require 'csv' class Standard attr_accessor :space_multiplier_map attr_accessor :standards_data # returns the space multiplier map # @return [Hash] space multiplier map def define_space_multiplier return @space_multiplier_map end # @!group Model # Creates a Performance Rating Method (aka Appendix G aka LEED) baseline building model # Method used for 90.1-2016 and onward # # @note Per 90.1, the Performance Rating Method "does NOT offer an alternative compliance path for minimum standard compliance." # This means you can't use this method for code compliance to get a permit. # @param user_model [OpenStudio::model::Model] User specified OpenStudio model # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @param hvac_building_type [String] the building type for baseline HVAC system determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param wwr_building_type [String] the building type for baseline WWR determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param swh_building_type [String] the building type for baseline SWH determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param output_dir [String] the directory where the PRM generations will be performed # @param run_all_orients [Boolean] indicate weather a baseline model should be created for all 4 orientations: same as user model, +90 deg, +180 deg, +270 deg # @param debug [Boolean] If true, will report out more detailed debugging output # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # Method used for 90.1-2016 and onward def model_create_prm_stable_baseline_building(model, climate_zone, hvac_building_type, wwr_building_type, swh_building_type, output_dir = Dir.pwd, unmet_load_hours_check = true, debug = false) model_create_prm_any_baseline_building(model, '', climate_zone, hvac_building_type, wwr_building_type, swh_building_type, true, false, output_dir, true, unmet_load_hours_check, debug) end # Creates a Performance Rating Method (aka Appendix G aka LEED) baseline building model # Method used for 90.1-2013 and prior # @param user_model [OpenStudio::model::Model] User specified OpenStudio model # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @param custom [String] the custom logic that will be applied during baseline creation. Valid choices are 'Xcel Energy CO EDA' or '90.1-2007 with addenda dn'. # If nothing is specified, no custom logic will be applied; the process will follow the template logic explicitly. # @param sizing_run_dir [String] the directory where the sizing runs will be performed # @param debug [Boolean] If true, will report out more detailed debugging output def model_create_prm_baseline_building(model, building_type, climate_zone, custom = nil, sizing_run_dir = Dir.pwd, debug = false) model_create_prm_any_baseline_building(model, building_type, climate_zone, 'All others', 'All others', 'All others', false, custom, sizing_run_dir, false, false, debug) end # Creates a Performance Rating Method (aka Appendix G aka LEED) baseline building model # based on the inputs currently in the model. # # @note Per 90.1, the Performance Rating Method "does NOT offer an alternative compliance path for minimum standard compliance." # This means you can't use this method for code compliance to get a permit. # @param user_model [OpenStudio::model::Model] User specified OpenStudio model # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param climate_zone [String] the climate zone # @param hvac_building_type [String] the building type for baseline HVAC system determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param wwr_building_type [String] the building type for baseline WWR determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param swh_building_type [String] the building type for baseline SWH determination (90.1-2016 and onward) # @param model_deep_copy [Boolean] indicate if the baseline model is created based on a deep copy of the user specified model # @param custom [String] the custom logic that will be applied during baseline creation. Valid choices are 'Xcel Energy CO EDA' or '90.1-2007 with addenda dn'. # If nothing is specified, no custom logic will be applied; the process will follow the template logic explicitly. # @param sizing_run_dir [String] the directory where the sizing runs will be performed # @param run_all_orients [Boolean] indicate weather a baseline model should be created for all 4 orientations: same as user model, +90 deg, +180 deg, +270 deg # @param debug [Boolean] If true, will report out more detailed debugging output # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_create_prm_any_baseline_building(user_model, building_type, climate_zone, hvac_building_type = 'All others', wwr_building_type = 'All others', swh_building_type = 'All others', model_deep_copy = false, custom = nil, sizing_run_dir = Dir.pwd, run_all_orients = false, unmet_load_hours_check = true, debug = false) # Check proposed model unmet load hours if unmet_load_hours_check # Run proposed model; need annual simulation to get unmet load hours if model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(user_model, run_dir = "#{sizing_run_dir}/PROP") umlh = model_get_unmet_load_hours(user_model) if umlh > 300 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'prm.log', "Proposed model unmet load hours exceed 300. Baseline model(s) won't be created.") raise "Proposed model unmet load hours exceed 300. Baseline model(s) won't be created." end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'prm.log', "Simulation failed. Check the model to make sure no severe errors.") raise "Simulation on proposed model failed. Baseline generation is stopped." end end # User data process # bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash could be an empty hash if all zones in the models are unconditioned bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash = {} handle_user_input_data(user_model, climate_zone, hvac_building_type, wwr_building_type, swh_building_type, bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash) # Define different orientation from original orientation # for each individual baseline models # Need to run proposed model sizing simulation if no sql data is available degs_from_org = run_all_orientations(run_all_orients, user_model) ? [0, 90, 180, 270] : [0] # Create baseline model for each orientation degs_from_org.each do |degs| # New baseline model: # Starting point is the original proposed model # Create a deep copy of the user model if requested model = model_deep_copy ? BTAP::FileIO.deep_copy(user_model) : user_model model.getBuilding.setName("#{template}-#{building_type}-#{climate_zone} PRM baseline created: #{}") # Rotate building if requested, # Site shading isn't rotated model_rotate(model, degs) unless degs == 0 # Perform a sizing run of the proposed model. # # Among others, one of the goal is to get individual # space load to determine each space's conditioning # type: conditioned, unconditioned, semiheated. if model_create_prm_baseline_building_requires_proposed_model_sizing_run(model) # Set up some special reports to be used for baseline system selection later # Zone return air flows node_list = [] var_name = 'System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate' frequency = 'hourly' model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| port_list = zone.returnPortList port_list_objects = port_list.modelObjects port_list_objects.each do |node| node_name = node.nameString node_list << node_name output =, model) output.setKeyValue(node_name) output.setReportingFrequency(frequency) end end # air loop relief air flows var_name = 'System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate' frequency = 'hourly' model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop_hvac| relief_node = air_loop_hvac.reliefAirNode.get output =, model) output.setKeyValue(relief_node.nameString) output.setReportingFrequency(frequency) end # Run the sizing run if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/SR_PROP#{degs}") == false return false end # Set baseline model space conditioning category based on proposed model model.getSpaces.each do |space| # Get conditioning category at the space level space_conditioning_category = space_conditioning_category(space) # Set space conditioning category space.additionalProperties.setFeature('space_conditioning_category', space_conditioning_category) end # The following should be done after a sizing run of the proposed model # because the proposed model zone design air flow is needed model_identify_return_air_type(model) end # Remove external shading devices OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Removing External Shading Devices ***') model_remove_external_shading_devices(model) # Reduce the WWR and SRR, if necessary OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Adjusting Window and Skylight Ratios ***') success, wwr_info = model_apply_prm_baseline_window_to_wall_ratio(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type: wwr_building_type) model_apply_prm_baseline_skylight_to_roof_ratio(model) # Assign building stories to spaces in the building where stories are not yet assigned. model_assign_spaces_to_stories(model) # Modify the internal loads in each space type, keeping user-defined schedules. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Changing Lighting Loads ***') model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| set_people = false set_lights = true set_electric_equipment = false set_gas_equipment = false set_ventilation = false set_infiltration = false # For PRM, it only applies lights for now. space_type_apply_internal_loads(space_type, set_people, set_lights, set_electric_equipment, set_gas_equipment, set_ventilation, set_infiltration) end # Modify the lighting schedule to handle lighting occupancy sensors # Modify the upper limit value of fractional schedule to avoid the fatal error caused by schedule value higher than 1 space_type_light_sch_change(model) model_apply_baseline_exterior_lighting(model) # Modify the elevator motor peak power model_add_prm_elevators(model) # Calculate infiltration as per 90.1 PRM rules model_baseline_apply_infiltration_standard(model, climate_zone) # If any of the lights are missing schedules, assign an always-off schedule to those lights. # This is assumed to be the user's intent in the proposed model. model.getLightss.sort.each do |lights| if lights.schedule.empty? lights.setSchedule(model.alwaysOffDiscreteSchedule) end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Adding Daylighting Controls ***') # Run a sizing run to calculate VLT for layer-by-layer windows. if model_create_prm_baseline_building_requires_vlt_sizing_run(model) if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/SRVLT") == false return false end end # Add or remove daylighting controls to each space # Add daylighting controls for 90.1-2013 and prior # Remove daylighting control for 90.1-PRM-2019 and onward model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space_set_baseline_daylighting_controls(space, true, false) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Applying Baseline Constructions ***') # Modify some of the construction types as necessary model_apply_prm_construction_types(model) # Get the groups of zones that define the baseline HVAC systems for later use. # This must be done before removing the HVAC systems because it requires knowledge of proposed HVAC fuels. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Grouping Zones by Fuel Type and Occupancy Type ***') zone_fan_scheds = nil sys_groups = model_prm_baseline_system_groups(model, custom, bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash) # Also get hash of zoneName:boolean to record which zones have district heating, if any district_heat_zones = model_get_district_heating_zones(model) # Store occupancy and fan operation schedules for each zone before deleting HVAC objects zone_fan_scheds = get_fan_schedule_for_each_zone(model) # Set the construction properties of all the surfaces in the model model_apply_constructions(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type, wwr_info) # Update ground temperature profile (for F/C-factor construction objects) model_update_ground_temperature_profile(model, climate_zone) # Identify non-mechanically cooled systems if necessary model_identify_non_mechanically_cooled_systems(model) # Get supply, return, relief fan power for each air loop if model_get_fan_power_breakdown model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| supply_fan_w = air_loop_hvac_get_supply_fan_power(air_loop) return_fan_w = air_loop_hvac_get_return_fan_power(air_loop) relief_fan_w = air_loop_hvac_get_relief_fan_power(air_loop) # Save fan power at the zone to determining # baseline fan power air_loop.thermalZones.sort.each do |zone| zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('supply_fan_w', supply_fan_w.to_f) zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('return_fan_w', return_fan_w.to_f) zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('relief_fan_w', relief_fan_w.to_f) end end end # Compute and marke DCV related information before deleting proposed model HVAC systems model_mark_zone_dcv_existence(model) model_add_dcv_user_exception_properties(model) model_add_dcv_requirement_properties(model) model_add_apxg_dcv_properties(model) model_raise_user_model_dcv_errors(model) # Remove all HVAC from model, excluding service water heating model_remove_prm_hvac(model) # Remove all EMS objects from the model model_remove_prm_ems_objects(model) # Modify the service water heating loops per the baseline rules OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Cleaning up Service Water Heating Loops ***') model_apply_baseline_swh_loops(model, building_type) # Determine the baseline HVAC system type for each of the groups of zones and add that system type. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Adding Baseline HVAC Systems ***') air_loop_name_array = [] sys_groups.each do |sys_group| # Determine the primary baseline system type system_type = model_prm_baseline_system_type(model, climate_zone, sys_group, custom, hvac_building_type, district_heat_zones) sys_group['zones'].sort.each_slice(5) do |zone_list| zone_names = [] zone_list.each do |zone| zone_names << end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{zone_names.join(', ')}") end # Add system type reference to zone sys_group['zones'].sort.each do |zone| zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('baseline_system_type', system_type[0]) end # Add the system type for these zones model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, system_type[0], system_type[1], system_type[2], system_type[3], sys_group['zones'], zone_fan_scheds) model.getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| air_loop_name = unless air_loop_name_array.include?(air_loop_name) air_loop.additionalProperties.setFeature('zone_group_type', sys_group['zone_group_type'] || 'None') air_loop.additionalProperties.setFeature('sys_group_occ', sys_group['occ'] || 'None') air_loop_name_array << air_loop_name end # Determine return air type plenum, return_air_type = model_determine_baseline_return_air_type(model, system_type[0], air_loop.thermalZones) air_loop.thermalZones.sort.each do |zone| # Set up return air plenum zone.setReturnPlenum(model.getThermalZoneByName(plenum).get) if return_air_type == 'return_plenum' end end end # Add system type reference to all air loops model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| if air_loop.thermalZones[0].additionalProperties.hasFeature('baseline_system_type') sys_type = air_loop.thermalZones[0].additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('baseline_system_type').get air_loop.additionalProperties.setFeature('baseline_system_type', sys_type) else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermal zone #{air_loop.thermalZones[0].name} is not associated to a particular system type.") end end # Set the zone sizing SAT for each zone in the model OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Applying Baseline HVAC System Sizing Settings ***') model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| thermal_zone_apply_prm_baseline_supply_temperatures(zone) end # Set the system sizing properties based on the zone sizing information model.getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| air_loop_hvac_apply_prm_sizing_temperatures(air_loop) end # Set internal load sizing run schedules model_apply_prm_baseline_sizing_schedule(model) # Set the heating and cooling sizing parameters model_apply_prm_sizing_parameters(model) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Applying Baseline HVAC System Controls ***') # SAT reset, economizers model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| air_loop_hvac_apply_prm_baseline_controls(air_loop, climate_zone) end # Apply the baseline system water loop temperature reset control model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Skip the SWH loops next if plant_loop_swh_loop?(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_baseline_temperatures(plant_loop) end # Run sizing run with the HVAC equipment if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/SR1") == false return false end # Apply the minimum damper positions, assuming no DDC control of VAV terminals model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| air_loop_hvac_apply_minimum_vav_damper_positions(air_loop, false) end # If there are any multi-zone systems, reset damper positions to achieve a 60% ventilation effectiveness minimum for the system # following the ventilation rate procedure from 62.1 model_apply_multizone_vav_outdoor_air_sizing(model) # Set the baseline fan power for all air loops model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| air_loop_hvac_apply_prm_baseline_fan_power(air_loop) end # Set the baseline fan power for all zone HVAC model.getZoneHVACComponents.sort.each do |zone_hvac| zone_hvac_component_apply_prm_baseline_fan_power(zone_hvac) end # Set the baseline number of boilers and chillers model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Skip the SWH loops next if plant_loop_swh_loop?(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_number_of_boilers(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_number_of_chillers(plant_loop, sizing_run_dir) end # Set the baseline number of cooling towers # Must be done after all chillers are added model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Skip the SWH loops next if plant_loop_swh_loop?(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_number_of_cooling_towers(plant_loop) end # Run sizing run with the new chillers, boilers, and cooling towers to determine capacities if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/SR2") == false return false end # Set the pumping control strategy and power # Must be done after sizing components model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Skip the SWH loops next if plant_loop_swh_loop?(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_baseline_pump_power(plant_loop) plant_loop_apply_prm_baseline_pumping_type(plant_loop) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', '*** Applying Prescriptive HVAC Controls and Equipment Efficiencies ***') # Apply the HVAC efficiency standard model_apply_hvac_efficiency_standard(model, climate_zone) # Set baseline DCV system model_set_baseline_demand_control_ventilation(model, climate_zone) # Final sizing run and adjustements to values that need refinement model_refine_size_dependent_values(model, sizing_run_dir) # Fix EMS references. # Temporary workaround for OS issue #2598 model_temp_fix_ems_references(model) # Delete all the unused resource objects model_remove_unused_resource_objects(model) # Add reporting tolerances model_add_reporting_tolerances(model) # @todo: turn off self shading # Set Solar Distribution to MinimalShadowing... problem is when you also have detached shading such as surrounding buildings etc # It won't be taken into account, while it should: only self shading from the building itself should be turned off but to my knowledge there isn't a way to do this in E+ model_status = degs > 0 ? "final_#{degs}" : 'final'"#{sizing_run_dir}/#{model_status}.osm"), true) # Translate to IDF and save for debugging forward_translator = idf = forward_translator.translateModel(model) idf_path ="#{sizing_run_dir}/#{model_status}.idf"), true) # Check unmet load hours if unmet_load_hours_check nb_adjustments = 0 loop do # Loop break condition: Limit the number of zone sizing factor adjustment to 3 unless nb_adjustments < 3 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "After 3 rounds of zone sizing factor adjustments the unmet load hours for the baseline model (#{degs} degree of rotation) still exceed 300 hours. Please open an issue on GitHub ( and share your user model with the developers.") break end # Close the previous SQL session if open to prevent EnergyPlus from overloading the same session sql = model.sqlFile.get if sql.connectionOpen sql.close end if model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/final#{degs}") # If UMLH are greater than the threshold allowed by Appendix G, # increase zone air flow and load as per the recommendation in # the PRM-RM; Note that the PRM-RM only suggest to increase # air zone air flow, but the zone sizing factor in EnergyPlus # increase both air flow and load. if model_get_unmet_load_hours(model) > 300 model.getThermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| # Cooling adjustments clg_umlh = thermal_zone_get_unmet_load_hours(thermal_zone, 'Cooling') if clg_umlh > 50 sizing_factor = 1.0 if thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneCoolingSizingFactor.is_initialized sizing_factor = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneCoolingSizingFactor.get end # Make adjustment to zone cooling sizing factor # Do not adjust factors greater or equal to 2 clg_umlh > 150 ? sizing_factor = [2.0, sizing_factor * 1.1].min : sizing_factor = [2.0, sizing_factor * 1.05].min thermal_zone.sizingZone.setZoneCoolingSizingFactor(sizing_factor) end # Heating adjustments # Reset sizing factor htg_umlh = thermal_zone_get_unmet_load_hours(thermal_zone, 'Heating') if htg_umlh > 50 sizing_factor = 1.0 if thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneHeatingSizingFactor.is_initialized # Get zone heating sizing factor sizing_factor = thermal_zone.sizingZone.zoneHeatingSizingFactor.get end # Make adjustment to zone heating sizing factor # Do not adjust factors greater or equal to 2 htg_umlh > 150 ? sizing_factor = [2.0, sizing_factor * 1.1].min : sizing_factor = [2.0, sizing_factor * 1.05].min thermal_zone.sizingZone.setZoneHeatingSizingFactor(sizing_factor) end end end else # simulation failure, raise the exception. # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'OpenStudio simulation failed.') raise('OpenStudio simulation failed.') end nb_adjustments += 1 end end end if debug generate_baseline_log(sizing_run_dir) end return true end # Determine if there needs to be a sizing run after constructions are added # so that EnergyPlus can calculate the VLTs of layer-by-layer glazing constructions. # These VLT values are needed for the daylighting controls logic for some templates. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if required, false if not def model_create_prm_baseline_building_requires_vlt_sizing_run(model) return false # Not required for most templates end # Determine if there is a need for a proposed model sizing run. # A typical application of such sizing run is to determine space # conditioning type. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # # @return [Boolean] Returns true if a sizing run is required def model_create_prm_baseline_building_requires_proposed_model_sizing_run(model) return false end # Determine the residential and nonresidential floor areas based on the space type properties for each space. # For spaces with no space type, assume nonresidential. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] keys are 'residential' and 'nonresidential', units are m^2 def model_residential_and_nonresidential_floor_areas(model) res_area_m2 = 0 nonres_area_m2 = 0 model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| if thermal_zone_residential?(space) res_area_m2 += space.floorArea else nonres_area_m2 += space.floorArea end end return { 'residential' => res_area_m2, 'nonresidential' => nonres_area_m2 } end # Determine the number of stories spanned by the supplied zones. # If all zones on one of the stories have an identical multiplier, # assume that the multiplier is a floor multiplier and increase the number of stories accordingly. # Stories do not have to be contiguous. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] an array of zones # @return [Integer] the number of stories spanned def model_num_stories_spanned(model, zones) # Get the story object for all zones stories = [] zones.each do |zone| zone.spaces.each do |space| story = space.buildingStory next if story.empty? stories << story.get end end # Reduce down to the unique set of stories stories = stories.uniq # Tally up stories including multipliers num_stories = 0 stories.each do |story| num_stories += building_story_floor_multiplier(story) end return num_stories end # Add design day schedule objects for space loads, # not used for 2013 and earlier # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] OpenStudio model object # def model_apply_prm_baseline_sizing_schedule(model) return true end # Categorize zones by occupancy type and fuel type, where the types depend on the standard. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @param applicable_zones [list of zone objects] # @return [Array<Hash>] an array of hashes, one for each zone, # with the keys 'zone', 'type' (occ type), 'fuel', and 'area' def model_zones_with_occ_and_fuel_type(model, custom, applicable_zones = nil) zones = [] model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| # Skip plenums if thermal_zone_plenum?(zone) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Zone #{} is a plenum. It will not be assigned a baseline system.") next end if !applicable_zones.nil? # This is only used for the stable baseline (2016 and later) if !applicable_zones.include?(zone) # This zone is not part of the current hvac_building_type next end end # Skip unconditioned zones heated = thermal_zone_heated?(zone) cooled = thermal_zone_cooled?(zone) if !heated && !cooled OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Zone #{} is unconditioned. It will not be assigned a baseline system.") next end zn_hash = {} # The zone object zn_hash['zone'] = zone # Floor area zn_hash['area'] = zone.floorArea # Occupancy type zn_hash['occ'] = thermal_zone_occupancy_type(zone) # Building type zn_hash['bldg_type'] = thermal_zone_building_type(zone) # Fuel type # for 2013 and prior, baseline fuel = proposed fuel # for 2016 and later, use fuel to identify zones with district energy zn_hash['fuel'] = thermal_zone_get_zone_fuels_for_occ_and_fuel_type(zone) zones << zn_hash end return zones end # Determine the dominant and exceptional areas of the building based on fuel types and occupancy types. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [Array<Hash>] an array of hashes of area information, # with keys area_ft2, type, fuel, and zones (an array of zones) def model_prm_baseline_system_groups(model, custom, bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash = nil) # Define the minimum area for the # exception that allows a different # system type in part of the building. exception_min_area_m2 = model_prm_baseline_system_group_minimum_area(model, custom) exception_min_area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(exception_min_area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # Get occupancy type, fuel type, and area information for all zones, # excluding unconditioned zones. # Occupancy types are: # Residential # NonResidential # (and for 90.1-2013) # PublicAssembly # Retail # Fuel types are: # fossil # electric # (and for Xcel Energy CO EDA) # fossilandelectric zones = model_zones_with_occ_and_fuel_type(model, custom) # Ensure that there is at least one conditioned zone if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'The building does not appear to have any conditioned zones. Make sure zones have thermostat with appropriate heating and cooling setpoint schedules.') return [] end # Group the zones by occupancy type type_to_area = { 0.0 } zones_grouped_by_occ = zones.group_by { |z| z['occ'] } # Determine the dominant occupancy type by area zones_grouped_by_occ.each do |occ_type, zns| zns.each do |zn| type_to_area[occ_type] += zn['area'] end end dom_occ = type_to_area.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse[0][0] # Get the dominant occupancy type group dom_occ_group = zones_grouped_by_occ[dom_occ] # Check the non-dominant occupancy type groups to see if they are big enough to trigger the occupancy exception. # If they are, leave the group standing alone. # If they are not, add the zones in that group back to the dominant occupancy type group. occ_groups = [] zones_grouped_by_occ.each do |occ_type, zns| # Skip the dominant occupancy type next if occ_type == dom_occ # Add up the floor area of the group area_m2 = 0 zns.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # If the non-dominant group is big enough, preserve that group. if area_ft2 > exception_min_area_ft2 occ_groups << [occ_type, zns] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The portion of the building with an occupancy type of #{occ_type} is bigger than the minimum exception area of #{exception_min_area_ft2.round} ft2. It will be assigned a separate HVAC system type.") # Otherwise, add the zones back to the dominant group. else dom_occ_group += zns end end # Add the dominant occupancy group to the list occ_groups << [dom_occ, dom_occ_group] # Inside of each remaining occupancy group, determine the dominant fuel type. # This determination should only include zones that are part of the dominant area type inside of this group. occ_and_fuel_groups = [] occ_groups.each do |occ_type, zns| # Separate the zones that are part of the dominant occ type dom_occ_zns = [] nondom_occ_zns = [] zns.each do |zn| if zn['occ'] == occ_type dom_occ_zns << zn else nondom_occ_zns << zn end end # Determine the dominant fuel type from the subset of the dominant area type zones fuel_to_area = { 0.0 } zones_grouped_by_fuel = dom_occ_zns.group_by { |z| z['fuel'] } zones_grouped_by_fuel.each do |fuel, zns_by_fuel| zns_by_fuel.each do |zn| fuel_to_area[fuel] += zn['area'] end end sorted_by_area = fuel_to_area.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse dom_fuel = sorted_by_area[0][0] # Don't allow unconditioned to be the dominant fuel, go to the next biggest if dom_fuel == 'unconditioned' if sorted_by_area.size > 1 dom_fuel = sorted_by_area[1][0] else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'The fuel type was not able to be determined for any zones in this model. Run with debug messages enabled to see possible reasons.') return [] end end # Get the dominant fuel type group dom_fuel_group = {} dom_fuel_group['occ'] = occ_type dom_fuel_group['fuel'] = dom_fuel dom_fuel_group['zones'] = zones_grouped_by_fuel[dom_fuel] # The zones that aren't part of the dominant occ type are automatically added to the dominant fuel group dom_fuel_group['zones'] += nondom_occ_zns # Check the non-dominant occupancy type groups to see if they are big enough to trigger the occupancy exception. # If they are, leave the group standing alone. # If they are not, add the zones in that group back to the dominant occupancy type group. zones_grouped_by_fuel.each do |fuel_type, zns_by_fuel| # Skip the dominant occupancy type next if fuel_type == dom_fuel # Add up the floor area of the group area_m2 = 0 zns_by_fuel.each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get # If the non-dominant group is big enough, preserve that group. if area_ft2 > exception_min_area_ft2 group = {} group['occ'] = occ_type group['fuel'] = fuel_type group['zones'] = zns_by_fuel occ_and_fuel_groups << group OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The portion of the building with an occupancy type of #{occ_type} and fuel type of #{fuel_type} is bigger than the minimum exception area of #{exception_min_area_ft2.round} ft2. It will be assigned a separate HVAC system type.") # Otherwise, add the zones back to the dominant group. else dom_fuel_group['zones'] += zns_by_fuel end end # Add the dominant occupancy group to the list occ_and_fuel_groups << dom_fuel_group end # Moved heated-only zones into their own groups. # Per the PNNL PRM RM, this must be done AFTER the dominant occ and fuel types are determined # so that heated-only zone areas are part of the determination. final_groups = [] occ_and_fuel_groups.each do |gp| # Skip unconditioned groups next if gp['fuel'] == 'unconditioned' heated_only_zones = [] heated_cooled_zones = [] gp['zones'].each do |zn| if thermal_zone_heated?(zn['zone']) && !thermal_zone_cooled?(zn['zone']) heated_only_zones << zn else heated_cooled_zones << zn end end gp['zones'] = heated_cooled_zones # Add the group (less unheated zones) to the final list final_groups << gp # If there are any heated-only zones, create a new group for them. unless heated_only_zones.empty? htd_only_group = {} htd_only_group['occ'] = 'heatedonly' htd_only_group['fuel'] = gp['fuel'] htd_only_group['zones'] = heated_only_zones final_groups << htd_only_group end end # Calculate the area for each of the final groups and replace the zone hashes with the zone objects final_groups.each do |gp| area_m2 = 0.0 gp_zns = [] gp['zones'].each do |zn| area_m2 += zn['area'] gp_zns << zn['zone'] end area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get gp['area_ft2'] = area_ft2 gp['zones'] = gp_zns end # @todo Remove the secondary zones before # determining the area used to pick the HVAC system, per PNNL PRM RM # If there is any district heating or district cooling in the proposed building, the heating and cooling # fuels in the entire baseline building are changed for the purposes of HVAC system assignment all_htg_fuels = [] all_clg_fuels = [] model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| all_htg_fuels += zone.heating_fuels all_clg_fuels += zone.cooling_fuels end purchased_heating = false purchased_cooling = false # Purchased heating if all_htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') purchased_heating = true end # Purchased cooling if all_clg_fuels.include?