it "should add the workflow" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_workflows = [] re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return(re_workflows) re_plan.add_workflow(re_workflow) re_workflows.should == [re_workflow] end it "should mark the plan as changed" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_plan.should_receive(:changed!) re_plan.add_workflow(re_workflow) end end describe "removing a workflow" do it "should be false if it does not have the workflow" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([]) re_plan.remove_workflow(re_workflow).should == false end it "should remove the workflow" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_workflows = [re_workflow] re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return(re_workflows) re_plan.remove_workflow(re_workflow) re_workflows.should == [] end it "should mark the plan as changed" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([re_workflow]) re_plan.should_receive(:changed!) re_plan.remove_workflow(re_workflow) end end describe "setting the default workflow" do it "should not change the list if the workflow is not in the list" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([]) re_plan.should_not_receive(:changed!) re_plan.default_workflow = re_workflow end it "should not change the list if the workflow is alreasy the default" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([re_workflow]) re_plan.should_not_receive(:changed!) re_plan.default_workflow = re_workflow end it "should move the workflow to the top of the list" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001), re_workflow]) re_plan_workflow = mock_model(RePlanWorkflow, :re_workflow_id => 1001) re_plan.stub!(:re_plan_workflows).and_return([re_plan_workflow]) re_plan_workflow.should_receive(:move_to_top) re_plan.default_workflow = re_workflow end it "should mark the plan as changed" do re_plan = re_workflow = mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001) re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([mock_model(ReWorkflow, :id => 1001), re_workflow]) re_plan_workflow = mock_model(RePlanWorkflow, :re_workflow_id => 1001) re_plan_workflow.stub!(:move_to_top) re_plan.stub!(:re_plan_workflows).and_return([re_plan_workflow]) re_plan.should_receive(:changed!) re_plan.default_workflow = re_workflow end end describe "getting the default workflow" do it "should return nil if the workflow list empty" do re_plan = re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([]) re_plan.default_workflow.should == nil end it "should return the first workflow in the list" do re_workflow_1 = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_workflow_2 = mock_model(ReWorkflow) re_plan = re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([re_workflow_1, re_workflow_2]) re_plan.default_workflow.should == re_workflow_1 end end describe "checking for plan errors" do before(:each) do @re_workflow_1 = mock_model(ReRule, :title => "workflow 1") @re_workflow_1.stub!(:workflow_error).and_return(nil) @re_workflow_2 = mock_model(ReRule, :title => "workflow 2") @re_workflow_2.stub!(:workflow_error).and_return(nil) @re_plan = @re_plan.stub!(:re_workflows).and_return([@re_workflow_1, @re_workflow_2]) end it "should return a failed message if there are no workflows" do src = src.plan_error.should == "workflows req'd" end it "should validate each workflow" do @re_workflow_1.should_receive(:workflow_error).at_least(:once).and_return(nil) @re_workflow_2.should_receive(:workflow_error).at_least(:once).and_return(nil) @re_plan.plan_error.should be_nil end it "should stop on the first workflow error" do @re_workflow_1.should_receive(:workflow_error).at_least(:once).and_return("oops") @re_workflow_2.should_not_receive(:workflow) @re_plan.plan_error.should == "workflow error" end end describe "published!" do it "should update the status to PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_DRAFT re_plan.published! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED end end describe "changed!" do it "should not update the status when PLAN_STATUS_DRAFT" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_DRAFT re_plan.should_not_receive(:save!) re_plan.changed! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_DRAFT end it "should not update the status when PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.published! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED re_plan.update_attributes({:title => "new title"}) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED re_plan.should_not_receive(:save!) re_plan.changed! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED end it "should update the status to PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED changed when PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.published! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED re_plan.should_receive(:save!) re_plan.changed! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED end it "should not save the plan whe the save flag is false" do re_plan = RePlan.create!(valid_attributes) re_plan.published! re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED re_plan.should_not_receive(:save!) re_plan.changed!(false) re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_CHANGED end end end