# :stopdoc:
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# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # Different standard log levels (you may also define your own) used with by standard {Wx::Log} functions {log_generic}, {log_error}, {log_warning}, etc...
  class LogLevelValues < Wx::Enum
    # program can't continue, abort immediately
    LOG_FatalError = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(0)
    # a serious error, user must be informed about it
    LOG_Error = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(1)
    # user is normally informed about it but may be ignored
    LOG_Warning = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(2)
    # normal message (i.e. normal output of a non GUI app)
    LOG_Message = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(3)
    # informational: might go to the status line of GUI app
    LOG_Status = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(4)
    # informational message (a.k.a. 'Verbose')
    LOG_Info = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(5)
    # never shown to the user, disabled in release mode
    LOG_Debug = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(6)
    # trace messages are also only enabled in debug mode
    LOG_Trace = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(7)
    # used for progress indicator (not yet)
    LOG_Progress = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(8)
    # user defined levels start here
    LOG_User = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(100)
    LOG_Max = Wx::LogLevelValues.new(10000)
  end # LogLevelValues
  # {Wx::Log} class defines the interface for the log targets used by wxWidgets logging functions as explained in the Logging Overview.
  # The only situations when you need to directly use this class is when you want to derive your own log target because the existing ones don't satisfy your needs.
  # Otherwise, it is completely hidden behind the wxLogXXX() functions and you may not even know about its existence.
  # For console-mode applications, the default target is {Wx::LogStderr}, so that all {log_xxx} functions print on stderr when {Wx::Setup::USE_GUI} = 0.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  # @see Logging Overview
  # @see  wxLogXXX() functions 
  class Log < ::Object
    # Add the mask to the list of allowed masks for {log_trace}.
    # @see Wx::Log.remove_trace_mask
    # @see  Wx::Log.get_trace_masks 
    # @param mask [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.add_trace_mask(mask) end
    # Removes all trace masks previously set with {Wx::Log.add_trace_mask}.
    # @see Wx::Log.remove_trace_mask 
    # @return [void]
    def self.clear_trace_masks; end
    # Returns the currently allowed list of string trace masks.
    # @see Wx::Log.add_trace_mask. 
    # @return [Wx::ArrayString]
    def self.get_trace_masks; end
    # Returns true if the mask is one of allowed masks for {log_trace}.
    # See also: {Wx::Log.add_trace_mask}, {Wx::Log.remove_trace_mask}
    # @param mask [String] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.is_allowed_trace_mask(mask) end
    # Remove the mask from the list of allowed masks for {log_trace}.
    # @see Wx::Log.add_trace_mask 
    # @param mask [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.remove_trace_mask(mask) end
    # Instructs {Wx::Log} to not create new log targets on the fly if there is none currently (see {Wx::Log.get_active_target}).
    # (Almost) for internal use only: it is supposed to be called by the application shutdown code (where you don't want the log target to be automatically created anymore).
    # Note that this function also calls {Wx::Log.clear_trace_masks}.
    # @return [void]
    def self.dont_create_on_demand; end
    # Returns the pointer to the active log target (may be NULL).
    # Notice that if {Wx::Log.set_active_target} hadn't been previously explicitly called, this function will by default try to create a log target by calling Wx::AppTraits#create_log_target which may be overridden in a user-defined traits class to change the default behaviour. You may also call {Wx::Log.dont_create_on_demand} to disable this behaviour.
    # When this function is called from threads other than main one, auto-creation doesn't happen. But if the thread has a thread-specific log target previously set by {Wx::Log.set_thread_active_target}, it is returned instead of the global one. Otherwise, the global log target is returned.
    # @return [Wx::Log]
    def self.get_active_target; end
    # Sets the specified log target as the active one.
    # Returns the pointer to the previous active log target (may be NULL). To suppress logging use a new instance of {Wx::LogNull} not NULL. If the active log target is set to NULL a new default log target will be created when logging occurs.
    # @see Wx::Log.set_thread_active_target 
    # @param logtarget [Wx::Log] 
    # @return [Wx::Log]
    def self.set_active_target(logtarget) end
    # Flushes the current log target if any, does nothing if there is none.
    # When this method is called from the main thread context, it also flushes any previously buffered messages logged by the other threads. When it is called from the other threads it simply calls {Wx::Log#flush} on the currently active log target, so it mostly makes sense to do this if a thread has its own logger set with {Wx::Log.set_thread_active_target}.