('DistrictCooling') purchased_cooling = true end # Categorize district_fuel = nil if purchased_heating && purchased_cooling district_fuel = 'purchasedheatandcooling' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'The proposed model included purchased heating and cooling. All baseline building system selection will be based on this information.') elsif purchased_heating && !purchased_cooling district_fuel = 'purchasedheat' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'The proposed model included purchased heating. All baseline building system selection will be based on this information.') elsif !purchased_heating && purchased_cooling district_fuel = 'purchasedcooling' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'The proposed model included purchased cooling. All baseline building system selection will be based on this information.') end # Change the fuel in all final groups if district systems were found. if district_fuel final_groups.each do |gp| gp['fuel'] = district_fuel end end # Determine the number of stories spanned by each group and report out info. final_groups.each do |group| # Determine the number of stories this group spans num_stories = model_num_stories_spanned(model, group['zones']) group['stories'] = num_stories # Report out the final grouping OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Final system type group: occ = #{group['occ']}, fuel = #{group['fuel']}, area = #{group['area_ft2'].round} ft2, num stories = #{group['stories']}, zones:") group['zones'].sort.each_slice(5) do |zone_list| zone_names = [] zone_list.each do |zone| zone_names << end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{zone_names.join(', ')}") end end return final_groups end # Before deleting proposed HVAC components, determine for each zone if it has district heating # @return [Hash] of boolean with zone name as key def model_get_district_heating_zones(model) has_district_hash = {} model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| has_district_hash['building'] = false htg_fuels = zone.heating_fuels if htg_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') has_district_hash[] = true has_district_hash['building'] = true else has_district_hash[] = false end end return has_district_hash end # Get list of heat types across a list of zones # @param zones [array of objects] array of zone objects # @return [string] concatenated string showing different fuel types in a group of zones def get_group_heat_types(model, zones) heat_list = '' has_district_heat = false has_fuel_heat = false has_elec_heat = false zones.each do |zone| if zone.heating_fuels.include?('DistrictHeating') has_district_heat = true end other_heat = thermal_zone_fossil_or_electric_type(zone, '') if other_heat == 'fossil' has_fuel_heat = true elsif other_heat == 'electric' has_elec_heat = true end end if has_district_heat heat_list = 'districtheating' end if has_fuel_heat heat_list += '_fuel' end if has_elec_heat heat_list += '_electric' end return heat_list end # Store fan operation schedule for each zone before deleting HVAC objects # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param model [object] # @return [hash] of zoneName:fan_schedule_8760 def get_fan_schedule_for_each_zone(model) fan_sch_names = {} # Start with air loops model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop_hvac| fan_schedule_8760 = [] # Check for availability managers # Assume only AvailabilityManagerScheduled will control fan schedule # TODO: also check AvailabilityManagerScheduledOn avail_mgrs = air_loop_hvac.availabilityManagers # if avail_mgrs.is_initialized if !avail_mgrs.nil? avail_mgrs.each do |avail_mgr| # avail_mgr = avail_mgr.get # Check each type of AvailabilityManager # If the current one matches, get the fan schedule if avail_mgr.to_AvailabilityManagerScheduled.is_initialized avail_mgr = avail_mgr.to_AvailabilityManagerScheduled.get fan_schedule = avail_mgr.schedule # fan_sch_translator =, fan_schedule) # fan_sch_ruleset = fan_sch_translator.translate fan_schedule_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule(model, fan_schedule) end end end if fan_schedule_8760.empty? # If there are no availability managers, then use the schedule in the supply fan object # Note: testing showed that the fan object schedule is not used by OpenStudio # Instead, get the fan schedule from the air_loop_hvac object # fan_object = nil # fan_object = get_fan_object_for_airloop(model, air_loop_hvac) fan_object = 'nothing' if !fan_object.nil? # fan_schedule = fan_object.availabilitySchedule fan_schedule = air_loop_hvac.availabilitySchedule else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Failed to retreive fan object for AirLoop #{}") end fan_schedule_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule(model, fan_schedule) end # Assign this schedule to each zone on this air loop air_loop_hvac.thermalZones.each do |zone| fan_sch_names[] = fan_schedule_8760 end end # Handle Zone equipment model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| if !fan_sch_names.key?( # This zone was not assigned a schedule via air loop # Check for zone equipment fans do |zone_equipment| next if zone_equipment.to_FanZoneExhaust.is_initialized # get fan schedule fan_object = zone_hvac_get_fan_object(zone_equipment) if !fan_object.nil? fan_schedule = fan_object.availabilitySchedule fan_schedule_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule(model, fan_schedule) fan_sch_names[] = fan_schedule_8760 break end end end end return fan_sch_names end # Get the supply fan object for an air loop # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param model [object] # @param air_loop [object] # @return [object] supply fan of zone equipment component def get_fan_object_for_airloop(model, air_loop) if !air_loop.supplyFan.empty? fan_component = air_loop.supplyFan.get else # Check if system has unitary wrapper air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| # Get the object type, getting the internal coil # type if inside a unitary system. obj_type = component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s fan_component = nil case obj_type when 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatCool_VAVChangeoverBypass' component = component.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatCoolVAVChangeoverBypass.get fan_component = component.supplyFan.get when 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatPump_AirToAir' component = component.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAir.get fan_component = component.supplyFan.get when 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitaryHeatPump_AirToAir_MultiSpeed' component = component.to_AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAirMultiSpeed.get fan_component = component.supplyFan.get when 'OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitarySystem' component = component.to_AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.get fan_component = component.supplyFan.get end if !fan_component.nil? break end end end # Get the fan object for this fan fan_obj_type = fan_component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s case fan_obj_type when 'OS_Fan_OnOff' fan_obj = fan_component.to_FanOnOff.get when 'OS_Fan_ConstantVolume' fan_obj = fan_component.to_FanConstantVolume.get when 'OS_Fan_SystemModel' fan_obj = fan_component.to_FanSystemModel.get when 'OS_Fan_VariableVolume' fan_obj = fan_component.to_FanVariableVolume.get end return fan_obj end # Convert from schedule object to array of hourly values for entire year # Array will include extra 24 values for leap year # Array will also include extra 24 values at end for holiday day type # @author: Doug Maddox, PNNL # @TODO: consider moving this to Standards.Schedule.rb # @param: model [Object] # @param: fan_schedule [Object] # @return: [Array<String>] annual hourly values from schedule def get_8760_values_from_schedule(model, fan_schedule) sch_object_type = fan_schedule.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s fan_8760 = nil case sch_object_type when 'OS_Schedule_Ruleset' fan_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule_ruleset(model, fan_schedule) when 'OS_Schedule_Constant' fan_schedule_constant = fan_schedule.to_ScheduleConstant.get fan_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule_constant(model, fan_schedule_constant) when 'OS_Schedule_Compact' # First convert to ScheduleRuleset sch_translator =, fan_schedule) fan_schedule_ruleset = sch_translator.convert_schedule_compact_to_schedule_ruleset fan_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule_ruleset(model, fan_schedule_ruleset) when 'OS_Schedule_Year' # TODO: add function for ScheduleYear # fan_8760 = get_8760_values_from_schedule_year(model, fan_schedule) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Automated baseline measure does not support use of Schedule Year') end return fan_8760 end # Determines the area of the building above which point # the non-dominant area type gets it's own HVAC system type. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [Double] the minimum area (m^2) def model_prm_baseline_system_group_minimum_area(model, custom) exception_min_area_ft2 = 20_000 exception_min_area_m2 = OpenStudio.convert(exception_min_area_ft2, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get return exception_min_area_m2 end # Determine the baseline system type given the inputs. Logic is different for different standards. # # 90.1-2007, 90.1-2010, 90.1-2013 # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param sys_group [hash] Hash defining a group of zones that have the same Appendix G system type # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [String] The system type. Possibilities are PTHP, PTAC, PSZ_AC, PSZ_HP, PVAV_Reheat, PVAV_PFP_Boxes, # VAV_Reheat, VAV_PFP_Boxes, Gas_Furnace, Electric_Furnace # @todo add 90.1-2013 systems 11-13 def model_prm_baseline_system_type(model, climate_zone, sys_group, custom, hvac_building_type = nil, district_heat_zones = nil) area_type = sys_group['occ'] fuel_type = sys_group['fuel'] area_ft2 = sys_group['area_ft2'] num_stories = sys_group['stories'] # [type, central_heating_fuel, zone_heating_fuel, cooling_fuel] system_type = [nil, nil, nil, nil] # Get the row from TableG3.1.1A sys_num = model_prm_baseline_system_number(model, climate_zone, area_type, fuel_type, area_ft2, num_stories, custom) # Modify the fuel type if called for by the standard fuel_type = model_prm_baseline_system_change_fuel_type(model, fuel_type, climate_zone, custom) # Define the lookup by row and by fuel type sys_lookup = { |h, k| h[k] = } # fossil, fossil and electric, purchased heat, purchased heat and cooling sys_lookup['1_or_2']['fossil'] = ['PTAC', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['1_or_2']['fossilandelectric'] = ['PTAC', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['1_or_2']['purchasedheat'] = ['PTAC', 'DistrictHeating', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['1_or_2']['purchasedheatandcooling'] = ['Fan_Coil', 'DistrictHeating', nil, 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['fossil'] = ['PSZ_AC', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['fossilandelectric'] = ['PSZ_AC', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['purchasedheat'] = ['PSZ_AC', 'DistrictHeating', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['purchasedheatandcooling'] = ['PSZ_AC', 'DistrictHeating', nil, 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['fossil'] = ['PVAV_Reheat', 'NaturalGas', 'NaturalGas', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['fossilandelectric'] = ['PVAV_Reheat', 'NaturalGas', 'Electricity', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['purchasedheat'] = ['PVAV_Reheat', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictHeating', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['purchasedheatandcooling'] = ['PVAV_Reheat', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['fossil'] = ['VAV_Reheat', 'NaturalGas', 'NaturalGas', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['fossilandelectric'] = ['VAV_Reheat', 'NaturalGas', 'Electricity', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['purchasedheat'] = ['VAV_Reheat', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictHeating', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['purchasedheatandcooling'] = ['VAV_Reheat', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictHeating', 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['fossil'] = ['Gas_Furnace', 'NaturalGas', nil, nil] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['fossilandelectric'] = ['Gas_Furnace', 'NaturalGas', nil, nil] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['purchasedheat'] = ['Gas_Furnace', 'DistrictHeating', nil, nil] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['purchasedheatandcooling'] = ['Gas_Furnace', 'DistrictHeating', nil, nil] # electric (heat), purchased cooling sys_lookup['1_or_2']['electric'] = ['PTHP', 'Electricity', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['1_or_2']['purchasedcooling'] = ['Fan_Coil', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['electric'] = ['PSZ_HP', 'Electricity', nil, 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['3_or_4']['purchasedcooling'] = ['PSZ_AC', 'NaturalGas', nil, 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['electric'] = ['PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'Electricity', 'Electricity', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['5_or_6']['purchasedcooling'] = ['PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'Electricity', 'Electricity', 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['electric'] = ['VAV_PFP_Boxes', 'Electricity', 'Electricity', 'Electricity'] sys_lookup['7_or_8']['purchasedcooling'] = ['VAV_PFP_Boxes', 'Electricity', 'Electricity', 'DistrictCooling'] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['electric'] = ['Electric_Furnace', 'Electricity', nil, nil] sys_lookup['9_or_10']['purchasedcooling'] = ['Electric_Furnace', 'Electricity', nil, nil] # Get the system type system_type = sys_lookup[sys_num][fuel_type] if system_type.nil? system_type = [nil, nil, nil, nil] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not determine system type for #{template}, #{area_type}, #{fuel_type}, #{area_ft2.round} ft^2, #{num_stories} stories.") else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "System type is #{system_type[0]} for #{template}, #{area_type}, #{fuel_type}, #{area_ft2.round} ft^2, #{num_stories} stories.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{system_type[1]} for main heating") unless system_type[1].nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{system_type[2]} for zone heat/reheat") unless system_type[2].nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "--- #{system_type[3]} for cooling") unless system_type[3].nil? end return system_type end # Determines which system number is used for the baseline system. Default is 90.1-2004 approach. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param area_type [String] Valid choices are residential, nonresidential, and heatedonly # @param fuel_type [String] Valid choices are electric, fossil, fossilandelectric, # purchasedheat, purchasedcooling, purchasedheatandcooling # @param area_ft2 [Double] Area in ft^2 # @param num_stories [Integer] Number of stories # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [String] the system number: 1_or_2, 3_or_4, 5_or_6, 7_or_8, 9_or_10 def model_prm_baseline_system_number(model, climate_zone, area_type, fuel_type, area_ft2, num_stories, custom) sys_num = nil # Set the area limit limit_ft2 = 75_000 # Warn about heated only if area_type == 'heatedonly' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Per Table G3.1.10.d, '(In the proposed building) Where no cooling system exists or no cooling system has been specified, the cooling system shall be identical to the system modeled in the baseline building design.' This requires that you go back and add a cooling system to the proposed model. This code cannot do that for you; you must do it manually.") end case area_type when 'residential' sys_num = '1_or_2' when 'nonresidential', 'heatedonly' # nonresidential and 3 floors or less and <25,000 ft2 if num_stories <= 3 && area_ft2 < limit_ft2 sys_num = '3_or_4' # nonresidential and 4 or 5 floors or 5 floors or less and 25,000 ft2 to 150,000 ft2 elsif ((num_stories == 4 || num_stories == 5) && area_ft2 < limit_ft2) || (num_stories <= 5 && (area_ft2 >= limit_ft2 && area_ft2 <= 150_000)) sys_num = '5_or_6' # nonresidential and more than 5 floors or >150,000 ft2 elsif num_stories >= 5 || area_ft2 > 150_000 sys_num = '7_or_8' end end return sys_num end # Change the fuel type based on climate zone, depending on the standard. Defaults to no change. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param fuel_type [String] Valid choices are electric, fossil, fossilandelectric, # purchasedheat, purchasedcooling, purchasedheatandcooling # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [String] the revised fuel type def model_prm_baseline_system_change_fuel_type(model, fuel_type, climate_zone, custom = nil) return fuel_type # Don't change fuel type for most templates end # Determine whether heating type is fuel or electric # @param hvac_building_type [String] Key for lookup of baseline system type # @param climate_zone [String] full name of climate zone # @return [String] fuel or electric def find_prm_heat_type(hvac_building_type, climate_zone) climate_code = get_climate_zone_code(climate_zone) heat_type_props = model_find_object(standards_data['prm_heat_type'], 'template' => template, 'hvac_building_type' => hvac_building_type, 'climate_zone' => climate_code) if !heat_type_props # try again with wild card for climate heat_type_props = model_find_object(standards_data['prm_heat_type'], 'template' => template, 'hvac_building_type' => hvac_building_type, 'climate_zone' => 'any') end if !heat_type_props # try again with wild card for building type heat_type_props = model_find_object(standards_data['prm_heat_type'], 'template' => template, 'hvac_building_type' => 'all others', 'climate_zone' => climate_code) end if !heat_type_props OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find baseline heat type for: #{template}-#{hvac_building_type}-#{climate_zone}.") else return heat_type_props['heat_type'] end end # Get ASHRAE ID code for climate zone # @param climate_zone [String] full name of climate zone # @return [String] ASHRAE ID code for climate zone def get_climate_zone_code(climate_zone) cz_codes = [] cz_codes << '0A' cz_codes << '0B' cz_codes << '1A' cz_codes << '1B' cz_codes << '2A' cz_codes << '2B' cz_codes << '3A' cz_codes << '3B' cz_codes << '3C' cz_codes << '4A' cz_codes << '4B' cz_codes << '4C' cz_codes << '5A' cz_codes << '5B' cz_codes << '5C' cz_codes << '6A' cz_codes << '6B' cz_codes << '7A' cz_codes << '7B' cz_codes << '8A' cz_codes << '8B' cz_codes.each do |cz| pattern =, true) if pattern =~ climate_zone return cz.to_s end end end # Add the specified baseline system type to the specified zones based on the specified template. # For some multi-zone system types, the standards require identifying zones whose loads or schedules # are outliers and putting these systems on separate single-zone systems. This method does that. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param system_type [String] The system type. Valid choices are PTHP, PTAC, PSZ_AC, PSZ_HP, PVAV_Reheat, # PVAV_PFP_Boxes, VAV_Reheat, VAV_PFP_Boxes, Gas_Furnace, Electric_Furnace, # which are also returned by the method OpenStudio::Model::Model.prm_baseline_system_type. # @param main_heat_fuel [String] main heating fuel. Valid choices are Electricity, NaturalGas, DistrictHeating # @param zone_heat_fuel [String] zone heating/reheat fuel. Valid choices are Electricity, NaturalGas, DistrictHeating # @param cool_fuel [String] cooling fuel. Valid choices are Electricity, DistrictCooling # @param zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] an array of zones # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo Add 90.1-2013 systems 11-13 def model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, system_type, main_heat_fuel, zone_heat_fuel, cool_fuel, zones, zone_fan_scheds) case system_type when 'PTAC' # System 1 unless zones.empty? # Retrieve the existing hot water loop or add a new one if necessary. hot_water_loop = nil hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end # Add a hot water PTAC to each zone model_add_ptac(model, zones, cooling_type: 'Single Speed DX AC', heating_type: 'Water', hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, fan_type: 'ConstantVolume') end when 'PTHP' # System 2 unless zones.empty? # add an air-source packaged terminal heat pump with electric supplemental heat to each zone. model_add_pthp(model, zones, fan_type: 'ConstantVolume') end when 'PSZ_AC' # System 3 unless zones.empty? heating_type = 'Gas' # if district heating hot_water_loop = nil if main_heat_fuel == 'DistrictHeating' heating_type = 'Water' hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end end cooling_type = 'Single Speed DX AC' # If district cooling chilled_water_loop = nil if cool_fuel == 'DistrictCooling' cooling_type = 'Water' chilled_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') end end # Add a PSZ-AC to each zone model_add_psz_ac(model, zones, cooling_type: cooling_type, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, heating_type: heating_type, supplemental_heating_type: 'Gas', hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, fan_location: 'DrawThrough', fan_type: 'ConstantVolume') end when 'PSZ_HP' # System 4 unless zones.empty? # Add an air-source packaged single zone heat pump with electric supplemental heat to each zone. model_add_psz_ac(model, zones, system_name: 'PSZ-HP', cooling_type: 'Single Speed Heat Pump', heating_type: 'Single Speed Heat Pump', supplemental_heating_type: 'Electric', fan_location: 'DrawThrough', fan_type: 'ConstantVolume') end when 'PVAV_Reheat' # System 5 # Retrieve the existing hot water loop or add a new one if necessary. hot_water_loop = nil hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end # If district cooling chilled_water_loop = nil if cool_fuel == 'DistrictCooling' chilled_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') end end # If electric zone heat electric_reheat = false if zone_heat_fuel == 'Electricity' electric_reheat = true end # Group zones by story story_zone_lists = model_group_zones_by_story(model, zones) # For the array of zones on each story, # separate the primary zones from the secondary zones. # Add the baseline system type to the primary zones # and add the suplemental system type to the secondary zones. story_zone_lists.each do |story_group| # Differentiate primary and secondary zones pri_sec_zone_lists = model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, story_group, zone_fan_scheds) pri_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['primary'] sec_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['secondary'] zone_op_hrs = pri_sec_zone_lists['zone_op_hrs'] # Add a PVAV with Reheat for the primary zones stories = [] story_group[0].spaces.each do |space| stories << [, building_story_minimum_z_value(space.buildingStory.get)] end story_name = stories.min_by { |nm, z| z }[0] system_name = "#{story_name} PVAV_Reheat (Sys5)" # If and only if there are primary zones to attach to the loop # counter example: floor with only one elevator machine room that get classified as sec_zones unless pri_zones.empty? model_add_pvav(model, pri_zones, system_name: system_name, hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, electric_reheat: electric_reheat) model_create_multizone_fan_schedule(model, zone_op_hrs, pri_zones, system_name) end # Add a PSZ_AC for each secondary zone unless sec_zones.empty? model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, 'PSZ_AC', main_heat_fuel, zone_heat_fuel, cool_fuel, sec_zones, zone_fan_scheds) end end when 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes' # System 6 # If district cooling chilled_water_loop = nil if cool_fuel == 'DistrictCooling' chilled_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') end end # Group zones by story story_zone_lists = model_group_zones_by_story(model, zones) # For the array of zones on each story, # separate the primary zones from the secondary zones. # Add the baseline system type to the primary zones # and add the suplemental system type to the secondary zones. story_zone_lists.each do |story_group| # Differentiate primary and secondary zones pri_sec_zone_lists = model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, story_group, zone_fan_scheds) pri_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['primary'] sec_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['secondary'] zone_op_hrs = pri_sec_zone_lists['zone_op_hrs'] # Add an VAV for the primary zones stories = [] story_group[0].spaces.each do |space| stories << [, building_story_minimum_z_value(space.buildingStory.get)] end story_name = stories.min_by { |nm, z| z }[0] system_name = "#{story_name} PVAV_PFP_Boxes (Sys6)" # If and only if there are primary zones to attach to the loop unless pri_zones.empty? model_add_pvav_pfp_boxes(model, pri_zones, system_name: system_name, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, fan_efficiency: 0.62, fan_motor_efficiency: 0.9, fan_pressure_rise: 4.0) model_create_multizone_fan_schedule(model, zone_op_hrs, pri_zones, system_name) end # Add a PSZ_HP for each secondary zone unless sec_zones.empty? model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, 'PSZ_HP', main_heat_fuel, zone_heat_fuel, cool_fuel, sec_zones, zone_fan_scheds) end end when 'VAV_Reheat' # System 7 # Retrieve the existing hot water loop or add a new one if necessary. hot_water_loop = nil hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end # Retrieve the existing chilled water loop or add a new one if necessary. chilled_water_loop = nil if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized chilled_water_loop = model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else if cool_fuel == 'DistrictCooling' chilled_water_loop = model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') else fan_type = model_cw_loop_cooling_tower_fan_type(model) condenser_water_loop = model_add_cw_loop(model, cooling_tower_type: 'Open Cooling Tower', cooling_tower_fan_type: 'Propeller or Axial', cooling_tower_capacity_control: fan_type, number_of_cells_per_tower: 1, number_cooling_towers: 1) chilled_water_loop = model_add_chw_loop(model, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri_var_sec', chiller_cooling_type: 'WaterCooled', chiller_compressor_type: 'Rotary Screw', condenser_water_loop: condenser_water_loop) end end # If electric zone heat reheat_type = 'Water' if zone_heat_fuel == 'Electricity' reheat_type = 'Electricity' end # Group zones by story story_zone_lists = model_group_zones_by_story(model, zones) # For the array of zones on each story, separate the primary zones from the secondary zones. # Add the baseline system type to the primary zones and add the suplemental system type to the secondary zones. story_zone_lists.each do |story_group| # The model_group_zones_by_story(model) NO LONGER returns empty lists when a given floor doesn't have any of the zones # So NO need to filter it out otherwise you get an error undefined method `spaces' for nil:NilClass # next if zones.empty? # Differentiate primary and secondary zones pri_sec_zone_lists = model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, story_group, zone_fan_scheds) pri_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['primary'] sec_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['secondary'] zone_op_hrs = pri_sec_zone_lists['zone_op_hrs'] # Add a VAV for the primary zones stories = [] story_group[0].spaces.each do |space| stories << [, building_story_minimum_z_value(space.buildingStory.get)] end story_name = stories.min_by { |nm, z| z }[0] system_name = "#{story_name} VAV_Reheat (Sys7)" # If and only if there are primary zones to attach to the loop # counter example: floor with only one elevator machine room that get classified as sec_zones unless pri_zones.empty? # if the loop configuration is primary / secondary loop if chilled_water_loop.additionalProperties.hasFeature('secondary_loop_name') chilled_water_loop = model.getPlantLoopByName(chilled_water_loop.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('secondary_loop_name').get).get end model_add_vav_reheat(model, pri_zones, system_name: system_name, reheat_type: reheat_type, hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, fan_efficiency: 0.62, fan_motor_efficiency: 0.9, fan_pressure_rise: 4.0) model_create_multizone_fan_schedule(model, zone_op_hrs, pri_zones, system_name) end # Add a PSZ_AC for each secondary zone unless sec_zones.empty? model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, 'PSZ_AC', main_heat_fuel, zone_heat_fuel, cool_fuel, sec_zones, zone_fan_scheds) end end when 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' # System 8 # Retrieve the existing chilled water loop or add a new one if necessary. chilled_water_loop = nil if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized chilled_water_loop = model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else if cool_fuel == 'DistrictCooling' chilled_water_loop = model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') else fan_type = model_cw_loop_cooling_tower_fan_type(model) condenser_water_loop = model_add_cw_loop(model, cooling_tower_type: 'Open Cooling Tower', cooling_tower_fan_type: 'Propeller or Axial', cooling_tower_capacity_control: fan_type, number_of_cells_per_tower: 1, number_cooling_towers: 1) chilled_water_loop = model_add_chw_loop(model, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri_var_sec', chiller_cooling_type: 'WaterCooled', chiller_compressor_type: 'Rotary Screw', condenser_water_loop: condenser_water_loop) end end # Group zones by story story_zone_lists = model_group_zones_by_story(model, zones) # For the array of zones on each story, # separate the primary zones from the secondary zones. # Add the baseline system type to the primary zones # and add the suplemental system type to the secondary zones. story_zone_lists.each do |story_group| # Differentiate primary and secondary zones pri_sec_zone_lists = model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, story_group, zone_fan_scheds) pri_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['primary'] sec_zones = pri_sec_zone_lists['secondary'] zone_op_hrs = pri_sec_zone_lists['zone_op_hrs'] # Add an VAV for the primary zones stories = [] story_group[0].spaces.each do |space| stories << [, building_story_minimum_z_value(space.buildingStory.get)] end story_name = stories.min_by { |nm, z| z }[0] system_name = "#{story_name} VAV_PFP_Boxes (Sys8)" # If and only if there are primary zones to attach to the loop unless pri_zones.empty? if chilled_water_loop.additionalProperties.hasFeature('secondary_loop_name') chilled_water_loop = model.getPlantLoopByName(chilled_water_loop.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('secondary_loop_name').get).get end model_add_vav_pfp_boxes(model, pri_zones, system_name: system_name, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, fan_efficiency: 0.62, fan_motor_efficiency: 0.9, fan_pressure_rise: 4.0) model_create_multizone_fan_schedule(model, zone_op_hrs, pri_zones, system_name) end # Add a PSZ_HP for each secondary zone unless sec_zones.empty? model_add_prm_baseline_system(model, 'PSZ_HP', main_heat_fuel, zone_heat_fuel, cool_fuel, sec_zones, zone_fan_scheds) end end when 'Gas_Furnace' # System 9 unless zones.empty? # If district heating hot_water_loop = nil if main_heat_fuel == 'DistrictHeating' hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end end # Add a System 9 - Gas Unit Heater to each zone model_add_unitheater(model, zones, fan_control_type: 'ConstantVolume', fan_pressure_rise: 0.2, heating_type: main_heat_fuel, hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop) end when 'Electric_Furnace' # System 10 unless zones.empty? # Add a System 10 - Electric Unit Heater to each zone model_add_unitheater(model, zones, fan_control_type: 'ConstantVolume', fan_pressure_rise: 0.2, heating_type: main_heat_fuel) end when 'SZ_CV' # System 12 (gas or district heat) or System 13 (electric resistance heat) unless zones.empty? hot_water_loop = nil if zone_heat_fuel == 'DistrictHeating' || zone_heat_fuel == 'NaturalGas' heating_type = 'Water' hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end else # If no hot water loop is defined, heat will default to electric resistance heating_type = 'Electric' end cooling_type = 'Water' chilled_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else model_add_chw_loop(model, cooling_fuel: cool_fuel, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') end model_add_four_pipe_fan_coil(model, zones, chilled_water_loop, hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, ventilation: true, capacity_control_method: 'ConstantVolume') end when 'SZ_VAV' # System 11, chilled water, heating type varies by climate zone unless zones.empty? # htg type climate_zone = model_standards_climate_zone(model) case climate_zone when 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2006-2B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-0B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-1B', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2A', 'ASHRAE 169-2013-2B' heating_type = 'Electric' hot_water_loop = nil else hot_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Hot Water Loop').get else hot_water_loop = model_add_hw_loop(model, main_heat_fuel) end heating_type = 'Water' end # clg type chilled_water_loop = if model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').is_initialized model.getPlantLoopByName('Chilled Water Loop').get else chilled_water_loop = model_add_chw_loop(model, chw_pumping_type: 'const_pri') end model_add_psz_vav(model, zones, heating_type: heating_type, cooling_type: 'WaterCooled', supplemental_heating_type: nil, hvac_op_sch: nil, fan_type: 'PSZ_VAV_System_Fan', oa_damper_sch: nil, hot_water_loop: hot_water_loop, chilled_water_loop: chilled_water_loop, minimum_volume_setpoint: 0.5) end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "System type #{system_type} is not a valid choice, nothing will be added to the model.") return false end return true end # Determines the fan type used by VAV_Reheat and VAV_PFP_Boxes systems. # Defaults to two speed fan. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [String] the fan type: TwoSpeed Fan, Variable Speed Fan def model_baseline_system_vav_fan_type(model) fan_type = 'TwoSpeed Fan' return fan_type end # Looks through the model and creates an hash of what the baseline system type should be for each zone. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param custom [String] custom fuel type # @return [Hash] keys are zones, values are system type strings # PTHP, PTAC, PSZ_AC, PSZ_HP, PVAV_Reheat, PVAV_PFP_Boxes, # VAV_Reheat, VAV_PFP_Boxes, Gas_Furnace, Electric_Furnace def model_get_baseline_system_type_by_zone(model, climate_zone, custom = nil) zone_to_sys_type = {} # Get the groups of zones that define the # baseline HVAC systems for later use. # This must be done before removing the HVAC systems # because it requires knowledge of proposed HVAC fuels. sys_groups = model_prm_baseline_system_groups(model, custom) # Assign building stories to spaces in the building # where stories are not yet assigned. model_assign_spaces_to_stories(model) # Determine the baseline HVAC system type for each of # the groups of zones and add that system type. sys_groups.each do |sys_group| # Determine the primary baseline system type pri_system_type = model_prm_baseline_system_type(model, climate_zone, sys_group, custom)[0] # Record the zone-by-zone system type assignments case pri_system_type when 'PTAC', 'PTHP', 'PSZ_AC', 'PSZ_HP', 'Gas_Furnace', 'Electric_Furnace' sys_group['zones'].each do |zone| zone_to_sys_type[zone] = pri_system_type end when 'PVAV_Reheat', 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'VAV_Reheat', 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' # Determine the secondary system type sec_system_type = nil case pri_system_type when 'PVAV_Reheat', 'VAV_Reheat' sec_system_type = 'PSZ_AC' when 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'VAV_PFP_Boxes' sec_system_type = 'PSZ_HP' end # Group zones by story story_zone_lists = model_group_zones_by_story(model, sys_group['zones']) # For the array of zones on each story, # separate the primary zones from the secondary zones. # Add the baseline system type to the primary zones # and add the suplemental system type to the secondary zones. story_zone_lists.each do |story_group| # Differentiate primary and secondary zones pri_sec_zone_lists = model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, story_group) # Record the primary zone system types pri_sec_zone_lists['primary'].each do |zone| zone_to_sys_type[zone] = pri_system_type end # Record the secondary zone system types pri_sec_zone_lists['secondary'].each do |zone| zone_to_sys_type[zone] = sec_system_type end end end end return zone_to_sys_type end # elimates outlier zones based on a set of keys # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param array_of_zones [Array] an array of Hashes for each zone, with the keys 'zone' # @param key_to_inspect [String] hash key to inspect in array of zones # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance # @param field_name [String] field name to inspect # @param units [String] units # @return [Array] an array of Hashes for each zone def model_eliminate_outlier_zones(model, array_of_zones, key_to_inspect, tolerance, field_name, units) # Sort the zones by the desired key begin array_of_zones = array_of_zones.sort_by { |hsh| hsh[key_to_inspect] } rescue ArgumentError => e OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Unable to sort array_of_zones by #{key_to_inspect} due to #{e.message}, defaulting to order that was passed") end # Calculate the area-weighted average total = 0.0 total_area = 0.0 all_vals = [] all_areas = [] all_zn_names = [] array_of_zones.each do |zn| val = zn[key_to_inspect] area = zn['area_ft2'] total += val * area total_area += area all_vals << val.round(1) all_areas << area.round all_zn_names << zn['zone'].name.get.to_s end if total_area == 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Total area is zero for array_of_zones with key #{key_to_inspect}, unable to calculate area-weighted average.") return false end avg = total / total_area OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Values for #{field_name}, tol = #{tolerance} #{units}, area ft2:") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "vals #{all_vals.join(', ')}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "areas #{all_areas.join(', ')}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "names #{all_zn_names.join(', ')}") # Calculate the biggest delta and the index of the biggest delta biggest_delta_i = 0 # array at first item in case delta is 0 biggest_delta = 0.0 worst = nil array_of_zones.each_with_index do |zn, i| val = zn[key_to_inspect] if worst.nil? # array at first item in case delta is 0 worst = val end delta = (val - avg).abs if delta >= biggest_delta biggest_delta = delta biggest_delta_i = i worst = val end end # puts " #{worst} - #{avg.round} = #{biggest_delta.round} biggest delta" # Compare the biggest delta against the difference and eliminate that zone if higher than the limit. if biggest_delta > tolerance zn_name = array_of_zones[biggest_delta_i]['zone'].name.get.to_s OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For zone #{zn_name}, the #{field_name} of #{worst.round(1)} #{units} is more than #{tolerance} #{units} outside the area-weighted average of #{avg.round(1)} #{units}; it will be placed on its own secondary system.") array_of_zones.delete_at(biggest_delta_i) # Call method recursively if something was eliminated array_of_zones = model_eliminate_outlier_zones(model, array_of_zones, key_to_inspect, tolerance, field_name, units) else zn_name = array_of_zones[biggest_delta_i]['zone'].name.get.to_s OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For zone #{zn_name}, the #{field_name} #{worst.round(2)} #{units} - average #{field_name} #{avg.round(2)} #{units} = #{biggest_delta.round(2)} #{units} less than the tolerance of #{tolerance} #{units}, stopping elimination process.") end return array_of_zones end # Determine which of the zones should be served by the primary HVAC system. # First, eliminate zones that differ by more# than 40 full load hours per week. # In this case, lighting schedule is used as the proxy for operation instead # of occupancy to avoid accidentally removing transition spaces. # Second, eliminate zones whose design internal loads differ from the area-weighted average of all other zones # on the system by more than 10 Btu/hr*ft^2. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] an array of zones # @return [Hash] A hash of two arrays of ThermalZones, # where the keys are 'primary' and 'secondary' def model_differentiate_primary_secondary_thermal_zones(model, zones, zone_fan_scheds = nil) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Determining which zones are served by the primary vs. secondary HVAC system.') # Determine the operational hours (proxy is annual # full load lighting hours) for all zones zone_data_1 = [] zones.each do |zone| data = {} data['zone'] = zone # Get the area area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(zone.floorArea * zone.multiplier, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get data['area_ft2'] = area_ft2 # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "#{}") zone.spaces.each do |space| # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "***#{}") # Get all lights from either the space # or the space type. all_lights = [] all_lights += space.lights if space.spaceType.is_initialized all_lights += space.spaceType.get.lights end # Base the annual operational hours # on the first lights schedule with hours # greater than zero. ann_op_hrs = 0 all_lights.sort.each do |lights| # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "******#{}") # Get the fractional lighting schedule lights_sch = lights.schedule full_load_hrs = 0.0 # Skip lights with no schedule next if lights_sch.empty? lights_sch = lights_sch.get if lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized lights_sch = lights_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get full_load_hrs = schedule_ruleset_annual_equivalent_full_load_hrs(lights_sch) if full_load_hrs > 0 ann_op_hrs = full_load_hrs break # Stop after the first schedule with more than 0 hrs end elsif lights_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized lights_sch = lights_sch.to_ScheduleConstant.get full_load_hrs = schedule_constant_annual_equivalent_full_load_hrs(lights_sch) if full_load_hrs > 0 ann_op_hrs = full_load_hrs break # Stop after the first schedule with more than 0 hrs end end end wk_op_hrs = ann_op_hrs / 52.0 data['wk_op_hrs'] = wk_op_hrs # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "******wk_op_hrs = #{wk_op_hrs.round}") end zone_data_1 << data end # Filter out any zones that operate differently by more than 40hrs/wk. # This will be determined by a difference of more than (40 hrs/wk * 52 wks/yr) = 2080 annual full load hrs. zones_same_hrs = model_eliminate_outlier_zones(model, zone_data_1, 'wk_op_hrs', 40, 'weekly operating hrs', 'hrs') # Get the internal loads for # all remaining zones. zone_data_2 = [] zones_same_hrs.each do |zn_data| data = {} zone = zn_data['zone'] data['zone'] = zone # Get the area area_m2 = zone.floorArea * zone.multiplier area_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(area_m2, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get data['area_ft2'] = area_ft2 # Get the internal loads int_load_w = thermal_zone_design_internal_load(zone) * zone.multiplier # Normalize per-area int_load_w_per_m2 = int_load_w / area_m2 int_load_btu_per_ft2 = OpenStudio.convert(int_load_w_per_m2, 'W/m^2', 'Btu/hr*ft^2').get data['int_load_btu_per_ft2'] = int_load_btu_per_ft2 zone_data_2 << data end # Filter out any zones that are +/- 10 Btu/hr*ft^2 from the average pri_zn_data = model_eliminate_outlier_zones(model, zone_data_2, 'int_load_btu_per_ft2', 10, 'internal load', 'Btu/hr*ft^2') # Get just the primary zones themselves pri_zones = [] pri_zone_names = [] pri_zn_data.each do |zn_data| pri_zones << zn_data['zone'] pri_zone_names << zn_data['zone'].name.get.to_s end # Get the secondary zones sec_zones = [] sec_zone_names = [] zones.each do |zone| unless pri_zones.include?(zone) sec_zones << zone sec_zone_names << end end # Report out the primary vs. secondary zones unless pri_zone_names.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Primary system zones = #{pri_zone_names.join(', ')}.") end unless sec_zone_names.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Secondary system zones = #{sec_zone_names.join(', ')}.") end zone_op_hrs = [] return { 'primary' => pri_zones, 'secondary' => sec_zones, 'zone_op_hrs' => zone_op_hrs } end # For a multizone system, get straight average of hash values excluding the reference zone # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param value_hash [Hash<String>] of zoneName:Value # @param ref_zone [String] name of reference zone def get_avg_of_other_zones(value_hash, ref_zone) num_others = value_hash.size - 1 value_sum = 0 value_hash.each do |key, val| value_sum += val unless key == ref_zone end if num_others == 0 value_avg = value_hash[ref_zone] else value_avg = value_sum / num_others end return value_avg end # For a multizone system, get area weighted average of hash values excluding the reference zone # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param value_hash [Hash<String>] of zoneName:Value # @param area_hash [Hash<String>] of zoneName:Area # @param ref_zone [String] name of reference zone def get_wtd_avg_of_other_zones(value_hash, area_hash, ref_zone) num_others = value_hash.size - 1 value_sum = 0 area_sum = 0 value_hash.each do |key, val| value_sum += val * area_hash[key] unless key == ref_zone area_sum += area_hash[key] unless key == ref_zone end if num_others == 0 value_avg = value_hash[ref_zone] else value_avg = value_sum / area_sum end return value_avg end # For a multizone system, create the fan schedule based on zone occupancy/fan schedules # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param model # @param zone_fan_scheds [Hash] of hash of zoneName:8760FanSchedPerZone # @param pri_zones [Array<String>] names of zones served by the multizone system # @param system_name [String] name of air loop def model_create_multizone_fan_schedule(model, zone_op_hrs, pri_zones, system_name) # Not applicable if not stable baseline return end # Group an array of zones into multiple arrays, one for each story in the building. # Zones with spaces on multiple stories will be assigned to only one of the stories. # Removes empty array (when the story doesn't contain any of the zones) # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param zones [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>] an array of zones # @return [Array<Array<OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone>>] array of arrays of zones def model_group_zones_by_story(model, zones) story_zone_lists = [] zones_already_assigned = [] model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| # Get all the spaces on this story spaces = story.spaces # Get all the thermal zones that serve these spaces all_zones_on_story = [] spaces.each do |space| if space.thermalZone.is_initialized all_zones_on_story << space.thermalZone.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Space #{} has no thermal zone, it is not included in the simulation.") end end # Find zones in the list that are on this story zones_on_story = [] zones.each do |zone| if all_zones_on_story.include?(zone) # Skip zones that were already assigned to a story. # This can happen if a zone has multiple spaces on multiple stories. # Stairwells and atriums are typical scenarios. next if zones_already_assigned.include?(zone) zones_on_story << zone zones_already_assigned << zone end end unless zones_on_story.empty? story_zone_lists << zones_on_story end end return story_zone_lists end # Assign each space in the model to a building story based on common z (height) values. # If no story object is found for a particular height, create a new one and assign it to the space. # Does not assign a story to plenum spaces. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_assign_spaces_to_stories(model) # Make hash of spaces and minz values sorted_spaces = {} model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Skip plenum spaces next if space_plenum?(space) # loop through space surfaces to find min z value z_points = [] space.surfaces.each do |surface| surface.vertices.each do |vertex| z_points << vertex.z end end minz = z_points.min + space.zOrigin sorted_spaces[space] = minz end # Pre-sort spaces sorted_spaces = sorted_spaces.sort_by { |a| a[1] } # Take the sorted list and assign/make stories sorted_spaces.each do |space| space_obj = space[0] space_minz = space[1] if space_obj.buildingStory.empty? story = model_get_story_for_nominal_z_coordinate(model, space_minz) space_obj.setBuildingStory(story) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Space #{space[0].name} was not assigned to a story by the user. It has been assigned to #{}.") end end return true end # Applies the multi-zone VAV outdoor air sizing requirements to all applicable air loops in the model. # @note This must be performed before the sizing run because it impacts component sizes, which in turn impact efficiencies. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_multizone_vav_outdoor_air_sizing(model) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started applying multizone vav OA sizing.') # Multi-zone VAV outdoor air sizing model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each { |obj| air_loop_hvac_apply_multizone_vav_outdoor_air_sizing(obj) } OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished applying multizone vav OA sizing.') end # Applies the HVAC parts of the template to all objects in the model using the the template specified in the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param apply_controls [Bool] toggle whether to apply air loop and plant loop controls # @param sql_db_vars_map [Hash] hash map # @param necb_ref_hp [Bool] for compatability with NECB ruleset only. # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_hvac_efficiency_standard(model, climate_zone, apply_controls: true, sql_db_vars_map: nil, necb_ref_hp: false) sql_db_vars_map = {} if sql_db_vars_map.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Started applying HVAC efficiency standards for #{template} template.") # Air Loop Controls if apply_controls.nil? || apply_controls == true model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each { |obj| air_loop_hvac_apply_standard_controls(obj, climate_zone) } end # Plant Loop Controls if apply_controls.nil? || apply_controls == true model.getPlantLoops.sort.each { |obj| plant_loop_apply_standard_controls(obj, climate_zone) } end # Zone HVAC Controls model.getZoneHVACComponents.sort.each { |obj| zone_hvac_component_apply_standard_controls(obj) } ##### Apply equipment efficiencies # Fans model.getFanVariableVolumes.sort.each { |obj| fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj, fan_brake_horsepower(obj)) } model.getFanConstantVolumes.sort.each { |obj| fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj, fan_brake_horsepower(obj)) } model.getFanOnOffs.sort.each { |obj| fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj, fan_brake_horsepower(obj)) } model.getFanZoneExhausts.sort.each { |obj| fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj, fan_brake_horsepower(obj)) } # Pumps model.getPumpConstantSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| pump_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj) } model.getPumpVariableSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| pump_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj) } model.getHeaderedPumpsConstantSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| pump_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj) } model.getHeaderedPumpsVariableSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| pump_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency(obj) } # Unitary HPs # set DX HP coils before DX clg coils because when DX HP coils need to first # pull the capacities of their paired DX clg coils, and this does not work # correctly if the DX clg coil efficiencies have been set because they are renamed. model.getCoilHeatingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_heating_dx_single_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map, necb_ref_hp) } # Unitary ACs model.getCoilCoolingDXTwoSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_cooling_dx_two_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map) } model.getCoilCoolingDXSingleSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_cooling_dx_single_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map, necb_ref_hp) } model.getCoilCoolingDXMultiSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_cooling_dx_multi_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map) } # WSHPs # set WSHP heating coils before cooling coils to get cooling coil capacities before they are renamed model.getCoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFits.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_heating_water_to_air_heat_pump_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map) } model.getCoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFits.sort.each { |obj| sql_db_vars_map = coil_cooling_water_to_air_heat_pump_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, sql_db_vars_map) } # Chillers clg_tower_objs = model.getCoolingTowerSingleSpeeds model.getChillerElectricEIRs.sort.each { |obj| chiller_electric_eir_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, clg_tower_objs) } # Boilers model.getBoilerHotWaters.sort.each { |obj| boiler_hot_water_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } # Water Heaters model.getWaterHeaterMixeds.sort.each { |obj| water_heater_mixed_apply_efficiency(obj) } # Cooling Towers model.getCoolingTowerSingleSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| cooling_tower_single_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } model.getCoolingTowerTwoSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| cooling_tower_two_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } model.getCoolingTowerVariableSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| cooling_tower_variable_speed_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } # Fluid Coolers model.getFluidCoolerSingleSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| fluid_cooler_apply_minimum_power_per_flow(obj, equipment_type: 'Dry Cooler') } model.getFluidCoolerTwoSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| fluid_cooler_apply_minimum_power_per_flow(obj, equipment_type: 'Dry Cooler') } model.getEvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| fluid_cooler_apply_minimum_power_per_flow(obj, equipment_type: 'Closed Cooling Tower') } model.getEvaporativeFluidCoolerTwoSpeeds.sort.each { |obj| fluid_cooler_apply_minimum_power_per_flow(obj, equipment_type: 'Closed Cooling Tower') } # ERVs model.getHeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatents.each { |obj| heat_exchanger_air_to_air_sensible_and_latent_apply_effectiveness(obj) } # Gas Heaters model.getCoilHeatingGass.sort.each { |obj| coil_heating_gas_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } model.getCoilHeatingGasMultiStages.each { |obj| coil_heating_gas_multi_stage_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) } OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Finished applying HVAC efficiency standards for #{template} template.") return true end # Applies daylighting controls to each space in the model per the standard. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_add_daylighting_controls(model) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started adding daylighting controls.') # Add daylighting controls to each space model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| added = space_add_daylighting_controls(space, true, false) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding daylighting controls.') return true end # For backward compatibility, infiltration standard not used for 2013 and earlier # @return [Bool] true if successful, false if not def model_baseline_apply_infiltration_standard(model, climate_zone) return true end # Apply the air leakage requirements to the model, as described in PNNL section # This method creates customized infiltration objects for each space # and removes the SpaceType-level infiltration objects. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo This infiltration method is not used by the Reference buildings, fix this inconsistency. def model_apply_infiltration_standard(model) # Set the infiltration rate at each space model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space_apply_infiltration_rate(space) end # Remove infiltration rates set at the space type model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| space_type.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each(&:remove) end return true end # Method to search through a hash for the objects that meets the desired search criteria, as passed via a hash. # Returns an Array (empty if nothing found) of matching objects. # # @param hash_of_objects [Hash] hash of objects to search through # @param search_criteria [Hash] hash of search criteria # @param capacity [Double] capacity of the object in question. If capacity is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # @param date [<OpenStudio::Date>] date of the object in question. If date is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified date is between the start_date and end_date. # @param area [Double] area of the object in question. If area is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified area is between the minimum_area and maximum_area values. # @param num_floors [Double] capacity of the object in question. If num_floors is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified num_floors is between the minimum_floors and maximum_floors values. # @return [Array] returns an array of hashes, one hash per object. Array is empty if no results. # @example Find all the schedule rules that match the name # rules = model_find_objects(standards_data['schedules'], 'name' => schedule_name) # if # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find data for schedule: #{schedule_name}, will not be created.") # return false # end def model_find_objects(hash_of_objects, search_criteria, capacity = nil, date = nil, area = nil, num_floors = nil, fan_motor_bhp = nil) matching_objects = [] if hash_of_objects.is_a?(Hash) && hash_of_objects.key?('table') hash_of_objects = hash_of_objects['table'] end # Compare each of the objects against the search criteria raise("This is not a table #{hash_of_objects}") unless hash_of_objects.respond_to?(:each) hash_of_objects.each do |object| meets_all_search_criteria = true search_criteria.each do |key, value| # Don't check non-existent search criteria next unless object.key?(key) # Stop as soon as one of the search criteria is not met # 'Any' is a special key that matches anything unless object[key] == value || object[key] == 'Any' meets_all_search_criteria = false break end end # Skip objects that don't meet all search criteria next unless meets_all_search_criteria # If made it here, object matches all search criteria matching_objects << object end # If capacity was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless capacity.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_capacity') || !object.key?('maximum_capacity') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_capacity'].nil? || object['maximum_capacity'].nil? } # Round up if capacity is an integer if capacity == capacity.round capacity += (capacity * 0.01) end # Skip objects whose the minimum capacity is below or maximum capacity above the specified capacity matching_capacity_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| capacity.to_f <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f || capacity.to_f > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f } # If no object was found, round the capacity down in case the number fell between the limits in the json file. if capacity *= 0.99 # Skip objects whose minimum capacity is below or maximum capacity above the specified capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| capacity.to_f <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f || capacity.to_f > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f } else matching_objects = matching_capacity_objects end end # If fan_motor_bhp was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless fan_motor_bhp.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_capacity') || !object.key?('maximum_capacity') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_capacity'].nil? || object['maximum_capacity'].nil? } # Skip objects whose the minimum capacity is below or maximum capacity above the specified fan_motor_bhp matching_capacity_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| fan_motor_bhp.to_f <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f || fan_motor_bhp.to_f > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f } # Filter based on motor type matching_capacity_objects = { |object| object['type'].downcase == search_criteria['type'].downcase } if search_criteria.keys.include?('type') # If no object was found, round the fan_motor_bhp down in case the number fell between the limits in the json file. if fan_motor_bhp *= 0.99 # Skip objects whose minimum capacity is below or maximum capacity above the specified fan_motor_bhp matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| fan_motor_bhp.to_f <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f || fan_motor_bhp.to_f > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f } else matching_objects = matching_capacity_objects end end # If date was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless date.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for start_date and end_date matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('start_date') || !object.key?('end_date') } # Skip objects whose start date is earlier than the specified date matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| date <= Date.parse(object['start_date']) } # Skip objects whose end date is later than the specified date matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| date > Date.parse(object['end_date']) } end # If area was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless area.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_area and maximum_area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_area') || !object.key?('maximum_area') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_area and maximum_area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_area'].nil? || object['maximum_area'].nil? } # Skip objects whose minimum area is below or maximum area is above area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| area.to_f <= object['minimum_area'].to_f || area.to_f > object['maximum_area'].to_f } end # If area was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless num_floors.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_floors and maximum_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_floors') || !object.key?('maximum_floors') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_floors and maximum_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_floors'].nil? || object['maximum_floors'].nil? } # Skip objects whose minimum floors is below or maximum floors is above num_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| num_floors.to_f < object['minimum_floors'].to_f || num_floors.to_f > object['maximum_floors'].to_f } end # Check the number of matching objects found if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find objects search criteria returned no results. Search criteria: #{search_criteria}. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}.") end return matching_objects end # Method to search through a hash for an object that meets the desired search criteria, as passed via a hash. # If capacity is supplied, the object will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # # @param hash_of_objects [Hash] hash of objects to search through # @param search_criteria [Hash] hash of search criteria # @param capacity [Double] capacity of the object in question. If capacity is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # @param date [<OpenStudio::Date>] date of the object in question. If date is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified date is between the start_date and end_date. # @param area [Double] area of the object in question. If area is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified area is between the minimum_area and maximum_area values. # @param num_floors [Double] capacity of the object in question. If num_floors is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified num_floors is between the minimum_floors and maximum_floors values. # @return [Hash] Return tbe first matching object hash if successful, nil if not. # @example Find the motor that meets these size criteria # search_criteria = { # 'template' => template, # 'number_of_poles' => 4.0, # 'type' => 'Enclosed', # } # motor_properties = self.model.find_object(motors, search_criteria, capacity: 2.5) def model_find_object(hash_of_objects, search_criteria, capacity = nil, date = nil, area = nil, num_floors = nil, fan_motor_bhp = nil) matching_objects = model_find_objects(hash_of_objects, search_criteria, capacity, date, area, num_floors, fan_motor_bhp) # Check the number of matching objects found if desired_object = nil OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find object search criteria returned no results. Search criteria: #{search_criteria}. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}") elsif matching_objects.size == 1 desired_object = matching_objects[0] else desired_object = matching_objects[0] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find object search criteria returned #{matching_objects.size} results, the first one will be returned. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}. \n Search criteria: \n #{search_criteria}, capacity = #{capacity} \n All results: \n #{matching_objects.join("\n")}") end return desired_object end # Method to search through a hash for the objects that meets the desired search criteria, as passed via a hash. # Returns an Array (empty if nothing found) of matching objects. # # @param table_name [Hash] name of table in standards database. # @param search_criteria [Hash] hash of search criteria # @param capacity [Double] capacity of the object in question. If capacity is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # @param date [<OpenStudio::Date>] date of the object in question. If date is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified date is between the start_date and end_date. # @param area [Double] area of the object in question. If area is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified area is between the minimum_area and maximum_area values. # @param num_floors [Double] capacity of the object in question. If num_floors is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified num_floors is between the minimum_floors and maximum_floors values. # @return [Array] returns an array of hashes, one hash per object. Array is empty if no results. # @example Find all the schedule rules that match the name # rules = model_find_objects(standards_data['schedules'], 'name' => schedule_name) # if # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find data for schedule: #{schedule_name}, will not be created.") # return false # end def standards_lookup_table_many(table_name:, search_criteria: {}, capacity: nil, date: nil, area: nil, num_floors: nil) desired_object = nil search_criteria_matching_objects = [] matching_objects = [] hash_of_objects = @standards_data[table_name] # needed for NRCan data structure compatibility. We keep all tables in a 'tables' hash in @standards_data and the table # itself is in the 'table' hash index. if hash_of_objects.nil? # Format of @standards_data is not NRCan-style and table simply doesn't exist. return matching_objects if @standards_data['tables'].nil? table = @standards_data['tables'][table_name]['table'] hash_of_objects = table end # Compare each of the objects against the search criteria hash_of_objects.each do |object| meets_all_search_criteria = true search_criteria.each do |key, value| # Don't check non-existent search criteria next unless object.key?(key) # Stop as soon as one of the search criteria is not met # 'Any' is a special key that matches anything unless object[key] == value || object[key] == 'Any' meets_all_search_criteria = false break end end # Skip objects that don't meet all search criteria next unless meets_all_search_criteria # If made it here, object matches all search criteria matching_objects << object end # If capacity was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless capacity.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_capacity') || !object.key?('maximum_capacity') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_capacity'].nil? || object['maximum_capacity'].nil? } # Round up if capacity is an integer if capacity == capacity.round capacity += (capacity * 0.01) end # Skip objects whose the minimum capacity is below or maximum capacity above the specified capacity matching_capacity_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| capacity.to_f <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f || capacity.to_f > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f } # If no object was found, round the capacity down in case the number fell between the limits in the json file. if capacity *= 0.99 search_criteria_matching_objects.each do |object| # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity next if !object.key?('minimum_capacity') || !object.key?('maximum_capacity') # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity next if object['minimum_capacity'].nil? || object['maximum_capacity'].nil? # Skip objects whose the minimum capacity is below the specified capacity next if capacity <= object['minimum_capacity'].to_f # Skip objects whose max next if capacity > object['maximum_capacity'].to_f # Found a matching object matching_objects << object end end # If date was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless date.nil? date_matching_objects = [] matching_objects.each do |object| # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity next if !object.key?('start_date') || !object.key?('end_date') # Skip objects whose the start date is earlier than the specified date next if date <= Date.parse(object['start_date']) # Skip objects whose end date is beyond the specified date next if date > Date.parse(object['end_date']) # Found a matching object date_matching_objects << object end matching_objects = date_matching_objects end end # If area was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless area.