class E9Crm::ResourcesController < E9Crm::BaseController include E9Rails::Controllers::Orderable include E9Rails::Helpers::ResourceErrorMessages include E9Rails::Helpers::Pagination inherit_resources add_resource_breadcrumbs def self.defaults(hash = {}) super(hash.reverse_merge(:route_prefix => nil)) end def create create! { collection_path } end def update update! { collection_path } end protected # NOTE parent is defined so it's always available, it will be overridden on controllers which have belongs_to routes def parent; end helper_method :parent def add_index_breadcrumb add_breadcrumb! @index_title || e9_t(:index_title), collection_path end def collection get_collection_ivar || set_collection_ivar(end_of_association_chain.paginate(pagination_parameters)) end def default_ordered_on 'created_at' end def default_ordered_dir 'DESC' end end