    # @return [void]
    def self.flush_active; end
    # Resumes logging previously suspended by a call to {Wx::Log.suspend}.
    # All messages logged in the meanwhile will be flushed soon.
    # @return [void]
    def self.resume; end
    # Suspends the logging until {Wx::Log.resume} is called.
    # Note that the latter must be called the same number of times as the former to undo it, i.e. if you call {Wx::Log.suspend} twice you must call {Wx::Log.resume} twice as well.
    # Note that suspending the logging means that the log sink won't be flushed periodically, it doesn't have any effect if the current log target does the logging immediately without waiting for {Wx::Log#flush} to be called (the standard GUI log target only shows the log dialog when it is flushed, so {Wx::Log.suspend} works as expected with it).
    # @see Wx::Log.resume
    # @see  Wx::LogNull 
    # @return [void]
    def self.suspend; end
    # Returns the current log level limit.
    # All messages at levels strictly greater than the value returned by this function are not logged at all.
    # @see Wx::Log.set_log_level
    # @see  Wx::Log.is_level_enabled 
    # @return [Wx::LogLevel]
    def self.get_log_level; end
    # Returns true if logging at this level is enabled for the current thread.
    # This function only returns true if logging is globally enabled and if level is less than or equal to the maximal log level enabled for the given component.
    # @see Wx::Log.is_enabled
    # @see  Wx::Log.set_log_level
    # @see  Wx::Log.get_log_level
    # @see  Wx::Log.set_component_level
    # @param level [Wx::LogLevel] 
    # @param component [String] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.is_level_enabled(level, component) end
    # Sets the log level for the given component.
    # For example, to disable all but error messages from wxWidgets network classes you may use 
    #   wxLog::SetComponentLevel("wx/net", wxLOG_Error);
    # {Wx::Log.set_log_level} may be used to set the global log level.
    # @param component [String]  Non-empty component name, possibly using slashes (<code>/</code>) to separate it into several parts.
    # @param level [Wx::LogLevel]  Maximal level of log messages from this component which will be handled instead of being simply discarded.
    # @return [void]
    def self.set_component_level(component, level) end
    # Specifies that log messages with level greater (numerically) than logLevel should be ignored and not sent to the active log target.
    # @see Wx::Log.set_component_level 
    # @param logLevel [Wx::LogLevel] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.set_log_level(logLevel) end
    # Globally enable or disable logging.
    # Calling this function with false argument disables all log messages for the current thread.
    # The old state, i.e. true if logging was previously enabled and false if it was disabled.
    # @see Wx::LogNull
    # @see  Wx::Log.is_enabled
    # @param enable [true,false] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.enable_logging(enable=true) end
    # Returns true if logging is enabled at all now.
    # @see Wx::Log.is_level_enabled
    # @see  Wx::Log.enable_logging 
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.is_enabled; end
    # Returns whether the repetition counting mode is enabled.
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.get_repetition_counting; end
    # Enables logging mode in which a log message is logged once, and in case exactly the same message successively repeats one or more times, only the number of repetitions is logged.
    # @param repetCounting [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.set_repetition_counting(repetCounting=true) end
    # Returns the current timestamp format string.
    # Notice that the current time stamp is only used by the default log formatter and custom formatters may ignore this format.
    # @return [Wx::String]
    def self.get_timestamp; end
    # Sets the timestamp format prepended by the default log targets to all messages.
    # The string may contain any normal characters as well as % prefixed format specifiers, see strftime() manual for details. Passing an empty string to this function disables message time stamping.
    # Notice that the current time stamp is only used by the default log formatter and custom formatters may ignore this format. You can also define a custom {Wx::LogFormatter} to customize the time stamp handling beyond changing its format.
    # @param format [String] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.set_timestamp(format) end
    # Disables time stamping of the log messages.
    # Notice that the current time stamp is only used by the default log formatter and custom formatters may ignore calls to this function.
    # @return [void]
    def self.disable_timestamp; end
    # Returns whether the verbose mode is currently active.
    # @return [true,false]
    def self.get_verbose; end
    # Activates or deactivates verbose mode in which the verbose messages are logged as the normal ones instead of being silently dropped.