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_area and maximum_area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_area') || !object.key?('maximum_area') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_area and maximum_area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_area'].nil? || object['maximum_area'].nil? } # Skip objects whose minimum area is below or maximum area is above area matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| area.to_f <= object['minimum_area'].to_f || area.to_f > object['maximum_area'].to_f } end # If area was specified, narrow down the matching objects unless num_floors.nil? # Skip objects that don't have fields for minimum_floors and maximum_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| !object.key?('minimum_floors') || !object.key?('maximum_floors') } # Skip objects that don't have values specified for minimum_floors and maximum_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| object['minimum_floors'].nil? || object['maximum_floors'].nil? } # Skip objects whose minimum floors is below or maximum floors is above num_floors matching_objects = matching_objects.reject { |object| num_floors.to_f < object['minimum_floors'].to_f || num_floors.to_f > object['maximum_floors'].to_f } end # Check the number of matching objects found if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find objects search criteria returned no results. Search criteria: #{search_criteria}. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}.") end return matching_objects end # Method to search through a hash for an object that meets the desired search criteria, as passed via a hash. # If capacity is supplied, the object will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # # @param table_name [String] name of table # @param search_criteria [Hash] hash of search criteria # @param capacity [Double] capacity of the object in question. If capacity is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified capacity is between the minimum_capacity and maximum_capacity values. # @param date [<OpenStudio::Date>] date of the object in question. If date is supplied, # the objects will only be returned if the specified date is between the start_date and end_date. # @return [Hash] Return tbe first matching object hash if successful, nil if not. # @example Find the motor that meets these size criteria # search_criteria = { # 'template' => template, # 'number_of_poles' => 4.0, # 'type' => 'Enclosed', # } # motor_properties = self.model.find_object(motors, search_criteria, 2.5) def standards_lookup_table_first(table_name:, search_criteria: {}, capacity: nil, date: nil) # run the many version of the look up code...DRY. matching_objects = standards_lookup_table_many(table_name: table_name, search_criteria: search_criteria, capacity: capacity, date: date) # Check the number of matching objects found if desired_object = nil OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find object search criteria returned no results. Search criteria: #{search_criteria}. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}") elsif matching_objects.size == 1 desired_object = matching_objects[0] else desired_object = matching_objects[0] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Find object search criteria returned #{matching_objects.size} results, the first one will be returned. Called from #{caller(0)[1]}. \n Search criteria: \n #{search_criteria}, capacity = #{capacity} \n All results: \n#{matching_objects.join("\n")}") end return desired_object end # Create constant ScheduleRuleset # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param value [Double] the value to use, 24-7, 365 # @param name [String] the name of the schedule # @param sch_type_limit [String] the name of a schedule type limit # options are Temperature, Humidity Ratio, Fractional, OnOff, and Activity # @return [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset] schedule ruleset object def model_add_constant_schedule_ruleset(model, value, name = nil, sch_type_limit: 'Temperature') # check to see if schedule exists with same name and constant value and return if true unless name.nil? existing_sch = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(name) if existing_sch.is_initialized existing_sch = existing_sch.get existing_day_sch_vals = existing_sch.defaultDaySchedule.values if existing_day_sch_vals.size == 1 && (existing_day_sch_vals[0] - value).abs < 1.0e-6 return existing_sch end end end schedule = unless name.nil? schedule.setName(name) schedule.defaultDaySchedule.setName("#{name} Default") end if !sch_type_limit.nil? sch_type_limits_obj = model_add_schedule_type_limits(model, standard_sch_type_limit: sch_type_limit) schedule.setScheduleTypeLimits(sch_type_limits_obj) end schedule.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), value) return schedule end # Create ScheduleTypeLimits # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param standard_sch_type_limit [String] the name of a standard schedule type limit with predefined limits # options are Temperature, Humidity Ratio, Fractional, OnOff, and Activity # @param name [String] the name of the schedule type limits # @param lower_limit_value [double] the lower limit value for the schedule type # @param upper_limit_value [double] the upper limit value for the schedule type # @param numeric_type [String] the numeric type, options are Continuous or Discrete # @param unit_type [String] the unit type, options are defined in EnergyPlus I/O reference # @return [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleTypeLimits] schedule type limits def model_add_schedule_type_limits(model, standard_sch_type_limit: nil, name: nil, lower_limit_value: nil, upper_limit_value: nil, numeric_type: nil, unit_type: nil) if standard_sch_type_limit.nil? if lower_limit_value.nil? || upper_limit_value.nil? || numeric_type.nil? || unit_type.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'If calling model_add_schedule_type_limits without a standard_sch_type_limit, you must specify all properties of ScheduleTypeLimits.') return false end schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName(name) if !name.nil? schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(lower_limit_value) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(upper_limit_value) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType(numeric_type) schedule_type_limits.setUnitType(unit_type) else schedule_type_limits = model.getScheduleTypeLimitsByName(standard_sch_type_limit) if !schedule_type_limits.empty? schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.get if == 'temperature' schedule_type_limits.resetLowerLimitValue schedule_type_limits.resetUpperLimitValue schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Continuous') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('Temperature') end else case standard_sch_type_limit.downcase when 'temperature' schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName('Temperature') schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(0.0) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(100.0) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Continuous') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('Temperature') when 'humidity ratio' schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName('Humidity Ratio') schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(0.0) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(0.3) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Continuous') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('Dimensionless') when 'fraction', 'fractional' schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName('Fraction') schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(0.0) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(1.0) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Continuous') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('Dimensionless') when 'onoff' schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName('OnOff') schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(0) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(1) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Discrete') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('Availability') when 'activity' schedule_type_limits = schedule_type_limits.setName('Activity') schedule_type_limits.setLowerLimitValue(70.0) schedule_type_limits.setUpperLimitValue(1000.0) schedule_type_limits.setNumericType('Continuous') schedule_type_limits.setUnitType('ActivityLevel') else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Invalid standard_sch_type_limit for method model_add_schedule_type_limits.') end end end return schedule_type_limits end # Create a schedule from the openstudio standards dataset and add it to the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param schedule_name [String} name of the schedule # @return [ScheduleRuleset] the resulting schedule ruleset # @todo make return an OptionalScheduleRuleset def model_add_schedule(model, schedule_name) return nil if schedule_name.nil? || schedule_name == '' # First check model and return schedule if it already exists model.getSchedules.sort.each do |schedule| if == schedule_name OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Already added schedule: #{schedule_name}") return schedule end end require 'date' # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding schedule: #{schedule_name}") # Find all the schedule rules that match the name rules = model_find_objects(standards_data['schedules'], 'name' => schedule_name) if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find data for schedule: #{schedule_name}, will not be created.") return model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule end # Make a schedule ruleset sch_ruleset = sch_ruleset.setName(schedule_name.to_s) # Loop through the rules, making one for each row in the spreadsheet rules.each do |rule| day_types = rule['day_types'] start_date = DateTime.parse(rule['start_date']) end_date = DateTime.parse(rule['end_date']) sch_type = rule['type'] values = rule['values'] # Day Type choices: Wkdy, Wknd, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, WntrDsn, SmrDsn, Hol # Default if day_types.include?('Default') day_sch = sch_ruleset.defaultDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{schedule_name} Default") model_add_vals_to_sch(model, day_sch, sch_type, values) end # Winter Design Day if day_types.include?('WntrDsn') day_sch = sch_ruleset.setWinterDesignDaySchedule(day_sch) day_sch = sch_ruleset.winterDesignDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{schedule_name} Winter Design Day") model_add_vals_to_sch(model, day_sch, sch_type, values) end # Summer Design Day if day_types.include?('SmrDsn') day_sch = sch_ruleset.setSummerDesignDaySchedule(day_sch) day_sch = sch_ruleset.summerDesignDaySchedule day_sch.setName("#{schedule_name} Summer Design Day") model_add_vals_to_sch(model, day_sch, sch_type, values) end # Other days (weekdays, weekends, etc) if day_types.include?('Wknd') || day_types.include?('Wkdy') || day_types.include?('Sat') || day_types.include?('Sun') || day_types.include?('Mon') || day_types.include?('Tue') || day_types.include?('Wed') || day_types.include?('Thu') || day_types.include?('Fri') # Make the Rule sch_rule = day_sch = sch_rule.daySchedule day_sch.setName("#{schedule_name} #{day_types} Day") model_add_vals_to_sch(model, day_sch, sch_type, values) # Set the dates when the rule applies sch_rule.setStartDate(, sch_rule.setEndDate(, # Set the days when the rule applies # Weekends if day_types.include?('Wknd') sch_rule.setApplySaturday(true) sch_rule.setApplySunday(true) end # Weekdays if day_types.include?('Wkdy') sch_rule.setApplyMonday(true) sch_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) sch_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) sch_rule.setApplyThursday(true) sch_rule.setApplyFriday(true) end # Individual Days sch_rule.setApplyMonday(true) if day_types.include?('Mon') sch_rule.setApplyTuesday(true) if day_types.include?('Tue') sch_rule.setApplyWednesday(true) if day_types.include?('Wed') sch_rule.setApplyThursday(true) if day_types.include?('Thu') sch_rule.setApplyFriday(true) if day_types.include?('Fri') sch_rule.setApplySaturday(true) if day_types.include?('Sat') sch_rule.setApplySunday(true) if day_types.include?('Sun') end end return sch_ruleset end # Create a material from the openstudio standards dataset. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param material_name [String] name of the material # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Material] material object # @todo make return an OptionalMaterial def model_add_material(model, material_name) # First check model and return material if it already exists model.getMaterials.sort.each do |material| if == material_name OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Already added material: #{material_name}") return material end end # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding material: #{material_name}") # Get the object data data = model_find_object(standards_data['materials'], 'name' => material_name) unless data OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find data for material: #{material_name}, will not be created.") return false # @todo change to return empty optional material end material = nil material_type = data['material_type'] if material_type == 'StandardOpaqueMaterial' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setRoughness(data['roughness'].to_s) material.setThickness(OpenStudio.convert(data['thickness'].to_f, 'in', 'm').get) material.setThermalConductivity(OpenStudio.convert(data['conductivity'].to_f, 'Btu*in/hr*ft^2*R', 'W/m*K').get) material.setDensity(OpenStudio.convert(data['density'].to_f, 'lb/ft^3', 'kg/m^3').get) material.setSpecificHeat(OpenStudio.convert(data['specific_heat'].to_f, 'Btu/lb*R', 'J/kg*K').get) material.setThermalAbsorptance(data['thermal_absorptance'].to_f) material.setSolarAbsorptance(data['solar_absorptance'].to_f) material.setVisibleAbsorptance(data['visible_absorptance'].to_f) elsif material_type == 'MasslessOpaqueMaterial' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setThermalResistance(OpenStudio.convert(data['resistance'].to_f, 'hr*ft^2*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get) material.setThermalConductivity(OpenStudio.convert(data['conductivity'].to_f, 'Btu*in/hr*ft^2*R', 'W/m*K').get) material.setThermalAbsorptance(data['thermal_absorptance'].to_f) material.setSolarAbsorptance(data['solar_absorptance'].to_f) material.setVisibleAbsorptance(data['visible_absorptance'].to_f) elsif material_type == 'AirGap' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setThermalResistance(OpenStudio.convert(data['resistance'].to_f, 'hr*ft^2*R/Btu*in', 'm*K/W').get) elsif material_type == 'Gas' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setThickness(OpenStudio.convert(data['thickness'].to_f, 'in', 'm').get) material.setGasType(data['gas_type'].to_s) elsif material_type == 'SimpleGlazing' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setUFactor(OpenStudio.convert(data['u_factor'].to_f, 'Btu/hr*ft^2*R', 'W/m^2*K').get) material.setSolarHeatGainCoefficient(data['solar_heat_gain_coefficient'].to_f) material.setVisibleTransmittance(data['visible_transmittance'].to_f) elsif material_type == 'StandardGlazing' material = material.setName(material_name) material.setOpticalDataType(data['optical_data_type'].to_s) material.setThickness(OpenStudio.convert(data['thickness'].to_f, 'in', 'm').get) material.setSolarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence(data['solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setFrontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence(data['front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setBackSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence(data['back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setVisibleTransmittanceatNormalIncidence(data['visible_transmittance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setFrontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence(data['front_side_visible_reflectance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setBackSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence(data['back_side_visible_reflectance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setInfraredTransmittanceatNormalIncidence(data['infrared_transmittance_at_normal_incidence'].to_f) material.setFrontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity(data['front_side_infrared_hemispherical_emissivity'].to_f) material.setBackSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity(data['back_side_infrared_hemispherical_emissivity'].to_f) material.setThermalConductivity(OpenStudio.convert(data['conductivity'].to_f, 'Btu*in/hr*ft^2*R', 'W/m*K').get) material.setDirtCorrectionFactorforSolarandVisibleTransmittance(data['dirt_correction_factor_for_solar_and_visible_transmittance'].to_f) if /true/i =~ data['solar_diffusing'].to_s material.setSolarDiffusing(true) else material.setSolarDiffusing(false) end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Unknown material type #{material_type}, cannot add material called #{material_name}.") exit end return material end # Create a construction from the openstudio standards dataset. # If construction_props are specified, modifies the insulation layer accordingly. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param construction_name [String] name of the construction # @param construction_props [Hash] hash of construction properties # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Construction] construction object # @todo make return an OptionalConstruction def model_add_construction(model, construction_name, construction_props = nil, surface = nil) # First check model and return construction if it already exists model.getConstructions.sort.each do |construction| if == construction_name OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Already added construction: #{construction_name}") return construction end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding construction: #{construction_name}") # Get the object data if standards_data.keys.include?('prm_constructions') data = model_find_object(standards_data['prm_constructions'], 'name' => construction_name) else data = model_find_object(standards_data['constructions'], 'name' => construction_name) end unless data OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find data for construction: #{construction_name}, will not be created.") return end # Make a new construction and set the standards details if data['intended_surface_type'] == 'GroundContactFloor' && !surface.nil? construction = elsif data['intended_surface_type'] == 'GroundContactWall' && !surface.nil? construction = else construction = # Add the material layers to the construction layers = data['materials'].each do |material_name| material = model_add_material(model, material_name) if material layers << material end end construction.setLayers(layers) end construction.setName(construction_name) standards_info = construction.standardsInformation intended_surface_type = data['intended_surface_type'] intended_surface_type ||= '' standards_info.setIntendedSurfaceType(intended_surface_type) standards_construction_type = data['standards_construction_type'] standards_construction_type ||= '' standards_info.setStandardsConstructionType(standards_construction_type) # @todo could put construction rendering color in the spreadsheet # Modify the R value of the insulation to hit the specified U-value, C-Factor, or F-Factor. # Doesn't currently operate on glazing constructions if construction_props # Determine the target U-value, C-factor, and F-factor target_u_value_ip = construction_props['assembly_maximum_u_value'] target_f_factor_ip = construction_props['assembly_maximum_f_factor'] target_c_factor_ip = construction_props['assembly_maximum_c_factor'] target_shgc = construction_props['assembly_maximum_solar_heat_gain_coefficient'] u_includes_int_film = construction_props['u_value_includes_interior_film_coefficient'] u_includes_ext_film = construction_props['u_value_includes_exterior_film_coefficient'] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "#{data['intended_surface_type']} u_val #{target_u_value_ip} f_fac #{target_f_factor_ip} c_fac #{target_c_factor_ip}") if target_u_value_ip # Handle Opaque and Fenestration Constructions differently # if construction.isFenestration && construction_simple_glazing?(construction) if construction.isFenestration if construction_simple_glazing?(construction) # Set the U-Value and SHGC construction_set_glazing_u_value(construction, target_u_value_ip.to_f, data['intended_surface_type'], u_includes_int_film, u_includes_ext_film) construction_set_glazing_shgc(construction, target_shgc.to_f) else # if !data['intended_surface_type'] == 'ExteriorWindow' && !data['intended_surface_type'] == 'Skylight' # Set the U-Value construction_set_u_value(construction, target_u_value_ip.to_f, data['insulation_layer'], data['intended_surface_type'], u_includes_int_film, u_includes_ext_film) # else # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Not modifying U-value for #{data['intended_surface_type']} u_val #{target_u_value_ip} f_fac #{target_f_factor_ip} c_fac #{target_c_factor_ip}") end else # Set the U-Value construction_set_u_value(construction, target_u_value_ip.to_f, data['insulation_layer'], data['intended_surface_type'], u_includes_int_film, u_includes_ext_film) # else # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Not modifying U-value for #{data['intended_surface_type']} u_val #{target_u_value_ip} f_fac #{target_f_factor_ip} c_fac #{target_c_factor_ip}") end elsif target_f_factor_ip && data['intended_surface_type'] == 'GroundContactFloor' # F-factor objects are unique to each surface, so a surface needs to be passed # If not surface is passed, use the older approach to model ground contact floors if surface.nil? # Set the F-Factor (only applies to slabs on grade) # @todo figure out what the prototype buildings did about ground heat transfer # construction_set_slab_f_factor(construction, target_f_factor_ip.to_f, data['insulation_layer']) construction_set_u_value(construction, 0.0, data['insulation_layer'], data['intended_surface_type'], u_includes_int_film, u_includes_ext_film) else construction_set_surface_slab_f_factor(construction, target_f_factor_ip, surface) end elsif target_c_factor_ip && (data['intended_surface_type'] == 'GroundContactWall' || data['intended_surface_type'] == 'GroundContactRoof') # C-factor objects are unique to each surface, so a surface needs to be passed # If not surface is passed, use the older approach to model ground contact walls if surface.nil? # Set the C-Factor (only applies to underground walls) # @todo figure out what the prototype buildings did about ground heat transfer # construction_set_underground_wall_c_factor(construction, target_c_factor_ip.to_f, data['insulation_layer']) construction_set_u_value(construction, 0.0, data['insulation_layer'], data['intended_surface_type'], u_includes_int_film, u_includes_ext_film) else construction_set_surface_underground_wall_c_factor(construction, target_c_factor_ip, surface) end end # If the construction is fenestration, # also set the frame type for use in future lookups if construction.isFenestration case standards_construction_type when 'Metal framing (all other)' standards_info.setFenestrationFrameType('Metal Framing') when 'Nonmetal framing (all)' standards_info.setFenestrationFrameType('Non-Metal Framing') end end # If the construction has a skylight framing material specified, # get the skylight frame material properties and add frame to # all skylights in the model. if data['skylight_framing'] # Get the skylight framing material framing_name = data['skylight_framing'] frame_data = model_find_object(standards_data['materials'], 'name' => framing_name) if frame_data frame_width_in = frame_data['frame_width'].to_f frame_with_m = OpenStudio.convert(frame_width_in, 'in', 'm').get frame_resistance_ip = frame_data['resistance'].to_f frame_resistance_si = OpenStudio.convert(frame_resistance_ip, 'hr*ft^2*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get frame_conductance_si = 1.0 / frame_resistance_si frame = frame.setName("Skylight frame R-#{frame_resistance_ip.round(2)} #{frame_width_in.round(1)} in. wide") frame.setFrameWidth(frame_with_m) frame.setFrameConductance(frame_conductance_si) skylights_frame_added = 0 model.getSubSurfaces.each do |sub_surface| next unless sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' && sub_surface.subSurfaceType == 'Skylight' # @todo enable proper window frame setting after is fixed sub_surface.setString(8, skylights_frame_added += 1 # if sub_surface.allowWindowPropertyFrameAndDivider # sub_surface.setWindowPropertyFrameAndDivider(frame) # skylights_frame_added += 1 # else # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}: cannot add a frame to this skylight.") # end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding #{} to #{skylights_frame_added} skylights.") if skylights_frame_added > 0 else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find skylight framing data for: #{framing_name}, will not be created.") return false # @todo change to return empty optional material end end end # # Check if the construction with the modified name was already in the model. # # If it was, delete this new construction and return the copy already in the model. # m =\s(\d+)/) # if m # revised_cons_name =\s\d+/,'') # model.getConstructions.sort.each do |exist_construction| # if == revised_cons_name # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Already added construction: #{construction_name}") # # Remove the recently added construction # lyrs = construction.layers # # Erase the layers in the construction # construction.setLayers([]) # # Delete unused materials # lyrs.uniq.each do |lyr| # if # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Removing Material: #{}") # lyr.remove # end # end # construction.remove # Remove the construction # return exist_construction # end # end # end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding construction #{}.") return construction end # Helper method to find a particular construction and add it to the model after modifying the insulation value if necessary. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone_set [String] climate zone set # @param intended_surface_type [String] intended surface type # @param standards_construction_type [String] standards construction type # @param building_category [String] building category # @param wwr_building_type [String] building type used to determine WWR for the PRM baseline model # @param wwr_info [Hash] @Todo - check what this is used for # @param surface [OpenStudio::Model::Surface] OpenStudio surface object, only used for surface specific construction, e.g F/C-factor constructions # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Construction] construction object def model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type, building_category, wwr_building_type: nil, wwr_info: {}, surface: nil) # Get the construction properties, # which specifies properties by construction category by climate zone set. # AKA the info in Tables 5.5-1-5.5-8 search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'climate_zone_set' => climate_zone_set, 'intended_surface_type' => intended_surface_type, 'standards_construction_type' => standards_construction_type, 'building_category' => building_category } # Check if WWR criteria is needed for the construction search wwr_parameter = { 'intended_surface_type' => intended_surface_type } if wwr_building_type wwr_parameter['wwr_building_type'] = wwr_building_type wwr_parameter['wwr_info'] = wwr_info end wwr_range = model_get_percent_of_surface_range(model, wwr_parameter) if !wwr_range['minimum_percent_of_surface'].nil? && !wwr_range['maximum_percent_of_surface'].nil? search_criteria['minimum_percent_of_surface'] = wwr_range['minimum_percent_of_surface'] search_criteria['maximum_percent_of_surface'] = wwr_range['maximum_percent_of_surface'] end # First search props = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_properties'], search_criteria) if !props # Second search: In case need to use climate zone (e.g: 3) instead of sub-climate zone (e.g: 3A) for search climate_zone = climate_zone_set[0..-2] search_criteria['climate_zone_set'] = climate_zone props = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_properties'], search_criteria) end if !props OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find construction properties for: #{template}-#{climate_zone_set}-#{intended_surface_type}-#{standards_construction_type}-#{building_category}.") # Return an empty construction construction = construction.setName('Could not find construction properties set to Adiabatic ') almost_adiabatic =, 'Smooth', 500) construction.insertLayer(0, almost_adiabatic) return construction end # Make sure that a construction is specified if props['construction'].nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No typical construction is specified for construction properties of: #{template}-#{climate_zone_set}-#{intended_surface_type}-#{standards_construction_type}-#{building_category}. Make sure it is entered in the spreadsheet.") # Return an empty construction construction = construction.setName('No typical construction was specified') return construction end # Add the construction, modifying properties as necessary construction = model_add_construction(model, props['construction'], props, surface) return construction end # Create a construction set from the openstudio standards dataset. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param spc_type [String] the space type # @param is_residential [Bool] true if the building is residential # @return [OpenStudio::Model::OptionalDefaultConstructionSet] an optional default construction set def model_add_construction_set(model, climate_zone, building_type, spc_type, is_residential) construction_set = # Find the climate zone set that this climate zone falls into climate_zone_set = model_find_climate_zone_set(model, climate_zone) unless climate_zone_set return construction_set end # Get the object data data = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_sets'], 'template' => template, 'climate_zone_set' => climate_zone_set, 'building_type' => building_type, 'space_type' => spc_type, 'is_residential' => is_residential) unless data # Search again without the is_residential criteria in the case that this field is not specified for a standard data = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_sets'], 'template' => template, 'climate_zone_set' => climate_zone_set, 'building_type' => building_type, 'space_type' => spc_type) unless data # if nothing matches say that we could not find it OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Construction set for template =#{template}, climate zone set =#{climate_zone_set}, building type = #{building_type}, space type = #{spc_type}, is residential = #{is_residential} was not found in standards_data['construction_sets']") return construction_set end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Adding construction set: #{template}-#{climate_zone}-#{building_type}-#{spc_type}-is_residential#{is_residential}") name = model_make_name(model, climate_zone, building_type, spc_type) # Create a new construction set and name it construction_set = construction_set.setName(name) # Exterior surfaces constructions exterior_surfaces = construction_set.setDefaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions(exterior_surfaces) # Special condition for attics, where the insulation is actually on the floor but the soffit is uninsulated if spc_type == 'Attic' exterior_surfaces.setFloorConstruction(model_add_construction(model, 'Typical Attic Soffit')) else if data['exterior_floor_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_floor_building_category'] exterior_surfaces.setFloorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorFloor', data['exterior_floor_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_floor_building_category'])) end end if data['exterior_wall_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_wall_building_category'] exterior_surfaces.setWallConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorWall', data['exterior_wall_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_wall_building_category'])) end # Special condition for attics, where the insulation is actually on the floor and the roof itself is uninsulated if spc_type == 'Attic' if data['exterior_roof_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_roof_building_category'] exterior_surfaces.setRoofCeilingConstruction(model_add_construction(model, 'Typical Uninsulated Wood Joist Attic Roof')) end else if data['exterior_roof_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_roof_building_category'] exterior_surfaces.setRoofCeilingConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorRoof', data['exterior_roof_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_roof_building_category'])) end end # Interior surfaces constructions interior_surfaces = construction_set.setDefaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions(interior_surfaces) construction_name = data['interior_floors'] # Special condition for attics, where the insulation is actually on the floor and the roof itself is uninsulated if spc_type == 'Attic' if data['exterior_roof_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_roof_building_category'] interior_surfaces.setFloorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorRoof', data['exterior_roof_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_roof_building_category'])) end else unless construction_name.nil? interior_surfaces.setFloorConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end end construction_name = data['interior_walls'] unless construction_name.nil? interior_surfaces.setWallConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end construction_name = data['interior_ceilings'] unless construction_name.nil? interior_surfaces.setRoofCeilingConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end # Ground contact surfaces constructions ground_surfaces = construction_set.setDefaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions(ground_surfaces) if data['ground_contact_floor_standards_construction_type'] && data['ground_contact_floor_building_category'] ground_surfaces.setFloorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'GroundContactFloor', data['ground_contact_floor_standards_construction_type'], data['ground_contact_floor_building_category'])) end if data['ground_contact_wall_standards_construction_type'] && data['ground_contact_wall_building_category'] ground_surfaces.setWallConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'GroundContactWall', data['ground_contact_wall_standards_construction_type'], data['ground_contact_wall_building_category'])) end if data['ground_contact_ceiling_standards_construction_type'] && data['ground_contact_ceiling_building_category'] ground_surfaces.setRoofCeilingConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'GroundContactRoof', data['ground_contact_ceiling_standards_construction_type'], data['ground_contact_ceiling_building_category'])) end # Exterior sub surfaces constructions exterior_subsurfaces = construction_set.setDefaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(exterior_subsurfaces) if data['exterior_fixed_window_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_fixed_window_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setFixedWindowConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorWindow', data['exterior_fixed_window_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_fixed_window_building_category'])) end if data['exterior_operable_window_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_operable_window_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setOperableWindowConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorWindow', data['exterior_operable_window_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_operable_window_building_category'])) end if data['exterior_door_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_door_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setDoorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorDoor', data['exterior_door_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_door_building_category'])) end if data['exterior_glass_door_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_glass_door_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setGlassDoorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'GlassDoor', data['exterior_glass_door_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_glass_door_building_category'])) end if data['exterior_overhead_door_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_overhead_door_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setOverheadDoorConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'ExteriorDoor', data['exterior_overhead_door_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_overhead_door_building_category'])) end if data['exterior_skylight_standards_construction_type'] && data['exterior_skylight_building_category'] exterior_subsurfaces.setSkylightConstruction(model_find_and_add_construction(model, climate_zone_set, 'Skylight', data['exterior_skylight_standards_construction_type'], data['exterior_skylight_building_category'])) end if (construction_name = data['tubular_daylight_domes']) exterior_subsurfaces.setTubularDaylightDomeConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['tubular_daylight_diffusers']) exterior_subsurfaces.setTubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end # Interior sub surfaces constructions interior_subsurfaces = construction_set.setDefaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(interior_subsurfaces) if (construction_name = data['interior_fixed_windows']) interior_subsurfaces.setFixedWindowConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['interior_operable_windows']) interior_subsurfaces.setOperableWindowConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['interior_doors']) interior_subsurfaces.setDoorConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end # Other constructions if (construction_name = data['interior_partitions']) construction_set.setInteriorPartitionConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['space_shading']) construction_set.setSpaceShadingConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['building_shading']) construction_set.setBuildingShadingConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end if (construction_name = data['site_shading']) construction_set.setSiteShadingConstruction(model_add_construction(model, construction_name)) end # componentize the construction set # construction_set_component = construction_set.createComponent # Return the construction set return end # Adds a curve from the OpenStudio-Standards dataset to the model based on the curve name. