// 🍂class TileLayer.HERE // Tile layer for HERE maps tiles. L.TileLayer.HERE = L.TileLayer.extend({ options: { subdomains: '1234', minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 18, // 🍂option scheme: String = 'normal.day' // The "map scheme", as documented in the HERE API. scheme: 'normal.day', // 🍂option resource: String = 'maptile' // The "map resource", as documented in the HERE API. resource: 'maptile', // 🍂option mapId: String = 'newest' // Version of the map tiles to be used, or a hash of an unique map mapId: 'newest', // 🍂option format: String = 'png8' // Image format to be used (`png8`, `png`, or `jpg`) format: 'png8', // 🍂option appId: String = '' // Required option. The `app_id` provided as part of the HERE credentials appId: '', // 🍂option appCode: String = '' // Required option. The `app_code` provided as part of the HERE credentials appCode: '', // 🍂option useCIT: boolean = false // Whether to use the CIT when loading the here-maptiles useCIT: false, // 🍂option useHTTPS: boolean = true // Whether to use HTTPS when loading the here-maptiles useHTTPS: true, // 🍂option language: String = '' // The language of the descriptions on the maps that are loaded language: '', // 🍂option language: String = '' // The second language of the descriptions on the maps that are loaded language2: '', }, initialize: function initialize(options) { options = L.setOptions(this, options); // Decide if this scheme uses the aerial servers or the basemap servers var schemeStart = options.scheme.split('.')[0]; options.tileResolution = 256; // {Base URL}{Path}/{resource (tile type)}/{map id}/{scheme}/{zoom}/{column}/{row}/{size}/{format} // ?apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY} // &{param}={value} var params = [ 'apiKey=' + encodeURIComponent(options.apiKey) ]; // Fallback to old app_id,app_code if no apiKey passed if(!options.apiKey) { params = [ 'app_id=' + encodeURIComponent(options.appId), 'app_code=' + encodeURIComponent(options.appCode), ]; } if(options.language) { params.push('lg=' + encodeURIComponent(options.language)); } if(options.language2) { params.push('lg2=' + encodeURIComponent(options.language2)); } var urlQuery = '?' + params.join('&'); var path = '/maptile/2.1/{resource}/{mapId}/{scheme}/{z}/{x}/{y}/{tileResolution}/{format}' + urlQuery; var attributionPath = '/maptile/2.1/copyright/{mapId}?apiKey={apiKey}'; var baseUrl = 'maps.ls.hereapi.com'; // Old style with apiId/apiCode for compatibility if(!options.apiKey) { // make sure the CIT-url can be used baseUrl = 'maps' + (options.useCIT ? '.cit' : '') + '.api.here.com'; attributionPath = '/maptile/2.1/copyright/{mapId}?app_id={appId}&app_code={appCode}'; } var tileServer = 'base.' + baseUrl; if (schemeStart == 'satellite' || schemeStart == 'terrain' || schemeStart == 'hybrid') { tileServer = 'aerial.' + baseUrl; } if (options.scheme.indexOf('.traffic.') !== -1) { tileServer = 'traffic' + baseUrl; } var protocol = 'http' + (options.useHTTPS ? 's' : ''); var tileUrl = protocol + '://{s}.' + tileServer + path; this._attributionUrl = L.Util.template(protocol + '://1.' + tileServer + attributionPath, this.options); L.TileLayer.prototype.initialize.call(this, tileUrl, options); this._attributionText = ''; }, onAdd: function onAdd(map) { L.TileLayer.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map); if (!this._attributionBBoxes) { this._fetchAttributionBBoxes(); } }, onRemove: function onRemove(map) { // // Remove the attribution text, and clear the cached text so it will be recalculated // if/when we are shown again. // this._map.attributionControl.removeAttribution(this._attributionText); this._attributionText = ''; this._map.off('moveend zoomend resetview', this._findCopyrightBBox, this); // // Call the prototype last, once we've tidied up our own changes // L.TileLayer.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map); }, _fetchAttributionBBoxes: function _onMapMove() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = L.bind(function(){ if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { this._parseAttributionBBoxes(JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText)); } }, this); xmlhttp.open("GET", this._attributionUrl, true); xmlhttp.send(); }, _parseAttributionBBoxes: function _parseAttributionBBoxes(json) { if (!this._map) { return; } var providers = json[this.options.scheme.split('.')[0]] || json.normal; for (var i=0; i= zoom) { if (!providers[i].boxes) { // No boxes = attribution always visible visibleProviders.push(providers[i]); } else { for (var j=0; jHERE maps']; for (var i=0; i' + provider.label + ''); } var attributionText = '© ' + attributions.join(', ') + '. '; if (attributionText !== this._attributionText) { this._map.attributionControl.removeAttribution(this._attributionText); this._map.attributionControl.addAttribution(this._attributionText = attributionText); } }, }); L.tileLayer.here = function(opts){ return new L.TileLayer.HERE(opts); }