thanks for the ff dears! :)
they don't call me the party mummy for nuthin! ;) you should come to one! i'd love to hang with you! :)
haha i bet, lotsa people wanna talk ta tall t cause hes awesome :)
they're the best! i've actually thought about pulling a kramer and hiring one. i need a practice lackey to build my shadow army. :)
i am in a verrry gretchen wilson mood tonight... ^_^ #perfectharmony
this is true... (_ _; ) getting together would just be nice anyway. i'll see when we have time in our schedules. :)
hang in there man. so glad to hear you're a fan! love the hold steady. i'm pumped for the new album. :)
ur awesome...heard u on 92.3now u r the mixmaster!!!
rt: #follow>>>>>@legalizeloco thanks much! follow my twit fren back :)
f that. #wewantoil #wewantoil especially the frozen kind. :) [lol, i fcks (cont)
pretty chicks do pretty things so stop trying to do what i aren't pretty :)
msg trivia question, 1st player ever with 20-goals and 200 pim. my 11-year-old quickly answers, "chris dingman, right?'' made me laugh! :-)
nice pic the glasses :)
haha! :d that cracked me up! friend monkey, you have earned 3 chococredits
gladly pay us on tues for a burger today? lol looking to move nearby. hear of any apts lately? run tabs for whisky? :)
and you should follow me and my best friend we love you guys =)
haha, yes. :)
(it's cool :) )
disney media lol! im going to post all disney channel shows and vampire diaries episodes :)
haha! that's your mission for the day? lol!! :d
have a great line experience. something you will tell the little pdparticles in a few years :)
camping out right now :)
<--- follow her! she's nice :)
you can solve that puzzle over the weekend if you'd like lol... :)
yeaaa, but dnt put jobros in it lol :) thanks!! <3
watching ex-boyfriend anchoring evening news with hubby. kinda awkward. waiting for him to mess up. :)
thanks for the #ff mention :-)
studying. & working darlin, hopin ur well xx oh & what's ur new tattoo? i love it when they is itchy :)
#ff (i got it right this time) :)
@urbanmodelaward thank u :) we got you!
hey! lunch with matt and i on thursday?? :) bovolo!
thanks, i've got to stop talking about my brother in law :d
i hope u did the voice & face when u said that tweet out loud!! #onlywaytodoit :-)
you'll get used to it hehe. trust me. ;) oh you should twitpic as we strip! the clothes now lying on the floor. :)
isn't today your big day? :)
here, check a nice dry and aromatic cocktail :d my fav!
oh wow i got a kiss from :)
keeping following cos maybeeee if we get him to 11,000 he will dm' some fans :) cough--me ;)
#ff my friend he has one of the best encouraging words! =)
let me be the first to download mytown in singapore : ) dm me pls! thanks
lol!! u having a drink over there?? :):) // not yet! i'm actually putting together a help site for a couple friends. :)
have you entered my giveaway on p*n for the map pack? :)
#shoutout2dagirlz that got blackplanet myspace, facebook & twitter for her modeling resume' :)
welp i'm putting out good energy into the world today i feel great! how are yall today god is sooo good :)
i just saw walkn to menchies hahaha! :) she was wearin an orange dress! heck yes orange is the new cool color!
plz follow us were bieber & jonas fans who want the fighting to stop! :) #jonasbieberpeace
thank u. u 2 god bless. :)
you crack me up sometimes. :-)
you guys too! :)
im loving the site alreadddy!! everyone go and check it out... . good job! :)
hey follow . she goes ham on anybody hatin n she good peeps :-)
we're watching cars. i love this movie :)
i need to step my avatar pic game up. y'all are killing it! beautiful!! :-)
ughh youu get on my nervess| not as much as u get on mine :) youngin!
what up? hope you guys are having a great friday. just got home from the grocery store. time to chillax. :)
thank you!! :d :d
hey you! we just crossed #ff's there's karma! how the hell are you? been off the grid this week .. rubbish i am! :)
yup!! :-) my bro in law lives in vegas. hub's gonna hang w/him. i'm meeting up w/ heidi & vicki from calgary. c u there! :) need 10 more views to get 20,000 views :)
meet :) we're doing our first container garden this year too and every little bit helps!
lol! me too, used to collect them in a jar & poke holes in the top :) a lightning bug! i love them
my 11,000th tweet goes to :)
lmfao i knowwwww , at least we're in this boat together :)
i'll keep yall updated :)
thanks :)
i'm mad that i'm not near the top of that list but i guess i should feel honored to be on it at least! thanks kev :-)
#everyonefollow >>>> <<<< #ff :d
is that a p or np calculation :-)
good :d i'm gonna go see rm tomorrow!!!!!!
uh oh hope all goes smoothly and that his nerves are not frayed :)
hello from canada! all is well :)
:) the chicken wings... kidding although they are good. i <3 the spider roll no matter where i am. #softshellgoodness
heyyy u had ur fun w/ let have her fun w/@llcoolj :)
aw! changed your name! codysimpsonthegreat haha please :d
while we were at cott3d i won the web comment of the week! #fameball :) (ty
you have a hot tub and a liquer store in the next county. :)
that's okay russ. you have a whole month to turn in... 1 :)
whenever that is! =p have fun at the concert tonight =)
mee too! :d well after i throw a pebble at dem, do a cartwheel on dere hip & slap em on dey neck :]
shall now not say anything, you guys have to fine me :)
thank you :d
thanks for the ff! :) hope you enjoy our updates.
:-) i'm a kid on inside. being an aunty is amazing because i get to indulge in my immature side but dont look weird.
q:dude, person named bellgab08 shut up! serious... a:thank you :)and hmm probably selena gomez :d
thanks for the #ff randy i trust you are well have a good easter weekend :-)
good good. cause i can't see what any of ye look like properly :)
#ff another #latinsensation she takes the meaning of bad to another level #sosobad =) show her some luv
heading off to go on a date with my tv. actually, becca's plasma tv. :) be back in 3 to 4 hours.
don't finish both bottles if u already feel good. it'll be a waste :)
hope we can do it!! :)
okay good :) also please follow if youre not already and tell her i sent you, its for a contest! <3
yay sista :) rt@sallyfontaine: wedding bells are ringing...tamara&jeremy got engaged tonite!! so excited for u
can't wait to see it!! post pics :)
how was your day baby :-)
we do both. organic fruits, yes. trix cereal, yes. :)
no worries and cool, now we follow each other in a big loop :)
heyyy everyone im back just a lil nbit tipsy!!! :) hehe how are we al!?
browsing an old blog post of mine and came across this little gem from for web essentials: :) #nostalgia
finished with baseball. heading to subway. :)