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param curve_name [String] name of the curve # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Curve] curve object, nil if not found def model_add_curve(model, curve_name) # First check model and return curve if it already exists existing_curves = [] existing_curves += model.getCurveLinears existing_curves += model.getCurveCubics existing_curves += model.getCurveQuadratics existing_curves += model.getCurveBicubics existing_curves += model.getCurveBiquadratics existing_curves += model.getCurveQuadLinears existing_curves.sort.each do |curve| if == curve_name OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Already added curve: #{curve_name}") return curve end end # OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Info, "openstudio.prototype.addCurve", "Adding curve '#{curve_name}' to the model.") # Find curve data data = model_find_object(standards_data['curves'], 'name' => curve_name) if data.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Model.Model', "Could not find a curve called '#{curve_name}' in the standards.") return nil end # Make the correct type of curve case data['form'] when 'Linear' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'Cubic' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(data['coeff_3']) curve.setCoefficient4xPOW3(data['coeff_4']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'Quadratic' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(data['coeff_3']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'BiCubic' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(data['coeff_3']) curve.setCoefficient4y(data['coeff_4']) curve.setCoefficient5yPOW2(data['coeff_5']) curve.setCoefficient6xTIMESY(data['coeff_6']) curve.setCoefficient7xPOW3(data['coeff_7']) curve.setCoefficient8yPOW3(data['coeff_8']) curve.setCoefficient9xPOW2TIMESY(data['coeff_9']) curve.setCoefficient10xTIMESYPOW2(data['coeff_10']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumValueofy(data['minimum_independent_variable_2']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMaximumValueofy(data['maximum_independent_variable_2']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'BiQuadratic' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(data['coeff_3']) curve.setCoefficient4y(data['coeff_4']) curve.setCoefficient5yPOW2(data['coeff_5']) curve.setCoefficient6xTIMESY(data['coeff_6']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumValueofy(data['minimum_independent_variable_2']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMaximumValueofy(data['maximum_independent_variable_2']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'BiLinear' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2x(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient4y(data['coeff_3']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_1']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_1']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_1'] curve.setMinimumValueofy(data['minimum_independent_variable_2']) if data['minimum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMaximumValueofy(data['maximum_independent_variable_2']) if data['maximum_independent_variable_2'] curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['minimum_dependent_variable_output'] curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) if data['maximum_dependent_variable_output'] return curve when 'QuadLinear' curve = curve.setName(data['name']) curve.setCoefficient1Constant(data['coeff_1']) curve.setCoefficient2w(data['coeff_2']) curve.setCoefficient3x(data['coeff_3']) curve.setCoefficient4y(data['coeff_4']) curve.setCoefficient5z(data['coeff_5']) curve.setMinimumValueofw(data['minimum_independent_variable_w']) curve.setMaximumValueofw(data['maximum_independent_variable_w']) curve.setMinimumValueofx(data['minimum_independent_variable_x']) curve.setMaximumValueofx(data['maximum_independent_variable_x']) curve.setMinimumValueofy(data['minimum_independent_variable_y']) curve.setMaximumValueofy(data['maximum_independent_variable_y']) curve.setMinimumValueofz(data['minimum_independent_variable_z']) curve.setMaximumValueofz(data['maximum_independent_variable_z']) curve.setMinimumCurveOutput(data['minimum_dependent_variable_output']) curve.setMaximumCurveOutput(data['maximum_dependent_variable_output']) return curve when 'MultiVariableLookupTable' num_ind_var = data['number_independent_variables'].to_i table =, num_ind_var) table.setName(data['name']) table.setInterpolationMethod(data['interpolation_method']) table.setNumberofInterpolationPoints(data['number_of_interpolation_points']) table.setCurveType(data['curve_type']) table.setTableDataFormat('SingleLineIndependentVariableWithMatrix') table.setNormalizationReference(data['normalization_reference'].to_f) table.setOutputUnitType(data['output_unit_type']) table.setMinimumValueofX1(data['minimum_independent_variable_1'].to_f) table.setMaximumValueofX1(data['maximum_independent_variable_1'].to_f) table.setInputUnitTypeforX1(data['input_unit_type_x1']) if num_ind_var == 2 table.setMinimumValueofX2(data['minimum_independent_variable_2'].to_f) table.setMaximumValueofX2(data['maximum_independent_variable_2'].to_f) table.setInputUnitTypeforX2(data['input_unit_type_x2']) end data_points = { |key, value| key.include? 'data_point' } data_points.each do |key, value| if num_ind_var == 1 table.addPoint(value.split(',')[0].to_f, value.split(',')[1].to_f) elsif num_ind_var == 2 table.addPoint(value.split(',')[0].to_f, value.split(',')[1].to_f, value.split(',')[2].to_f) end end return table else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Model.Model', "#{curve_name}' has an invalid form: #{data['form']}', cannot create this curve.") return nil end end # Get the full path to the weather file that is specified in the model # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::OptionalPath] path to weather file def model_get_full_weather_file_path(model) full_epw_path = if model.weatherFile.is_initialized epw_path = model.weatherFile.get.path if epw_path.is_initialized if File.exist?(epw_path.get.to_s) full_epw_path = else # If this is an always-run Measure, need to check a different path alt_weath_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, '../../resources')) alt_epw_path = File.expand_path(File.join(alt_weath_path, epw_path.get.to_s)) if File.exist?(alt_epw_path) full_epw_path = else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Model has been assigned a weather file, but the file is not in the specified location of '#{epw_path.get}'.") end end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Model has a weather file assigned, but the weather file path has been deleted.') end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Model has not been assigned a weather file.') end return full_epw_path end # Find the legacy simulation results from a CSV of previously created results. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param run_type [String] design day is dd-only, otherwise annual run # @param lkp_template [String] The standards template, e.g.'90.1-2013' # @return [Hash] a hash of results for each fuel, where the keys are in the form 'End Use|Fuel Type', # e.g. Heating|Electricity, Exterior Equipment|Water. All end use/fuel type combos are present, # with values of 0.0 if none of this end use/fuel type combo was used by the simulation. # Returns nil if the legacy results couldn't be found. def model_legacy_results_by_end_use_and_fuel_type(model, climate_zone, building_type, run_type, lkp_template: nil) # Load the legacy idf results CSV file into a ruby hash top_dir = File.expand_path('../../..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) standards_data_dir = "#{top_dir}/data/standards" temp = '' # Run differently depending on whether running from embedded filesystem in OpenStudio CLI or not if __dir__[0] == ':' # Running from OpenStudio CLI # load file from embedded files if run_type == 'dd-only' temp = load_resource_relative('../../../data/standards/test_performance_expected_dd_results.csv', 'r:UTF-8') else temp = load_resource_relative('../../../data/standards/legacy_idf_results.csv', 'r:UTF-8') end else # loaded gem from system path if run_type == 'dd-only' temp ="#{standards_data_dir}/test_performance_expected_dd_results.csv") else temp ="#{standards_data_dir}/legacy_idf_results.csv") end end legacy_idf_csv =, headers: true, converters: :all) legacy_idf_results = if lkp_template.nil? lkp_template = template end # Get the results for this building search_criteria = { 'Building Type' => building_type, 'Template' => lkp_template, 'Climate Zone' => climate_zone } energy_values = model_find_object(legacy_idf_results, search_criteria) if energy_values.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find legacy simulation results for #{search_criteria}") return {} end return energy_values end # Method to gather prototype simulation results for a specific climate zone, building type, and template # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param lkp_template [String] The standards template, e.g.'90.1-2013' # @return [Hash] Returns a hash with data presented in various bins. # Returns nil if no search results def model_process_results_for_datapoint(model, climate_zone, building_type, lkp_template: nil) # Hash to store the legacy results by fuel and by end use legacy_results_hash = {} legacy_results_hash['total_legacy_energy_val'] = 0 legacy_results_hash['total_legacy_water_val'] = 0 legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_fuel'] = {} legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_end_use'] = {} # Get the legacy simulation results legacy_values = model_legacy_results_by_end_use_and_fuel_type(model, climate_zone, building_type, 'annual', lkp_template: lkp_template) if legacy_values.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Could not find legacy idf results for #{search_criteria}") return legacy_results_hash end # List of all fuel types fuel_types = ['Electricity', 'Natural Gas', 'Additional Fuel', 'District Cooling', 'District Heating', 'Water'] # List of all end uses end_uses = ['Heating', 'Cooling', 'Interior Lighting', 'Exterior Lighting', 'Interior Equipment', 'Exterior Equipment', 'Fans', 'Pumps', 'Heat Rejection', 'Humidification', 'Heat Recovery', 'Water Systems', 'Refrigeration', 'Generators'] # Sum the legacy results up by fuel and by end use fuel_types.each do |fuel_type| end_uses.each do |end_use| next if end_use == 'Exterior Equipment' legacy_val = legacy_values["#{end_use}|#{fuel_type}"] # Combine the exterior lighting and exterior equipment if end_use == 'Exterior Lighting' legacy_exterior_equipment = legacy_values["Exterior Equipment|#{fuel_type}"] unless legacy_exterior_equipment.nil? legacy_val += legacy_exterior_equipment end end if legacy_val.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "#{fuel_type} #{end_use} legacy idf value not found") next end # Add the energy to the total if fuel_type == 'Water' legacy_results_hash['total_legacy_water_val'] += legacy_val else legacy_results_hash['total_legacy_energy_val'] += legacy_val # add to fuel specific total if legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_fuel'][fuel_type] legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_fuel'][fuel_type] += legacy_val # add to existing counter else legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_fuel'][fuel_type] = legacy_val # start new counter end # add to end use specific total if legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_end_use'][end_use] legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_end_use'][end_use] += legacy_val # add to existing counter else legacy_results_hash['total_energy_by_end_use'][end_use] = legacy_val # start new counter end end end end return legacy_results_hash end # Keep track of floor area for prototype buildings. # This is used to calculate EUI's to compare against non prototype buildings # Areas taken from scorecard Excel Files # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [Double] floor area (m^2) of prototype building for building type passed in. # Returns nil if unexpected building type def model_find_prototype_floor_area(model, building_type) if building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' # 5502 ft^2 result = 511 elsif building_type == 'Hospital' # 241,410 ft^2 (including basement) result = 22_422 elsif building_type == 'LargeHotel' # 122,132 ft^2 result = 11_345 elsif building_type == 'LargeOffice' # 498,600 ft^2 result = 46_320 elsif building_type == 'MediumOffice' # 53,600 ft^2 result = 4982 elsif building_type == 'LargeOfficeDetailed' # 498,600 ft^2 result = 46_320 elsif building_type == 'MediumOfficeDetailed' # 53,600 ft^2 result = 4982 elsif building_type == 'MidriseApartment' # 33,700 ft^2 result = 3135 elsif building_type == 'Office' result = nil # @todo there shouldn't be a prototype building for this OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Measures calling this should choose between SmallOffice, MediumOffice, and LargeOffice') elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' # 40.950 ft^2 result = 3804 elsif building_type == 'PrimarySchool' # 73,960 ft^2 result = 6871 elsif building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' # 2500 ft^2 result = 232 elsif building_type == 'Retail' # 24,695 ft^2 result = 2294 elsif building_type == 'SecondarySchool' # 210,900 ft^2 result = 19_592 elsif building_type == 'SmallHotel' # 43,200 ft^2 result = 4014 elsif building_type == 'SmallOffice' # 5500 ft^2 result = 511 elsif building_type == 'SmallOfficeDetailed' # 5500 ft^2 result = 511 elsif building_type == 'StripMall' # 22,500 ft^2 result = 2090 elsif building_type == 'SuperMarket' # 45,002 ft2 (from legacy reference idf file) result = 4181 elsif building_type == 'Warehouse' # 49,495 ft^2 (legacy ref shows 52,045, but I wil calc using 49,495) result = 4595 elsif building_type == 'SmallDataCenterLowITE' || building_type == 'SmallDataCenterHighITE' # 600 ft^2 result = 56 elsif building_type == 'LargeDataCenterLowITE' || building_type == 'LargeDataCenterHighITE' # 6000 ft^2 result = 557 elsif building_type == 'Laboratory' # 90000 ft^2 result = 8361 else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Didn't find expected building type. As a result can't determine floor prototype floor area") result = nil end return result end # This is used by other methods to get the climate zone and building type from a model. # It has logic to break office into small, # medium or large based on building area that can be turned off # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param remap_office [bool] re-map small office or leave it alone # @return [hash] key for climate zone, building type, and standards template. All values are strings. def model_get_building_properties(model, remap_office = true) # get climate zone from model climate_zone = model_standards_climate_zone(model) # get building type from model building_type = '' if model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized building_type = model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get end # map office building type to small medium or large if building_type == 'Office' && remap_office open_studio_area = model.getBuilding.floorArea building_type = model_remap_office(model, open_studio_area) end # get standards template if model.getBuilding.standardsTemplate.is_initialized standards_template = model.getBuilding.standardsTemplate.get end results = {} results['climate_zone'] = climate_zone results['building_type'] = building_type results['standards_template'] = standards_template return results end # remap office to one of the prototype buildings # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param floor_area [Double] floor area (m^2) # @return [String] SmallOffice, MediumOffice, LargeOffice def model_remap_office(model, floor_area) # prototype small office approx 500 m^2 # prototype medium office approx 5000 m^2 # prototype large office approx 50,000 m^2 # map office building type to small medium or large building_type = if floor_area < 2750 'SmallOffice' elsif floor_area < 25_250 'MediumOffice' else 'LargeOffice' end end # User needs to pass in template as string. # The building type and climate zone will come from the model. # If the building type or ASHRAE climate zone is not set in the model this will return nil # If the lookup doesn't find matching simulation results this wil return nil # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Double] EUI (MJ/m^2) for target template for given OSM. Returns nil if can't calculate EUI def model_find_target_eui(model) building_data = model_get_building_properties(model) climate_zone = building_data['climate_zone'] building_type = building_data['building_type'] building_template = building_data['standards_template'] # look up results target_consumption = model_process_results_for_datapoint(model, climate_zone, building_type, lkp_template: building_template) # lookup target floor area for prototype buildings target_floor_area = model_find_prototype_floor_area(model, building_type) if target_consumption['total_legacy_energy_val'] > 0 if target_floor_area > 0 result = target_consumption['total_legacy_energy_val'] / target_floor_area else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Cannot find prototype building floor area') result = nil end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find target results for #{climate_zone},#{building_type},#{template}") result = nil # couldn't calculate EUI consumpiton lookup failed end return result end # User needs to pass in template as string. # The building type and climate zone will come from the model. # If the building type or ASHRAE climate zone is not set in the model this will return nil # If the lookup doesn't find matching simulation results this wil return nil # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] EUI (MJ/m^2) This will return a hash of end uses. key is end use, value is eui def model_find_target_eui_by_end_use(model) building_data = model_get_building_properties(model) climate_zone = building_data['climate_zone'] building_type = building_data['building_type'] building_template = building_data['standards_template'] # look up results target_consumption = model_process_results_for_datapoint(model, climate_zone, building_type, lkp_template: building_template) # lookup target floor area for prototype buildings target_floor_area = model_find_prototype_floor_area(model, building_type) if target_consumption['total_legacy_energy_val'] > 0 if target_floor_area > 0 result = {} target_consumption['total_energy_by_end_use'].each do |end_use, consumption| result[end_use] = consumption / target_floor_area end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Cannot find prototype building floor area') result = nil end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find target results for #{climate_zone},#{building_type},#{template}") result = nil # couldn't calculate EUI consumpiton lookup failed end return result end # Get a unique list of constructions with given boundary condition and a given type of surface. # Pulls from both default construction sets and hard-assigned constructions. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param boundary_condition [String] the desired boundary condition. valid choices are: # Adiabatic # Surface # Outdoors # Ground # @param type [String] the type of surface to find. valid choices are: # AtticFloor # AtticWall # AtticRoof # DemisingFloor # DemisingWall # DemisingRoof # ExteriorFloor # ExteriorWall # ExteriorRoof # ExteriorWindow # ExteriorDoor # GlassDoor # GroundContactFloor # GroundContactWall # GroundContactRoof # InteriorFloor # InteriorWall # InteriorCeiling # InteriorPartition # InteriorWindow # InteriorDoor # OverheadDoor # Skylight # TubularDaylightDome # TubularDaylightDiffuser # return [Array<OpenStudio::Model::ConstructionBase>] an array of all constructions. def model_find_constructions(model, boundary_condition, type) constructions = [] # From default construction sets model.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each do |const_set| ext_surfs = const_set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions int_surfs = const_set.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions gnd_surfs = const_set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions ext_subsurfs = const_set.defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions int_subsurfs = const_set.defaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions # Can't handle incomplete construction sets if ext_surfs.empty? || int_surfs.empty? || gnd_surfs.empty? || ext_subsurfs.empty? || int_subsurfs.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Space', "Default construction set #{} is incomplete; constructions from this set will not be reported.") next end ext_surfs = ext_surfs.get int_surfs = int_surfs.get gnd_surfs = gnd_surfs.get ext_subsurfs = ext_subsurfs.get int_subsurfs = int_subsurfs.get case type # Exterior Surfaces when 'ExteriorWall', 'AtticWall' constructions << ext_surfs.wallConstruction when 'ExteriorFloor' constructions << ext_surfs.floorConstruction when 'ExteriorRoof', 'AtticRoof' constructions << ext_surfs.roofCeilingConstruction # Interior Surfaces when 'InteriorWall', 'DemisingWall', 'InteriorPartition' constructions << int_surfs.wallConstruction when 'InteriorFloor', 'AtticFloor', 'DemisingFloor' constructions << int_surfs.floorConstruction when 'InteriorCeiling', 'DemisingRoof' constructions << int_surfs.roofCeilingConstruction # Ground Contact Surfaces when 'GroundContactWall' constructions << gnd_surfs.wallConstruction when 'GroundContactFloor' constructions << gnd_surfs.floorConstruction when 'GroundContactRoof' constructions << gnd_surfs.roofCeilingConstruction # Exterior SubSurfaces when 'ExteriorWindow' constructions << ext_subsurfs.fixedWindowConstruction constructions << ext_subsurfs.operableWindowConstruction when 'ExteriorDoor' constructions << ext_subsurfs.doorConstruction when 'GlassDoor' constructions << ext_subsurfs.glassDoorConstruction when 'OverheadDoor' constructions << ext_subsurfs.overheadDoorConstruction when 'Skylight' constructions << ext_subsurfs.skylightConstruction when 'TubularDaylightDome' constructions << ext_subsurfs.tubularDaylightDomeConstruction when 'TubularDaylightDiffuser' constructions << ext_subsurfs.tubularDaylightDiffuserConstruction # Interior SubSurfaces when 'InteriorWindow' constructions << int_subsurfs.fixedWindowConstruction constructions << int_subsurfs.operableWindowConstruction when 'InteriorDoor' constructions << int_subsurfs.doorConstruction end end # Hard-assigned surfaces model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surf| next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition surf_type = surf.surfaceType if surf_type == 'Floor' || surf_type == 'Wall' next unless type.include?(surf_type) elsif surf_type == 'RoofCeiling' next unless type.include?('Roof') || type.include?('Ceiling') end constructions << end # Hard-assigned subsurfaces model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |surf| next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition surf_type = surf.subSurfaceType if surf_type == 'FixedWindow' || surf_type == 'OperableWindow' next unless type == 'ExteriorWindow' elsif surf_type == 'Door' next unless type.include?('Door') else next unless surf.subSurfaceType == type end constructions << end # Throw out the empty constructions all_constructions = [] constructions.uniq.each do |const| next if const.empty? all_constructions << const.get end # Only return the unique list (should already be uniq) all_constructions = all_constructions.uniq # ConstructionBase can be sorted all_constructions = all_constructions.sort return all_constructions end # Go through the default construction sets and hard-assigned constructions. # Clone the existing constructions and set their intended surface type and standards construction type per the PRM. # For some standards, this will involve making modifications. For others, it will not. # # 90.1-2007, 90.1-2010, 90.1-2013 # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_prm_construction_types(model) types_to_modify = [] # Possible boundary conditions are # Adiabatic # Surface # Outdoors # Ground # Possible surface types are # AtticFloor # AtticWall # AtticRoof # DemisingFloor # DemisingWall # DemisingRoof # ExteriorFloor # ExteriorWall # ExteriorRoof # ExteriorWindow # ExteriorDoor # GlassDoor # GroundContactFloor # GroundContactWall # GroundContactRoof # InteriorFloor # InteriorWall # InteriorCeiling # InteriorPartition # InteriorWindow # InteriorDoor # OverheadDoor # Skylight # TubularDaylightDome # TubularDaylightDiffuser # Possible standards construction types # Mass # SteelFramed # WoodFramed # IEAD # View # Daylight # Swinging # NonSwinging # Heated # Unheated # RollUp # Sliding # Metal # Nonmetal framing (all) # Metal framing (curtainwall/storefront) # Metal framing (entrance door) # Metal framing (all other) # Metal Building # Attic and Other # Glass with Curb # Plastic with Curb # Without Curb # Create an array of types types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'ExteriorWall', 'SteelFramed'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'ExteriorRoof', 'IEAD'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'ExteriorFloor', 'SteelFramed'] types_to_modify << ['Ground', 'GroundContactFloor', 'Unheated'] types_to_modify << ['Ground', 'GroundContactWall', 'Mass'] # Modify all constructions of each type types_to_modify.each do |boundary_cond, surf_type, const_type| constructions = model_find_constructions(model, boundary_cond, surf_type) constructions.sort.each do |const| standards_info = const.standardsInformation standards_info.setIntendedSurfaceType(surf_type) standards_info.setStandardsConstructionType(const_type) end end return true end # Apply the standard construction to each surface in the model, based on the construction type currently assigned. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_standard_constructions(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type: nil, wwr_info: {}) types_to_modify = [] # Possible boundary conditions are # Adiabatic # Surface # Outdoors # Ground # Possible surface types are # Floor # Wall # RoofCeiling # FixedWindow # OperableWindow # Door # GlassDoor # OverheadDoor # Skylight # TubularDaylightDome # TubularDaylightDiffuser # Create an array of surface types types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'Floor'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'Wall'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'RoofCeiling'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'FixedWindow'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'OperableWindow'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'Door'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'GlassDoor'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'OverheadDoor'] types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'Skylight'] types_to_modify << ['Ground', 'Floor'] types_to_modify << ['Ground', 'Wall'] # Find just those surfaces surfaces_to_modify = [] surface_category = {} types_to_modify.each do |boundary_condition, surface_type| # Surfaces model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surf| next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition next unless surf.surfaceType == surface_type if boundary_condition == 'Outdoors' surface_category[surf] = 'ExteriorSurface' elsif boundary_condition == 'Ground' surface_category[surf] = 'GroundSurface' else surface_category[surf] = 'NA' end surfaces_to_modify << surf end # SubSurfaces model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |surf| next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition next unless surf.subSurfaceType == surface_type surface_category[surf] = 'ExteriorSubSurface' surfaces_to_modify << surf end end # Modify these surfaces prev_created_consts = {} surfaces_to_modify.sort.each do |surf| prev_created_consts = planar_surface_apply_standard_construction(surf, climate_zone, prev_created_consts, wwr_building_type, wwr_info, surface_category[surf]) end # List the unique array of constructions if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'None of the constructions in your proposed model have both Intended Surface Type and Standards Construction Type') else prev_created_consts.each do |surf_type, construction| OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{surf_type.join(' ')}, applied #{}.") end end return true end # Returns standards data for selected construction # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param intended_surface_type [String] the surface type # @param standards_construction_type [String] the type of construction # @param building_category [String] the type of building # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Hash] hash of construction properties def model_get_construction_properties(model, intended_surface_type, standards_construction_type, building_category, climate_zone = nil) # get climate_zone_set climate_zone = model_get_building_properties(model)['climate_zone'] if climate_zone.nil? climate_zone_set = model_find_climate_zone_set(model, climate_zone) # populate search hash search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'climate_zone_set' => climate_zone_set, 'intended_surface_type' => intended_surface_type, 'standards_construction_type' => standards_construction_type, 'building_category' => building_category } # switch to use this but update test in standards and measures to load this outside of the method construction_properties = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_properties'], search_criteria) if !construction_properties # Search again use climate zone (e.g. 3) instead of sub-climate zone (3A) search_criteria['climate_zone_set'] = climate_zone_set[0..-2] construction_properties = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_properties'], search_criteria) end return construction_properties end # Returns standards data for selected construction set # # @param building_type [String] the type of building # @param space_type [String] space type within the building type. Typically nil. # @return [Hash] hash of construction set data def model_get_construction_set(building_type, space_type = nil) # populate search hash search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'building_type' => building_type, 'space_type' => space_type } # Search construction sets table for the exterior wall building category and construction type construction_set_data = model_find_object(standards_data['construction_sets'], search_criteria) return construction_set_data end # Reduces the WWR to the values specified by the PRM. # WWR reduction will be done by moving vertices inward toward centroid. # This causes the least impact on the daylighting area calculations and controls placement. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo add proper support for 90.1-2013 with all those building type specific values # @todo support 90.1-2004 requirement that windows be modeled as horizontal bands. # Currently just using existing window geometry, and shrinking as necessary if WWR is above limit. # @todo support semiheated spaces as a separate WWR category # @todo add window frame area to calculation of WWR def model_apply_prm_baseline_window_to_wall_ratio(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type: nil) # Define a Hash that will contain wall and window area for all # building area types included in the model # bat = building area type bat_win_wall_info = {} # Store the baseline wwr, only used for 90.1-PRM-2019, # it is necessary for looking up baseline fenestration # U-factor and SHGC requirements base_wwr = {} # Store the space conditioning category for later use space_cats = {} model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Get standards space type and # catch spaces without space types # # Currently, priority is given to the wwr_building_type, # meaning that only one building area type is used. The # method can however handle models with multiple building # area type, if they are specified through each space's # space type standards building type. if space.hasAdditionalProperties && space.additionalProperties.hasFeature('building_type_for_wwr') std_spc_type = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('building_type_for_wwr').get else std_spc_type = 'no_space_type' if !wwr_building_type.nil? std_spc_type = wwr_building_type elsif space.spaceType.is_initialized std_spc_type = space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.to_s end # insert space wwr type as additional properties for later search space.additionalProperties.setFeature('building_type_for_wwr', std_spc_type) end # Initialize intermediate variables if space type hasn't # been encountered yet if !bat_win_wall_info.key?(std_spc_type) bat_win_wall_info[std_spc_type] = {} bat = bat_win_wall_info[std_spc_type] # Loop through all spaces in the model, and # per the PNNL PRM Reference Manual, find the areas # of each space conditioning category (res, nonres, semi-heated) # separately. Include space multipliers.'nr_wall_m2', 0.001) # Avoids divide by zero errors later'nr_fene_only_wall_m2', 0.001)'nr_plenum_wall_m2', 0.001)'nr_wind_m2', 0)'res_wall_m2', 0.001)'res_fene_only_wall_m2', 0.001)'res_wind_m2', 0)'res_plenum_wall_m2', 0.001)'sh_wall_m2', 0.001)'sh_fene_only_wall_m2', 0.001)'sh_wind_m2', 0)'sh_plenum_wall_m2', 0.001)'total_wall_m2', 0.001)'total_plenum_m2', 0.001) else bat = bat_win_wall_info[std_spc_type] end # Loop through all surfaces in this space wall_area_m2 = 0 wind_area_m2 = 0 # save wall area from walls that have fenestrations (subsurfaces) wall_only_area_m2 = 0 space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| # Skip non-outdoor surfaces next unless surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' # Skip non-walls next unless surface.surfaceType.casecmp('wall').zero? # This wall's gross area (including window area) wall_area_m2 += surface.grossArea * space.multiplier unless surface.subSurfaces.empty? # Subsurfaces in this surface surface.subSurfaces.sort.each do |ss| next unless ss.subSurfaceType == 'FixedWindow' || ss.subSurfaceType == 'OperableWindow' || ss.subSurfaceType == 'GlassDoor' # Only add wall surfaces when the wall actually have windows wind_area_m2 += ss.netArea * space.multiplier end end if wind_area_m2 > 0.0 wall_only_area_m2 += surface.grossArea * space.multiplier end end # Determine the space category if model_create_prm_baseline_building_requires_proposed_model_sizing_run(model) # For PRM 90.1-2019 and onward, determine space category # based on sizing run results cat = space_conditioning_category(space) else # TODO: This should really use the heating/cooling loads from the proposed building. # However, in an attempt to avoid another sizing run just for this purpose, # conditioned status is based on heating/cooling setpoints. # If heated-only, will be assumed Semiheated. # The full-bore method is on the next line in case needed. # cat = thermal_zone_conditioning_category(space, template, climate_zone) cooled = space_cooled?(space) heated = space_heated?(space) cat = 'Unconditioned' # Unconditioned if !heated && !cooled cat = 'Unconditioned' # Heated-Only elsif heated && !cooled cat = 'Semiheated' # Heated and Cooled else res = space_residential?(space) cat = if res 'ResConditioned' else 'NonResConditioned' end end end space_cats[space] = cat # Add to the correct category is_space_plenum? case cat when 'Unconditioned' next # Skip unconditioned spaces when 'NonResConditioned' space_is_plenum(space) ? bat['nr_plenum_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 : bat['nr_plenum_wall_m2'] += 0.0 bat['nr_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 bat['nr_fene_only_wall_m2'] += wall_only_area_m2 bat['nr_wind_m2'] += wind_area_m2 when 'ResConditioned' space_is_plenum(space) ? bat['res_plenum_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 : bat['res_plenum_wall_m2'] += 0.0 bat['res_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 bat['res_fene_only_wall_m2'] += wall_only_area_m2 bat['res_wind_m2'] += wind_area_m2 when 'Semiheated' space_is_plenum(space) ? bat['sh_plenum_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 : bat['sh_plenum_wall_m2'] += 0.0 bat['sh_wall_m2'] += wall_area_m2 bat['sh_fene_only_wall_m2'] += wall_only_area_m2 bat['sh_wind_m2'] += wind_area_m2 end end # Retrieve WWR info for all Building Area Types included in the model # and perform adjustements if # bat = building area type bat_win_wall_info.each do |bat, vals| # Calculate the WWR of each category'wwr_nr', ((vals['nr_wind_m2'] / vals['nr_wall_m2']) * 100.0).round(1))'wwr_res', ((vals['res_wind_m2'] / vals['res_wall_m2']) * 100).round(1))'wwr_sh', ((vals['sh_wind_m2'] / vals['sh_wall_m2']) * 100).round(1)) # Convert to IP and report'nr_wind_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['nr_wind_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get)'nr_wall_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['nr_wall_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get)'res_wind_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['res_wind_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get)'res_wall_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['res_wall_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get)'sh_wind_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['sh_wind_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get)'sh_wall_ft2', OpenStudio.convert(vals['sh_wall_m2'], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "WWR NonRes = #{vals['wwr_nr'].round}%; window = #{vals['nr_wind_ft2'].round} ft2, wall = #{vals['nr_wall_ft2'].round} ft2.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "WWR Res = #{vals['wwr_res'].round}%; window = #{vals['res_wind_ft2'].round} ft2, wall = #{vals['res_wall_ft2'].round} ft2.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "WWR Semiheated = #{vals['wwr_sh'].round}%; window = #{vals['sh_wind_ft2'].round} ft2, wall = #{vals['sh_wall_ft2'].round} ft2.") # WWR limit or target wwr_lim = model_get_bat_wwr_target(bat, [vals['wwr_nr'], vals['wwr_res'], vals['wwr_sh']]) # Check against WWR limit vals['red_nr'] = vals['wwr_nr'] > wwr_lim vals['red_res'] = vals['wwr_res'] > wwr_lim vals['red_sh'] = vals['wwr_sh'] > wwr_lim # Stop here unless windows need reducing or increasing return true, base_wwr unless model_does_require_wwr_adjustment?(wwr_lim, [vals['wwr_nr'], vals['wwr_res'], vals['wwr_sh']]) # Determine the factors by which to reduce the window area vals['mult_nr_red'] = wwr_lim / vals['wwr_nr'] vals['mult_res_red'] = wwr_lim / vals['wwr_res'] vals['mult_sh_red'] = wwr_lim / vals['wwr_sh'] # Report baseline WWR vals['wwr_nr'] *= vals['mult_nr_red'] vals['wwr_res'] *= vals['mult_res_red'] vals['wwr_sh'] *= vals['mult_sh_red'] wwrs = [vals['wwr_nr'], vals['wwr_res'], vals['wwr_sh']] wwrs = wwrs.reject! &:nan? base_wwr[bat] = wwrs.max # Reduce the window area if any of the categories necessary model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Catch spaces without space types std_spc_type = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('building_type_for_wwr').get # skip process the space unless the space wwr type matched. next unless bat == std_spc_type # supply and return plenum is now conditioned space but should be excluded from window adjustment next if space_is_plenum(space) # Determine the space category # from the previously stored values cat = space_cats[space] # Get the correct multiplier case cat when 'Unconditioned' next # Skip unconditioned spaces when 'NonResConditioned' mult = vals['mult_nr_red'] total_wall_area = vals['nr_wall_m2'] total_wall_with_fene_area = vals['nr_fene_only_wall_m2'] total_plenum_wall_area = vals['nr_plenum_wall_m2'] total_fene_area = vals['nr_wind_m2'] when 'ResConditioned' mult = vals['mult_res_red'] total_wall_area = vals['res_wall_m2'] total_wall_with_fene_area = vals['res_fene_only_wall_m2'] total_plenum_wall_area = vals['res_plenum_wall_m2'] total_fene_area = vals['res_wind_m2'] when 'Semiheated' mult = vals['mult_sh_red'] total_wall_area = vals['sh_wall_m2'] total_wall_with_fene_area = vals['sh_fene_only_wall_m2'] total_plenum_wall_area = vals['sh_plenum_wall_m2'] total_fene_area = vals['sh_wind_m2'] end # used for counting how many window area is left for doors residual_fene = 0.0 # Loop through all surfaces in this space space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| # Skip non-outdoor surfaces next unless surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' # Skip non-walls next unless surface.surfaceType.casecmp('wall').zero? # Reduce the size of the window # If a vertical rectangle, raise sill height to avoid # impacting daylighting areas, otherwise # reduce toward centroid. # # daylighting control isn't modeled surface_wwr = surface_get_wwr_of_a_surface(surface) red = model_get_wwr_reduction_ratio(mult, surface_wwr: surface_wwr, surface_dr: surface_get_door_ratio_of_a_surface(surface), wwr_building_type: bat, wwr_target: wwr_lim / 100, # divide by 100 to revise it to decimals total_wall_m2: total_wall_area, total_wall_with_fene_m2: total_wall_with_fene_area, total_fene_m2: total_fene_area, total_plenum_wall_m2: total_plenum_wall_area) if red < 0.0 # surface with fenestration to its maximum but adjusted by door areas when need to add windows in surfaces no fenestration # turn negative to positive to get the correct adjustment factor. red = -red residual_fene += (0.9 - red * surface_wwr) * surface.grossArea end surface_adjust_fenestration_in_a_surface(surface, red, model) end if residual_fene > 0.0 residual_ratio = residual_fene / (total_wall_area - total_wall_with_fene_area) model_readjust_surface_wwr(residual_ratio, space, model) end end end return true, base_wwr end # Reduces the SRR to the values specified by the PRM. SRR reduction will be done by shrinking vertices toward the centroid. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo support semiheated spaces as a separate SRR category # @todo add skylight frame area to calculation of SRR def model_apply_prm_baseline_skylight_to_roof_ratio(model) # Loop through all spaces in the model, and # per the PNNL PRM Reference Manual, find the areas # of each space conditioning category (res, nonres, semi-heated) # separately. Include space multipliers. nr_wall_m2 = 0.001 # Avoids divide by zero errors later nr_sky_m2 = 0 res_wall_m2 = 0.001 res_sky_m2 = 0 sh_wall_m2 = 0.001 sh_sky_m2 = 0 total_roof_m2 = 0.001 total_subsurface_m2 = 0 model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Loop through all surfaces in this space wall_area_m2 = 0 sky_area_m2 = 0 space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| # Skip non-outdoor surfaces next unless surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' # Skip non-walls next unless surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' # This wall's gross area (including skylight area) wall_area_m2 += surface.grossArea * space.multiplier # Subsurfaces in this surface surface.subSurfaces.sort.each do |ss| next unless ss.subSurfaceType == 'Skylight' sky_area_m2 += ss.netArea * space.multiplier end end # Determine the space category cat = 'NonRes' if space_residential?(space) cat = 'Res' end # if space.is_semiheated # cat = 'Semiheated' # end # Add to the correct category case cat when 'NonRes' nr_wall_m2 += wall_area_m2 nr_sky_m2 += sky_area_m2 when 'Res' res_wall_m2 += wall_area_m2 res_sky_m2 += sky_area_m2 when 'Semiheated' sh_wall_m2 += wall_area_m2 sh_sky_m2 += sky_area_m2 end total_roof_m2 += wall_area_m2 total_subsurface_m2 += sky_area_m2 end # Calculate the SRR of each category srr_nr = ((nr_sky_m2 / nr_wall_m2) * 100).round(1) srr_res = ((res_sky_m2 / res_wall_m2) * 100).round(1) srr_sh = ((sh_sky_m2 / sh_wall_m2) * 100).round(1) srr = ((total_subsurface_m2 / total_roof_m2) * 100.0).round(1) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The skylight to roof ratios (SRRs) are: NonRes: #{srr_nr.round}%, Res: #{srr_res.round}%.") # SRR limit srr_lim = model_prm_skylight_to_roof_ratio_limit(model) # Check against SRR limit red_nr = srr_nr > srr_lim red_res = srr_res > srr_lim red_sh = srr_sh > srr_lim # Stop here unless skylights need reducing return true unless red_nr || red_res || red_sh OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Reducing the size of all skylights equally down to the limit of #{srr_lim.round}%.") # Determine the factors by which to reduce the skylight area mult_nr_red = srr_lim / srr_nr mult_res_red = srr_lim / srr_res # mult_sh_red = srr_lim / srr_sh # Reduce the skylight area if any of the categories necessary model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Determine the space category cat = 'NonRes' if space_residential?(space) cat = 'Res' end # if space.is_semiheated # cat = 'Semiheated' # end # Skip spaces whose skylights don't need to be reduced case cat when 'NonRes' next unless red_nr mult = mult_nr_red when 'Res' next unless red_res mult = mult_res_red when 'Semiheated' next unless red_sh # mult = mult_sh_red end # Loop through all surfaces in this space space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| # Skip non-outdoor surfaces next unless surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' # Skip non-walls next unless surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' # Subsurfaces in this surface surface.subSurfaces.sort.each do |ss| next unless ss.subSurfaceType == 'Skylight' # Reduce the size of the skylight red = 1.0 - mult sub_surface_reduce_area_by_percent_by_shrinking_toward_centroid(ss, red) end end end return true end # Determines the skylight to roof ratio limit for a given standard # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Double] the skylight to roof ratio, as a percent: 5.0 = 5%. 5% by default. def model_prm_skylight_to_roof_ratio_limit(model) srr_lim = 5.0 return srr_lim end # Apply baseline values to exterior lights objects # Only implemented for stable baseline # # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] OpenStudio model object def model_apply_baseline_exterior_lighting(model) return false end # Function to add baseline elevators based on user data # Only applicable to stable baseline # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def model_add_prm_elevators(model) return false end # Remove all HVAC that will be replaced during the performance rating method baseline generation. # This does not include plant loops that serve WaterUse:Equipment or Fan:ZoneExhaust # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_remove_prm_hvac(model) # Plant loops model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |loop| # Don't remove service water heating loops next if plant_loop_swh_loop?(loop) loop.remove end # Air loops model.getAirLoopHVACs.each do |air_loop| # Don't remove airloops representing non-mechanically cooled systems if !air_loop.additionalProperties.hasFeature('non_mechanically_cooled') air_loop.remove else # Remove heating coil on air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |supply_comp| # Remove standalone heating coils if supply_comp.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s.include?('OS_Coil_Heating') supply_comp.remove # Remove heating coils wrapped in a unitary system elsif supply_comp.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s.include?('OS_AirLoopHVAC_UnitarySystem') unitary_system = supply_comp.to_AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem.get htg_coil = unitary_system.heatingCoil if htg_coil.is_initialized htg_coil = htg_coil.get unitary_system.resetCoolingCoil htg_coil.remove end end end end end # Zone equipment model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| do |zone_equipment| next if zone_equipment.to_FanZoneExhaust.is_initialized zone_equipment.remove unless zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('non_mechanically_cooled') end end # Outdoor VRF units (not in zone, not in loops) model.getAirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlows.each(&:remove) # Air loop dedicated outdoor air systems model.getAirLoopHVACDedicatedOutdoorAirSystems.each(&:remove) return true end # Remove EMS objects that may be orphaned from removing HVAC # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_remove_prm_ems_objects(model) model.getEnergyManagementSystemActuators.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemConstructionIndexVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemCurveOrTableIndexVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemInternalVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemMeteredOutputVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemOutputVariables.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemPrograms.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManagers.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemSensors.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemSubroutines.each(&:remove) model.getEnergyManagementSystemTrendVariables.each(&:remove) return true end # Remove external shading devices. Site shading will not be impacted. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_remove_external_shading_devices(model) shading_surfaces_removed = 0 model.getShadingSurfaceGroups.sort.each do |shade_group| # Skip Site shading next if shade_group.shadingSurfaceType == 'Site' # Space shading surfaces should be removed shading_surfaces_removed += shade_group.shadingSurfaces.size shade_group.remove end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Removed #{shading_surfaces_removed} external shading devices.") return true end # Changes the sizing parameters to the PRM specifications. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_prm_sizing_parameters(model) clg = 1.15 htg = 1.25 sizing_params = model.getSizingParameters sizing_params.setHeatingSizingFactor(htg) sizing_params.setCoolingSizingFactor(clg) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.prototype.Model', "Set sizing factors to #{htg} for heating and #{clg} for cooling.") return true end # Helper method to get the story object that corresponds to a specific minimum z value. # Makes a new story if none found at this height. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param minz [Double] the z value (height) of the desired story, in meters. # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance for comparison, in m. Default is 0.3 m ~1ft # @return [OpenStudio::Model::BuildingStory] the story def model_get_story_for_nominal_z_coordinate(model, minz, tolerance = 0.3) model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| z = building_story_minimum_z_value(story) if (minz - z).abs < tolerance OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The story with a min z value of #{minz.round(2)} is #{}.") return story end end story = story.setNominalZCoordinate(minz) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No story with a min z value of #{minz.round(2)} m +/- #{tolerance} m was found, so a new story called #{} was created.") return story end # Returns average daily hot water consumption by building type # recommendations from 2011 ASHRAE Handbook - HVAC Applications Table 7 section 50.14 # Not all building types are included in lookup # some recommendations have multiple values based on number of units. # Will return an array of hashes. Many may have one array entry. # all values other than block size are gallons. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Array] array of hashes. Each array entry based on different capacity # specific to building type. Array will be empty for some building types. def model_find_ashrae_hot_water_demand(model) # @todo for types not in table use standards area normalized swh values # get building type building_data = model_get_building_properties(model) building_type = building_data['building_type'] result = [] if building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' result << { units: 'meal', block: nil, max_hourly: 1.5, max_daily: 11.0, avg_day_unit: 2.4 } elsif building_type == 'Hospital' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif ['LargeHotel', 'SmallHotel'].include? building_type result << { units: 'unit', block: 20, max_hourly: 6.0, max_daily: 35.0, avg_day_unit: 24.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 60, max_hourly: 5.0, max_daily: 25.0, avg_day_unit: 14.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 100, max_hourly: 4.0, max_daily: 15.0, avg_day_unit: 10.0 } elsif building_type == 'MidriseApartment' result << { units: 'unit', block: 20, max_hourly: 12.0, max_daily: 80.0, avg_day_unit: 42.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 50, max_hourly: 10.0, max_daily: 73.0, avg_day_unit: 40.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 75, max_hourly: 8.5, max_daily: 66.0, avg_day_unit: 38.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 100, max_hourly: 7.0, max_daily: 60.0, avg_day_unit: 37.0 } result << { units: 'unit', block: 200, max_hourly: 5.0, max_daily: 50.0, avg_day_unit: 35.0 } elsif ['Office', 'LargeOffice', 'MediumOffice', 'SmallOffice', 'LargeOfficeDetailed', 'MediumOfficeDetailed', 'SmallOfficeDetailed'].include? building_type result << { units: 'person', block: nil, max_hourly: 0.4, max_daily: 2.0, avg_day_unit: 1.0 } elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif building_type == 'PrimarySchool' result << { units: 'student', block: nil, max_hourly: 0.6, max_daily: 1.5, avg_day_unit: 0.6 } elsif building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' result << { units: 'meal', block: nil, max_hourly: 0.7, max_daily: 6.0, avg_day_unit: 0.7 } elsif building_type == 'Retail' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif building_type == 'SecondarySchool' result << { units: 'student', block: nil, max_hourly: 1.0, max_daily: 3.6, avg_day_unit: 1.8 } elsif building_type == 'StripMall' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif building_type == 'SuperMarket' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif building_type == 'Warehouse' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") elsif ['SmallDataCenterLowITE', 'SmallDataCenterHighITE', 'LargeDataCenterLowITE', 'LargeDataCenterHighITE', 'Laboratory'].include? building_type OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "No SWH rules of thumbs for #{building_type}.") else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Didn't find expected building type. As a result can't determine hot water demand recommendations") end return result end # Returns average daily hot water consumption for residential buildings # gal/day from ICC IECC 2015 Residential Standard Reference Design # from Table R405.5.2(1) # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param units_per_bldg [Double] number of units in the building # @param bedrooms_per_unit [Double] number of bedrooms per unit # @return [Double] gal/day def model_find_icc_iecc_2015_hot_water_demand(model, units_per_bldg, bedrooms_per_unit) swh_gal_per_day = units_per_bldg * (30.0 + (10.0 * bedrooms_per_unit)) return swh_gal_per_day end # Returns average daily internal loads for residential buildings from Table R405.5.2(1) # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param units_per_bldg [Double] number of units in the building # @param bedrooms_per_unit [Double] number of bedrooms per unit # @return [Hash] mech_vent_cfm, infiltration_ach, igain_btu_per_day, internal_mass_lbs def model_find_icc_iecc_2015_internal_loads(model, units_per_bldg, bedrooms_per_unit) # get total and conditioned floor area total_floor_area = model.getBuilding.floorArea if model.getBuilding.conditionedFloorArea.is_initialized conditioned_floor_area = model.getBuilding.conditionedFloorArea.get else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', 'Cannot find conditioned floor area, will use total floor area.') conditioned_floor_area = total_floor_area end # get climate zone value climate_zone = model_standards_climate_zone(model) internal_loads = {} internal_loads['mech_vent_cfm'] = units_per_bldg * (0.01 * conditioned_floor_area + 7.5 * (bedrooms_per_unit + 1.0)) internal_loads['infiltration_ach'] = if ['1A', '1B', '2A', '2B'].include? climate_zone_value 5.0 else 3.0 end internal_loads['igain_btu_per_day'] = units_per_bldg * (17_900.0 + 23.8 * conditioned_floor_area + 4104.0 * bedrooms_per_unit) internal_loads['internal_mass_lbs'] = total_floor_area * 8.0 return internal_loads end # Helper method to make a shortened version of a name that will be readable in a GUI. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @param building_type [String] the building type # @param spc_type [String] the space type # @return [String] string of the model name def model_make_name(model, climate_zone, building_type, spc_type) climate_zone = climate_zone.gsub('ClimateZone ', 'CZ') if climate_zone == 'CZ1-8' climate_zone = '' end if building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' building_type = 'FullSrvRest' elsif building_type == 'Hospital' building_type = 'Hospital' elsif building_type == 'LargeHotel' building_type = 'LrgHotel' elsif building_type == 'LargeOffice' building_type = 'LrgOffice' elsif building_type == 'MediumOffice' building_type = 'MedOffice' elsif building_type == 'MidriseApartment' building_type = 'MidApt' elsif building_type == 'HighriseApartment' building_type = 'HighApt' elsif building_type == 'Office' building_type = 'Office' elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' building_type = 'Outpatient' elsif building_type == 'PrimarySchool' building_type = 'PriSchl' elsif building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' building_type = 'QckSrvRest' elsif building_type == 'Retail' building_type = 'Retail' elsif building_type == 'SecondarySchool' building_type = 'SecSchl' elsif building_type == 'SmallHotel' building_type = 'SmHotel' elsif building_type == 'SmallOffice' building_type = 'SmOffice' elsif building_type == 'StripMall' building_type = 'StMall' elsif building_type == 'SuperMarket' building_type = 'SpMarket' elsif building_type == 'Warehouse' building_type = 'Warehouse' elsif building_type == 'SmallDataCenterLowITE' building_type = 'SmDCLowITE' elsif building_type == 'SmallDataCenterHighITE' building_type = 'SmDCHighITE' elsif building_type == 'LargeDataCenterLowITE' building_type = 'LrgDCLowITE' elsif building_type == 'LargeDataCenterHighITE' building_type = 'LrgDCHighITE' elsif building_type == 'Laboratory' building_type = 'Laboratory' elsif building_type == 'TallBuilding' building_type = 'TallBldg' elsif building_type == 'SuperTallBuilding' building_type = 'SpTallBldg' end parts = [template] unless building_type.nil? parts << building_type end unless spc_type.nil? parts << spc_type end unless climate_zone.empty? parts << climate_zone end result = parts.join(' - ') return result end # Helper method to find out which climate zone set contains a specific climate zone. # Returns climate zone set name as String if success, nil if not found. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [String] climate zone set def model_find_climate_zone_set(model, climate_zone) result = nil possible_climate_zone_sets = [] standards_data['climate_zone_sets'].each do |climate_zone_set| if climate_zone_set['climate_zones'].include?(climate_zone) possible_climate_zone_sets << climate_zone_set['name'] end end # Check the results if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find a climate zone set containing #{climate_zone}. Make sure to use ASHRAE standards with ASHRAE climate zones and DEER or CA Title 24 standards with CEC climate zones.") elsif possible_climate_zone_sets.size > 2 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Found more than 2 climate zone sets containing #{climate_zone}; will return last matching climate zone set.") end # Get the climate zone from the possible set climate_zone_set = model_get_climate_zone_set_from_list(model, possible_climate_zone_sets) # Check that a climate zone set was found if climate_zone_set.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot find a climate zone set in standard #{template}") end return climate_zone_set end # Determine which climate zone to use. # Defaults to the least specific climate zone set. # For example, 2A and 2 both contain 2A, so use 2. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param possible_climate_zone_sets [Array] climate zone sets # @return [String] climate zone ses def model_get_climate_zone_set_from_list(model, possible_climate_zone_sets) climate_zone_set = possible_climate_zone_sets.max return climate_zone_set end # This method ensures that all spaces with spacetypes defined contain at least a standardSpaceType appropriate for the template. # So, if any space with a space type defined does not have a Stnadard spacetype, or is undefined, an error will stop # with information that the spacetype needs to be defined. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_validate_standards_spacetypes_in_model(model) error_string = '' # populate search hash model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| unless space.spaceType.empty? if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? || space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? error_string << "Space: #{} has SpaceType of #{} but the standardSpaceType or standardBuildingType is undefined. Please use an appropriate standardSpaceType for #{template}\n" next else search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'building_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get, 'space_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get } # lookup space type properties space_type_properties = model_find_object(standards_data['space_types'], search_criteria) if space_type_properties.nil? error_string << "Could not find spacetype of criteria : #{search_criteria}. Please ensure you have a valid standardSpaceType and stantdardBuildingType defined.\n" space_type_properties = {} end end end end return true if error_string == '' # else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', error_string) return false end # Create sorted hash of stories with data need to determine effective number of stories above and below grade # the key should be the story object, which would allow other measures the ability to for example loop through spaces of the bottom story # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] hash of space types with data in value necessary to determine effective number of stories above and below grade def model_create_story_hash(model) story_hash = {} # loop through stories model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| # skip of story doesn't have any spaces next if story.spaces.empty? story_min_z = nil story_zone_multipliers = [] story_spaces_part_of_floor_area = [] story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area = [] story_ext_wall_area = 0.0 story_ground_wall_area = 0.0 # loop through space surfaces to find min z value story.spaces.each do |space| # skip of space doesn't have any geometry next if space.surfaces.empty? # get space multiplier story_zone_multipliers << space.multiplier # space part of floor area check if space.partofTotalFloorArea story_spaces_part_of_floor_area << space else story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area << space end # update exterior wall area (not sure if this is net or gross) story_ext_wall_area += space.exteriorWallArea space_min_z = nil z_points = [] space.surfaces.each do |surface| surface.vertices.each do |vertex| z_points << vertex.z end # update count of ground wall areas next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Ground' # @todo make more flexible for slab/basement model.modeling story_ground_wall_area += surface.grossArea end # skip if surface had no vertices next if z_points.empty? # update story min_z space_min_z = z_points.min + space.zOrigin if story_min_z.nil? || (story_min_z > space_min_z) story_min_z = space_min_z end end # update story hash story_hash[story] = {} story_hash[story][:min_z] = story_min_z story_hash[story][:multipliers] = story_zone_multipliers story_hash[story][:part_of_floor_area] = story_spaces_part_of_floor_area story_hash[story][:not_part_of_floor_area] = story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area story_hash[story][:ext_wall_area] = story_ext_wall_area story_hash[story][:ground_wall_area] = story_ground_wall_area end # sort hash by min_z low to high story_hash = story_hash.sort_by { |k, v| v[:min_z] } # reassemble into hash after sorting hash = {} story_hash.each do |story, props| hash[story] = props end return hash end # populate this method # Determine the effective number of stories above and below grade # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] hash with effective_num_stories_below_grade and effective_num_stories_above_grade def model_effective_num_stories(model) below_grade = 0 above_grade = 0 # call model_create_story_hash(model) story_hash = model_create_story_hash(model) story_hash.each do |story, hash| # skip if no spaces in story are included in the building area next if hash[:part_of_floor_area].empty? # only count as below grade if ground wall area is greater than ext wall area and story below is also below grade if && (hash[:ground_wall_area] > hash[:ext_wall_area]) below_grade += 1 * hash[:multipliers].min else above_grade += 1 * hash[:multipliers].min end end # populate hash effective_num_stories = {} effective_num_stories[:below_grade] = below_grade effective_num_stories[:above_grade] = above_grade effective_num_stories[:story_hash] = story_hash return effective_num_stories end # create space_type_hash with info such as effective_num_spaces, num_units, num_meds, num_meals # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param trust_effective_num_spaces [Bool] defaults to false - set to true if modeled every space as a real rpp, vs. space as collection of rooms # @return [Hash] hash of space types with misc information # @todo - add code when determining number of units to makeuse of trust_effective_num_spaces arg def model_create_space_type_hash(model, trust_effective_num_spaces = false) # assumed class size to deduct teachers from occupant count for classrooms typical_class_size = 20.0 space_type_hash = {} model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| # get standards info stds_bldg_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType stds_space_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType if stds_bldg_type.is_initialized && stds_space_type.is_initialized && !space_type.spaces.empty? stds_bldg_type = stds_bldg_type.get stds_space_type = stds_space_type.get effective_num_spaces = 0 floor_area = 0.0 num_people = 0.0 num_students = 0.0 num_units = 0.0 num_beds = 0.0 num_people_bldg_total = nil # may need this in future, not same as sumo of people for all space types. num_meals = nil # determine num_elevators in another method # determine num_parking_spots in another method # loop through spaces to get mis values space_type.spaces.sort.each do |space| next unless space.partofTotalFloorArea effective_num_spaces += space.multiplier floor_area += space.floorArea * space.multiplier num_people += space.numberOfPeople * space.multiplier end # determine number of units if stds_bldg_type == 'SmallHotel' && stds_space_type.include?