# # Authors:: Richard Manyanza (liseki@nyikacraftsmen.com) # Copyright:: Copyright 2014-2016, Richard Manyanza # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "ostruct" describe Chef::Provider::Package::Freebsd::Port do before(:each) do @node = Chef::Node.new @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, {}, @events) @new_resource = Chef::Resource::FreebsdPackage.new("zsh", @run_context) @provider = Chef::Provider::Package::Freebsd::Port.new(@new_resource, @run_context) end describe "initialization" do it "should create a current resource with the name of the new resource" do expect(@provider.current_resource.is_a?(Chef::Resource::Package)).to be_truthy expect(@provider.current_resource.name).to eq("zsh") end end describe "loading current resource" do before(:each) do allow(@provider).to receive(:current_installed_version) allow(@provider).to receive(:candidate_version) end it "should set the package name" do @provider.load_current_resource expect(@provider.current_resource.package_name).to eq("zsh") end it "should set the current version" do expect(@provider).to receive(:current_installed_version).and_return("5.0.2") @provider.load_current_resource expect(@provider.current_resource.version).to eq("5.0.2") end it "should set the candidate version" do expect(@provider).to receive(:candidate_version).and_return("5.0.5") @provider.load_current_resource expect(@provider.instance_variable_get(:"@candidate_version")).to eq("5.0.5") end end describe "determining current installed version" do before(:each) do @pkg_info = OpenStruct.new(:stdout => "zsh-3.1.7\n") end it "should check 'pkg_info' if system uses pkg_* tools" do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:supports_pkgng?) expect(@new_resource).to receive(:supports_pkgng?).and_return(false) expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("pkg_info", "-E", "zsh*", env: nil, returns: [0, 1], timeout: 900).and_return(@pkg_info) expect(@provider.current_installed_version).to eq("3.1.7") end it "should check 'pkg info' if make supports WITH_PKGNG if freebsd version is < 1000017" do pkg_enabled = OpenStruct.new(:stdout => "yes\n") [1000016, 1000000, 901503, 902506, 802511].each do |freebsd_version| @node.automatic_attrs[:os_version] = freebsd_version expect(@new_resource).to receive(:shell_out!).with("make", "-V", "WITH_PKGNG", env: nil).and_return(pkg_enabled) expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("pkg", "info", "zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 70], timeout: 900).and_return(@pkg_info) expect(@provider.current_installed_version).to eq("3.1.7") end end it "should check 'pkg info' if the freebsd version is greater than or equal to 1000017" do freebsd_version = 1000017 @node.automatic_attrs[:os_version] = freebsd_version expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("pkg", "info", "zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 70], timeout: 900).and_return(@pkg_info) expect(@provider.current_installed_version).to eq("3.1.7") end end describe "determining candidate version" do before(:each) do @port_version = OpenStruct.new(:stdout => "5.0.5\n", :exitstatus => 0) end it "should return candidate version if port exists" do allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/usr/ports/Makefile").and_return(true) allow(@provider).to receive(:port_dir).and_return("/usr/ports/shells/zsh") expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("make", "-V", "PORTVERSION", cwd: "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", env: nil, returns: [0, 1], timeout: 900). and_return(@port_version) expect(@provider.candidate_version).to eq("5.0.5") end it "should raise exception if ports tree not found" do allow(::File).to receive(:exist?).with("/usr/ports/Makefile").and_return(false) expect { @provider.candidate_version }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Ports collection could not be found") end end describe "determining port directory" do it "should return name if package name is absolute path" do allow(@provider.new_resource).to receive(:package_name).and_return("/var/ports/shells/zsh") expect(@provider.port_dir).to eq("/var/ports/shells/zsh") end it "should return full ports path given package name and category" do allow(@provider.new_resource).to receive(:package_name).and_return("shells/zsh") expect(@provider.port_dir).to eq("/usr/ports/shells/zsh") end it "should query system for path given just a name" do whereis = OpenStruct.new(:stdout => "zsh: /usr/ports/shells/zsh\n") expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("whereis", "-s", "zsh", env: nil, timeout: 900).and_return(whereis) expect(@provider.port_dir).to eq("/usr/ports/shells/zsh") end it "should raise exception if not found" do whereis = OpenStruct.new(:stdout => "zsh:\n") expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("whereis", "-s", "zsh", env: nil, timeout: 900).and_return(whereis) expect { @provider.port_dir }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Could not find port with the name zsh") end end describe "building a binary package" do before(:each) do @install_result = OpenStruct.new(:status => true) end it "should run make install in port directory" do allow(@provider).to receive(:port_dir).and_return("/usr/ports/shells/zsh") expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("make", "-DBATCH", "install", "clean", :timeout => 1800, :cwd => "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", :env => nil). and_return(@install_result) @provider.install_package("zsh", "5.0.5") end end describe "removing a binary package" do before(:each) do @install_result = OpenStruct.new(:status => true) end it "should run make deinstall in port directory" do allow(@provider).to receive(:port_dir).and_return("/usr/ports/shells/zsh") expect(@provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("make", "deinstall", :timeout => 300, :cwd => "/usr/ports/shells/zsh", :env => nil). and_return(@install_result) @provider.remove_package("zsh", "5.0.5") end end end