    # The verbose messages are the trace messages which are not disabled in the release mode and are generated by {log_verbose}.
    # @see Logging Overview 
    # @param verbose [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def self.set_verbose(verbose=true) end
    # Sets the specified formatter as the active one.
    # Returns the pointer to the previous formatter. You must delete it if you don't plan to attach it again to a {Wx::Log} object later.
    # @param formatter [Wx::LogFormatter]  The new formatter. If NULL, reset to the default formatter.
    # @return [Wx::LogFormatter]
    def set_formatter(formatter) end
    alias_method :formatter=, :set_formatter
    # Show all pending output and clear the buffer.
    # Some of {Wx::Log} implementations, most notably the standard {Wx::LogGui} class, buffer the messages (for example, to avoid showing the user a zillion of modal message boxes one after another  which would be really annoying). This function shows them all and clears the buffer contents. If the buffer is already empty, nothing happens.
    # If you override this method in a derived class, call the base class version first, before doing anything else.
    # @return [void]
    def flush; end
    # Log the given record.
    # This function should only be called from the DoLog() implementations in the derived classes if they need to call {Wx::Log#do_log_record} on another log object (they can, of course, just use {Wx::Log#do_log_record} call syntax to call it on the object itself). It should not be used for logging new messages which can be only sent to the currently active logger using OnLog() which also checks if the logging (for this level) is enabled while this method just directly calls DoLog().
    # Example of use of this class from {Wx::LogChain}: 
    #   void wxLogChain::DoLogRecord(wxLogLevel level,
    #                                const wxString& msg,
    #                                const wxLogRecordInfo& info)
    #   {
    #       // let the previous logger show it
    #       if ( m_logOld && IsPassingMessages() )
    #           m_logOld->LogRecord(level, msg, info);
    #       // and also send it to the new one
    #       if ( m_logNew && m_logNew != this )
    #           m_logNew->LogRecord(level, msg, info);
    #   }
    # @param level [Wx::LogLevel] 
    # @param msg [String] 
    # @param info [Wx::LogRecordInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def log_record(level, msg, info) end
  end # Log
  # {Wx::LogBuffer} is a very simple implementation of log sink which simply collects all the logged messages in a string (except the debug messages which are output in the usual way immediately as we're presumably not interested in collecting them for later).
  # The messages from different log function calls are separated by the new lines.
  # All the messages collected so far can be shown to the user (and the current buffer cleared) by calling the overloaded {Wx::LogBuffer#flush} method.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  class LogBuffer < Log
    # The default ctor does nothing.
    # @return [LogBuffer]
    def initialize; end
    # Returns the current buffer contains.
    # Messages from different log function calls are separated with the new lines in the buffer. The buffer can be cleared by {Wx::LogBuffer#flush} which will also show the current contents to the user.
    # @return [Wx::String]
    def get_buffer; end
    alias_method :buffer, :get_buffer
  end # LogBuffer
  # This simple class allows you to chain log sinks, that is to install a new sink but keep passing log messages to the old one instead of replacing it completely as {Wx::Log.set_active_target} does.
  # It is especially useful when you want to divert the logs somewhere (for example to a file or a log window) but also keep showing the error messages using the standard dialogs as {Wx::LogGui} does by default.
  # Example of usage:
  #   wxLogChain *logChain = new wxLogChain(new wxLogStderr);
  #   // all the log messages are sent to stderr and also processed as usually
  #   ...
  #   // don't delete logChain directly as this would leave a dangling
  #   // pointer as active log target, use SetActiveTarget() instead
  #   delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(...something else or NULL...);
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  class LogChain < Log
    # Sets the specified logger (which may be NULL) as the default log target but the log messages are also passed to the previous log target if any.
    # @param logger [Wx::Log] 
    # @return [LogChain]
    def initialize(logger) end
    # Detaches the old log target so it won't be destroyed when the {Wx::LogChain} object is destroyed.
    # @return [void]
    def detach_old_log; end
    # Returns the pointer to the previously active log target (which may be NULL).
    # @return [Wx::Log]
    def get_old_log; end
    alias_method :old_log, :get_old_log
    # Returns true if the messages are passed to the previously active log target (default) or false if {Wx::LogChain#pass_messages} had been called.