('GuestRoom') # doesn't always == GuestRoom so use include? avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(354.2, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'LargeHotel' && stds_space_type.include?('GuestRoom') avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(279.7, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'MidriseApartment' && stds_space_type.include?('Apartment') avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(949.9, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'HighriseApartment' && stds_space_type.include?('Apartment') avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(949.9, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'StripMall' avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(22_500.0 / 10.0, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'Htl' && (stds_space_type.include?('GuestRmOcc') || stds_space_type.include?('GuestRmUnOcc')) avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(354.2, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'MFm' && (stds_space_type.include?('ResBedroom') || stds_space_type.include?('ResLiving')) avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(949.9, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'Mtl' && (stds_space_type.include?('GuestRmOcc') || stds_space_type.include?('GuestRmUnOcc')) avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(354.2, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size elsif stds_bldg_type == 'Nrs' && stds_space_type.include?('PatientRoom') avg_unit_size = OpenStudio.convert(354.2, 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # calculated from prototype num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size end # determine number of beds if stds_bldg_type == 'Hospital' && ['PatRoom', 'ICU_PatRm', 'ICU_Open'].include?(stds_space_type) num_beds = num_people elsif stds_bldg_type == 'Hsp' && ['PatientRoom', 'HspSurgOutptLab', 'HspNursing'].include?(stds_space_type) num_beds = num_people end # determine number of students if ['PrimarySchool', 'SecondarySchool'].include?(stds_bldg_type) && stds_space_type == 'Classroom' num_students += num_people * ((typical_class_size - 1.0) / typical_class_size) elsif ['EPr', 'ESe', 'ERC', 'EUn', 'ECC'].include?(stds_bldg_type) && stds_space_type == 'Classroom' num_students += num_people * ((typical_class_size - 1.0) / typical_class_size) end space_type_hash[space_type] = {} space_type_hash[space_type][:stds_bldg_type] = stds_bldg_type space_type_hash[space_type][:stds_space_type] = stds_space_type space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_num_spaces] = effective_num_spaces space_type_hash[space_type][:floor_area] = floor_area space_type_hash[space_type][:num_people] = num_people space_type_hash[space_type][:num_students] = num_students space_type_hash[space_type][:num_units] = num_units space_type_hash[space_type][:num_beds] = num_beds OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, floor area = #{OpenStudio.convert(floor_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get.round} ft^2.") unless floor_area == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of spaces = #{effective_num_spaces}.") unless effective_num_spaces == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of units = #{num_units}.") unless num_units == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of people = #{num_people.round}.") unless num_people == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of students = #{num_students}.") unless num_students == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of beds = #{num_beds}.") unless num_beds == 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, number of meals = #{num_meals}.") unless num_meals.nil? else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot identify standards building type and space type for #{}, it won't be added to space_type_hash.") end end return space_type_hash.sort.to_h end # This method will limit the subsurface of a given surface_type ("Wall" or "RoofCeiling") to the ratio for the building. # This method only reduces subsurface sizes at most. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param ratio [Double] ratio # @param surface_type [String] surface type # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def apply_limit_to_subsurface_ratio(model, ratio, surface_type = 'Wall') fdwr = get_outdoor_subsurface_ratio(model, surface_type) if fdwr <= ratio OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Building FDWR of #{fdwr} is already lower than limit of #{ratio.round}%.") return true end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Reducing the size of all windows (by shrinking to centroid) to reduce window area down to the limit of #{ratio.round}%.") # Determine the factors by which to reduce the window / door area mult = ratio / fdwr # Reduce the window area if any of the categories necessary model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # Loop through all surfaces in this space space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| # Skip non-outdoor surfaces next unless surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' # Skip non-walls next unless surface.surfaceType == surface_type # Subsurfaces in this surface surface.subSurfaces.sort.each do |ss| # Reduce the size of the window red = 1.0 - mult sub_surface_reduce_area_by_percent_by_shrinking_toward_centroid(ss, red) end end end return true end # Converts the climate zone in the model into the format used by the openstudio-standards lookup tables. # For example, # institution: ASHRAE, value: 6A becomes: ASHRAE 169-2013-6A. # institution: CEC, value: 3 becomes: CEC T24-CEC3. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @return [String] the string representation of the climate zone, # empty string if no climate zone is present in the model. def model_standards_climate_zone(model) climate_zone = '' model.getClimateZones.climateZones.each do |cz| if cz.institution == 'ASHRAE' next if cz.value == '' # Skip blank ASHRAE climate zones put in by OpenStudio Application climate_zone = if cz.value == '7' || cz.value == '8' "ASHRAE 169-2013-#{cz.value}A" else "ASHRAE 169-2013-#{cz.value}" end elsif cz.institution == 'CEC' next if cz.value == '' # Skip blank ASHRAE climate zones put in by OpenStudio Application climate_zone = "CEC T24-CEC#{cz.value}" end end return climate_zone end # Sets the climate zone object in the model using # the correct institution based on the climate zone specified # in the format used by the openstudio-standards lookups. # Clears out any climate zones previously added to the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_set_climate_zone(model, climate_zone) # Remove previous climate zones from the model model.getClimateZones.clear # Split the string into the correct institution and value if climate_zone.include? 'ASHRAE 169-2006-' model.getClimateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', climate_zone.gsub('ASHRAE 169-2006-', '')) elsif climate_zone.include? 'ASHRAE 169-2013-' model.getClimateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', climate_zone.gsub('ASHRAE 169-2013-', '')) elsif climate_zone.include? 'CEC T24-CEC' model.getClimateZones.setClimateZone('CEC', climate_zone.gsub('CEC T24-CEC', '')) end return true end # This method return the building ratio of subsurface_area / surface_type_area # where surface_type can be "Wall" or "RoofCeiling" # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param surface_type [String] surface type # @return [Double] surface ratio def get_outdoor_subsurface_ratio(model, surface_type = 'Wall') surface_area = 0.0 sub_surface_area = 0 all_surfaces = [] all_sub_surfaces = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| zone = space.thermalZone zone_multiplier = nil next if zone.empty? zone_multiplier = zone.get.multiplier space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| if (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == surface_type) surface_area += surface.grossArea * zone_multiplier surface.subSurfaces.sort.each do |sub_surface| sub_surface_area += sub_surface.grossArea * sub_surface.multiplier * zone_multiplier end end end end return fdwr = (sub_surface_area / surface_area) end # Loads a osm as a starting point. # # @param osm_file [String] path to the .osm file, relative to the /data folder # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def load_initial_osm(osm_file) # Load the geometry .osm unless File.exist?(osm_file) raise("The initial osm path: #{osm_file} does not exist.") end osm_model_path = # Upgrade version if required. version_translator = model = version_translator.loadModel(osm_model_path).get validate_initial_model(model) return model end # validate that model contains objects # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @return [Bool] returns true if valid, false if not def validate_initial_model(model) is_valid = true if model.getBuildingStorys.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Please assign Spaces to BuildingStorys the geometry model.') is_valid = false end if model.getThermalZones.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Please assign Spaces to ThermalZones the geometry model.') is_valid = false end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Please define Building.standardsNumberOfStories the geometry model.') is_valid = false end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Please define Building.standardsNumberOfAboveStories in the geometry model.') is_valid = false end if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? @space_type_map = get_space_type_maps_from_model(model) if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign SpaceTypes in the geometry model or in standards database #{@space_type_map}.") is_valid = false else @space_type_map = @space_type_map.sort.to_h OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Loaded space type map from model') end end # ensure that model is intersected correctly. model.getSpaces.each { |space1| model.getSpaces.each { |space2| space1.intersectSurfaces(space2) } } # Get multipliers from TZ in model. Need this for HVAC contruction. @space_multiplier_map = {} model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| @space_multiplier_map[] = space.multiplier if space.multiplier > 1 end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished adding geometry') unless @space_multiplier_map.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Found multipliers for space #{@space_multiplier_map}") end return is_valid end # Determines how ventilation for the standard is specified. # When 'Sum', all min OA flow rates are added up. Commonly used by 90.1. # When 'Maximum', only the biggest OA flow rate. Used by T24. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @return [String] the ventilation method, either Sum or Maximum def model_ventilation_method(model) building_data = model_get_building_properties(model) building_type = building_data['building_type'] if building_type != 'Laboratory' # Laboratory has multiple criteria on ventilation, pick the greatest ventilation_method = 'Sum' else ventilation_method = 'Maximum' end return ventilation_method end # Removes all of the unused ResourceObjects # (Curves, ScheduleDay, Material, etc.) from the model. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_remove_unused_resource_objects(model) start_size = model.objects.size model.getResourceObjects.sort.each do |obj| if OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "#{} is unused; it will be removed.") model.removeObject(obj.handle) end end end_size = model.objects.size OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "The model started with #{start_size} objects and finished with #{end_size} objects after removing unused resource objects.") return true end # This method looks at occupancy profiles for the building as a whole and generates an hours of operation default # schedule for the building. It also clears out any higher level hours of operation schedule assignments. # Spaces are organized by res and non_res. Whichever of the two groups has higher design level of people is used for building hours of operation # Resulting hours of operation can have as many rules as necessary to describe the operation. # Each ScheduleDay should be an on/off schedule with only values of 0 and 1. There should not be more than one on/off cycle per day. # In future this could create different hours of operation for residential vs. non-residential, by building type, story, or space type. # However this measure is a stop gap to convert old generic schedules to parametric schedules. # Future new schedules should be designed as paramtric from the start and would not need to run through this inference process # # @author David Goldwasser # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param fraction_of_daily_occ_range [Double] fraction above/below daily min range required to start and end hours of operation # @param invert_res [Bool] if true will reverse hours of operation for residential space types # @param gen_occ_profile [Bool] if true creates a merged occupancy schedule for diagnostic purposes. This schedule is added to the model but no specifically returned by this method # @return [ScheduleRuleset] schedule that is assigned to the building as default hours of operation def model_infer_hours_of_operation_building(model, fraction_of_daily_occ_range: 0.25, invert_res: true, gen_occ_profile: false) # create an array of non-residential and residential spaces res_spaces = [] non_res_spaces = [] res_people_design = 0 non_res_people_design = 0 model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| if space_residential?(space) res_spaces << space res_people_design += space.numberOfPeople * space.multiplier else non_res_spaces << space non_res_people_design += space.numberOfPeople * space.multiplier end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Standards.Model', "Model has design level of #{non_res_people_design} people in non residential spaces and #{res_people_design} people in residential spaces.") # create merged schedule for prevalent type (not used but can be generated for diagnostics) if gen_occ_profile res_prevalent = false if res_people_design > non_res_people_design occ_merged = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(res_spaces, sch_name: 'Calculated Occupancy Fraction Residential Merged') res_prevalent = true else occ_merged = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(non_res_spaces, sch_name: 'Calculated Occupancy Fraction NonResidential Merged') end end # re-run spaces_get_occupancy_schedule with x above min occupancy to create on/off schedule if res_people_design > non_res_people_design hours_of_operation = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(res_spaces, sch_name: 'Building Hours of Operation Residential', occupied_percentage_threshold: fraction_of_daily_occ_range, threshold_calc_method: 'normalized_daily_range') res_prevalent = true else hours_of_operation = spaces_get_occupancy_schedule(non_res_spaces, sch_name: 'Building Hours of Operation NonResidential', occupied_percentage_threshold: fraction_of_daily_occ_range, threshold_calc_method: 'normalized_daily_range') end # remove gaps resulting in multiple on off cycles for each rule in schedule so it will be valid hours of operation profiles = [] profiles << hours_of_operation.defaultDaySchedule hours_of_operation.scheduleRules.each do |rule| profiles << rule.daySchedule end profiles.sort.each do |profile| times = profile.times values = profile.values next if times.size <= 3 # length of 1-3 should produce valid hours_of_operation profiles # Find the latest time where the value == 1 latest_time = nil do |time, value| if value > 0 latest_time = time end end # Skip profiles that are zero all the time next if latest_time.nil? # Calculate the duration from this point to midnight wrap_dur_left_hr = 0 if values.first == 0 && values.last == 0 wrap_dur_left_hr = 24.0 - latest_time.totalHours end occ_gap_hash = {} prev_time = 0 prev_val = nil times.each_with_index do |time, i| next if time.totalHours == 0.0 # should not see this next if values[i] == prev_val # check if two 0 until time next to each other if values[i] == 0 # only store vacant segments if time.totalHours == 24 occ_gap_hash[prev_time] = time.totalHours - prev_time + wrap_dur_left_hr else occ_gap_hash[prev_time] = time.totalHours - prev_time end end prev_time = time.totalHours prev_val = values[i] end profile.clearValues max_occ_gap_start = occ_gap_hash.key(occ_gap_hash.values.max) max_occ_gap_end_hr = max_occ_gap_start + occ_gap_hash[max_occ_gap_start] # can't add time and duration in hours if max_occ_gap_end_hr > 24.0 then max_occ_gap_end_hr -= 24.0 end # time for gap start target_start_hr = max_occ_gap_start.truncate target_start_min = ((max_occ_gap_start - target_start_hr) * 60.0).truncate max_occ_gap_start =, target_start_hr, target_start_min, 0) # time for gap end target_end_hr = max_occ_gap_end_hr.truncate target_end_min = ((max_occ_gap_end_hr - target_end_hr) * 60.0).truncate max_occ_gap_end =, target_end_hr, target_end_min, 0) profile.addValue(max_occ_gap_start, 1) profile.addValue(max_occ_gap_end, 0) os_time_24 =, 24, 0, 0) if max_occ_gap_start > max_occ_gap_end profile.addValue(os_time_24, 0) else profile.addValue(os_time_24, 1) end end # reverse 1 and 0 values for res_prevalent building # currently spaces_get_occupancy_schedule doesn't use defaultDayProflie, so only inspecting rules for now. if invert_res && res_prevalent OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Standards.Model', 'Per argument passed in hours of operation are being inverted for buildings with more people in residential versus non-residential spaces.') hours_of_operation.scheduleRules.each do |rule| profile = rule.daySchedule times = profile.times values = profile.values profile.clearValues times.each_with_index do |time, i| orig_val = values[i] new_value = nil if orig_val == 0 then new_value = 1 end if orig_val == 1 then new_value = 0 end profile.addValue(time, new_value) end end end # set hours of operation for building level hours of operation model.getDefaultScheduleSets.each(&:resetHoursofOperationSchedule) if model.getBuilding.defaultScheduleSet.is_initialized default_sch_set = model.getBuilding.defaultScheduleSet.get else default_sch_set = default_sch_set.setName('Building Default Schedule Set') model.getBuilding.setDefaultScheduleSet(default_sch_set) end default_sch_set.setHoursofOperationSchedule(hours_of_operation) return hours_of_operation end # This method users the hours of operation for a space and the existing ScheduleRuleset profiles to setup parametric schedule # inputs. Inputs include one or more load profile formulas. Data is stored in model attributes for downstream # application. This should impact all ScheduleRuleset objects in the model. Plant and Air loop hoours of operations # should be traced back to a space or spaces. # # @author David Goldwasser # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param step_ramp_logic [String] type of step logic to use # @param infer_hoo_for_non_assigned_objects [Bool] attempt to get hoo for objects like swh with and exterior lighting # @param gather_data_only [Bool] false (stops method before changes made if true) # @param hoo_var_method [String] accepts hours and fractional. Any other value value will result in hoo variables not being applied # @return [Hash] schedule is key, value is hash of number of objects def model_setup_parametric_schedules(model, step_ramp_logic: nil, infer_hoo_for_non_assigned_objects: true, gather_data_only: false, hoo_var_method: 'hours') parametric_inputs = {} default_sch_type ='HoursofOperationSchedule') # thermal zones, air loops, plant loops will require some logic if they refer to more than one hours of operaiton schedule. # for initial use case while have same horus of operaiton so this can be pretty simple, but will have to re-visit it sometime # possible solution A: choose hoo that contributes the largest fraction of floor area # possible solution B: expand the hours of operation for a given day to include combined range of hoo objects # whatever approach is used for gathering parametric inputs for existing ruleset schedules should also be used for model_apply_parametric_schedules # loop through spaces (trace hours of operation back to space) gather_inputs_parametric_space_space_type_schedules(model.getSpaces, parametric_inputs, gather_data_only) # loop through space types (trace hours of operation back to space type). gather_inputs_parametric_space_space_type_schedules(model.getSpaceTypes, parametric_inputs, gather_data_only) # loop through thermal zones (trace hours of operation back to spaces in thermal zone) thermal_zone_hash = {} # key is zone and hash is hours of operation model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| # identify hours of operation hours_of_operation = spaces_hours_of_operation(zone.spaces) thermal_zone_hash[zone] = hours_of_operation # get thermostat setpoint schedules if zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.is_initialized thermostat = zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get if thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized && thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, thermostat, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end if thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized && thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, thermostat, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end end end # loop through air loops (trace hours of operation back through spaces served by air loops) air_loop_hash = {} # key is zone and hash is hours of operation model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| # identify hours of operation air_loop_spaces = [] air_loop.thermalZones.sort.each do |zone| air_loop_spaces += zone.spaces air_loop_spaces += zone.spaces end hours_of_operation = spaces_hours_of_operation(air_loop_spaces) air_loop_hash[air_loop] = hours_of_operation if air_loop.availabilitySchedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = air_loop.availabilitySchedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.get gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, air_loop, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end avail_mgrs = air_loop.availabilityManagers avail_mgrs.sort.each do |avail_mgr| # @todo I'm finding availability mangers, but not any resources for them, even if I use OpenStudio::Model.getRecursiveChildren(avail_mgr) resources = avail_mgr.resources resources = OpenStudio::Model.getRecursiveResources(avail_mgr) resources.sort.each do |resource| if resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.get gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, avail_mgr, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end end end end # look through all model HVAC components find scheduleRuleset objects, resources, that use them and zone or air loop for hours of operation hvac_components = model.getHVACComponents hvac_components.sort.each do |component| # identify zone, or air loop it refers to, some may refer to plant loop, OA or other component thermal_zone = nil air_loop = nil plant_loop = nil schedules = [] if component.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized && component.to_ZoneHVACComponent.get.thermalZone.is_initialized thermal_zone = component.to_ZoneHVACComponent.get.thermalZone.get end if component.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized air_loop = component.airLoopHVAC.get end if component.plantLoop.is_initialized plant_loop = component.plantLoop.get end component.resources.sort.each do |resource| if resource.to_ThermalZone.is_initialized thermal_zone = resource.to_ThermalZone.get elsif resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedules << resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.get end end # inspect resources for children of objects found in thermal zone or plant loop # get objects like OA controllers and unitary object components next if thermal_zone.nil? && air_loop.nil? children = OpenStudio::Model.getRecursiveChildren(component) children.sort.each do |child| child.resources.sort.each do |sub_resource| if sub_resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedules << sub_resource.to_ScheduleRuleset.get end end end # process schedules found for this component schedules.sort.each do |schedule| hours_of_operation = nil if !thermal_zone.nil? hours_of_operation = thermal_zone_hash[thermal_zone] elsif !air_loop.nil? hours_of_operation = air_loop_hash[air_loop] elsif !plant_loop.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "#{} is associated with plant loop, will not gather parametric inputs") next else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Cannot identify where #{} is in system. Will not gather parametric inputs for #{}") next end gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, component, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end end # @todo Service Water Heating supply side (may or may not be associated with a space) # @todo water use equipment definitions (temperature, sensible, latent) may be in multiple spaces, need to identify hoo, but typically constant schedules # water use equipment (flow rate fraction) # @todo address common schedules used across multiple instances model.getWaterUseEquipments.sort.each do |water_use_equipment| if water_use_equipment.flowRateFractionSchedule.is_initialized && water_use_equipment.flowRateFractionSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = water_use_equipment.flowRateFractionSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get next if parametric_inputs.key?(schedule) opt_space = if opt_space.is_initialized space = space.get hours_of_operation = space_hours_of_operation(space) gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, water_use_equipment, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) else hours_of_operation = spaces_hours_of_operation(model.getSpaces) if !hours_of_operation.nil? gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(schedule, water_use_equipment, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: hoo_var_method) end end end end # @todo Refrigeration (will be associated with thermal zone) # @todo exterior lights (will be astronomical, but like AEDG's may have reduction later at night) return parametric_inputs end # This method applies the hours of operation for a space and the load profile formulas in the overloaded ScheduleRulset # objects to update time value pairs for ScheduleDay objects. Object type specific logic will be used to generate profiles # for summer and winter design days. # # @note This measure will replace any prior chagnes made to ScheduleRule objects with new ScheduleRule values from # profile formulas # @author David Goldwasser # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param ramp_frequency [Double] ramp frequency in minutes. If nil method will match simulation timestep # @param infer_hoo_for_non_assigned_objects [Bool] # attempt to get hoo for objects like swh with and exterior lighting # @param error_on_out_of_order [Bool] true will error if applying formula creates out of order values # @return [Array] of modified ScheduleRuleset objects def model_apply_parametric_schedules(model, ramp_frequency: nil, infer_hoo_for_non_assigned_objects: true, error_on_out_of_order: true) # get ramp frequency (fractional hour) from timestep if ramp_frequency.nil? steps_per_hour = if model.getSimulationControl.timestep.is_initialized model.getSimulationControl.timestep.get.numberOfTimestepsPerHour else 6 # default OpenStudio timestep if none specified end ramp_frequency = 1.0 / steps_per_hour.to_f end # Go through model and create parametric formulas for all schedules parametric_inputs = model_setup_parametric_schedules(model, gather_data_only: true) parametric_schedules = [] model.getScheduleRulesets.sort.each do |sch| if !sch.hasAdditionalProperties || !sch.additionalProperties.hasFeature('param_sch_ver') # for now don't look at schedules without targets, in future can alter these by looking at building level hours of operation next if sch.directUseCount <= 0 # won't catch if used for space type load instance, but that space type isn't used # @todo address schedules that fall into this category, if they are used in the model OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For #{}, #{} is not setup as parametric schedule. It has #{sch.sources.size} sources.") next end # apply parametric inputs schedule_apply_parametric_inputs(sch, ramp_frequency, infer_hoo_for_non_assigned_objects, error_on_out_of_order, parametric_inputs) # add schedule to array parametric_schedules << sch end return parametric_schedules end private # This function checks whether it is required to adjust the window to wall ratio based on the model WWR and wwr limit. # @param wwr_limit [Float] return wwr_limit # @param wwr_list [Array] list of wwr of zone conditioning category in a building area type category - residential, nonresidential and semiheated # @return require_adjustment [Boolean] True, require adjustment, false not require adjustment. def model_does_require_wwr_adjustment?(wwr_limit, wwr_list) require_adjustment = false wwr_list.each do |wwr| require_adjustment = true unless wwr > wwr_limit end return require_adjustment end # The function is used for codes that requires to adjusted wwr based on building categories for all other types # # @param bat [String] building area type category # @param wwr_list [Array] list of wwr of zone conditioning category in a building area type category - residential, nonresidential and semiheated # @return wwr_limit [Float] return adjusted wwr_limit def model_get_bat_wwr_target(bat, wwr_list) return 40.0 end # Readjusted the WWR for surfaces previously has no windows to meet the # overall WWR requirement. # This function shall only be called if the maximum WWR value for surfaces with fenestration is lower than 90% due to # accommodating the total door surface areas # # @param residual_ratio: [Float] the ratio of residual surfaces among the total wall surface area with no fenestrations # @param space [OpenStudio::Model:Space] a space # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] openstudio model # @return [Bool] return true if successful, false if not def model_readjust_surface_wwr(residual_ratio, space, model) return true end # Helper method to fill in hourly values # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param day_sch [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleDay] schedule day object # @param sch_type [String] Constant or Hourly # @param values [Array<Double>] # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_add_vals_to_sch(model, day_sch, sch_type, values) if sch_type == 'Constant' day_sch.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), values[0]) elsif sch_type == 'Hourly' (0..23).each do |i| next if values[i] == values[i + 1] day_sch.addValue(, i + 1, 0, 0), values[i]) end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Schedule type: #{sch_type} is not recognized. Valid choices are 'Constant' and 'Hourly'.") end end # Modify the existing service water heating loops to match the baseline required heating type. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @param building_type [String] the building type # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @author Julien Marrec def model_apply_baseline_swh_loops(model, building_type) model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # Skip non service water heating loops next unless plant_loop_swh_loop?(plant_loop) # Rename the loop to avoid accidentally hooking up the HVAC systems to this loop later. plant_loop.setName('Service Water Heating Loop') htg_fuels, combination_system, storage_capacity, total_heating_capacity = plant_loop_swh_system_type(plant_loop) # htg_fuels.size == 0 shoudln't happen electric = true if htg_fuels.include?('NaturalGas') || htg_fuels.include?('Propane') || htg_fuels.include?('PropaneGas') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo1') || htg_fuels.include?('FuelOilNo2') || htg_fuels.include?('Coal') || htg_fuels.include?('Diesel') || htg_fuels.include?('Gasoline') electric = false end # Per Table G3.1 11.e, if the baseline system was a combination of heating and service water heating, # delete all heating equipment and recreate a WaterHeater:Mixed. if combination_system plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| # Get the object type obj_type = component.iddObjectType.valueName.to_s next if ['OS_Node', 'OS_Pump_ConstantSpeed', 'OS_Pump_VariableSpeed', 'OS_Connector_Splitter', 'OS_Connector_Mixer', 'OS_Pipe_Adiabatic'].include?(obj_type) component.remove end water_heater = water_heater.setName('Baseline Water Heater') water_heater.setHeaterMaximumCapacity(total_heating_capacity) water_heater.setTankVolume(storage_capacity) plant_loop.addSupplyBranchForComponent(water_heater) if electric # G3.1.11.b: If electric, WaterHeater:Mixed with electric resistance water_heater.setHeaterFuelType('Electricity') water_heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(1.0) else # @todo for now, just get the first fuel that isn't Electricity # A better way would be to count the capacities associated # with each fuel type and use the preponderant one fuels = htg_fuels - ['Electricity'] fossil_fuel_type = fuels[0] water_heater.setHeaterFuelType(fossil_fuel_type) water_heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(0.8) end # If it's not a combination heating and service water heating system # just change the fuel type of all water heaters on the system # to electric resistance if it's electric else if electric plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| next unless component.to_WaterHeaterMixed.is_initialized water_heater = component.to_WaterHeaterMixed.get # G3.1.11.b: If electric, WaterHeater:Mixed with electric resistance water_heater.setHeaterFuelType('Electricity') water_heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(1.0) end end end end # Set the water heater fuel types if it's 90.1-2013 model.getWaterHeaterMixeds.sort.each do |water_heater| water_heater_mixed_apply_prm_baseline_fuel_type(water_heater, building_type) end return true end # This method goes through certain types of EnergyManagementSystem variables and replaces UIDs with object names. # This should be done by the forward translator, and this code should be removed after this bug is fixed: # # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] the model # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not # @todo remove this method after OpenStudio issue #2598 is fixed. def model_temp_fix_ems_references(model) # Internal Variables model.getEnergyManagementSystemInternalVariables.sort.each do |var| # Get the reference field value ref = var.internalDataIndexKeyName # Convert to UUID uid = OpenStudio.toUUID(ref) # Get the model object with this UID obj = model.getModelObject(uid) # If it exists, replace the UID with the object name if obj.is_initialized var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName( end end return true end # This method is a catch-all run at the end of create-baseline to make final adjustements to HVAC capacities # to account for recent model changes # @author Doug Maddox, PNNL # @param model def model_refine_size_dependent_values(model, sizing_run_dir) return true end # This method rotates the building model from its original position # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model object # @param degs [Integer] Degress of rotation from original position # # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model object def model_rotate(model, degs) building = model.getBuilding org_north_axis = building.northAxis building.setNorthAxis(org_north_axis + degs) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The model was rotated of #{degs} degrees from its original position.") return model end # Loads a geometry osm as a starting point. # # @param osm_model_path [String] path to the .osm file, relative to the /data folder # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] model object def load_user_geometry_osm(osm_model_path:) version_translator = model = version_translator.loadModel(osm_model_path) # Check that the model loaded successfully if model.