module ContextValidations::Controller # Will build the validations used to assign to a model instance # # Passing a context will call the `#{context}_validations` method if available # `#base_validations` will always be called prior to `#{context}_validations` # # If you are using Ruby 2.0+ not passing a context will force an implicit context call # based upon the calling method name. # # examples: # # Implicit method call will call `#base_validations` then `#create_validations` # def create # @user.validations = validations # end # # # Will call `#base_validations` then `#create_validations` # def other_create # @user.validations = validations(:create) # end # # # Will onliy call `#base_validations` because `#update_validations` does not exist # def update # @user.validations = validations # end # # def create_validations # ... # end # # @param [String, Symbol] def validations(context = nil) if RUBY_VERSION > '2' context ||= caller_locations(1, 1).first.label end @validations = [] base_validations if respond_to?("#{context}_validations") || private_methods.include?("#{context}_validations".to_sym) || protected_methods.include?("#{context}_validations".to_sym) send("#{context}_validations") end @validations end # Instance level implementation of `ActiveModel::Validations.validates` # Will accept all of the same options as the class-level model versions of the method def validates(*attributes) defaults = attributes.extract_options! validations = defaults.slice!(*_validates_default_keys) attributes.inject(@validations) do |validators, attribute| defaults[:attributes] = [attribute] validations.each do |key, options| key = "#{key.to_s.camelize}Validator" klass = key.include?('::') ? key.constantize : "ActiveModel::Validations::#{key}".constantize validator = validators << validator end validators end.flatten.uniq end private def _validates_default_keys [:if, :unless, :on, :allow_blank, :allow_nil , :strict] end def _parse_validates_options(options) case options when TrueClass {} when Hash options when Range, Array { :in => options } else { :with => options } end end end