module Jammit # Rack Middle that allows Jammit to integrate with any Rack compatible web # framework. It takes responsibility for /assets, and dynamically packages # any missing or uncached asset packages. class Middleware VALID_FORMATS = [:css, :js] SUFFIX_STRIPPER = /-(datauri|mhtml)\Z/ PUBLIC_ROOT = defined?(Jammit.public_root) ? Jammit.public_root : PUBLIC_ROOT NOT_FOUND_PATH = "#{PUBLIC_ROOT}/404.html" def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) dup._call(env) end def _call(env) if matches = %r(^/#{Jammit.package_path}/(.*)\.(.*)).match(env['PATH_INFO']) package(matches[1].to_s, matches[2] || "none") else end end private # The "package" action receives all requests for asset packages that haven't # yet been cached. The package will be built, cached, and gzipped. def package(package, extension) parse_request(package, extension) template_ext = Jammit.template_extension.to_sym result = [] headers = { 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{(60*60*24*365.25*10).to_i}", 'Expires' => ( + 60*60*24*365.25*10).httpdate } case @extension when :js @contents = Jammit.packager.pack_javascripts(@package) @contents = @contents.to_js if @contents.respond_to?(:to_js) result = [ 200, headers.merge({ 'Content-Type' => Rack::Mime.mime_type(".js") }), [@contents] ] when template_ext @contents = Jammit.packager.pack_templates(@package) @contents = @contents.to_js if @contents.respond_to?(:to_js) [ 200, headers.merge({ 'Content-Type' => Rack::Mime.mime_type(".js") }), [@contents] ] when :css [ 200, headers.merge({ 'Content-Type' => Rack::Mime.mime_type(".css") }), [generate_stylesheets] ] end rescue Jammit::PackageNotFound [404, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ['Not found']] end # Generate the complete, timestamped, MHTML url -- if we're rendering a # dynamic MHTML package, we'll need to put one URL in the response, and a # different one into the cached package. def prefix_url(path) host = request.port == 80 ? : request.host_with_port "#{request.protocol}#{host}#{path}" end # If we're generating MHTML/CSS, return a stylesheet with the absolute # request URL to the client, and cache a version with the timestamped cache # URL swapped in. def generate_stylesheets return @contents = Jammit.packager.pack_stylesheets(@package, @variant) unless @variant == :mhtml @mtime = request_url = prefix_url(request.fullpath) cached_url = prefix_url(Jammit.asset_url(@package, @extension, @variant, @mtime)) css = Jammit.packager.pack_stylesheets(@package, @variant, request_url) # @contents = css.gsub(request_url, cached_url) if perform_caching css end # Extracts the package name, extension (:css, :js), and variant (:datauri, # :mhtml) from the incoming URL. def parse_request(pack, extension) @extension = extension.to_sym raise PackageNotFound unless (VALID_FORMATS + [Jammit.template_extension.to_sym]).include?(@extension) if Jammit.embed_assets suffix_match = pack.match(SUFFIX_STRIPPER) @variant = Jammit.embed_assets && suffix_match && suffix_match[1].to_sym pack.sub!(SUFFIX_STRIPPER, '') end @package = pack.to_sym end end end