    # @return [true,false]
    def is_passing_messages; end
    alias_method :passing_messages?, :is_passing_messages
    # By default, the log messages are passed to the previously active log target.
    # Calling this function with false parameter disables this behaviour (presumably temporarily, as you shouldn't use {Wx::LogChain} at all otherwise) and it can be re-enabled by calling it again with passMessages set to true.
    # @param passMessages [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def pass_messages(passMessages) end
    # Sets another log target to use (may be NULL).
    # The log target specified in the {Wx::LogChain#log_chain(wxLog)} constructor or in a previous call to this function is deleted. This doesn't change the old log target value (the one the messages are forwarded to) which still remains the same as was active when {Wx::LogChain} object was created.
    # @param logger [Wx::Log] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_log(logger) end
    alias_method :log=, :set_log
  end # LogChain
  # This is the default log target for the GUI wxWidgets applications.
  # Please see Logging Customization for explanation of how to change the default log target.
  # An object of this class is used by default to show the log messages created by using {log_message}, {log_error} and other logging functions. It doesn't display the messages logged by them immediately however but accumulates all messages logged during an event handler execution and then shows them all at once when its {Wx::LogGui#flush} method is called during the idle time processing. This has the important advantage of showing only a single dialog to the user even if several messages were logged because of a single error as it often happens (e.g. a low level function could log a message because it failed to open a file resulting in its caller logging another message due to the failure of higher level operation requiring the use of this file). If you need to force the display of all previously logged messages immediately you can use {Wx::Log.flush_active} to force the dialog display.
  # Also notice that if an error message is logged when several informative messages had been already logged before, the informative messages are discarded on the assumption that they are not useful  and may be confusing and hence harmful  any more after the error. The warning and error messages are never discarded however and any informational messages logged after the first error one are also kept (as they may contain information about the error recovery). You may override DoLog() method to change this behaviour.
  # At any rate, it is possible that that several messages were accumulated before this class {Wx::LogGui#flush} method is called. If this is the case, {Wx::LogGui#flush} uses a custom dialog which shows the last message directly and allows the user to view the previously logged ones by expanding the "Details" {Wx::CollapsiblePane} inside it. This custom dialog also provides the buttons for copying the log messages to the clipboard and saving them to a file.
  # However if only a single message is present when {Wx::LogGui#flush} is called, just a {message_box} is used to show it. This has the advantage of being closer to the native behaviour but it doesn't give the user any possibility to copy or save the message (except for the recent Windows versions where <code>Ctrl-C</code> may be pressed in the message box to copy its contents to the clipboard) so you may want to override {Wx::LogGui#do_show_single_log_message} to customize {Wx::LogGui}  the dialogs sample shows how to do this.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  class LogGui < Log
    # Default constructor.
    # @return [LogGui]
    def initialize; end
  end # LogGui
  # This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C file stream (not to be confused with C++ streams).
  # It is the default log target for the non-GUI wxWidgets applications which send all the output to stderr.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  # @see Wx::LogStream 
  class LogStderr < Log
    # Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given FILE.
    # If it is NULL, the messages are sent to stderr. The messages will be written in the encoding specified by the given {Wx::MBConv}.
    # The conv argument is only available in wxWidgets 3.1.1 and later.
    # In practice, it is only advisable to specify {Wx::ConvUTF8} as the conv. If using <code>mb_conv_utf16</code>, the file should be opened in <code>"wb"</code> mode.
    # If a log message contains any characters that cannot be converted to the character set given by conv, that message will be silently ignored, i.e. it will not be written at all.
    # @param fp [FILE] 
    # @param conv [Wx::MBConv] 
    # @return [LogStderr]
    def initialize(fp=nil, conv=Wx::CONV_WHATEVER_WORKS) end
  end # LogStderr
  # This class can be used to redirect the log messages to a C++ stream.
  # Please note that this class is only available if wxWidgets was compiled with the standard iostream library support ({Wx::Setup::USE_STD_IOSTREAM} must be on).
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  # @see Wx::LogStderr
  # @see  Wx::StreamToTextRedirector 
  class LogStream < Log
    # Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given output stream.
