require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/taps/client_session' describe Taps::ClientSession do before do @client ='sqlite://my.db', '', 1000) @client.stubs(:session_resource).returns(mock('session resource')) end it "starts a session and yields the session object to the block" do Taps::ClientSession.start('x', 'y', 1000) do |session| session.database_url.should == 'x' session.remote_url.should == 'y' session.default_chunksize.should == 1000 end end it "opens the local db connection via sequel and the database url" do Sequel.expects(:connect).with('sqlite://my.db').returns(:con) @client.db.should == :con end it "creates a restclient resource to the remote server" do @client.server.url.should == '' end it "verifies the db version, receive the schema, data, indexes, then reset the sequences" do @client.expects(:verify_server) @client.expects(:cmd_receive_schema) @client.expects(:cmd_receive_data) @client.expects(:cmd_receive_indexes) @client.expects(:cmd_reset_sequences) end it "checks the version of the server by seeing if it has access" do @client.stubs(:server).returns(mock('server')) @request = mock('request') @client.server.expects(:[]).with('/').returns(@request) @request.expects(:get).with({:taps_version => Taps::VERSION}) lambda { @client.verify_server }.should.not.raise end it "receives data from a remote taps server" do @client.stubs(:puts) @progressbar = mock('progressbar') ProgressBar.stubs(:new).with('mytable', 2).returns(@progressbar) @progressbar.stubs(:inc) @progressbar.stubs(:finish) @mytable = mock('mytable') @client.expects(:fetch_tables_info).returns([ { :mytable => 2 }, 2 ]) @client.stubs(:db).returns(mock('db')) @client.db.stubs(:[]).with(:mytable).returns(@mytable) @client.expects(:fetch_table_rows).with(:mytable, 1000, 0).returns([ 1000, { :header => [:x, :y], :data => [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } ]) @client.expects(:fetch_table_rows).with(:mytable, 1000, 2).returns([ 1000, { }]) @mytable.expects(:multi_insert).with([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) lambda { @client.cmd_receive_data }.should.not.raise end it "fetches tables info from taps server" do @marshal_data = Marshal.dump({ :mytable => 2 }) @client.session_resource.stubs(:[]).with('tables').returns(mock('tables')) @client.session_resource['tables'].stubs(:get).with(:taps_version => Taps::VERSION).returns(@marshal_data) @client.fetch_tables_info.should == [ { :mytable => 2 }, 2 ] end it "fetches table rows given a chunksize and offset from taps server" do @data = { :header => [ :x, :y ], :data => [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] } @gzip_data = Taps::Utils.gzip(Marshal.dump(@data)) Taps::Utils.stubs(:calculate_chunksize).with(1000).yields.returns(1000) @response = mock('response') @client.session_resource.stubs(:[]).with('tables/mytable/1000?offset=0').returns(mock('table resource')) @client.session_resource['tables/mytable/1000?offset=0'].expects(:get).with(:taps_version => Taps::VERSION).returns(@response) @response.stubs(:to_s).returns(@gzip_data) @response.stubs(:headers).returns({ :taps_checksum => Taps::Utils.checksum(@gzip_data) }) @client.fetch_table_rows('mytable', 1000, 0).should == [ 1000, { :header => [:x, :y], :data => [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } ] end end