class PasswordResetsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_<%= singular_table_name %>, only: %i[ edit update ] skip_before_action :authenticate def new end def edit end def create if @<%= singular_table_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_by_email(params[:email]) PasswordMailer.with(<%= singular_table_name %>: @<%= singular_table_name %>).reset.deliver_later redirect_to sign_in_path, notice: "You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes" else redirect_to password_reset_new_path, alert: "The email address doesn't exist in our database" end end def update if @<%= singular_table_name %>.update(password_params) redirect_to sign_in_path, notice: "Your password was reset successfully. Please sign in" else render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def set_<%= singular_table_name %> @<%= singular_table_name %> = <%= class_name %>.find_signed!(params[:token], purpose: "password_reset") rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature redirect_to sign_in_path, alert: "Your token has expired, please request a new one" end def password_params params.require(:<%= singular_table_name %>).permit(:password, :password_confirmation) end end