    # If it is NULL, the messages are sent to cerr. The messages will be written in the encoding specified by the given {Wx::MBConv}.
    # The conv argument is only available in wxWidgets 3.1.1 and later.
    # In practice, it is only advisable to specify {Wx::ConvUTF8} as the conv. If using <code>mb_conv_utf16</code>, the file should be opened in std::ios::binary mode.
    # If a log message contains any characters that cannot be converted to the character set given by conv, that message will be silently ignored, i.e. it will not be written at all.
    # @param ostr [std::ostream] 
    # @param conv [Wx::MBConv] 
    # @return [LogStream]
    def initialize(ostr=nil, conv=Wx::CONV_WHATEVER_WORKS) end
  end # LogStream
  # Using these target all the log messages can be redirected to a text control.
  # The text control must have been created with {Wx::TE_MULTILINE} style by the caller previously.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  # @see Wx::TextCtrl
  # @see  Wx::StreamToTextRedirector 
  class LogTextCtrl < Log
    # Constructs a log target which sends all the log messages to the given text control.
    # The textctrl parameter cannot be NULL.
    # @param pTextCtrl [Wx::TextCtrl] 
    # @return [LogTextCtrl]
    def initialize(pTextCtrl) end
  end # LogTextCtrl
  # A special version of {Wx::LogChain} which uses itself as the new log target.
  # It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to processing them itself.
  # Unlike {Wx::LogChain} which is usually used directly as is, this class must be derived from to implement {Wx::Log::DoLog} and/or {Wx::Log::DoLogString} methods.
  # {Wx::LogInterposer} destroys the previous log target in its destructor. If you don't want this to happen, use {Wx::LogInterposerTemp} instead.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  class LogInterposer < LogChain
    # The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
    # @return [LogInterposer]
    def initialize; end
  end # LogInterposer
  # A special version of {Wx::LogChain} which uses itself as the new log target.
  # It forwards log messages to the previously installed one in addition to processing them itself. Unlike {Wx::LogInterposer}, it doesn't delete the old target which means it can be used to temporarily redirect log output.
  # As per {Wx::LogInterposer}, this class must be derived from to implement {Wx::Log::DoLog} and/or {Wx::Log::DoLogString} methods.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  class LogInterposerTemp < LogChain
    # The default constructor installs this object as the current active log target.
    # @return [LogInterposerTemp]
    def initialize; end
  end # LogInterposerTemp
  # This class represents a background log window: to be precise, it collects all log messages in the log frame which it manages but also passes them on to the log target which was active at the moment of its creation.
  # This allows you, for example, to show all the log messages in a frame but still continue to process them normally by showing the standard log dialog.
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Logging}
  # @see Wx::LogTextCtrl 
  class LogWindow < LogInterposer
    # Creates the log frame window and starts collecting the messages in it.
    # @param pParent [Wx::Window]  The parent window for the log frame, may be NULL
    # @param szTitle [String]  The title for the log frame
    # @param show [true,false]  true to show the frame initially (default), otherwise {Wx::LogWindow#show} must be called later.
    # @param passToOld [true,false]  true to process the log messages normally in addition to logging them in the log frame (default), false to only log them in the log frame. Note that if no targets were set using {Wx::Log.set_active_target} then {Wx::LogWindow} simply becomes the active one and messages won't be passed to other targets.
    # @return [LogWindow]
    def initialize(pParent, szTitle, show=true, passToOld=true) end
    # Returns the associated log frame window.
    # This may be used to position or resize it but use {Wx::LogWindow#show} to show or hide it.
    # @return [Wx::Frame]
    def get_frame; end
    alias_method :frame, :get_frame
    # Called if the user closes the window interactively, will not be called if it is destroyed for another reason (such as when program exits).
    # Return true from here to allow the frame to close, false to prevent this from happening.
    # @see Wx::LogWindow#on_frame_delete 
    # @param frame [Wx::Frame] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def on_frame_close(frame) end
    # Called right before the log frame is going to be deleted: will always be called unlike {Wx::LogWindow#on_frame_close}.
    # @param frame [Wx::Frame] 
    # @return [void]
    def on_frame_delete(frame) end
    # Shows or hides the frame.
    # @param show [true,false] 
    # @return [void]
    def show(show=true) end
  end # LogWindow
