const { spawn, spawnSync } = require("child_process"); const { existsSync, unlinkSync, mkdtempSync, copyFileSync, mkdirSync, rmdirSync } = require("fs"); const os = require("os"); const path = require("path"); const process = require("process"); let parserArgs; if (process.env.PRETTIER_RUBY_HOST) { const [cmd, ...args] = process.env.PRETTIER_RUBY_HOST.split(" "); parserArgs = { cmd, args }; } // In order to properly parse ruby code, we need to tell the ruby process to // parse using UTF-8. Unfortunately, the way that you accomplish this looks // differently depending on your platform. /* istanbul ignore next */ function getLang() { const { env, platform } = process; const envValue = env.LC_ALL || env.LC_CTYPE || env.LANG; // If an env var is set for the locale that already includes UTF-8 in the // name, then assume we can go with that. if (envValue && envValue.includes("UTF-8")) { return envValue; } // Otherwise, we're going to guess which encoding to use based on the system. // This is probably not the best approach in the world, as you could be on // linux and not have C.UTF-8, but in that case you're probably passing an env // var for it. This object below represents all of the possible values of // process.platform per: // return { aix: "C.UTF-8", android: "C.UTF-8", cygwin: "C.UTF-8", darwin: "en_US.UTF-8", freebsd: "C.UTF-8", haiku: "C.UTF-8", linux: "C.UTF-8", netbsd: "C.UTF-8", openbsd: "C.UTF-8", sunos: "C.UTF-8", win32: ".UTF-8" }[platform]; } // Generate the filepath that should be used to communicate the connection // information between this process and the parser server. function getInfoFilepath() { return path.join(os.tmpdir(), `prettier-ruby-parser-${}.info`); } // Return the list of plugins that should be passed to the server process. function getPlugins(opts) { const plugins = new Set(); const rubyPlugins = opts.rubyPlugins.trim(); if (rubyPlugins.length > 0) { rubyPlugins.split(",").forEach((plugin) => plugins.add(plugin.trim())); } if (opts.singleQuote) { plugins.add("plugin/single_quotes"); } if (opts.trailingComma !== "none") { plugins.add("plugin/trailing_comma"); } return Array.from(plugins); } // Create a file that will act as a communication mechanism, spawn a parser // server with that filepath as an argument, then spawn another process that // will read that information in order to enable us to connect to it in the // spawnSync function. function spawnServer(opts) { const tempDir = mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "prettier-plugin-ruby-")); const filepath = getInfoFilepath(); let serverRbPath = path.join(__dirname, "./server.rb"); let getInfoJsPath = path.join(__dirname, "./getInfo.js"); let cleanupTempFiles; if (runningInPnPZip()) { // If we're running in a Yarn PnP environment inside a ZIP file, it's not possible to run // the Ruby server or the getInfo.js script directly. Instead, we need to copy them and all // the files they depend on to a temporary directory. const sourceFiles = ["server.rb", "getInfo.js", "netcat.js"]; serverRbPath = path.join(tempDir, "server.rb"); getInfoJsPath = path.join(tempDir, "getInfo.js"); sourceFiles.forEach((rubyFile) => { const destDir = path.join(tempDir, path.dirname(rubyFile)); if (!existsSync(destDir)) { mkdirSync(destDir); } copyFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "..", "src", rubyFile), path.join(tempDir, rubyFile) ); }); cleanupTempFiles = () => { [ getInfoJsPath, => path.join(tempDir, rubyFile)) ].forEach((tmpFilePath) => { if (existsSync(tmpFilePath)) { unlinkSync(tmpFilePath); } }); sourceFiles.forEach((rubyFile) => { const tempSubdir = path.join(tempDir, path.dirname(rubyFile)); if (existsSync(tempSubdir)) { rmdirSync(tempSubdir); } }); if (existsSync(tempDir)) { rmdirSync(tempDir); } }; } const server = spawn( "ruby", [serverRbPath, `--plugins=${getPlugins(opts).join(",")}`, filepath], { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { LANG: getLang() }), detached: true, stdio: "inherit" } ); server.unref(); process.on("exit", () => { if (existsSync(filepath)) { unlinkSync(filepath); } if (cleanupTempFiles != null) { cleanupTempFiles(); } try { if ( { // Kill the server process if it's still running. If we're on windows // we're going to use the process ID number. If we're not, we're going // to use the negative process ID to indicate the group. const pid = process.platform === "win32" ? :; process.kill(pid); } } catch (e) { if (process.env.PLUGIN_RUBY_CI) { throw new Error(`Failed to kill the parser server: ${e}`); } } }); const info = spawnSync("node", [getInfoJsPath, filepath]); if (info.status !== 0) { throw new Error(` We failed to spawn our parser server. Please report this error on GitHub at The error message was: ${info.stderr.toString()}. `); } const [cmd, ...args] = info.stdout.toString().split(" "); return { cmd, args }; } // If we're in a yarn Plug'n'Play environment, then the relative paths being // used by the parser server and the various scripts used to communicate // therein are not going to work with its virtual file system. function runningInPnPZip() { return process.versions.pnp && __dirname.includes(".zip"); } // Formats and sends a request to the parser server. We use netcat (or something // like it) here since Prettier requires the results of `parse` to be // synchronous and Node.js does not offer a mechanism for synchronous socket // requests. function parseSync(parser, source, opts) { if (!parserArgs) { parserArgs = spawnServer(opts); } const response = spawnSync(parserArgs.cmd, parserArgs.args, { input: `${parser}|${opts.printWidth}|${opts.tabWidth}|${source}`, maxBuffer: 15 * 1024 * 1024 }); const stdout = response.stdout.toString(); const stderr = response.stderr.toString(); const { status } = response; // If we didn't receive anything over stdout or we have a bad exit status, // then throw whatever we can. if (stdout.length === 0 || (status !== null && status !== 0)) { throw new Error(stderr || "An unknown error occurred"); } const parsed = JSON.parse(stdout); if (parsed.error) { const error = new Error(parsed.error); if (parsed.loc) { error.loc = parsed.loc; } throw error; } return parsed; } module.exports = { getLang, getInfoFilepath, parseSync };