%map{ :lang => 'en', :context => 'music, band', :version => '1'} %concept %names AC/DC, ACDC %tags single, seat, leg, backrest %tags rock, band, australia %def Australian rock band formed by Scottish-born brothers Malcolm and Angus Young %table{ :fields => 'members'} %row Bon Scott %row Angus Young %row Malcolm Young %row Phil Rudd %row Cliff Williams %table{ :fields => 'attribute, value'} %row %col Genres %col Hard rock blues rock rock and roll %row %col Years active %col 1973-present %row %col Formed in %col Sydney %table{ :fields => 'Albums', :sequence => 'Albums sorted by date'} %row Albums High Voltage %row Powerage %row Highway to Hell %row Back in Black %row Ballbreaker %row Rock or Bust