require 'spec_helper' describe Memetron::Matcher, "#match" do it "returns nil if no match was found" do subject.match("blerg blerg blerg").should be_nil end it "can match and parse a meme" do subject.match_and_parse("a wild charizard appears").should == [:pokemon, ['charizard']] end it "returns nil if no match was found" do subject.match_and_parse('blerg blerg blerg').should be_nil end it "when multiple memes are present, the first match in memes.rb will be used. if this test fails it's because the order of memes changed." do subject.match_and_parse('not sure if i can haz cheeseburger or better drink my own piss?').should == [:fry, ["not sure", "i can haz cheeseburger", "better drink my own piss?"]] end context "Pokemon" do it "is detected" do subject.match("a wild charizard appears").should == :pokemon end it "requires a subject" do subject.match("a wild appears").should be_nil end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:pokemon, "a wild charizard appears").should == ['charizard'] end end context "Dos Equis" do it "is detected" do subject.match("I don't always go crazy but when i do i go all the way").should == :dos_equis end it "is detected despite poor grammar" do subject.match("I dont always go crazy but when I do I go all the way").should == :dos_equis end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:dos_equis, "I don't always x but when I do y").should == ['x', 'y'] end end context "Is best" do it "is detected" do subject.match("north korea is best korea").should == :is_best end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:is_best, "north korea is best korea").should == ["north", "korea", "korea"] end end context "Yo dawg" do it "is detected" do subject.match("yo dawg i heard you like stereos so i put a stereo in your car so you can listen while you listen").should == :yo_dawg end it "is detected despite poor grammar" do subject.match("yo dawg i herd you like stereos so i put a stereo in your car so you can listen while you listen").should == :yo_dawg end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:yo_dawg, "yo dawg i heard you like stereos so i put a stereo in your car so you can listen while you listen").should == ['stereos', 'stereo', 'car', 'listen', 'listen'] end end context "Fry" do it %q(is detected with "Can't tell") do subject.match("can't tell if joking or not").should == :fry end it 'is detected with "Not sure"' do subject.match("not sure if joking or not").should == :fry end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:fry, "cant tell if joking or not").should == ['cant tell', 'joking', 'not'] end end context "Patrick" do it "is detected" do subject.match("let's take all the languages and put them over here").should == :patrick end it "is detected despite poor grammar" do subject.match("lets take all the languages and put them over here").should == :patrick end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:patrick, "let's take all the languages and put them over here").should == ['languages'] end end context "SOON" do it "is detected when it's by itself" do subject.match("SOON").should == :soon end it "is case-insensitive" do subject.match("soon").should == :soon end it "is detected when it's a sentence" do subject.match("SOON.").should == :soon end it "is detected with an ellipsis" do subject.match("SOON...").should == :soon end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:soon, "SOON...").should == ['...'] end end context "Y U NO" do it "is detected when it begins the sentence" do subject.match("Y U NO DO THIS?").should == :y_u_no? end it "is detected when it does not begin the sentence" do subject.match("PROGRAMMERS, Y U NO DO THIS?").should == :y_u_no? end it "requires a question mark" do subject.match("PROGRAMMERS, Y U NO DO THIS").should be_nil end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:y_u_no?, "Y U NO DO THIS?").should == ['', 'DO THIS'] end end context "Hipster Kitty" do it "is detected" do subject.match("I liked Ruby before Matz was born").should == :hipster_kitty end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:hipster_kitty, "I liked Ruby before Matz was born").should == ['Ruby', 'Matz was born'] end end context "Bear Grylls" do it "is detected" do subject.match("Write a Ruby library. Better drink my own piss").should == :bear_grylls end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:bear_grylls, "Write a Ruby library. Better drink my own piss").should == ["Write a Ruby library."] end end context "I can haz" do it "is detected" do subject.match("I can haz Ruby library?").should == :i_can_haz end it "should work with either has or haz" do subject.match("I can has Ruby library?").should == :i_can_haz end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:i_can_haz, "I can haz Ruby library?").should == ['Ruby library?'] end end context "Jimmy McMillan" do it "is detected" do subject.match("The level of information is too damn high!").should == :jimmy_mcmillan end it "should only match when an exclamation mark is present" do subject.match("The level of information is too damn high").should be_nil end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:jimmy_mcmillan, "The level of information is too damn high!").should == ["The level of information"] end end context "Darth Vader" do it "is detected" do subject.match("I find your lack of tests disturbing").should == :darth_vader end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:darth_vader, "I find your lack of tests disturbing").should == ["tests"] end end context "Sean Bean" do it "is matched" do subject.match("Prepare yourself, the memes are coming").should == :sean_bean end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:sean_bean, "Prepare yourself, the memes are coming").should == ["memes"] end end context "orly?" do it "is detected" do subject.match("Another test orly?").should == :orly end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:orly, "Another test orly?").should == ["Another test"] end end context "All the things" do it "is detected" do subject.match("Test all the things").should == :all end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:all, "Test all the things").should == ["Test"] end end context "Obama face" do it "is detected" do subject.match("New meme not bad").should == :obama end it "is parsed" do subject.parse(:obama, "New meme not bad").should == ["New meme"] end end end