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Version translation failed for #{osm_model_path}") return false end model = model.get # Check for expected characteristics of geometry model if model.getBuildingStorys.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign Spaces to BuildingStorys in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getThermalZones.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign Spaces to ThermalZones in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please define Building.standardsNumberOfStories in the geometry model #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please define Building.standardsNumberOfAboveStories in the geometry model#{osm_model_path}.") end if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? @space_type_map = get_space_type_maps_from_model(model) if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign SpaceTypes in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path} or in standards database #{@space_type_map}.") else @space_type_map = @space_type_map.sort.to_h OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Loaded space type map from osm file: #{osm_model_path}") end end return model end # Loads a osm as a starting point. # # @param osm_file [String] path to the .osm file, relative to the /data folder # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Model] model object, false if not def load_geometry_osm(osm_file) # Load the geometry .osm from relative to the data folder osm_model_path = "../../../data/#{osm_file}" # Load the .osm depending on whether running from normal gem location # or from the embedded location in the OpenStudio CLI if File.dirname(__FILE__)[0] == ':' # running from embedded location in OpenStudio CLI geom_model_string = load_resource_relative(osm_model_path) version_translator = model = version_translator.loadModelFromString(geom_model_string) else abs_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), osm_model_path) version_translator = model = version_translator.loadModel(abs_path) end # Check that the model loaded successfully if model.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Version translation failed for #{osm_model_path}") return false end model = model.get # Check for expected characteristics of geometry model if model.getBuildingStorys.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign Spaces to BuildingStorys in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getThermalZones.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign Spaces to ThermalZones in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please define Building.standardsNumberOfStories in the geometry model #{osm_model_path}.") end if model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please define Building.standardsNumberOfAboveStories in the geometry model#{osm_model_path}.") end if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? @space_type_map = get_space_type_maps_from_model(model) if @space_type_map.nil? || @space_type_map.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Please assign SpaceTypes in the geometry model: #{osm_model_path} or in standards database #{@space_type_map}.") else @space_type_map = @space_type_map.sort.to_h OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Loaded space type map from osm file: #{osm_model_path}") end end return model end # pass array of space types or spaces # # @author David Goldwasser # @param space_space_types [Array] array of spaces or space types # @param parametric_inputs [Hash] # @param gather_data_only [Bool] # @return [Hash] def gather_inputs_parametric_space_space_type_schedules(space_space_types, parametric_inputs, gather_data_only) space_space_types.each do |space_type| # get hours of operation for space type once next if space_type.class == 'OpenStudio::Model::SpaceTypes' && space_type.floorArea == 0 hours_of_operation = space_hours_of_operation(space_type) if hours_of_operation.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.Model', "Can't evaluate schedules for #{}, doesn't have hours of operation.") next end # loop through internal load instances space_type.lights.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.luminaires.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.electricEquipment.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.gasEquipment.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.steamEquipment.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.otherEquipment.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.people.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) if load_inst.activityLevelSchedule.is_initialized && load_inst.activityLevelSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized act_sch = load_inst.activityLevelSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(act_sch, load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: 'hours') end end space_type.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end space_type.spaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageAreas.each do |load_inst| gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end dsgn_spec_oa = space_type.designSpecificationOutdoorAir if dsgn_spec_oa.is_initialized gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(dsgn_spec_oa.get, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) end end return parametric_inputs end # method to process load instance schedules for model_setup_parametric_schedules # # @author David Goldwasser # @param load_inst [OpenStudio::Model::SpaceLoadInstance] # @param parametric_inputs [Hash] # @param hours_of_operation [Hash] # @param gather_data_only [Bool] # @return [Hash] def gather_inputs_parametric_load_inst_schedules(load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only) if load_inst.class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::People' opt_sch = load_inst.numberofPeopleSchedule elsif load_inst.class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir' opt_sch = load_inst.outdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule else opt_sch = load_inst.schedule end if !opt_sch.is_initialized || !opt_sch.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized return nil end gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(opt_sch.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get, load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, gather_data_only: gather_data_only, hoo_var_method: 'hours') return parametric_inputs end # method to process load instance schedules for model_setup_parametric_schedules # # @author David Goldwasser # @param sch [OpenStudio::Model::Schedule] # @param load_inst [OpenStudio::Model::SpaceLoadInstance] # @param parametric_inputs [Hash] # @param hours_of_operation [Hash] # @param ramp [Bool] # @param min_ramp_dur_hr [Double] # @param gather_data_only [Bool] # @param hoo_var_method [String] accepts hours and fractional. Any other value value will result in hoo variables not being applied # @return [Hash] def gather_inputs_parametric_schedules(sch, load_inst, parametric_inputs, hours_of_operation, ramp: true, min_ramp_dur_hr: 2.0, gather_data_only: false, hoo_var_method: 'hours') if parametric_inputs.key?(sch) if hours_of_operation != parametric_inputs[sch][:hoo_inputs] # don't warn if the hours of operation between old and new schedule are equivalent OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Standards.Model', "#{} uses #{} but parametric inputs have already been setup based on hours of operation for #{parametric_inputs[sch][:target].name}.") return nil end end # gather and store data for scheduleRuleset min_max = schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value(sch) ruleset_hash = { floor: min_max['min'], ceiling: min_max['max'], target: load_inst, hoo_inputs: hours_of_operation } parametric_inputs[sch] = ruleset_hash # stop here if only gathering information otherwise will continue and generate additional parametric properties for schedules and rules if gather_data_only then return parametric_inputs end # set scheduleRuleset properties props = sch.additionalProperties props.setFeature('param_sch_ver', '0.0.1') # this is needed to see if formulas are in sync with version of standards that processes them also used to flag schedule as parametric props.setFeature('param_sch_floor', min_max['min']) props.setFeature('param_sch_ceiling', min_max['max']) # cleanup existing profiles schedule_ruleset_cleanup_profiles(sch) # gather profiles daily_flhs = [] # will be used to tag, min,medium,max operation for non typical operations schedule_days = {} # key is day_schedule value is hours in day (used to tag profiles) sch.scheduleRules.each do |rule| schedule_days[rule.daySchedule] = rule.ruleIndex daily_flhs << day_schedule_equivalent_full_load_hrs(rule.daySchedule) end schedule_days[sch.defaultDaySchedule] = -1 daily_flhs << day_schedule_equivalent_full_load_hrs(sch.defaultDaySchedule) # get indices for current schedule year_description = sch.model.yearDescription.get year = year_description.assumedYear year_start_date ='January'), 1, year) year_end_date ='December'), 31, year) indices_vector = sch.getActiveRuleIndices(year_start_date, year_end_date) # step through profiles and add additional properties to describe profiles schedule_days.each_with_index do |(schedule_day, current_rule_index), i| # loop through indices looking of rule in hoo that contains days in the rule hoo_target_index = nil days_used = [] indices_vector.each_with_index do |profile_index, i| if profile_index == current_rule_index then days_used << i + 1 end end # find days_used in hoo profiles that contains all days used from this profile hoo_profile_match_hash = {} best_fit_check = {} hours_of_operation.each do |profile_index, value| days_for_rule_not_in_hoo_profile = days_used - value[:days_used] hoo_profile_match_hash[profile_index] = days_for_rule_not_in_hoo_profile best_fit_check[profile_index] = days_for_rule_not_in_hoo_profile.size if days_for_rule_not_in_hoo_profile.empty? hoo_target_index = profile_index end end # if schedule day days used can't be mapped to single hours of operation then do not use hoo variables, otherwise would have ot split rule and alter model if hoo_target_index.nil? hoo_start = nil hoo_end = nil occ = nil vac = nil # @todo issue warning when this happens on any profile that isn't a constant value else # get hours of operation for this specific profile hoo_start = hours_of_operation[hoo_target_index][:hoo_start] hoo_end = hours_of_operation[hoo_target_index][:hoo_end] occ = hours_of_operation[hoo_target_index][:hoo_hours] vac = 24.0 - hours_of_operation[hoo_target_index][:hoo_hours] end props = schedule_day.additionalProperties par_val_time_hash = {} # time is key, value is value in and optional value out as a one or two object array times = schedule_day.times values = schedule_day.values values.each_with_index do |value, j| # don't add value until 24 if it is the same as first value for non constant profiles if values.size > 1 && j == values.size - 1 && value == values.first next end current_time = times[j].totalHours # if step height goes floor to ceiling then do not ramp. if !ramp || (values.uniq.size < 3) # this will result in steps like old profiles, update to ramp in most cases if j == values.size - 1 par_val_time_hash[current_time] = [value, values.first] else par_val_time_hash[current_time] = [value, values[j + 1]] end else if j == 0 prev_time = times.last.totalHours - 24 # e.g. 24 would show as until 0 else prev_time = times[j - 1].totalHours end if j == values.size - 1 next_time = times.first.totalHours + 24 # e.g. 6 would show as until 30 next_value = values.first # do nothing if value is same as first value if value == next_value next end else next_time = times[j + 1].totalHours next_value = values[j + 1] end # delta time is min min_ramp_dur_hr, half of previous dur, half of next dur # todo - would be nice to change to 0.25 for vally less than 2 hours multiplier = 0.5 delta = [min_ramp_dur_hr, (current_time - prev_time) * multiplier, (next_time - current_time) * multiplier].min # add value to left if not already added if !par_val_time_hash.key?(current_time - delta) time_left = current_time - delta if time_left < 0.0 then time_left += 24.0 end par_val_time_hash[time_left] = [value] end # add value to right time_right = current_time + delta if time_right > 24.0 then time_right -= 24.0 end par_val_time_hash[time_right] = [next_value] end end # sort hash by keys par_val_time_hash.sort.to_h # calculate estimated value (not including any secondary logic) est_daily_flh = 0.0 prev_time = par_val_time_hash.keys.max - 24.0 prev_value = par_val_time_hash.values.last.last # last value in last optional pair of values par_val_time_hash.sort.each do |time, value_array| segment_length = time - prev_time avg_value = (value_array.first + prev_value) * 0.5 est_daily_flh += segment_length * avg_value prev_time = time prev_value = value_array.last end # test expected value against estimated value daily_flh = day_schedule_equivalent_full_load_hrs(schedule_day) percent_change = ((daily_flh - est_daily_flh) / daily_flh) * 100.0 if percent_change.abs > 0.05 # @todo this estimation can have flaws. Fix or remove it, make sure to update for secondary logic (if we implement that here) # post application checks compares against actual instead of estimated values OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Debug, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "For day schedule #{} in #{} there was a #{percent_change.round(4)}% change. Expected full load hours is #{daily_flh.round(4)}, but estimated value is #{est_daily_flh.round(4)}") end raw_string = [] par_val_time_hash.sort.each do |time, value_array| # add in value variables # not currently using range, only using min max for constant schedules or schedules with just two values value_array_var = [] value_array.each do |val| if val == min_max['min'] && values.uniq.size < 3 value_array_var << 'val_flr' elsif val == min_max['max'] && values.uniq.size < 3 value_array_var << 'val_clg' else value_array_var << val end end # add in hoo variables when matching profile found if !hoo_start.nil? # identify which identifier (star,mid,end) time is closest to, which will impact formula structure # includes code to identify delta for wrap around of 24 formula_identifier = {} start_delta_array = [hoo_start - time, hoo_start - time + 24, hoo_start - time - 24] start_delta_array_abs = [(hoo_start - time).abs, (hoo_start - time + 24).abs, (hoo_start - time - 24).abs] start_delta_h = start_delta_array[start_delta_array_abs.index(start_delta_array_abs.min)] formula_identifier['start'] = start_delta_h mid_calc = hoo_start + occ * 0.5 mid_delta_array = [mid_calc - time, mid_calc - time + 24, mid_calc - time - 24] mid_delta_array_abs = [(mid_calc - time).abs, (mid_calc - time + 24).abs, (mid_calc - time - 24).abs] mid_delta_h = mid_delta_array[mid_delta_array_abs.index(mid_delta_array_abs.min)] formula_identifier['mid'] = mid_delta_h end_delta_array = [hoo_end - time, hoo_end - time + 24, hoo_end - time - 24] end_delta_array_abs = [(hoo_end - time).abs, (hoo_end - time + 24).abs, (hoo_end - time - 24).abs] end_delta_h = end_delta_array[end_delta_array_abs.index(end_delta_array_abs.min)] formula_identifier['end'] = end_delta_h # need to store min absolute value to pick the best fit formula_identifier_min_abs = {} formula_identifier.each do |k, v| formula_identifier_min_abs[k] = v.abs end # pick from possible formula approaches for any datapoint where x is hour value min_key = formula_identifier_min_abs.key(formula_identifier_min_abs.values.min) min_value = formula_identifier[min_key] if hoo_var_method == 'hours' # minimize x, which should be no greater than 12, see if rounding to 2 decimal places works min_value = min_value.round(2) if min_key == 'start' if min_value == 0 time = 'hoo_start' elsif min_value < 0 time = "hoo_start + #{min_value.abs}" else # greater than 0 time = "hoo_start - #{min_value}" end elsif min_key == 'mid' if min_value == 0 time = 'mid' # converted to variable for simplicity but could also be described like this # time = "hoo_start + occ * 0.5" elsif min_value < 0 time = "mid + #{min_value.abs}" else # greater than 0 time = "mid - #{min_value}" end else # min_key == "end" if min_value == 0 time = 'hoo_end' elsif min_value < 0 time = "hoo_end + #{min_value.abs}" else # greater than 0 time = "hoo_end - #{min_value}" end end elsif hoo_var_method == 'fractional' # minimize x(hour before converted to fraction), which should be no greater than 0.5 as fraction, see if rounding to 3 decimal places works if occ > 0 min_value_occ_fract = min_value.abs / occ else min_value_occ_fract = 0.0 end if vac > 0 min_value_vac_fract = min_value.abs / vac else min_value_vac_fract = 0.0 end if min_key == 'start' if min_value == 0 time = 'hoo_start' elsif min_value < 0 time = "hoo_start + occ * #{min_value_occ_fract.round(3)}" else # greater than 0 time = "hoo_start - vac * #{min_value_vac_fract.round(3)}" end elsif min_key == 'mid' # @todo see what is going wrong with after mid in formula if min_value == 0 time = 'mid' # converted to variable for simplicity but could also be described like this # time = "hoo_start + occ * 0.5" elsif min_value < 0 time = "mid + occ * #{min_value_occ_fract.round(3)}" else # greater than 0 time = "mid - occ * #{min_value_occ_fract.round(3)}" end else # min_key == "end" if min_value == 0 time = 'hoo_end' elsif min_value < 0 time = "hoo_end + vac * #{min_value_vac_fract.round(3)}" else # greater than 0 time = "hoo_end - occ * #{min_value_occ_fract.round(3)}" end end end end # populate string if value_array_var.size == 1 raw_string << "#{time} ~ #{value_array_var.first}" else # should only have 1 or two values (value in and optional value out) raw_string << "#{time} ~ #{value_array_var.first} ~ #{value_array_var.last}" end end # store profile formula with hoo and value variables props.setFeature('param_day_profile', raw_string.join(' | ')) # @todo not used yet, but will add methods described below and others # @todo lower infiltration based on air loop hours of operation if air loop has outdoor air object # @todo lower lighting or plug loads based on occupancy at given time steps in a space # @todo set elevator fraction based multiple factors such as trips, occupants per trip, and elevator type to determine floor consumption when not in use. props.setFeature('param_day_secondary_logic', '') # secondary logic method such as occupancy impacting schedule values props.setFeature('param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val', '') # optional argument used for some secondary logic applied to values # tag profile type # may be useful for parametric changes to tag typical, medium, minimal, or same ones with off_peak prefix # todo - I would like to use these same tags for hours of operation and have parametric tags then ignore the days of week and date range from the rule object # tagging min/max makes sense in fractional schedules but not temperature schedules like thermostats (specifically cooling setpoints) # todo - I think these tags should come from occpancy schedule for space(s) schedule. That way all schedules in a space will refer to same profile from hours of operation # todo - add school specific logic hear or in post processing, currently default profile for school may not be most prevalent one if current_rule_index == -1 props.setFeature('param_day_tag', 'typical_operation') elsif daily_flh == daily_flhs.min props.setFeature('param_day_tag', 'minimal_operation') elsif daily_flh == daily_flhs.max props.setFeature('param_day_tag', 'maximum_operation') # normally this should not be used as typical should be the most active day else props.setFeature('param_day_tag', 'medium_operation') # not min max or typical end end return parametric_inputs end # Retrieves the lowest story in a model # # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [OpenStudio::model::BuildingStory] Lowest story included in the model def find_lowest_story(model) min_z_story = 1E+10 lowest_story = nil model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| story = space.buildingStory.get lowest_story = story if lowest_story.nil? space_min_z = building_story_minimum_z_value(story) if space_min_z < min_z_story min_z_story = space_min_z lowest_story = story end end return lowest_story end # Utility function that returns the min and max value in a design day schedule. # # TODO: move this to Standards.Schedule.rb # @param schedule [OpenStudio::Model::Schedule] can be ScheduleCompact, ScheduleRuleset, ScheduleConstant # @param type [String] 'heating' for winter design day, 'cooling' for summer design day # @return [Hash] Hash has two keys, min and max. if failed, return 999.9 for min and max. def search_min_max_value_from_design_day_schedule(schedule, type = 'winter') if schedule.is_initialized schedule = schedule.get if schedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = schedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.get setpoint_min_max = schedule_ruleset_design_day_min_max_value(schedule, type) elsif schedule.to_ScheduleConstant.is_initialized schedule = schedule.to_ScheduleConstant.get # for constant schedule, there is only one value, so the annual should be equal to design condition. setpoint_min_max = schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value(schedule) elsif schedule.to_ScheduleCompact.is_initialized schedule = schedule.to_ScheduleCompact.get setpoint_min_max = schedule_compact_design_day_min_max_value(schedule, type) end return setpoint_min_max end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio::standards::Schedule', 'Schedule is not exist, or wrong type of schedule (not Ruleset, Compact or Constant), or cannot found the design day schedules. Return 999.9 for min and max') return { 'min' => 999.9, 'max' => 999.9 } end # Identifies non mechanically cooled ("nmc") systems, if applicable # # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return zone_nmc_sys_type [Hash] Zone to nmc system type mapping def model_identify_non_mechanically_cooled_systems(model) return true end # Indicate if fan power breakdown (supply, return, and relief) # are needed # # @return [Boolean] true if necessary, false otherwise def model_get_fan_power_breakdown return false end # Determine the surface range of a baseline model. # The method calculates the window to wall ratio (assuming all spaces are conditioned) # and select the range based on the calculated window to wall ratio # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param wwr_parameter [Hash] parameters to choose min and max percent of surfaces, # could be different set in different standard def model_get_percent_of_surface_range(model, wwr_parameter = {}) return { 'minimum_percent_of_surface' => nil, 'maximum_percent_of_surface' => nil } end # Default SAT reset type # # @param air_loop_hvac [OpenStudio::Model::AirLoopHVAC] air loop # @return [String] Returns type of SAT reset def air_loop_hvac_supply_air_temperature_reset_type(air_loop_hvac) return 'warmest_zone' end # Calculate the window to wall ratio reduction factor # # @param multiplier [Float] multiplier of the wwr # @param surface_wwr [Float] the surface window to wall ratio # @param surface_dr [Float] the surface door to wall ratio # @param wwr_building_type[String] building type for wwr # @param wwr_target [Float] target window to wall ratio # @param total_wall_m2 [Float] total wall area of the category in m2. # @param total_wall_with_fene_m2 [Float] total wall area of the category with fenestrations in m2. # @param total_fene_m2 [Float] total fenestration area # @param total_plenum_wall_m2 [Float] total sqaure meter of a plenum # @return [Float] reduction factor def model_get_wwr_reduction_ratio(multiplier, surface_wwr: 0.0, surface_dr: 0.0, wwr_building_type: 'All others', wwr_target: 0.0, total_wall_m2: 0.0, total_wall_with_fene_m2: 0.0, total_fene_m2: 0.0, total_plenum_wall_m2: 0.0) return 1.0 - multiplier end # A template method that handles the loading of user input data from multiple sources # include data source from: # 1. user data csv files # 2. data from measure and OpenStudio interface # @param [OpenStudio:model:Model] model # @param [String] climate_zone # @param [String] default_hvac_building_type # @param [String] default_wwr_building_type # @param [String] default_swh_building_type # @param [Hash] bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash A hash maps building type for hvac to a list of thermal zones # @return True def handle_user_input_data(model, climate_zone, default_hvac_building_type, default_wwr_building_type, default_swh_building_type, bldg_type_hvac_zone_hash) return true end # Template method for adding a setpoint manager for a coil control logic to a heating coil. # ASHRAE 90.1-2019 Appendix G. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model # @param thermalZones Array([OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone]) thermal zone array # @param coil Heating Coils # @return [Boolean] true def model_set_central_preheat_coil_spm(model, thermal_zones, coil) return true end # Template method for adding zone additional property "zone DCV implemented in user model" # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_mark_zone_dcv_existence(model) return true end # Check whether the baseline model generation needs to run all four orientations # The default shall be true # # @param [Boolean] run_all_orients: user inputs to indicate whether it is required to run all orientations # @param [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def run_all_orientations(run_all_orients, user_model) return run_all_orients end # Template method for reading user data and adding to zone additional properties # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_add_dcv_user_exception_properties(model) return true end # Template method for raising user model DCV warning and errors # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_raise_user_model_dcv_errors(model) return true end # Template method for adding zone additional property "airloop dcv required by 901" and "zone dcv required by 901" # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_add_dcv_requirement_properties(model) return true end # Template method for checking if zones in the baseline model should have DCV based on 90.1 2019 G3.1.2.5. # Zone additional property 'apxg no need to have DCV' added # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_add_apxg_dcv_properties(model) return true end # Template method for setting DCV in baseline HVAC system if required # # @author Xuechen (Jerry) Lei, PNNL # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model def model_set_baseline_demand_control_ventilation(model, climate_zone) return true end # Identify the return air type associated with each thermal zone # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object def model_identify_return_air_type(model) # air-loop based system model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| # Conditioning category won't include indirectly conditioned thermal zones cond_cat = thermal_zone_conditioning_category(zone, model_standards_climate_zone(model)) # Initialize the return air type return_air_type = nil # The thermal zone is conditioned by zonal system if (cond_cat != 'Unconditioned') && zone.airLoopHVACs.empty? return_air_type = 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit' end # Assume that the primary heating and cooling (PHC) system # is last in the heating and cooling order (ignore DOAS) # # Get the heating and cooling PHC components heating_equipment = zone.equipmentInHeatingOrder[-1] cooling_equipment = zone.equipmentInCoolingOrder[-1] if heating_equipment.nil? && cooling_equipment.nil? next end unless heating_equipment.nil? if heating_equipment.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized heating_equipment_type = 'ZoneHVACComponent' elsif heating_equipment.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized heating_equipment_type = 'StraightComponent' end end unless cooling_equipment.nil? if cooling_equipment.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized cooling_equipment_type = 'ZoneHVACComponent' elsif cooling_equipment.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized cooling_equipment_type = 'StraightComponent' end end # Determine return configuration if (heating_equipment_type == 'ZoneHVACComponent') && (cooling_equipment_type == 'ZoneHVACComponent') return_air_type = 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit' else # Check heating air loop first unless heating_equipment.nil? if heating_equipment.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized air_loop = heating_equipment.to_StraightComponent.get.airLoopHVAC.get return_plenum = air_loop_hvac_return_air_plenum(air_loop) return_air_type = return_plenum.nil? ? 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit' : 'return_plenum' return_plenum = return_plenum.nil? ? nil : end end # Check cooling air loop second; Assume that return air plenum is the dominant case unless cooling_equipment.nil? if (return_air_type != 'return_plenum') && cooling_equipment.to_StraightComponent.is_initialized air_loop = cooling_equipment.to_StraightComponent.get.airLoopHVAC.get return_plenum = air_loop_hvac_return_air_plenum(air_loop) return_air_type = return_plenum.nil? ? 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit' : 'return_plenum' return_plenum = return_plenum.nil? ? nil : end end end # Catch all if return_air_type.nil? return_air_type = 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit' end zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('return_air_type', return_air_type) zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('plenum', return_plenum) unless return_plenum.nil? zone.additionalProperties.setFeature('proposed_model_zone_design_air_flow', zone.designAirFlowRate.to_f) end end # Determine the baseline return air type associated with each zone # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::model] OpenStudio model object # @param baseline_system_type [String] Baseline system type name # @param zones [Array] List of zone associated with a system # @return [Array] Array of length 2, the first item is the name # of the plenum zone and the second the return air type def model_determine_baseline_return_air_type(model, baseline_system_type, zones) return ['', 'ducted_return_or_direct_to_unit'] unless ['PSZ_AC', 'PSZ_HP', 'PVAV_Reheat', 'PVAV_PFP_Boxes', 'VAV_Reheat', 'VAV_PFP_Boxes', 'SZ_VAV', 'SZ_CV'].include?(baseline_system_type) zone_return_air_type = {} zones.each do |zone| if zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('proposed_model_zone_design_air_flow') zone_design_air_flow = zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsDouble('proposed_model_zone_design_air_flow').get if zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('return_air_type') return_air_type = zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('return_air_type').get if zone_return_air_type.keys.include?(return_air_type) zone_return_air_type[return_air_type] += zone_design_air_flow else zone_return_air_type[return_air_type] = zone_design_air_flow end if zone.additionalProperties.hasFeature('plenum') plenum = zone.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString('plenum').get if zone_return_air_type.keys.include?('plenum') if zone_return_air_type['plenum'].keys.include?(plenum) zone_return_air_type['plenum'][plenum] += zone_design_air_flow end else zone_return_air_type['plenum'] = { plenum => zone_design_air_flow } end end end end end # Find dominant zone return air type and plenum zone # if the return air type is return air plenum return_air_types = zone_return_air_type.keys - ['plenum'] return_air_types_score = 0 return_air_type = nil plenum_score = 0 plenum = nil return_air_types.each do |return_type| if zone_return_air_type[return_type] > return_air_types_score return_air_type = return_type return_air_types_score = zone_return_air_type[return_type] end if return_air_type == 'return_plenum' zone_return_air_type['plenum'].keys.each do |p| if zone_return_air_type['plenum'][p] > plenum_score plenum = p plenum_score = zone_return_air_type['plenum'][p] end end end end return plenum, return_air_type end # Add reporting tolerances. Default values are based on the suggestions from the PRM-RM. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio Model # @param heating_tolerance_deg_f [Float] Tolerance for time heating setpoint not met in degree F # @param cooling_tolerance_deg_f [Float] Tolerance for time cooling setpoint not met in degree F def model_add_reporting_tolerances(model, heating_tolerance_deg_f: 1.0, cooling_tolerance_deg_f: 1.0) reporting_tolerances = model.getOutputControlReportingTolerances heating_tolerance_deg_c = OpenStudio.convert(heating_tolerance_deg_f, 'R', 'K').get cooling_tolerance_deg_c = OpenStudio.convert(cooling_tolerance_deg_f, 'R', 'K').get reporting_tolerances.setToleranceforTimeHeatingSetpointNotMet(heating_tolerance_deg_c) reporting_tolerances.setToleranceforTimeCoolingSetpointNotMet(cooling_tolerance_deg_c) return true end # Apply the standard construction to each surface in the model, based on the construction type currently assigned. # # @return [Bool] true if successful, false if not # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_apply_constructions(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type, wwr_info) model_apply_standard_constructions(model, climate_zone, wwr_building_type: nil, wwr_info: {}) return true end # Generate baseline log to a specific file directory # @param file_directory [String] file directory def generate_baseline_log(file_directory) return true end # Update ground temperature profile based on the weather file specified in the model # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param climate_zone [String] ASHRAE climate zone, e.g. 'ASHRAE 169-2013-4A' # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_update_ground_temperature_profile(model, climate_zone) return true end end