module Calabash module Cucumber require "fileutils" require "run_loop" require "calabash-cucumber/dot_dir" # These methods are not part of the API. # # They may change at any time. # !@visibility private # blue def self.log_warn(msg) puts" WARN: #{msg}") if msg end # !@visibility private # magenta def self.log_debug(msg) if RunLoop::Environment.debug? puts self.magenta("DEBUG: #{msg}") if msg end end # !@visibility private # green def self.log_info(msg) puts" INFO: #{msg}") if msg end # !@visibility private # red def self.log_error(msg) puts"ERROR: #{msg}") if msg end # !@visibility private def self.log_to_file(message) timestamp = self.timestamp begin, "a:UTF-8") do |file| message.split($-0).each do |line| file.write("#{timestamp} #{line}#{$-0}") end end rescue => e message = %Q{Could not write: #{message} to calabash.log because: #{e} } self.log_debug(message) end end private # @!visibility private def self.windows_env? RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ end # @!visibility private def self.colorize(string, color) if self.windows_env? string elsif RunLoop::Environment.xtc? string else "\033[#{color}m#{string}\033[0m" end end # @!visibility private def colorize(string, 31) end # @!visibility private def colorize(string, 34) end # @!visibility private def self.magenta(string) colorize(string, 35) end # @!visibility private def self.cyan(string) colorize(string, 36) end # @!visibility private def colorize(string, 32) end # @!visibility private def self.timestamp"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") end # @!visibility private def self.logs_directory path = File.join(, "logs") FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) path end # @!visibility private def self.calabash_log_file path = File.join(self.logs_directory, "calabash.log") if !File.exist?(path) FileUtils.touch(path) end path end end end